SIX | ncis hat

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"Very cool. Where can I get one of these?" Abby sticks her finger through one of the bullet holes on Tony's NCIS hat.

Tony side-eyes the hat in her hands. "You can have that one."

"Really? Thanks." She slips it on. "How do I look?" Abby poses dramatically.

"Very cute." I nod my head. "And here." I hand Tony a candy bar.

He frowns down at it before looking up at me. "What's this for?"

"Whenever someone's upset about something, I feel food is the only way to cheer them up. So here you go." I shrug my shoulders.

"You know what would be helpful?" Tony sets aside the candy bar. "If I could pull up the records on the dead Marine, but my security access won't go through." He glares down at his computer.

On his computer, a new window titled Security Alert beeps red since his access has been denied.

"It's because computers can sense fear, Tony." Abby teases in a serious tone. "Think you can handle this, Eva?"

"I've got it." I move around to stand behind Tony's chair, reaching my arms across his shoulders and on the keyboard.

"You really think you're going to be able to get in?"

"Of course I can."

"Major Jim Kidwell. He was working at Quantico. Mobile training teams." He lets me know. "And this is his social." His finger flicks a post-it note.

I bite down on my bottom lip as I type in the information.

"Is that a new perfume you're wearing, Evaline?" Tony inhales deeply. "A touch of peach. . .some jasmine and gardenia. . .and definitely a bit of sandalwood."

"You've got quite a nose on you." I smile to myself.

He stays quiet for a moment. "Bottega Veneta Eau Sensuelle." The agent names my perfume.

"Well done." The computer beeps again. "Well, looks like we found the cause of your problem."

"What is it?"

"You don't have a high enough security clearance." I cross my arms over my chest. "Gibbs didn't mention how he died, did he?"

"No. That's kind of what he wants me to find out." He leans back in his chair.

"Move aside."

I bump my hip against his chair, pushing it away from the computer so I could have full access.

"Now, what I'm about to do. . .you cannot tell anyone." I warn him. "And if you do, I will find you. And I will kill you."

With his arms raised in the air, Tony mockingly surrenders.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

"I'm going to use my security clearance. And not the NCIS one."

"Is that even allowed?"

"Probably not." I shrug my shoulders. "But it's worth a try." That's when I notice he's looking at the screen. "Turn around and close your eyes."

"Why?" He questions but turns around anyway. "If we get caught, I'm taking you down with me."

The computer beeps again. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. My clearance didn't work either." I huff out.

"You're kidding me."

Soon, Gibbs and Kate come back from interviewing the dead marine's wife.

"What did you two find out about our dead Marine?" Gibbs asks us.

Tony plays around with his hat. Again. "He was involved in classified stuff."

"And?" Gibbs drops his stuff at his desk

"And we've got nothing else because neither of us have high enough clearance to access the records." I point to Tony's computer with the "Access Denied" message.

"What's your clearance?" Kate nods her head in Tony's direction.


"Confidential? What did you do, kill someone in high school?" She goes over to his desk.

"More likely in college when he was a jock."

"Ha!" Tony exclaims with an obnoxious laugh. "Not funny, you two." I ruffle his hair, to which he swats my hands away. "They screwed up my paperwork with another agent's, alright?"

"Apparently, DiNozzo died in a car crash last month. Very tragic." Gibbs adds monotonously.

Tony props his elbows on his desk. "They yanked my clearance, so now I gotta take a physical to take it back."

"Why do you have to do that?" I rest one leg against the other.

"To prove that I'm still alive."

"And to see if you can keep up with the bad guys."

"Any luck with you, Evaline?" Gibbs glances up at me for a moment. "Or did you not bother trying?"

"Hey!" I pout. "Of course I tried. And it didn't work. I even checked the one that cleared me for Air Force One, and it still didn't work."

Kate sighs. "Well, there's no use in me trying. I was cleared for Air Force One, too."

"So was an Al Qaeda operative." He dumps a file onto a stack in one of the filing cabinets.

"Gibbs will get in." Tony assures us. "He's got clearance that will let him see the dead aliens at Area 51."

"Because he probably killed them."

"Or that's where he picked up Tony."

Now that is a good one. Even Gibbs cracks a minute small.

