chapter one

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          I WOKE UP to my alarm. It was six-thirty in the morning, a monday. I got up to get ready for school. I did the same thing I did every day; have a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, then head downstairs for breakfast, and lastly leaving for school.

I got to school ten minutes before class started. I was walking to where my friends, Bonnie, Caroline, Klaus, Enzo, and my boyfriend Matt were already here. Caroline and Klaus had been dating for over a year now, and caroline was Matt's step-sister, so I was close to her. I had been dating Matt for just over two years now. Matt and Klaus were a year above us, and they were good friends, that's how Caroline met Klaus.

"Hey Caroline, hey Klaus!" I said, walking up to them.

"Morning Elena." They both said in unison.

"Where's your brother Caroline? Is he here yet?" Matt was known for being late for school.

"Is he every here on time?" Caroline laughed.

"True." I chuckled.

"Where's Bonnie?" Bonnie was usually the first one here because she didn't get along with her parents.

"In the library, she has a test after lunch, so she wanted to study." I raised a brow.

"Like she needs to study." Bonnie was the smartest one out of everyone, she was just naturally bright, she didn't need to study to pass.

Just as I finished talking, Enzo arrived. He was smart too, he and Bonnie would be talking about the geeky things, and the rest of us would have no idea what it was.

We all sat down and talked about our weekends until the bell rang.

"See you guys at lunch." I headed for my first class, which was history. I wasn't too fond of history, I didn't like any classes that much.

          HISTORY HAD been going on for about twenty minutes before someone entered the room. It was Stefan Salvatore, he came from a wealthy family, and he was apart of a more widespread, stricter group. Their group wasn't like the popular boys and girls you see in a movie like mean girls and such. They weren't prep boys and girls who cared for their designer bags and clothes. They were sporty and tough, sometimes getting into fights. Him being late was nothing out of the ordinary though, he kind of just did what he wanted.

"Salvatore, you're late." Our teacher, Mr. Saltzman said.

"Don't sound so surprised, Ric." He said, taking his seat at the back of the class.

"I'm used to it." Mr. Saltzman sighed, continuing with the lesson.

People like Stefan bother me. Just because his family is wealthy shouldn't mean that he should get special treatment. If I turned up late, I would probably get detention straight away.

After the lesson Mr. Saltzman handed out a note to everyone, and it was about our school trip that was taking place next week. Our whole year and the year above us we're going to the same camp at some lake, I was excited about it, a trip away with my friends and Matt.

          I MET all my friends at lunch back at our hang out spot. I went and sat next to Matt.

"Hey, where were you this morning?" I asked him.

"Running late, again." He smiled.

"Did you all get the note about the trip next week?" I asked, looking at my friends.

"Yeah! Sucks there are only two in a cabin, and we don't even get to choose who we bunk with, and there is no mixed bunking." Caroline said, looking at Klaus, not very happy that they can't sleep in the same cabin together.

"It's only one week, you'll last." I laughed.

"Plus, you get to see Klaus all through the day, and you could probably sneak out through the night." I gave Caroline a wink.

"Is that what you're planning on doing?" Matt asked, smiling.

"Not sure yet. Although now that I think about it, a late-night swim in the lake might be nice," I smirked, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"When do they tell us who we are sharing our cabin with?" Enzo asked.

"I don't know. maybe on Friday so that we know before Monday when we get there?" I honestly didn't care who I got bunked with as long as they are clean, we would barely be in our cabins anyway.

"Caroline, what are you doing this afternoon? I want to go shopping for some stuff for the trip. I'll ask Bonnie if she wants to come." The three of us would typically hang out after school, or I would hang out with Matt, and he would hang out with Klaus.

"I have cheerleading practice, but after that, I can come," She said.

"Okay, i'll meet you at the mall. Text me when you're finished with practice." Caroline was dedicated to cheerleading, unlike me, I fell out of it when my father passed away.

          THE REST of the school day went the same as every other. I drove home straight away after school, which was only about a five-minute drive.

My aunt's not home, she barely ever is. She's a nurse, so I rarely see her. Only on weekends, but sometimes she even works weekends. Ever since my parents and little brother died when I was young, my aunt has been trying to provide a good lifestyle for us. And she has, we have a beautiful house, a car each and we get along pretty well. Life is pretty perfect.

I had been home for about an hour and a half just watching tv and doing some school work when I felt my phone vibrate.

from: Caroline (mobile)

to: Caroline (mobile)

I quickly texted Bonnie.

to: Bonnie (mobile)

from: Bonnie (mobile)

We had been shopping for about two hours and had gotten everything we thought we might need. We headed to the food court to get some dinner while we were there. We were eating when my phone vibrated.

from: Matty Blue (mobile)

to: Matty Blue (mobile)

from: Matty Blue (mobile)

"Matt?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, he wanted to know if I wanted to come over for dinner, but I told him we were having dinner here," I said, returning my attention to them and not my phone.

"So, you planning anything special for next week's trip?" Caroline smirked.

"No, i'm not talking to you about this," I said, knowing exactly what she was talking about. Matt and I hadn't, you know... gone all the way yet. I know he wanted to. we had spoken about it a couple of times but I just wasn't ready for some reason. I knew Caroline and Klaus had, she wouldn't stop talking about it to me and Bonnie the next day. I felt uncomfortable talking about it with her though, because Matt was her step-brother. Bonnie had with her ex, Ben, but he moved away, they ended on good terms though.

"I still can't believe you two still haven't done it." Bonnie said. "Over two years and you still haven't jumped each other!"

"Bonnie!" I smacked her arm "I'm just not ready yet." I admitted.

"I don't know how, gosh, me and Klaus..." Caroline seemed to be in her own little world. Bonnie and I just looked at each other and laughed.

"We know, you and Klaus have an amazing sex life, we hear about it all the time." Bonnie said.

"You only say that because you don't get any." Caroline replied to Bonnie.

"How do you know i'm not getting any?" Bonnie smirked.

"What? Who?" I asked Bonnie, now curious.

"Just a family friend, you two don't know him. We aren't together, we just 'hang out' sometimes." She said.

"Bonnie Bennett, you dirty girl!" I laughed.

After we finished dinner we said our goodbyes and headed home.

When I got home Jenna still wasn't home and I knew she probably wouldn't be home for a couple of hours. I started to go through what I had bought today, packing a few things in a bag, ready for next week. I was really excited.

After sorting everything out, I decided to head to bed. I'm ready for a new day tomorrow.

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