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chapter thirty-seven โ€•โ€• i like you

หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท "HEY." Charlie smiled a little as she neared Daryl, her bow in her hand with her arrows in the other hand. "I was hoping you could give me a few more pointers, I wanna get better."

"I'm busy." He muttered and she let out a sigh as she let her head hang.

"Of course." She nodded as she turned, but she stopped and turned towards him again. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I ain't."

"Oh, you most certainly are." She told him. "You've barely spoken to me all week. And when you do it's grumbled responses. I mean, you've never been much of a talker, but I at least got more than two word answers."

"Said I'm busy."

"Three words." She muttered as she turned away from him. "Let me know when you're done being an ass." She made her way to the trees she had been using for target practice and she loaded her bow as before she raised it, she took a breath and let it go, the arrow flew through the air before hitting the tree and she smiled a little as she bent down to get another arrow. She loaded her bow and pulled it back before letting it fly, again she hit the tree.

"She improves." She smiled as she looked over at the boy that approached her.

"Where's Mason?" She asked, bending down to get another arrow.

"He's helping Andrea on watch." He told her, making his way closer to her, a smirk on his lips.

"What are you doing?" She asked, raising her bow but she didn't look at him, even as he stopped behind her and placed his hand on her waist. "Josh." Her smile grew as she let her bow fall to her side before she turned to face him. "I'm trying to practice." She told him and he tugged her closer to him, the smile still on her lips.

"And I'm trying to distract you." He mumbled, nudged her nose with his. "Is it working?"

"Josh." She giggled lightly, shaking her head a little as she stepped away from him, her cheeks pink.

"Just admit that you like kissing me just as much as I like kissing you."

"Do you have a point?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah." He nodded. "We should kiss more often."

She shook her head, her eyes dropping to the ground as her smile faltered. "I told you, I'm not-"

"I'm not asking you to marry me." His own smile faltered a little as he ducked his head in hopes of catching her eyes. "I just. . . I like you, Charlie and I know that you like me too, at least a little bit. And I know this technically only started to piss Shane off, but . . . can you look at me please?" He asked and she took a breath as she looked up, meeting his eyes. "I just want a chance. I know you're scared."

"I'm not scared."

"I know you. You're scared of getting hurt, Mason filled me in a little on why you don't want to date. But we don't have to date, I just like being around you. I like kissing you. I like you."

"I- I. . ." She took a breath as she closed her eyes for a second. "I like you, too, Josh." She gave him a small smile and his lips twitched upwards into a wide grin. "But we gotta go slow."

"We'll go so slow." He nodded, stepping closer to her, his hands landing on her waist before he tugged her closer to him and she let him. She smiled up at him, letting her bow fall from her fingers as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his shoulder, then she stretched up onto her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

>>>>> โ€ข <<<<<

หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท "WHAT'S WITH THE SMILE?" Andrea asked, looking over at Mason who indeed wore a smile as he looked across the fields โ€“ he and the blonde were on watch.

"That." He pointed over to the left and she turned her head to see Charlie and Josh running through the tall grass, the girl was in front and he was following close behind her. Their laughs echoed through the air, then a small scream sounded when Josh wrapped his arms around the girl's waist before he lost his footing and they tumbled to the ground, hidden by the grass. "I haven't seen her smile like that in a long time."

"You really care about her."

"She's family." He nodded. "And all I want is for her to be happy. And he's a good distraction."

"From what?"

"Her and Shane fighting." He told her as he sat in one of the chairs and she sat in the other. "They haven't fought like this in, well, ever. They were always close. But, uh, they've both changed since the world ended and now it seems that they're always at odds with each other."

"Really? They never fought?"

"No, they did." He nodded. "But it never got so bad that she ignored him, they always talked it out. Compromised. The next day it was like they never fought at all."

"All I've seen them do is fight." Andrea mused.

"Yeah, well, Shane's been a dick lately." He shrugged and she scoffed, shaking her head. "You disagree?"

"We needed to get rid of the walkers in the barn."

"I agree, but there was better way to go about it." He told her. "That was brutal and we could've lost people. Our people. How are you not getting that?" He looked over at her but her eyes dropped to the roof of the rv and he let out a light scoff. "You slept with him, didn't you? Makes sense, I guess. You're pretty, he's a dick."

