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chapter thirty-eight โ€•โ€• hayloft

หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท JOSH SAT ON THE THE GROUND, his back against a tree and Charlie between his legs. She had her back against his chest and her head against his shoulder, her eyes closed as the others stood around the fire where Lori poured some water into a mug. Charlie shifted a little and Josh wrapped his arms around her, hugging her closer to him as he lightly kissed the top of her head and a small smile pulled at her lips but she kept her eyes closed.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Lori asked, looking up at Shane and Rick who stood about a foot from where Josh and Charlie sat. "We'd all feel better if we knew the plan."

"Is there a plan?" Andrea asked, rounding the fire pit and stopping not far from Shane.

"We gonna keep him here?" Glenn asked.

"I'd rather not." Mason added from his place in one of the chairs โ€“ he had his head back and his legs stretched out in front of him with his ankles crossed and his arms crossed over his chest.

"We'll know soon enough." Rick told them then they heard footsteps and everyone turned to see Daryl approaching them โ€“ his crossbow slung over his back and his knuckles bloody.

"Boy there's got a gang, thirty men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends." He told them and Charlie sat up, but she didn't move away from Josh. "They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women," his eyes briefly settled on Charlie. "They're gonna wish they were."

"What did you do?" Carol asked, her eyes moving down to his hand.

"Had a little chat." He asked, glancing down at his hand and Carol turned back towards the rv as Daryl crossed by the fire.

"No one goes near this guy." Rick told them.

"Rick, what are you gonna do?" Lori asked, walking over to her husband and Charlie turned a little, pulling her knees up to her chest as she leaned over on Josh. Once she stopped moving, he tightened his arms around her again, kissing forehead and she leaned up, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"We have no choice." Rick told her. "He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat."

"You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asked.

"It's settled. I'll do it today." With that Rick walked away and Dale followed after him.

"You okay, baby?" Josh asked, his voice quiet as he looked down at the girl in his arms.

"Didn't sleep great last night." She shrugged, snuggling into him. "Might have to join you in your tent tonight, Mason tried to suffocate me in his sleep."

"What?" Josh chuckled a little, his eyes jumping to the blue-eyed boy who laughed as he sat up in his chair before looking at the girl again.

"He's a restless sleeper, moves a lot and he rolled on top of me. I couldn't breathe."

"She punched me in my side, I have a bruise now." He pouted.

"It was the only way to get you off of me, you weigh a ton." She narrowed her eyes at him and he did the same.

"You two are gonna kill each other eventually." Josh chuckled. "But, yes, you can sleep in my tent tonight. Or forever." He told her and she grinned, leaning up to kiss his cheek and he laughed a little. "Chores are done, why don't you take a nap?" He smoothed his hand over her hair and she hummed a little.

"I don't wanna take a nap." She shook her head a little, a smirk pulling up the corner of her lips as she leaned up closer to his ear. "I wanna check out the hayloft." She whispered and his eyes went wide, a smile pulling at his lips as she leaned back. "You wanna join me?"

"Yes, please." He nodded his head quickly and she chuckled as she pushed herself up, holding her hand out to him and he took it and she pulled as he shoved himself up. He started towards the barn, pulling her with him and Mason's brows pinched as she watched them.

"Where are you two going?"

"Don't worry about it!" Charlie called out over her shoulder, waving at her best friend before she turned and jumped on Josh's back, both laughing as she kissed his cheek.

>>>>> โ€ข <<<<<

หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท CHARLIE SMILED AS SHE followed her finger with her eyes as she lightly traced random lines on Josh's bare chest. The boy also wore a smile, but his eyes were closed as he lightly drug his hand up and down her side โ€“ his arm around her to keep her close to him. They both had hay stuck in their hair, but neither minded as they laid there in a comfortable silence. It was probably the longest they had been alone in weeks, and though neither were happy about the Randell situation, they liked that it gave everyone else something to focus on and that they had time to sneak off together. It had been the first time they slept together since the C.D.C. Josh didn't want to push Charlie if she wasn't ready, he knew how she felt about relationships and intimacy and he wanted her to be comfortable with him. So, when she asked if he wanted to check out the hayloft with that glimmer of mischief in her eyes he couldn't say no.

"You think they noticed we're gone yet?" Josh asked, his voice low, almost like he didn't want to break the peaceful silence around them.

