chapter ten

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Bonnie, Caroline and I had been waiting for about half an hour before Enzo arrived with Stefan not far behind him.

We all sat around and eat our meals while talking about the game. Everyone seemed to be getting along just fine.

"So anyone up for a movie?" I asked. I was home alone tonight so any company would be nice.

"I would but I better stay at home tonight. Seeing as though I haven't been there all week." Caroline finished off her burger. I thought she might have come because Klaus was at a party but I understand her reasoning.

"I have work to do." Bonnie said, I didn't think she would come. She has been dying to do some work and build something.

"What about you?" I turned and faced Stefan. Maybe this would give us a chance to talk.

"Me?" He seemed shocked I was asking him.

"Yes, you." I chuckled.

"You like movies?"


"Okay, then so do you want to come to my place and watch one?"

"Sure I have got nothing else to do."

"Sweet I'll give you my address and meet you there." We had all finished by now so got up to leave.

"See you two tomorrow?"

"Not me, I'm spending the day with Klaus. And I don't plan on leaving my room."

"Well you guys are just a ball of fun aren't ya." I smiled.

"I'll text you on Sunday then."

"Okay see you." Caroline said getting into her car.

"Bye Elena." Bonnie was the next to leave.

"And you need my address." I said turning to Stefan who was beside me. I got a pen out of my car and wrote my address down on the receipt from the dinner.

"See you soon."

I arrived home and hooked my laptop up to the tv that we could watch a movie on Netflix. Not long after I finished I heard a knock on the door. I went and unlocked the door, Stefan was standing there.

"Come in."

"Is your aunt home?" He asked before stepping inside.

"No, she's at work." He looked relieved when I said that and finally entered. What was that about?

He looked around for a moment waiting for my next instructions.

"Follow me." I said leading him into the lounge room, he sat down.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't know." He seemed nervous. I went and sat down next to him.

"We're going to talk, Stefan but how about we do that after a movie?"

"Okay." He smiled.

"Now what movie?"

"You choose."

"Of course you leave it up to me." I smirked. I flicked through the 'what's trending' section and clicked on To All the Boys I've Loved Before. I haven't seen this yet.

"Have you seen this?"


"Okay, To All the Boys it is." I clicked play and went to sit next to Stefan. I pulled the blanket off the side of the lunge and placed it on us. I put my hand in his and rested my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind as he locked her fingers into mine. We laid like this the whole movie.

"That was actually better than I had expected." I said sitting up and turning the TV off with the remote.

"I liked it." Stefan said, although I could tell by the look on his face he was lying.

"So basically you hated it."

"No," He laughed nervously. "I didn't hate it, I just wasn't exactly paying attention either." His eyes flicker down to my lips.

I leaned in and kissed him. I've been wanting to do that all day.

"I liked that a lot better." He smiled.

"I guess we should talk now." I said pulling away.

"Not just yet..." He grabbed my head and pulled it back into his, our lips clashing. I leaned forward pushing him back. Our kiss getting more passionate, his hands on my waist. We stopped to catch our breaths.

"Now we should talk." He said sitting up. My hand holding onto his.

"I don't know what this all is, but what I do know is that I really like you, Stefan." He smiled brightly at my words.

"I get this feeling when I'm around you that I haven't felt before. I know I did only recently break up with Matt so I want to take things slowly but I do want to be with you Stefan." I definitely liked Stefan, he made me feel safe and other things that are unbelievable.

"I want to be with you too." He looked down at our hands. "But I have to tell you something first." I was not expecting a but.

"We knew each other, when we were younger."


"Your mother and father worked for my father and our families were very close. We would go on trips together and your family would frequently come over to our house for dinner or BBQ. We spent most holidays together."

"I think I would remember that."

"We were very young, Elena."

"What happened then?"

"Your parents and brother died. Do you remember how they did?"

My parents and brother had died when I was young but still had memories of them.

"Yes, they were driving home and a drunk driver hit them." I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I thought of my parents and little brother.

"Well, that's not entirely true. Your parents, brother and my father were driving home from work that night, I think your parents had taken your brother to the office that day, and they had a bit too much to drink. They crashed and my father survived but your parents and brother didn't." I stood up taking everything in he had just said to me.

"Elena, my father was driving..." I turned to face him.

"You're lying, I would remember you. My aunt wouldn't lie to my about their death." Tears now rolling down my face, Stefan stood up.

"I'm not lying Elena, why would I lie about something like this? I knew it would hurt you but I had to tell you." He now had tears in his eyes too.

"It can't be true!" My voice was louder than usual and craking from my emotions.

"Elena." He took a step closer to me.

"Don't!" I warned, pushing him back away from me. He tried to take another step closer to me and I went to push him again. He gently grabbed my hands this time and quickly hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Elena..." I hugged him back. Burying my head in his neck, my tears soaking his shirt. We stood there with our arms wrapped around each other for a while before Stefan pulled back. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before turning to leave.

"Wait, please don't go. Not yet." I sat back down on the lounge and he came and sat next to me.

"I couldn't just not tell you, Elena. I didn't know you didn't remember who I was until camp." I didn't say anything. I didn't want to talk anymore. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me. After a while, I fell asleep.


Elena was so upset when I told her. Her being upset made me upset but I held back my emotions, it was something I was good at. Not showing emotions was something my father taught me since I was a boy. Although I did feel a few tears forming in my eyes at one stage. I can't remember the last time I cried.

Elena had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I grabbed my phone out my pocket to check the time. 12:43 am. I should probably head home. I snuck out from under Elena and placed her head down softly on the pillow, then pulled the blanket up to cover her. My shirt was wet from her tears.

I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and wrote down my number, placing it on top of her phone. I didn't write my name knowing that her aunt would be home before she wakes up. I know how much she despises my family after the accident. Elena might not even want my number after tonight but I hope she does. I hope she doesn't hate me.

I looked at her once more before leaving. Making sure the door was locked behind me. I drove home.

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