TWENTY FIVE | sex machine

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"Hey, guys." I notice Kate and McGee crowded around Tony's desk as he finishes up his morning workout on the floor.

Kate hands me a smoothie. "You know anything about the new girl Tony's been trying to impress?"

"Uh. . .no." I shake my head. "I usually tune him out when he starts talking nonsense." She drops her things off at her desk.

"And you're sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be sure?"

McGee digs through the paper bag. "Got your favorite here: bacon-sausage-cheese breakfast burrito." He waves it right under Tony's nose.

"I'll pass. Too much fat." Tony refuses the offer.

The younger agent looks back at us. "Must be really young."

"Oh, she is." Abby walks up to his desk. "Five-three, brunette, beautiful brown eyes โ€” according to Tony โ€” and a sweet personality." She drops her hand onto Tony's slumped shoulders. "Tony's been heartbroken about her for months."

"Months? Is that so?" Kate walks up to the three of them, leaving me at my desk. "I didn't think a single girl could occupy your mind for so long." She taunts him.

Pressing her cheek against Tony, Abby sighs. "She said she only goes out with guys that aren't his type."

And that makes me choke on my water.

"Something wrong, Eva?" The four of them look at me in concern.

I bite the inside of my cheek, ignoring Tony's stare. "Just surprised a girl finally came to her senses and said no."

"She wasn't my type, anyway." Tony wraps his coat around his shoulders, sitting back in his chair.

"Well, I think that's good." Kate smiles perkily. "It's about time the old "Sex Machine" hung his spurs up."

That makes me choke on my water again.

Tony stands up once again. "How did you know about that? Who told you about that?"

"Oh, your college name? Thank Eva for that one."

Thanks, Kate. Thanks a lot.

"Grab your gear. We're going to Georgetown. Petty officer was assaulted in her home last night." Gibbs announces to the group.

Not having the appetite to drink the smoothie, I throw it out. "Nothing like a traumatic case to wake you up in the morning."

"You're driving. . ." Gibbs throws the keys in Tony's direction, "Sex Machine."

Just before I can leave, my computer beeps with a new email.

Tony stops short of my desk, lowering his voice to whisper: "I'd check my email if I were you."

Hesitantly, I open it up, revealing a picture of the winner of the Wet T-Shirt Contest of 2002.


"Wh-Where did you find this?"

"Wet T-Shirt Hall of Fame, spring break of '02. Saw it when we were in Panama City last month."

"You're kidding me."

"I was going to keep it to myself, but then you decided to tell everyone my pledge name."

I delete the image before following behind the others. "We can figure something out, can't we?" He continues to stare up at the numbers. "Can't we?"

At the crime scene, Gibbs takes Kate with him up to the second floor to meet with the victim, Petty Officer Jessica Smith.

Although most believe she had a relapse in her psychosis, Gibbs knows better than to assume. We do our research on Petty Officer Smith, finding out who her commanding officer is, a Navy Captain Ross Vetter.

So we visit Commander Allan Witten, the one who diagnosed Smith in the beginning.

The woman who helped us find Witten turns out to be a patient herself.

"Hear what she said?" Tony leans back against the doorframe. "Unresolved sexual issues can cause conflict in the workplace."

I nod my head, a smile crossing my face. "I know." He steps forward, much closer to me than before. "How long you been wanting to further your relationship with Gibbs?"

That is enough to shut him up and walk away from me.

Late in the night, Gibbs receives a call from Smith telling him they need to talk. But when he reaches her, she's dead.

While we wheel out the body, I notice the same patient from earlier โ€” Catherine Reynolds โ€” hugging an uncomfortable Tony who's trying to comfort her.

"Agent DiNozzo." I blurt out his name, startling him from the moment. "If you aren't too busy, we should be on our way."

"Is that a little jealousy I sense, Evaline?"

"Not at all, Tony. Not at all."

The next morning, I walk in to see. . .Fornell sitting at Gibbs' desk and using his computer.

I furrow my brows, looking between Tony, Kate, and McGee, all of us sharing looks of confusion. "Am I. . .is this not NCIS headquarters?"

"You're in the right place, Agent Giudice." Fornell greets me.

"So I'm not in hell?" I move along to my desk. "Because last time I checked, you were dead."

The other three reply simultaneously. "He got better."

After Gibbs and Fornell have a meeting in the elevator, Gibbs takes McGee to Vetter's home to talk to him about the open file.

Ducky determines that Petty Officer Smith did not commit suicide, so we know we're looking for a killer. Down in the basement, Abby demonstrates how she was killed in her room.

I swing open the door, rolling my eyes when I see him standing on the other side. "Here to blackmail me even more?" But I step aside, letting him anyway.

"One date. I want one date." He holds up a finger. "Is that too much to ask?"

"No, it's not." I pop open a new bottle of wine. "But once you get to know me, you're gonna drop me in an instance." He grips my wrist tightly, stopping me from pouring myself another glass.

"If you're as horrible as you say you are, don't you think I would've stopped pining over you the second after we hooked up?"

Damn it, Tony.

I swallow back a breath. "Our types don't mesh well with each other, alright?"

"Just one date." Tony sits down beside me, his hand still around my arm. "I swear, if one of us hates it, we can forget it ever happened." His eyes are practically begging me to say yes.

". . .fine." The word chokes out of my throat. "We can go on one date. . .in a month."

What did I just get myself into?

The next morning starts off with an interrogation with Corpsman Morgan from the hospital.

"Does Tony seem more cheerful to you today?" Kate whispers to me.

I furrow my brows, glancing over at her. "What?"

"I mean, I haven't seen him this energetic since. . .well, never."

Morgan reveals he had left his post for forty minutes since he was with one of the patients. Catherine Reynolds, to be precise.

The three of us follow behind Gibbs as he storms out. "McGee, interview Reynolds and Simons. Kate, you're with me. Tony, Eva, babysit our corpsman."

Of course I'm left with him.

McGee returns with plenty of information regarding Petty Officer Simons and Catherine Reylonds, including their relationship with Smith.

We talk to Vetter once more, this time bringing him in. He reveals to us his affair with Smith and how he loved her and would never kill her.

But there's still a bag of money around that needs to be stolen for us to catch the killer.

"He's telling the truth, boss. He stashed the money in a gym locker." Tony calls Gibbs as we sit in the sedan across from the gym. "Looks to be $800,000 in a green duffel bag."

Meanwhile, I record the entrance to the gym, focusing on whoever takes the bag.

And it's Petty Officer Simons, as expected.

We follow her to the psychiatric hospital, where we see Commander Witten stepping out. But he doesn't get into her car. And when he leaves, Simons doesn't follow him.

"Well, will you look at that? It's the Sex Machine's girlfriend."

Reynolds gets into the car, and it is our time to shine.

"Hey, Tony." I sit on the edge of his desk, smiling perkily. "You know what's really fun when your friend is dating a frat brother?"

"And what would that be? Learning some new tips to use in bed?"

"I'd check your email if I were you." I advise, snickering under my breath as I wait for his reaction.

His smile drops when he opens what I sent him. "That's. . ." Commence the nervous laughter. "That's not me."

"Lying's not a good look on you, Tony."

"Blackmail isn't a good look on you either, Eva."

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