"I hope not." She mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to his chest, then she moved her head and rested her chin on her hand that was on his chest. "I like this, me and you. Alone. It's nice."

"Me too." He gave her a smile, letting his hand drift to her bare thigh, tugging her closer to him.

"We should do it more often." She added and he raised an eyebrow at her. "Not just the sex part." She chuckled. "This." She snuggled into his side, throwing her leg over his.

"And you said you didn't like me." He mumbled jokingly.

"I don't think I ever said that." She chuckled, shaking her head a little. "And if I did, I was lying. I like you a lot."

"You know, and this may be the worst possible time to mention this, but I thought you liked Daryl."

"I like talking to him and I like that he doesn't ask me if I'm alright every five seconds. He's easy to talk to, especially about Shane. He gets what it's like to have a dickwad for a brother. And he makes me feel safe, like, I know that he wouldn't let me get hurt if he could help it. He's family."

"I don't think anyone has ever been that honest with me, especially not about another guy."

"What kind of relationship would we have if we weren't honest with each other?"

"Relationship?" He grinned, raising his eyebrow a little and she giggled. "Does that mean we're officially in a relationship? With boyfriend and girlfriend labels and everything?"

"Yeah. I guess so." She hummed. "What have you done to me?" She joked and he laughed, pulling her body on top of his as he leaned up, pressing a kiss to her lips. She smiled against his lips, situating her legs so she was straddling his waist as she cupped his face in her hands, pressing her lips against his with more force as he gripped her thighs.

"Since we're being honest," He panted a little as he pulled back. "I like having sex with you a lot more when we're sober." She laughed leaning down to press her lips against his again and he pushed the bottom of her shirt up a little.

"You guys decent?" Mason shouted and the two pulled apart, both sighing at the fact that their little bubble had been burst. "Dale's looking for you!" Charlie pouted a little, getting a laugh from the boy below her.

"How in the hell did you know where we were?" Charlie asked as she pushed herself to her feet, Josh huffed as he pushed himself up beside the girl.

"I figured it out." He answered as the girl pulled her jeans up her legs then she pulled Josh's shirt off and held it out to him. He took it, letting his eyes rest on her chest for a moment before he shook his head and pulled his shirt over his head as the girl pulled her bra on and yanked her shirt over her head. "Speed it up!"

"I'm gonna kill him." Charlie grumbled as she pulled her socks on before she stepped into her boots and Josh chuckled as he did the same and once they were dressed they started down the ladder.

"Took you long enough." Mason chuckled as Josh's feet hit the ground outside the barn before he helped Charlie off the last few rungs. "You got, uh, hay in your hair." He told them and Charlie rolled her eyes, walking away from them as she ran her fingers through her hair in hopes of shaking all the hay from her waves. "I can't believe you guys snuck off to have sex." Mason mumbled as he and Josh caught up to the girl, the latter lacing his hand with hers. "How many times have you guys snuck off when you said you were practicing with your bow?"

"You're just jealous that you aren't getting any." Charlie told him, a teasing smirk on her lips as she looked over at him and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I would appreciate it if we didn't discuss our sex life." Josh stated.

"Yeah, quit asking questions, perv." Charlie shoved Mason's shoulder as they neared the fence and Josh laughed at the two. Before the three could make it to the campsite Dale walked over to the three, his rifle slung over his shoulder.

"I've been looking for you two." He looked between Josh and Charlie.

"We took a little break, with everything going on we needed a bit of space." Charlie told him.

"I get it." He nodded, a faint smile pulling at his lips. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Yeah, of course." Josh leaned against the fence post, wrapping his arm around Charlie as she leaned into his side, both waiting for the older man to say whatever it was he had to say. Mason shifted his weight between his feet as Dale took a breath before he opened his mouth.

"Do you really think murder is the best option here?" He asked, looking from the couple over to Mason. "He's a kid."

"I'm not exactly comfortable with it." Charlie told him. "But if it's what keeps us safe. . . Rick knows what he's doing and I trust him."

"I think he's just listening to Shane." Dale huffed. "We all know he's unstable, after Otis-"

"What do you mean?" Josh asked, cutting him off, his arm tightening around Charlie's waist a little but the girl kept her eyes on the ground as she swallowed the lump that had started to form in her throat.

"I think he killed Otis. And with you not looking at me, I think you do, too." His eyes settled on Charlie.

"I don't know what happened." She finally looked up at him. "But I know that he hasn't been the same since and I know that he lied about something. Don't know what it was, but he did lie."

