𝘈𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨

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After dropping the corpse of the Skull Crawler to the side, Kong lifted his hand closer to his face before opening his fist to reveal Lauren's body, he whimpered slightly before spotting James by the bank. Kong moved closer and placed Lauren's body onto the bank entrusting her life with James who had proven his care for her in Kong's eyes. "Lauren..." James shouted as he rushed over to her, Kong stepped back and watched as James checked her pulse before starting chest compressions. "Come on..." Mason whimpered as she stood with Marlow, the two watching the scene before them with fearful eyes.

Suddenly, Lauren began coughing up water and James helped her onto her side to get it all out of her lungs; the brunette took in greedy breaths as James pulled her up into his arms. Lauren let James pull her into his chest, the tracker rested his head on her head and closed his eyes thankful that she was okay and alive. The others on the Ploat cheered for Lauren's survival and the defeat of the Skull Crawler, they were all happy their time on the island would finally come to a safe end. Lauren pulled back from James and looked him in the eyes with a small smile, "You looked worried, Conrad. Thought you don't do attachments?"

James laughed at her words before placing his hand on the side of her face, "What can I say, love? You're pretty impressive and last I heard, if I don't take my chance, one of those boys will." Lauren chuckled as Mills shouted, "Damn right we will!" James laughed as Lauren rolled her eyes playfully. "They couldn't handle me... think you can?" Lauren asked James who looked into her eyes as he leaned closer. "I think I'd like to try," James replied before he leaned in and kissed her. Lauren's heart was racing as their lips moved together savouring the moment and enjoying the relief of surviving together.

The two pulled away as Kong let out a mighty roar they pulled everyone's attention, Lauren sighed as James helped her up. She made her way towards Kong, the King lowered his palm allowing Lauren to climb on for their final goodbye. James climbed up onto the Ploat with the others watching to see what would happen next. "Thank you, Kong. For saving me, protecting me, and for being my family. But I have to go now. This is your home, I've gotta find my own and protect this island," Lauren expressed to Kong who huffed, his action of understanding.

'I love you, sister' Kong signed to Lauren bringing tears to her eyes as she rested her forehead against his. "My King," Lauren added as she stepped back, the large ape lowered her to the ground by the Ploat, watching as she climbed off before he stood to his full height again. Kong bowed his head to them all before he turned and walked away from the scene, Lauren knew he was going to visit his parents grave now that the Skull Crawlers' territory had been tore apart and the Titan Crawler was dead. Lauren knew that Kong would be perfectly fine, he was the King of Skull Island and long may he reign.

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The Grey Fox was back on its way towards the North Shore with James, Lauren, Mason, Marlow, Nieves, Brooks, San, Slivko, Chapman, Mills, Cole, and Reles on board with eager yet calm excitement to get off of the island that had completely changed their lives. Mills had taken control of the wheel while James sat with Lauren and Mason, the three watching the environment around them. Marlow sat looking at the photo of his wife, a smile on his face as he fully realised he would be returning home to his wife and son after almost twenty-nine years trapped on the island.

Brooks and San sat together with smiles on their faces despites Cole and Reles' teasing comments about them being a cute couple and "planning" the wedding that was making the two flustered as they laughed through it. Jackman was sitting with Nieves and Slivko talking about his experiences while alone on the Southside and how Lauren's shipwreck and signs had saved him from being consumed by a lurking Skull Crawler. They were all eased now knowing they were safe and coming to the end of their trip where they could all return home to the families; no more battles, no more beast, and no more chaos.

"So what do you think, fellas?" Mills spoke with a grin on his face, "This way to Key West?" Cole laughed at Mills' comment with the others, Lauren shook her head before resting it on James' shoulder. "I think it is, brother," Slivko replied to Mills' question, the grin on his face showing the happiness he felt to be with his brothers. "This place will change," James spoke up, Lauren lifted her head to look at him with a slight frown. "Word will get out. It always does," James added as he turned to look at the others. "Well, it's not coming from us," Mason replied to him as Lauren ran her fingers through her damp hair. "What island? I don't know about any islands outside of Hawai'i..." Lauren said with a teasing grin on her face.

"We'll meet again... don't know where, don't know when... but I know we'll meet again, some sunny day," Marlow began singing, Mason lifted her camera to take a photo of the relaxed man while Lauren stood up and walked to the bow of the ship. James watched as she did before he got up himself following her before standing next to her, the two stood in silence for a few minutes. "Mason offered for me to come live with her for a while until I have everything settled but... I've become quite attached to you, Conrad," Lauren told James truthfully, she didn't really want to leave him behind as some memory of the past.