"How did you-"

"I've known Shane my entire life and I don't think there's ever been a girl that he's met that he didn't at least try to sleep with and he usually succeeds." He pushed himself up, his eyes on the field as Charlie and Josh walked through the fence, their hands locked together. "Be careful with Shane, he cares about one thing. Himself." With that he crossed the rv and climbed down the ladder before he crossed the yard, meeting Charlie and Josh. "You two look happy."

"She likes me." Josh told him, his smile wide as he looked down at the girl and she shoved him to the side, rolling her eyes a little.

"Whatever." The girl mumbled, then she looked up at Mason. "Are they back yet?" She asked and he shook his head and she let out a small sigh.

"They're gonna be fine." He told her.

"I hope so."

"Hey, can you guys keep watch?" Andrea asked as she made her way over to them. "I gotta find Maggie."

"Yeah." Charlie nodded. "Is everything okay?"

"Not sure yet." She told her before she took off in search of Maggie, then three shared a look before making their way to the rv, Charlie was the first one up the ladder and she sat with her legs hanging over the edge as the guys sat in the chairs.

"Are you two together now?" Mason asked and Charlie groaned, dropping her head into her hands and Josh laughed at her obvious discomfort with the topic.

"We're taking things slow." He told the blue eyed boy.

"Do we have to talk about it?" Charlie grumbled, kicking her feet a little as a light breeze blew past them and she leaned back, her face tilted towards the sun as a smile spread across her face and Josh smiled at the girl, not taking his eyes off of her.

>>>>> โ€ข <<<<<

หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท CHARLIE SAT ON THE RV, the sun had set and almost everyone had gone to bed for the night. She offered to take watch, seeing as she wasn't all that tired and she needed time to think about Josh without the boy around and without Mason practically swooning about how adorable he thought they were. She tugged Josh's leather jacket around her shoulders a little as a chilly breeze blew over her and a smile pulled at her lips. She really did like him, maybe more than she was willing to admit.

She looked up when she heard someone on the ladder and she sat up, her hand going to her knife but she relaxed when she saw that it was just Daryl and she deflected into her chair. "What are you doin' up?" She asked, her voice quiet.

"Shane wanted me on Randell watch, but he ain't goin' nowhere." He told her as he sat in the chair next to her.

"You done avoiding me?"

"I wasn't avoidin' you." He shook his head and she raised an eyebrow at him. He sighed a little, sinking into his chair.

"Just tell me what I did." She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees. "If I bugged you at all that day everything with Shane happened, I'm sorry. I guess you moving your stuff all the way up there was to get away from everyone and I-"

"You didn't."

"Then it had to be me being a bitch." She muttered to herself as though she was thinking. "But I wasn't a bitch to you, was I? I don't think I was. I actually like you."

"No." He shook his head. "It wasn't you at all."

"Are you gonna blame it on the fact that you're clearly antisocial?" He simply nodded and she chuckled, shaking her head a little. "Good, because it's weird when you avoid me. Who else can I complain to about my dickwad of a brother?"

"I'm sure Josh wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, but you understand. Your brother's also a dickwad." She hummed and he chuckled.

"Did you see Shane's face when they got back?"

"Yeah, uh, I think he and Rick kinda got into it." She told him. "Lori's pregnant and Shane's most likely the father no matter how much Lori wants it to be Rick's. I'm not sure how or if they'll survive this. I don't think they've ever fought over a girl before, mostly because Shane didn't really have girlfriends. And he's clearly lost his mind." There was a small pause and she sighed." Damn, I did it again." She muttered and his brows pulled together as he looked over at her.

"Did what?"

"You're easy to talk to and I seem to have trouble shutting my mouth." She chuckled. "You've probably heard more than you wanted or needed to. I guess that sometimes I just need to vent and usually that happens when it's just me and you."

"Got ears for a reason." He shrugged and she couldn't stop her smile from growing as she looked over at him. "I should get back, just wanted to check on ya."

"I appreciate it." She gave him a smile and he nodded as she stood up and made his way towards the ladder.

"Night, princess."

"Night, asshole." She mumbled, her lips pulled up into a smile and he couldn't stop the twitch in his lips before he climbed down the ladder. Charlie let out a sigh as she relaxed into her chair, her head tilted back as she looked up at the stars. She thought she had loved the sun and the warmth it gave off but in the past few weeks on the farm she had grown to love the stars. They were beautiful, serene even. It was like a bit of peace in the crazy world she had grown accustomed to.


iย  feep like I'm begging for comments, but
what do you guys think??

i'd really to know!!!

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