"Have you talked to Rick?"

"No." She shook her head. "And I don't want to, not about this. If he wants to believe that Shane's the same guy he used to be, then I'm gonna let him."

"Even if it means we kill a person โ€“ a kid?"

"He poses a threat." Mason stated, bringing Dale's attention to him. He didn't like the way he was talking to Charlie about her brother because, despite them being at odds she loved her brother.

"And we gotta protect ourselves." Josh added. "What his group will do if they find us isn't something I wanna risk."

"So you're all okay with murder?" He scoffed.

"No." Charlie shook her head, looking up at him again. "We're not okay with it, but I don't think that matters anymore. We gotta do what we have to to survive."

"What about human decency? Humanity?"

"Maybe there isn't a place for it in this world." Charlie shrugged, stepping away from Josh and pulling on his hand as she passed Dale and Mason followed them.

"You're no better than Shane!"

Charlie stopped, Josh and Mason both turned with harsh glares. "Watch what you say to my girlfriend, old man." Josh warned, stepping closer to him, Mason a step behind him.

"Josh." Charlie tugged on his arm, her voice quiet. "Stop. Let him believe what he wants to believe." He took a step back and Charlie looked up at Dale. "I understand where you're coming from, believe me I do. But I don't want to lose anyone else and Randell, he makes it possible for the people I love to end up dead. I'm not willing to risk that." With that she turned and walked away, Josh glared at the man a moment longer before following after her and Mason jogged to catch up to them.

"Girlfriend?" He questioned and Charlie rolled her eyes. "So you guys are official?"

"Not really the time." Charlie muttered but Josh nodded his head, looking over at the boy as his smile grew. "I wanna shoot something, wanna join me?" She asked looking up at Josh and he nodded as he smiled at her.

"Of course." He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"You guys are nauseating." Mason groaned, looking away from the two. "But, yeah, I could-"

"Nope." Charlie told him. "Josh and I are going alone."

"Aw, come on." Mason nearly whined. "Since you two started whatever this is you've been ignoring me. I'm your best friend, you should want me around all the time."

"I love you, Mase, you know that. But I want to be alone with my boyfriend for a while." She told him. "Tomorrow, me and you can do something without Josh, okay?"

"Okay." He nodded. "Well, go have fun, I guess."

"Keep an eye on Carl for me. I'm not sure how he's doing with the whole Randell thing and try not to let Shane do anything stupid."

"You got it." He nodded, then Charlie and Josh got the girl's bow and her pistol crossbow before heading across the field towards the trees they had been using as target practice.

"I know you hate when I ask," Josh started as they came to a stop several feet from the trees and Charlie raised her bow, her eyes on the tree as she took a breath. "Are you okay? After what Dale said?"

"Yeah." She nodded, releasing the string and the arrow whizzed through the air, missing the tree and she huffed. "Is he right?" She turned to him, her eyes held s certain vulnerability as she looked up at him.

"No." He shook his head, moving closer to her and placing his hands on her cheeks. "You are so much better than Shane. You want to keep everyone safe and I don't think Shane wants that."

"But does that make murder okay?"

"I'm not willing to risk our lives for his, I'm not willing to risk your life."

"That's not what I asked." She mumbled, leaning into his palm a little.

"No. It doesn't make it okay, but it's necessary. A necessary evil."

"I hate this." She mumbled, letting her head hang forward and her forehead lightly thunked against his chest.

"I know, baby." He leaned down, kissing her head as he smoothed her hair down before letting his hand drift down to the small of her back. "I know."

"I like it when you call me that." She mumbled against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him, turning her head to the side as she stepped closer to him and he chuckled a little as he tightened his arms around her.

"Good to know." He hummed, dragging his fingers through her hair, hitting a few knots here and there and when he did he'd move his hand and do it again. "So, let's get back to shootin' stuff, okay?"

"Yeah." She mumbled as she pulled back, leaning up to plant a quick kiss on his lips before she pulled away from him and reached for her bow again as he bent down to pick up her little crossbow.


missed tuesday's update because i was in so much pain but that has been worked out, at least so some extent. i'm feeling a little better so that good and i can hopefully start writing / publishing a little more!!

quick question: would anyone be interested in a twilight / emmett cullen fic??

also, let me know what you think of this book, what you think of charlie, mason and josh!! i'd really love some feedback!!!

we're getting so close to the end!!!!!!

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