TWENTY SIX | health spa

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"Know what's up with Tony?" Kate catches up with me as I make my way towards my desk. "He's been kicking the crap out of his desk for five minutes."

I glance up to see Tony on the phone. "He looks fine to me." I merely shrug.

"Do not put me on hold again! Do not —" He growls loudly.

"He still seem fine to you?"

"He's not that far off normal."

She files some stuff away in the cabinet. "He mentioned his car was towed from the 2200 block of Dumbarton in Georgetown." I can feel the smirk radiating off her face. "Isn't that where you live?"

My eyes meet Tony's as he curses at the person on the other end. "And hundreds of university students." I quickly clear my throat, looking away from him.

"Anyways, you got your bag packed?" She holds up her red suitcase.

"Got it right here with me." I nod my head.

"Finally, you made it." McGee greets Tony. "Truck's gassed up, and Ducky already left."

"Don't start, Probie." Tony spits out.

Kate chuckles to herself. "Tony's car was towed. Poor baby had to take the bus to work." She pouts her lips in fake pity.

"You know what kind of people take the bus?"

"Yeah, I take the bus."


Abby stops by before we leave. "Hey, I heard you guys are going to Norfolk."

"Yeah. But we should be back in time to leave by six." I assure her.


Oh, boy.

"For where?" Tony furrows his brows, yet his eyes show mischief. "You three are spending the weekend together." He shuts his eyes momentarily. "Hold on, let me paint a picture."

"You're a pig." Kate rolls her eyes.

"Probie, any idea where they're going?"

"Sorry, cannot divulge that information, Tony."

"Health spa." Here comes Leroy Jethro Gibbs, the party pooper. "He'll spend all day trying to figure it out. I do not need him distracted."

Abby discreetly waves one of my panties, to which I snatch it out of her hand before one of the guys can see.

We report our findings on Petty Officer Dobbs, the man who owns the storage unit containing the body, before leaving for the crime scene.

Back at headquarters, McGee informs Gibbs about Dobbs' valor and that his CO was waiting to talk in MTAC. Kate talks to the LEOs in Dobbs' hometown, leaving me and Tony to go down to the garage and begin an inventory on his things.

"I still don't understand why you followed me to the restaurant." My foot taps repeatedly against the floor. "If you really wanted to meet with me, you could have just called."

He snaps around, eyes narrowed. "And tell you what? Don't go on a date with that guy, he's not good enough for you?"

"Something. . .something like that." A sigh escapes my lips. "But I couldn't just cancel. He and I had it planned for months. And it was a one-time thing."

"So what? He'd move on and forget about it." His words drip with venom.

"You shouldn't have parked in that lot. It's a telltale sign if there are no other cars parked there."

He punches one of the walls, grunting in pain. "I lost my car and you."

"Tony, I-I swear to you, that's just your ego talking." I grab onto the back of his jacket, holding him still for a second. "I hate to say it, but you're just upset that a girl isn't falling at your feet for once. That someone's overlooking your charm." But that's still not enough for him.

"Eva, can't you see that I care about you? That I lo —" His voice stops in his throat. "That I lov — damn it."

"If you really did love and care about me, Tony. . .you would have no difficulty saying it."

When we return upstairs, Lieutenant Commander Coleman has decided to pay the boss a little visit from JAG.

As soon as she leaves, Gibbs announces to us. "Cancel all weekend plans."

After Gibbs confirms the female body was a friend of Dobbs — Nora Webb — Gibbs takes Kate to Richmond, Virginia, to talk to the officers in charge of the prior case. I visit Abby in Forensics, where Jimmy cracks my back after Abby's.

"Wow, you've got the hands of an angel, Palmer." I use the desk in front of me as a support. "Have you ever thought about becoming a masseur?"

"If autopsy doesn't work." The doctor jokes.

Only to be interrupted by a slap to the back of the head. Followed by, "What the hell are you doing, Palmer?"

"I-I-I —"

"You read the agency policy on sexual harassment, didn't you, Palmer?" Tony walks through the sliding doors.

"It wasn't like that!" Jimmy shouts defensively.

Tony switches off Abby's music. "It never is." He grumbles. "Now, go, you little autopsy gremlin. Get out of here." He hands Abby her usual caffeinated drink. "What do you got, Abbs?"

"He's doing it again."

"He totally is."


Tony looks between the three of us. "Doing what?" Clueless as ever.

"You become Gibbs when he's not around." McGee breaks the news to him.

"I do not." The senior agent scoffs.

"Actually, you do." McGee smiles snarkily, so Tony turns to me and Abby for help.

Abby lists off. "The Caf-POW!, the headslaps, turning my music off."

"Don't forget the "What do you got, Abbs?"" I mimic Gibbs' deep voice, resulting in Tony trying to give me the Gibbs stare. "You can't do the stare."

"You haven't got it down quite yet."

That night, Gibbs talks to Coleman again, this time through a video conference call. He comes back down, demanding us to bring in Emmy Poole, the one who found Webb's body.

But when Kate calls, the officer on the other end informs her that Poole's dead.

Tony and I head to Richmond ourselves the next morning to talk to the Webbs, Mr. Webb asks us to leave soon after.

"Now this is the perfect car for you, Tony." I point to the red Jeep sitting outside the garden. "Very loud, oppressively dominating, just oh, so horribly wrong."

"It is tempting, Eva." His eyes run over the red body of the vehicle. "But I love the car I have."

I unlock the car before tossing it to him. "Don't you mean had?" He cracks a sarcastic smile. "If only you could be this faithful to the small number of women in your life."

"That's funny. Very funny." Tony barks out a laugh.

"She was a nice car, Tony. I'm sure you had a lot of fun with her. But you'll get her back soon enough." I open up the passenger side door.

He swings open his door as well. "Actually, I don't know if I want it back."

"And for whatever reason may that be?"

"She's been violated."

Just before we can step inside, sirens chirp from the police car parked right behind us. Out comes one of the officers in charge of the case.

"Here to escort us to the city limits, officer?" Tony's sunglasses tip down his nose.

"The chief wants you to leave the Webbs alone." The ginger props one leg up on his seat. "They've been through a lot already."

"We're not heartless, officer. We do realize that. Our job is just to figure out Petty Officer Dobbs' innocence or guilt." I flash a fake smile.

He shakes his head in disbelief. "Now, why can't you just accept the facts? They're right there in front of you."

"Actually, the only thing in front of us right now. . ." Tony slips off his sunglasses, "is you."

"It's up to you. If you move, we'll leave."


Tony is sent back to Richmond with McGee this time, only to retrieve security tapes from the main gates of the storage facility. On it, we discover another visitor.

Nora Webb's stepfather.

He killed his own daughter because she caught him having an affair with her best friend.

"They found Tony's car." Kate alerts Gibbs as he walks into the bullpen.

"It's on I-40 in Oklahoma." McGee raises the volume of the TV, tuned to the channel reporting on the high-speed chase.

"Pull over! You'll never get away." Tony smiles in amusement.

Abbs tilts her head to the side, examining the monitor thoroughly. "Kinda drives like Gibbs."

"Someone bring any popcorn?"

We watch the black Corvette spin out of control, narrowly missing a truck as it drives off road.

"That's harsh." Kate gasps.

The driver is propelled out of the vehicle just before it flips over. Police officers halt on the side of the highway and corner the culprit.

"Fiberglass. Not good for boats either." Gibbs walks off.

"Oh, Tony. . .that sucks."

"You poor guy."

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