Unfortunately, even Gibbs isn't able to access the database to figure out how on earth our dead Marine died.

We find out we are being blocked from the file when Gibbs receives a call from Kidwell and Peary's Commanding Officer.

"I got you a little something." I toss the brand new NCIS hat. "Now, I know it's gonna take a while to break in, but it's better than showing up to a crime scene with two bullet holes in it, right?" A smile crosses my face when I see Tony beam in surprise and. . .joy.

"That was. . ." Tony looks up at me. "That was really nice of you."

"It's the least I can do." I nod my head. "Besides, you're gonna need an earthly souvenir to take back to your friends from Mars."

"Why, you little. . ."

We meet with Colonel Walsh on base, and he discloses how Kidwell and Perry had been killed. Right before we leave, however, we meet the real Colonel Walsh.

Back at headquarters, the three of us argue over what the fake colonel looked like, but Kate sketches a life-like image of him.

"Hold on, wait a second. What is that?"

Tony flips to the next page to find a caricature of himself surrounded by flies as he stares at a blonde's rear end.

The next one is of Abby's head on the body of a bat.

And the second-to-last one, mine, is the most realistic.

"Since when do I chew on the end of a pencil?" I furrow my brows. "But seriously. I want this framed and sitting on my desk for the world to see."

"It's not that great."

"Not that great? This should be up in the Louvre. And not just because it's of my face."

The next morning, Mrs. Kidwell arrives with Major O'Donnell and a tape holding another message from her supposedly dead husband.

So we dig out Kidwell's grave and drill it open, revealing. . .

Jim Kidwell's body.

Gibbs came up with a great idea to check out both men's L.E.S. statements to follow their paychecks and see where they had been located.

"Tony, where the heck did you learn how to type?" I grimace down at the way his fingers pound each key. "Did you just never learn?"

"I'm a man of action, Evaline."

"More along the lines of action figure."

"Why, you want to play with me?"

"I just meant that you look good and. . .no, wait, that's about all you can do."

"But you admit that I look good."

Gibbs returns from a shootout with our fake colonel. Although, it didn't end well seeing as we don't have him in our custody.

"What did you find?" He shrugs off his coat.

Kate manages to break out of her trance. "Right." She pulls out Peary's L.E.S. file. "Uh. . .in September, Peary and Kidwell were transferred to a new unit."

"We've got the RUC number, but they're not listed in the Marine Corps database." Tony adds.

"They wouldn't be. They weren't working for the Corps. Definitely CIA." He replies.

"Of all agencies, how did you come up with the CIA?" I scoff.

"How many agencies do you know that drive economy class armored cars?"

"Huh. Point taken."

After talking to Ducky and Abby, the four of us leave to visit the cemetery where Major Peary is buried. When we come back after seeing Major Peary's casket filled with cement blocks, Abby has an ID for our fake colonel.

Jack Canton.

As if grave-robbing isn't enough fun, we are on a cargo plane headed towards Colombia.

"He's reading a magazine and chowing down on a —" I throw up into my barf bag again. "— damn burger."

The force of the turbulence throws us back against the walls.

"That absolutely cannot be normal, can it?"

Tony crosses his legs. "Sure."

We're thrown across a lot more violently, to the point where I hug Tony's arm.

"Okay, now that I'm not so sure about."

The two of us are quick to fasten our seatbelts. Meanwhile, Gibbs and Kate are sleeping in the makeshift seats in front of us.

"Holding onto my arm pretty tight there, are we?" Tony comments.

I blush and pull away. "Sorry about that."

"Never said I didn't like it."

Once we receive a location of Major Peary's whereabouts, we save him from being tortured any further.

"Grenade!" Gibbs shouts from his spot with Kate.

Tony pulls me back behind him in the last second, shielding us from the explosion and debris.

"You alright?" He stands up once the threat is cleared.

"Yeah. . .no." I wince and look down to see blood dripping down my thigh. "Damn it. I really liked these pants."

"I'll get you another pair when we get out of this. Alive." He gives me a look. "Now, come on."

Before Canton can kill either Gibbs or Major Peary, Tony, Kate, and I shoot him.

Soon, we take Major Peary home to his family. As I am about to step out of the car, Tony opens up the door and holds out a hand.


"Don't mention it."

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