chapter two

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IT WAS now Friday. The week had gone the same as usual. Got up, went to school, came home, hung out with Caroline and Bonnie, and then went to bed.

The bell had just rung and I headed to my history class. As soon as everyone sat down Mr. Saltzman handed out another note about our trip. He was one of the teachers coming on the trip and was one tasked with organizing it.

"This is a list of the groups that everyone is in. It has which group you will be in during the day, there are six different groups. To find out who you will be bunking with I will tell you all separately at the end of class. Every other first-period class will be told as well." He handed out the sheet to everyone.

"Now, let's learn some history. You can all converse with each other at lunchtime." He started the lesson.

I looked down at the different groups and was happy to see I was in the same group as Bonnie. Caroline was in the same group as Enzo, Matt and Klaus were in separate groups. They won't like that.

The remainder of the class went by quickly. We all lined up to wait and find out who we were bunking with. I arrived at Mr. Saltzman's desk.

"Ms. Gilbert you will be bunking with..." He paused and searched for my name on the list. Mr. Saltzman let out a confused 'hmm'. "This can't be right." His words made me a bit worried.

"You will be sharing a cabin with Stefan Salvatore." I looked at him wide-eyed.

"I thought there was no mixed bunking?" I said.

"There isn't," he replied. "I'll ask about this, but for now Mr. Salvatore is your bunkmate." I forced a smile, nodded, and left.

Me and Stefan. I know I said I didn't care who I got stuck with but why Stefan Salvatore, the most popular boy in school? I arrived at our lunch area and everyone else was already there.

"Hey, Elena we're in the same group!" Bonnie said excitedly.

"Yeah. How good is that, I can't wait." I was happy I was with at least one of my friends.

"So who did you get paired with for the cabins?" Caroline asked.

"Stefan..." I murmured.

"What?!" They all said in unison.

"So much for no mixed bunking." Caroline huffed, glancing at her boyfriend.

"They messed up the groups, so Mr. Saltzman is fixing it," I explained.

"Better than mine! I got paired with that Julian kid. He's uptight and a suck-up, I don't think I will be sneaking out at night or he will snitch on me." Enzo said, unhappy.

"Who did you get, Care?" I asked, turning to Caroline.

"I got Vicky. I don't mind, she's nice. I don't think she'll care if I sneak out, she will probably want to come." She replied.

"Hey, Elena are you going to come to the football game tonight, maybe as a cheerleader?" She asked, hopefully.

"You know I quit the team, and I'm not sure if I'm up for going to the game." I didn't quite understand why Caroline wanted me back on the squad so much.

"You haven't been to one game in the last few months, and tonight we play last year's winners. please come," she begged, I sighed.

"Are you going?" I turned and asked matt. I know he was still upset about being benched for the season.

"I'll go if you go," he said.

"Okay, I'll come," I said making her squeal.

"Oh my god! Really? I didn't think you actually would!"

"Well like you said, I haven't been to one in months." I smiled. This is not going to be fun, I thought to myself, but Caroline is one of my best friends, so I should go.

          MATT AND I arrived at the game just as they headed into the field. I was hoping we would arrive a bit late so that I didn't have to watch the entirety of the game.

Both teams walked onto the field and shook hands with the opposing team.

"Did we miss anything?" I asked matt.

"Not much, they're gonna do the coin flip." He replied.

"Oh..." This is gonna be a long few hours, I thought. I attend to the toss, realizing who our school football team captain was, Stefan. I knew he was into sports but I didn't know he made the team, and of course, was selected as team captain. Which used to be Matt's position.

"There's your bunk buddy." Bonnie teased, pointing to Stefan.

"I still can't believe you were paired with Stefan, even when they said no mixed bunking." Bonnie finished, Matt tensed up.

"He's not going to be my bunk buddy. Mr. Saltzman is going to fix it. but I'm surprised he didn't get to choose who he bunked with." Stefan seemed like someone who got everything given to him.

As the game went on I started to get into it. The score was 3-to-3 and time was running out. Stefan was good, no, actually really good.

"Sit down Elena and stop yelling, everyone is looking at you!" Matt said hiding his face.

"I don't care, this is so close." I turned my attention back to the game.

"Go Enzo!" I yelled out. Our team made a break and Stefan was running down the right with the ball.

"Go, Stefan, go!" I was yelling, not caring that I don't even know him.

No other teammates, except Enzo, were near him. It was now him and Enzo against the other team's scattered players. He looked like he wasn't going to make it, Enzo came from the left and blocked a player's tackle, Stefan surged forward bounding over the touchdown line.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"Matt, did you just see that?"

"Yes, Elena I did." He said bitterly.

"That was amazing!" Just as everyone was celebrating the touchdown, the buzzer went off.

"They won! Matt they won!" I shouted with excitement.

"I know, I'm here too," he said, not looking very happy. I didn't pay attention to him.

"Come on, we have to go and see Enzo. He just helped score the touchdown." I got up, grabbing Matt's hand so that he had to follow me. I reached the side of the field and Enzo came over to us.

"That was awesome Enzo, oh my god that touchdown at the end. You came out of nowhere and then bam! You took that guy down." My face was covered in excitement.

"Calm down a bit Elena." Enzo laughed.

"I am now coming to every game," I told him.

"So we couldn't get you to come to any game for months and now you want to come to all of them?" He was still laughing. The rest of the team walked past heading back to the locker rooms.

"Nice cheering there Elena," Stefan said as he passed, smirking. Enzo laughed again. was I that loud? And that was the first time he has ever spoken to me.

"Was I that loud?" I asked Enzo.

"Oh yeah, you were all I could hear."

"I told you, you were too loud." Matt said.

"Well, you were too quiet." I glared at him. I didn't care if I was loud.

"I didn't know Stefan was on your team Enzo," I said ignoring Matt.

"Yeah, he's our best player."

"Do you get along with him?"

"Yeah, he's actually really nice to all of us on the team. But I wouldn't want to be the other team, get on his bad side and he'll let you know. But he can be protective of us, if anyone says something bad about one of us then he will stick up for us." He explained.

"Great so pretty much don't get on his bad side this week, noted."

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