chapter eleven

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I woke up in the lounge. Checking my phone for the time I notice Stefan left me his number. I put the piece of paper in my pocket and went upstairs to see if Jenna was home. She was sound asleep.

Deciding that I didn't want to talk to her I grabbed my keys and jumped in the car. I don't know where I'm going. Caroline was spending the day with Klaus. Bonnie wanted to spend the day at home so I'll try there. I know she wouldn't mind, seeing as though I really needed to talk to someone.

Bonnie was someone I could tell everything to, well except kissing Stefan. I'm not ready to tell anyone that. I arrived at Bonnie's and knocked on the door, her Grams opened the door.

"Good morning, Elena." I didn't know Grams well because Bonnie didn't get along with her, she'd would mostly stay at mine or Caroline's place.

"Morning Mrs. Bennett. Is Bonnie home?"

"Actually she isn't. That boy... Enzo called saying something about needing help with something they're building." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't know how long she will be, sorry honey."

"That's okay, I'll catch up with her later, thank you." I walked back to my car. Of course Bonnie isn't home when I need her.

I sat in my car thinking of who else I can talk to. I could talk with Stefan but I don't want yet, he's the reason why I need to talk to someone. There's only one more person I can try.

I knocked on the door and waited, it opened.


"Hey Matt, please don't close the door."

"What do you want Elena? Caroline isn't here."

"I know I came here to see you." He looked at me for a while before letting me in.

"I know you still hate me--" He cut me off.

"I could never hate you, Elena." I smiled.

"I need to talk to you about anything so here I am." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. We sat down and I told him everything that Stefan told me last night.

"I just don't know why Jenna didn't tell me the truth." Tears now falling down my face.

"I'm so sorry Elena. Maybe it hurts her as much as you." He hugged me. I hugged him back tight. He was always someone I could confide in. He released me, placing his lips on mine. My hand reaching up to his face as I fall into the kiss.

I pulled back.


"I can't do this Matt." I quickly got up and headed for the door.

"Elena!" He yelled out but I didn't turn around.

I got in the car and placed my head on the steering wheel. Why didn't I see that coming? I knew Matt still loved me but I don't love him, not like that. I felt anger inside me. Angry at Matt because he kissed me but also at myself for allowing him to.

I decided to drive home. I have to face my Aunt sooner or later.


I haven't heard from Elena yet. I've been waiting all day but nothing. A couple of times I've been tempted to just go over to her place but I know I shouldn't. She'll talk to me if she wants to.

I went downstairs to get something to eat. I haven't eaten all day but I wasn't hungry, just trying to keep my mind of Elena.

"Hey, Stefan." My mom was seated at the kitchen bench.

"Hey." I didn't speak to my mom. I actually have seen her I've been back from camp.

"Are you hungry? I can get Gail to make you something." Gail was our maid. She cleaned, cooked and washed for my family. I was close to her and tried to help her as much as I could.

"No, I can get something myself." Even though Gail was our maid she was more like a family. She lived in a house outside and has been working for my family for as long as I can remember.

I looked into the fridge for something. Seeing something that looked like last night scraps and grabbing it. Chicken Parmigiana, nice. I heated it up and sat down at the table.

"So how was your trip?" I don't know why my mother was even asking because I knew she didn't care.

"Good." I said, deciding bot going into every little detail, I didn't want to bore her.

"That's good. I will be flying to New Orleans tonight to meet your father. I won't be home until Tuesday. I'm sure you and Gail will be fine here."

"We always are." My mother occasionally went on trips to either see my father or just went away.

"You know the rules, no parties."

"I know." We didn't say another word to each other.

Once I finished I went back to my room. I still haven't heard from Elena.  Please don't hate me, Elena...


I run upstairs crying.

Jenna had tried to apologize for not telling me the truth about my family's death but I didn't want to hear it. She didn't mention Stefan's family at all and I didn't either. I didn't tell her Stefan was the one that told me. I was so close to my Aunt and we told each other almost anything. Why hadn't she just tell me the truth? I'm not upset about how my they died, that happened and I can't change the past. I'm angry that my Aunt just made up some story.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper Stefan's number on it. Deciding whether or not I should text him, I pulled out my phone.

to: Unknown (mobile)

It wasn't long until my phone buzzed.

from: Unknown (mobile)

to: Unknown (mobile)

from: Unknown (mobile)

I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs. I went to open the door.

"Elena, where are you going?"

"I'm going to a friend's place."

"We should talk about this, Elena."

"I don't want to, not yet. I need time."

"Well, what time will you be home?"

"I don't know. Don't bother waiting up." With that, I left.

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