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Requested by Jynxyy_376

Valkyrie lifted the bottle of tequila to her lips as she listened to Thor ramble on and on about the girl from Midgard, Jane Foster. He had been rambling about the girl for almost half an hour, and she was bored.

"Look, Thor, I'm gonna be completely honest with you," Valkyrie interrupted, "I don't really care about you and this Jane girl."

"Well, what about you?" Thor asked.

"What about me?" Valkyrie questioned.

"Have you ever loved someone like I do Jane?" Thor asked.

Valkyrie looked away from Thor. She set the bottle down taking a deep breath. Tears began to cloud her vision. She quickly looked down not wanting Thor to notice, but he did.

"Are you crying?" Thor asked. He tilted his head down to get a better look at her face.

"No." Valkyrie snapped, wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Thor said quietly, "I didn't mean to make you upset."

"It's fine." Valkyrie sighed. She looked back up to Thor. "Her name was y/n."

"That's a nice name." Thor nodded with a smile. Valkyrie shook her head.

"She died during The Massacre of the Valkyrie." She said. "She was protecting me."

"She sounded very brave." Thor said. "Like you."

"I don't think anyone was as brave as her." Valkyrie said. "You remind me of her sometimes except she was smarter."

Thor smiled for second before his face turned confused realizing what she said.

"I need another drink." Valkyrie stood up. She walked over to the table, and grabbed a glass. "I miss her, a lot. But I've found my ways to cope." She raised her glass before downing it.

"I'm sorry Hela took her away from you." Thor said. "But y/n died a hero."

"She died as my hero." Valkyrie nodded sadly. She stared at her empty glass.

"Are you alright?" Thor asked watching her carefully. He had never seen her show this emotion. She didn't let anyone see her vulnerable.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Valkyrie said. "Also, don't tell anyone about this conversation."


*New Asgard*

"Unless you've brought me more alcohol, you better leave!" Valkyrie shouted at whoever had knocked on her door. "The queen has resigned for the night!"

"Already? It's only seven-thirty." A very familiar voice, one that she had not heard in many years, said.

Valkyrie immediately stopped drinking, and jumped out of her seat. She turned around to see the girl she never thought she'd see again. The girl she watched get stabbed through her chest. The girl who died in her arms. It couldn't be. Valkyrie grabbed the first thing she saw on the table, which just happened to be a book, and threw it at the girl.

"Ow!" The girl exclaimed. "You know I imagined many different scenarios of what would happen when I saw you again, and this wasn't one of them." She rubbed her head.

"y/n?" Valkyrie slowly walked up to her.

"If you're gonna hit me with something again, you can just stay where you are." y/n said.

"It's really you!" Valkyrie smiled hurrying towards her. She threw her arms around y/n, almost knocking her over. "You're here. How are you here? I thought you died."

"I have my ways." y/n said smirking a bit.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Valkyrie said cupping her cheeks.

"Are you sure? I see you've been doing pretty well without me, my queen." y/n teased.

"Shut it." Valkyrie shook her head amused.

"I've missed you too, Val." y/n said. "I'm sorry I was away for so long."

"I still want to know how you survived." Valkyrie said.

"I have the power of illusion." y/n said. "It wasn't real."

"So when I saw you get stabbed through your chest, none of it was real?" Valkyrie asked.

"No. It wasn't." y/n said. "I'm fully alive."

Valkyrie grinned widely, and smashed her lips onto y/n's. "I'm so happy you're here."

"I am too." y/n chuckled.

"I love you," Valkyrie said, "And I'm never losing you again."

"I love you too." y/n replied.

I have a pietro imagine coming soon as well as a bucky one :)
Send in some requests!

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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