Wanda Maximoff

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Requested by tatesbxtch

a/n: so i wrote this once and it turned out very short and i didn't really like it so i rewrote it and it's a little different, but i hope you still like it!

"What's he been doing?" Tony asked as he and Steve walked up to Thor who was watching Thanos.

"Absolutely nothing." Thor answered.

"Where are the stones?" Steve questioned.

"Somewhere under all this." Tony said waving his hand a little, motioning towards all the rubble around them. "All I know is he doesn't have him."

"Let's keep it that way." Steve remarked.

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor asked looking over to them.

"Is y/n with him?" Tony inquired. Thor nodded his head. "We'll be fine."

The three men began walking towards Thanos. Their heads high as they stared him down. Thanos only sat quietly, not making any move to get up even as he noticed their presence.

"You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you?" Thanos spoke finally looking up. "Back to me."

The three avengers didn't speak a word. They only continued to walk towards him until they were finally standing in front of the purple being.

"I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. Your friend seemed to agree with me. She sees what I do." Thanos said. "But you all have shown me that's impossible. And as long that there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony remarked.

"I'm thankful because now I know what I must do." Thanos said standing. "I will shred this universe down to it's last atom. And then with the stones you have collected for me, create a new one. Teaming with life that knows not what is lost, but only what it has been given." He spoke as he placed his helmet on his head, and grabbed his sword.

Thor readied up Stormbreaker and Mjölnir while Steve readjusted his shield, both preparing for Thanos' next move.

"A grateful universe." Thanos said.

"Born out of blood." Steve glared at the purple giant.

"They'll never know it." Thanos tilted his head. "Because you won't be alive to tell them."

Thor let out a loud groan lifting Stormbreaker before launching himself at Thanos while Steve threw his shield and Tony flew above them and used his blasters to shoot at Thanos.


Clint laid on the floor trying to catch his breath. He held the stones to chest tightly.

"Clint!" y/n exclaimed running up to him. She dropped to her knees next to him. "You have the stones." She let out a relieved sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, I have them." Clint nodded still out of breath. 'Here." He handed them to her.

"I need to find Tony. Are you okay?" y/n asked standing back up.

"I'm good." Clint nodded. "You go." He waved her off.

y/n nodded and turned to leave, but was stopped by "Nebula" who was pointing a gun to her.

"I knew you were a traitor." Nebula said walking closer to y/n. "I tried to tell father."

"I thought she was on our side." Clint said looking between y/n and Nebula confused.

"I'll explain later." y/n mumbled only for Clint to hear. "It's not what it looks like, Nebula. I'm with you."

"You're a traitor." Nebula snapped.

"Stop." An identical voice demanded. The real Nebula came walking towards them with "Gamora" behind her.

"Nebula" then pointed her gun towards the two, and Clint took the chance to quickly stand up, and move away grabbing y/n closer to him.

"You don't have to do this." Nebula said to her past self.

"I am this." Past Nebula said watching them all carefully.

"No, you're not." Gamora shook her head, watching her with sympathetic eyes.

"You've seen what we become." Nebula said holding her hands up.

"Nebula, listen to her." Gamora nodded her head almost to encourage her. Tears began to swell in past Nebula's eyes as she listened to them. 

"You can change." Nebula said.

"He won't let me." Past Nebula said sadly. She took a deep breath before aiming her gun at Gamora about to shoot, but before she could Nebula shot her in her chest. She feel back against the wall behind her.

"Let's go." Clint said pulling y/n's arm.


y/n was running through the battle field. The stones clutched tightly against her chest as she avoided any flying objects, robots, and aliens coming her way. She looked around surprised to see King T'Challa in his Black Panther suit helping fight Thanos' army.

They're back. It really worked! Where's Wanda?

"Clint?" y/n called out not sure if he was still behind her.

"I'm right behind you, kid!" He called back. "Just keep running!"

"Where?" y/n asked. She ducked as Thor's hammer came flying towards her head. "Really, Thor?"

"Wasn't me." Thor defended.

"Sorry, that was my bad." Steve's said.

"Cap?" y/n asked confused. "You're worthy?"

"Not really what we should be focusing on right now." Clint yelled. "Cap, what do you want us to do with these damn stones?"

"Get them as far away as possible." Steve demanded.

"No!" Bruce exclaimed. "We need to get them back where they came from."

"No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony stated.

"Hold on!" Scott interrupted. "That wasn't our only time machine." Then a loud horn was heard.

"Anyone seen an ugly brown van out there?" Steve asked looking around.

"Yes, but you're not gonna like where it's parked." Valkyrie responded.

"Scott? How long you gonna need to get that thing working?" Tony asked.

"Maybe 10 minutes." Scott estimated.

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you." Steve said.

"We're on it, Cap." A female's voice answered.


"Where's Nebula and y/n?" Thanos asked.

"They aren't responding?" Thanos' son answered.

"Sire." Another of his children grabbed his attention pointing to y/n and Clint who were running with the stones.

"Oh y/n." Thanos mumbled disappointedly.


y/n stayed behind Clint as he fought off the creatures coming at them.

"y/n!" T'Challa called out. She turned and saw him standing a few feet away. "Come with me." He held his hand out for her.

"Go." Clint nodded before turning back to continue fighting. y/n ran to T'Challa, and grabbed his hand.