"I've got a few things to settle myself but we can meet on familiar grounds," James replied to her, Lauren looked up at James with a raised brow. "I've become quite attached to you, Hartman. I don't plan on letting you go that easily," James told her before pulling her closer to him by her waist, leaning down and kissing her ignoring the whistles from behind them. "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when. But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day," Marlow repeated before leaning his head back watching the ripples of the water feeling closer to home than he's ever felt.

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Lauren and Marlow hugged as they stood on the ship that had taken them away from the Island, the two sharing their farewells. "Stay in touch, kid," Marlow told Lauren, she nodded as they pulled apart. Marlow kissed the top of her head, the girl had become a daughter to him during their time on Skull Island and he knew he'd miss her but they both had separate lives to live now. "Best of luck, Hank," Lauren told him as Marlow smiled before making his way off of the ship and towards the plane that would take him home to his wife and son. Their reuinion would be a tearful one but happy to be able to have closure and a chance to be a family again.

Lauren got the chance to say her farewells to the Soldiers who had fought by their sides, her jaw was sore from the smile she had through their teasing banter and the bond between them. Jack finally got to return home to Grace and Billy, the family finally together and settled after all the worries and concerns. Cole and Mills returned to Florida, keeping in touch with the others as they continued with their lives. Reles returned home to his girl, the two were engaged the moment he stepped back into that door. And Slivko went home to his parents, the two were overjoyed to see that their son had survived and become a war hero; the ladies man is what Reg Slivko became but only one girl mattered to him.

However, Lauren, James, and Mason weren't so lucky as they couldn't leave just yet when officials came towards them and grabbed them before leading them to a building then to an interrogation room where they were seated and told to wait. "This will be interesting," Lauren said as she sat in the middle seat, Mason to her left as James paced around the room from the moment the officials left them. Lauren knew this would be about what happened on the island, about Kong but she wasn't going to say anything and she only hoped they knew that too. Seven years on an Island in the middle of the ocean wasn't something she took lightly, it was her past now; one she'd protect until her last breath.

"Are you just gonna sit there? In the dark? You're enjoying this right? Is this fun for you?" James spoke directly at the two-sided mirror, they knew their were people on the other side of it. "I promise I won't tell the Russians," James said before he turned to make his way back to his seat. "I promise I will tell the Russians," Mason spoke up making Lauren huff a laugh at her relaxed nature. "She's gonna tell the Russians," James stated as he sat down, his eyes moving towards Lauren who was quiet and amused by this whole situation, she wasn't scared of whatever may be happening as she had a feeling it was connected to Monarch.

James threw a pencil at the window, "Why are you keeping us here?" Lauren sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair trying to detangle the knots. "I wanna go home," Mason stated with an annoyed expression, they all really wanted to sleep the whole adventure off. "We get it. There was no Island. We were never on an island," James spoke up as the door opened revealing Brooks, San, and Nieves walking into the room however, Nieves was no longer sporting the Landsat jacket; a new position with Monarch seemed to have gotten his attention. Nieves nodded to Lauren who sat up fully as Brooks spoke, "Island? What Island?" Lauren scoffed at his words and crossed her arms.

"Brooks, what the hell is going on?" James asked the man who approached the table, San following his movements while Nieves leaned against the wall. "Welcome to Monarch," Brooks answered him making James chuckle while Lauren rolled her eyes, Mason sat up more in her seat. Brooks opened a folder before placing images in front of the trio," This Island is just the beginning." Lauren looked down at the images with furrowed brows. "There's more out there," San added to Brooks' words. "What do you mean, 'more'?" James asked the two as he shared a glance with Lauren who leaned forward in interest.

"This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them. The question is how long before they take it back," Brooks told them before a projector shined across onto the wall to their side. Lauren tilted her head slightly before turning to look at the projector screen showing drawings in a cave of more Titian's. The images showed a large lizard, a pterodactyl like bird, a overgrown moth, and a three-headed dragon. Lauren's mouth went dry at the knowledge that these large beasts were out there, her thoughts were haywire at the images appearing on the screen before her. Brooks looked straight at Lauren as he spoke his next sentence, "Kong is not the only King."

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Rosemary Speaks

And that's it for the book!
The next chapter is just a short epilogue to end James and Lauren's story.

See you all next chapter!

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