FIVE | it's a gulfstream

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"Well, that's definitely one way to smuggle something into the country."

As soon as he's done talking with Ducky, Gibbs comes up to inform us that the victim in our case had swallowed emeralds.

"Petty Officer Second Class Khalil Sa'id, naturalized American citizen born in Egypt. Worked as a translator at Camp Delta. Fluent in Arabic, Uyghur, and Pashto. Died in his car on Route 522 near Fredericksburg. Almost killed a pair of bikers." Kate reads off the digital case file.

Tony peers over my shoulder at my computer screen. "Vroom-vroom bikers or pedal bikers?"

"Does it matter?" I cut in.

"Next of kin?"

"None in the States. No U.S. address, either." Her computer beeps. "And apparently, he rotated from our naval station in Bahrain to Gitmo five months ago."

"Where'd he got those emeralds?"

"Gitmo exchange — oof." Tony lets out a puff of air when I nudge him in the ribs. "Sorry."

"Get your gear. We're going to Gitmo." Gibbs charges down the bullpen.

Tony laughs. "That's a good one, boss." But Kate and I start to grab our things. "He was kidding, right?"

"I don't think so." Kate stuffs her gun into the holster.

"Unless there's another Gitmo in the middle of — I don't know — Louisiana."

"We're going to Cuba!" He grabs me by the shoulders. "We're going to Cuba!" Tony shakes me some more. "We are going to Cuba!"

I grip his arms to stabilize my spinning head. "Now if you just click your red heels three times, we'll be there in no time."

Soon, we're up on a jet, our priority ride from the Navy.

"I love priority rides!" Tony glances out the window, a smile beaming across his face. "Boss, this is the best."

"I miss canvas seats." Gibbs is still a bit grumpy that we're in such a luxurious aircraft.

"Check this out." He presses a button by the computer screen, and a panel slides up to reveal a mini fridge. "What do you want?"

"Get to work."

"I already started."

I rub my palms together. "Here we go."

"Guantanamo enjoys a year-round tropical climate, cooled by the breezes from the windward passage. Some of the more popular pastimes include skin diving, sunbathing, and horseback riding."

"I would be the last one to rain on your parade, Fidel, but you're logged onto an official Navy website. It's PR." Kate tells him.

"This isn't." Gibbs drops two blue folders, one for me and the other for Tony. "It's the NCIS file on Special Agent Paula Cassidy. She's an interrogator at Camp Delta." I hand the second file to Tony. "Special Agent Cassidy is not to know that Sa'id is dead."

With narrowed brows, Kate looks over at him. "We're not working with her?"

"Sa'id was carrying five unmailed letters of hers. Until we find out how she was involved with him, she's out of the loop."

We nod our heads in understanding.

"I can't believe we're in a $40-million Gulfstream. I mean, come on. It's a Gulfstream."

Leave it to Tony to forget about the case in an instance.

"I mean, it's got to be CNO's or SECNAV's. You know, Tiger Woods has one of these." Tony fangirls relentlessly. "Tom Cruise, all the big movie stars. This is their ride."


"Yeah, boss?"

"Can we get to work?"

"Sure thing. Just check this out." He changes the display on the monitor. "It's a Gulfstream."

I roll my eyes. "Why couldn't we have left him behind?"

When we arrive in Gitmo, Special Agent Cassidy is already there waiting for us. She provides us with a car to drive to our temporary house.

"Okay. We'll set up here." Gibbs drops his briefcase onto the dining table. "Tomorrow morning, we'll be joined by the senior FBI translator, covering transcripts of Sa'id's translations."

While the other two are distracted, I turn down the hall to get my pick of the bedroom. Except, they catch on pretty quickly.

"I'm already on the bed. You can't make me move." I cross my arms stubbornly.

Tony tosses his bags onto the bed. "I will mark my territory if I have to."

"But it's the only bedroom with a bath." Kate argues.

"Exactly why I picked it." I shrug my shoulders. "And besides, there's only three bedrooms, and I don't feel like sleeping on the couch." I add.

"You could always room with Tony."

Later in the evening, Kate, Tony, and I set up the dining room with a giant evidence board.

Pinning up the last map, Kate turns to say, "We're finished."

"And we have to talk to you." Tony adds.

"Whatever. It'll have to wait till the morning. I'm going to bed. Talk to you mañana."

Gibbs heads towards the hallway of bedrooms and enters the bedroom with the bath. Before we can make attempts to speak, he throws out all three bags.

"Kate and I'll room." We go in reluctantly.

The next morning, Tony wakes up with a scream.


From the other two bedrooms, Gibbs, Kate, and I run out with our guns in hand.