"Hold on." He told her putting her on his back. y/n gasped a little when he started running. She held on tightly to the stones. T'Challa ran quickly trying to get to the van, but something hit them knocking them both to the ground.

The stones fell out of y/n's grasp when she hit the floor. She noticed Thanos marching towards them, and she quickly ignored the pain shooting through her body and crawled to the stones.

Suddenly, someone flew down and blocked Thanos from coming any closer. A familiar red energy surrounding them. Wanda.

"You're not taking her from me." Wanda bared her teeth.

"She has something of mine." Thanos said. "Get out of my way."

"I can't do that." Wanda said her eyes glowing red. She began attacking Thanos, and y/n took her chance to run.

She ran as fast as she could. She didn't know exactly where the van was, but she prayed she was close. Suddenly the ground began to rise under her. She saw Thanos' child watching her with a smug look.

"I got you." y/n felt an arm wrap around her waist and lift her in the air. A small yelp escaped her lips. "You're fine." She heard Peter reassure her.

"Thanks, Parker." y/n held onto him tight.

"No problem." Peter responded. They landed on the ground, and Peter pushed y/n away as a bunch of creatures started surrounding him.

"Peter!" y/n yelled.

"I'm fine! You go!" Peter called back.

"I'm not gonna leave you." y/n yelled, but she felt herself get picked up again. Guess she was gonna be carried to the van.

"Come on, Kid." Pepper said.

"Thank you, Pepper." y/n nodded as the woman dropped her with Valkyrie. "Hey." She smiled to the woman she hadn't met yet.

Valkyrie smiled back before they flew through the air only to be knocked down again. y/n lost grip of the stones and tried reaching for them again, but failed as she hit the ground.

"I'm gonna have so many bruises." y/n mumbled to herself as she rubbed her head. She noticed there was no more shots being aimed at them. She looked up confused. What were they firing at?

That's when y/n noticed something- actually someone- flying through the ship completely destroying it. The person flew down and landed next to y/n.

"Hi, I'm y/n." y/n said nervously. She stared up at the blonde woman in shock.

"Hey, y/n. You coming with me?" The woman asked.

"Uh yeah." y/n stood up grabbing the gauntlet that laid next to her. "I don't know how you're expecting us to get through that." She looked over at the army rushing towards them.

"Don't worry." Wanda said landing next to them. She smiled at y/n who smiled happily back.

"You've got help." Okoye, Valkyrie, Pepper, Mantis, Hope, Shuri, Gamora, and Nebula all appeared ready to help. They all ran forward fighting off the army.

"Hold on tight." The blonde woman said. y/n nodded and wrapped her arms around her.

"Wait, what's your name?" y/n asked.

"Carol." She answered.

"Nice to meet you, Carol." y/n nodded. Carol blasted jumped up and they blasted through the air. They were getting closer and Thanos appeared in front of them, but Pepper shot him down and they flew right past him.

y/n sighed when the van was in sight. This was almost over. But then Thanos' sword was thrown into the van, and Carol and y/n were blasted back. She felt the stones slip through her hands, and the next thing she knew she was slammed against the ground once again. Her head hit a rock and suddenly everything was blurry and she didn't know what was happening.

y/n laid there for however long. She didn't know. All she knew was that when she could see straight again, Thanos had the stones. She looked around, and no one was making a move to stop him. She took breath and prepared herself. She didn't have much to protect herself. Only her suit which unfortunately wouldn't stop much. But that didn't stop her, she stood up and rushed towards Thanos wrapping her hands around the gauntlet.

"You picked the wrong side." Thanos growled before throwing her back.

She laid down for a moment. Gaining the strength to pick herself back up.

"I am inevitable." Thanos smiled before snapping his fingers. Only this time nothing happened. He stared at his hand in shock before turning it over and noticing the stones were gone. He quickly looked over at y/n who had her hand raised. The stones circling around her arm. She closed her eyes tightly taking a deep breath before staring back at Thanos.

"And I am y/n l/n." She said snapping her fingers.

The last thing she heard was Wanda screaming her name, "y/n!"


Wanda sat next to y/n's bed waiting for her to wake up. It had been almost a full day, and y/n was still unconscious from the snap that defeated Thanos and his army, but Wanda wasn't up for any celebration.

"It could be days until she wakes up, Wanda." Clint said from the doorway of the hospital room.

"And I'll be here when she does." Wanda stated not looking away from y/n.

"Please, just go home and take a shower and eat something. I'll call you if she wakes." Clint said.

"I need to be here when she wakes up." Wanda said. "I'm not leaving." Clint sighed before leaving.

Wanda wiped her eyes, and leaned forward grabbing y/n's hand. She placed a kiss on her knuckles the rested her head down on y/n's bed. She felt y/n weakly squeeze her hand and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"y/n?" Wanda asked quietly. She stood up and watched y/n slowly open her eyes. "Hi. You're awake." She smiled. Happy tears started to fall down her face.

"Wanda." y/n mumbled. Her voice barely working.

"Yeah, I'm here. It's okay. You're okay." Wanda said.

"I'm sorry." y/n said.

"It's okay. I'm just happy you didn't leave me." Wanda laughed sadly.

"You're back." y/n stated. Wanda nodded.

"I'm back."

This is over 2,000 words... i didn't mean to make it this long lol
Send in some requests!

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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