He's pointing it at a damn iguana.

Once we're sure there's no threat, we lower our guns and turn to Tony, only to notice that he prefers to sleep naked.

"Well, hello, Tony." I smirk before winking.

He grabs a tool to cover himself.

"I need coffee." Gibbs and Kate leave.

"Think I can stay for a bit?"

After William Gamal's short visit ends, we start on Sa'id's transcripts. He sends Tony off to stalk Agent Cassidy while Kate and I are stuck helping him with the transcripts.

Once he comes back, Gibbs tells me to go with Tony in case he "screws up".

"We're in Cuba, and the only thing he's letting us drink is sarsaparilla." Tony mutters in complaint.

"At least he knows the movie Shane." I retort. "Who doesn't know Shane with Alan Ladd?"

He downs the rest of his root beer. "Come on. We're going dancing."


Before I can say another word, Tony takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. Then, he pulls me flush against his chest.

"What are you —"

"She's right over there talking to a few of her translator buddies." He turns us around, giving me a perfect view of her.

I grip the fabric on his shoulder as he spins me out and into his arms. "Pretty light on your feet, are we?"

"My mother signed me up for dancing when I was younger." His hand gently grazes up my leg. "I don't think she realized it was salsa lessons." My leg rests on his hip.

"I know all about Gibbs' rules. Especially rule twelve."

"Care to remind me what that one is?"

"Never date a coworker."

His cellphone starts to ring just after he dips me back. "One second." With one hand holding me up, he answers the phone. "DiNozzo."

Gibbs? I mouth.

"We'll be there in five." He stuffs his phone away. "Looks like we're back on duty. And we need to bring in Agent Cassidy."

We take her back to the house so Gibbs can ask her some questions. That night, we're sent out once again. Kate and I check Sa'id's apartment, Tony visits Paula's.

"You two have fun on your night out in town?" Kate questions as we stand in front of the door.

I scoff. "Shut up."

"Don't take anything from it." She unlocks the door. "He's just high on endorphins from the thrill of Cuba and the jet ride."

"That better be all it is."

When we go back to discuss our findings, Abby calls in after figuring out the particular scent on Sa'id's clothes.

A particular scent called Escada, which Paula just so happens to use.

"I think Sa'id copied Paula's key without her knowing it." Tony mentions.

"Now, which brain is thinking that, DiNozzo?"

He looks up at me for help, to support his cause that he wasn't out flirting with her.

But I don't say a word.

"I'm hitting the rack." He retreats to his bedroom.

Nassir's true malicious plans  are revealed in the transcripts Sa'id had taken. The next afternoon, we're at Camp Delta, waiting for Nassir to be transferred to minimum security.

"I'm. . .I'm sorry I didn't stick up for you last night, Tony." I apologize to him.

"It's not a problem, Evaline." He spits out my name venomously. "We were both just doing our jobs at the club. Nothing more, nothing less."

From a van parked right outside, we watch the prisoners in minimum security, now adding Nassir to the mix.

"We have a hundred and twenty detainees in minimum security at present. Twenty to a unit." Army Captain McLafferty lets us know. "Barracks 20 is the one Nassir is assigned to, and this," He switches the feed of the security cameras, "that's the inside surveillance camera."

"How many guards do you have inside the barracks?"

"Two. One on each exit, front and rear."

"Odds are six-to-one against his target being billeted in the same barracks as him." Tony estimates.

Our boss stares at the monitor. "That means Nassir is going to have to kill his target in the exercise yard." His glance shifts down to Kate. "What does the Secret Service think?"

"Three sharpshooters, there, there, and one in the watchtower." She points to specific locations. "I have an idea." She adds.

"It's about time." Gibbs comments.

"Nassir has to change his jumpsuit when he transfers, right? Because I'd like to add a little trim."

Cassidy delivers the jumpsuit before he's brought out to the exercise yard.

"Talk about your own personal webcam." Tony mentions as we watch the live video through our new perspective on Nassir's jumpsuit.

Inside the barracks, Nassir picks a bunk before pulling out a sharp weapon from inside his Qaran.

A shiv.

Right when his group is led out onto the dirt field, he switches places so he can go back into the building.

Since the guards are too busy with the group of detainees, we are left to stop Nassir from killing the man.

Paula kills him at the last second, just before he can do the deed.

Back on the Gulfstream, I sit by myself while Paula talks to Gibbs and Kate.

"Still mad at me?" I lean back on the couch.

He plops down next to me, reaching over my lap to grab the remote.

"Watch this." He turns on the TV, displaying a map of our plane route. "It's a Gulfstream."

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