🩰🌷🍥 sᴇᴇᴋɪɴɢ ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴄʜᴏᴀs: 19🍥🌷🩰

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It started off subtly. Your parents first noticed the little things: the manner in which your laughter became rarer and less genuine and did not reach your expressive eyes; the way you stayed in your room for hours; and the way you stopped playing K-pop music around the house, annoying the bejesus out of your siblings.

In the beginning your parents thought it was just you balancing your part time job with the initial preparation for your uni entrance.  As summer passed, the change in you was undeniable.  You started to fall into deep depression.

"Mom, Dad... I'm worried about her," Fanqia told your parents during breakfast,  "She hasn't even contacted her friends  over the summer.We are all very worried about her. Even her friend, Mingling told me they only managed to visit  the mall once a week. Mostly to buy decor for their dorm rooms." Fanqias' big  eyes were very troubled.

"It might  be her part time job at the convenience store, her shifts are up till 8pm". her father said, placing his chopsticks down.

"Poor girl has been working very hard lately," her mom calmly said.

"Mom it's definitely not it," Fanqia shook her head.," Qiqi used to be a very vibrant, funny and she is always full of life. I don't even see her laugh out loud. She is so introverted, now."

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One evening, as the family gathered for dinner, eating hotpot, your mom gently said, "Honey, you haven't invited your friends over in a while. I didn't see Ming around. Is everything okay?"

You just shrugged, pushing your pieces vegetables around your half- empty plate, you don't feel hungry, "Yeah, just been busy with work and Im just tired. Nothing is the matter." 

"Don't say it's 'nothing,'" your father interrupted, "You haven't been closed off for months now. You're always  hiding in your room. You don't see your friends no more. Mingling  complained that you don't answer your text messages and she told us you only meet up once a week now. She really is under the impression that it was because of your part-time job."

"Yeah,maybe" you repeated, feeling a lump in your throat, "I'm just a little weary and busy.I'll call her to hang out when I'm off work," You lied, knowing they saw right through it.

The coming day you just try to avoid your family or make eye contact with them. They were watching you with calculating eyes.

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Fanqia just couldn't ignore the fact that she saw the growing emptiness in your expressive eyes. It looked lifeless with dark shadows under your red rimmed eyes.
It couldn't be normal. She found you once on your bed sobbing your heart out, she could only embraced you. Fanqia could sense you were miserable.

One evening, she called their grandmother, "Nainai, I think she needs a change of scenery. Maybe she can go spend a few weeks of summer with grandma and grandpa in Shanghai before her university registration. It might help her.

Gran, I'm really so worried about her, She's been so depressed and to herself. It's only work and sleep. She barely talks, and she hasn't been in touch with her friends for over a month. Oh, gosh grandma what if she do something to herself. It's scary."

Grandma sighed," Oh, dear child,"  concern was laced in her voice, " Yuqi needs a change of scenery. Let she come to me and visit. Before uni starts."

She used to be so vibrant, funny, and always so full of life.

They didn't take your parents long to agree, and you didn't complain. The thought of running away to Granny's house, anywhere but here, anywhere where they wouldn't look at you like that; this was the kind of peace you were dying for.

The next morning, your sister Fanqia approached you in the kitchen. "I told Grandma about your depression; I'm sorry, sis," she said bluntly. "She thinks it would be good for you to spend the last weeks of summer in Shanghai before you start university."

You felt a mix of relief and apprehension. "Mom and Dad both agreed. There is no problem. I like being with our grandparents." You said it softly.

Fanqia nodded. "Yes, they did. They just want you to be happy again."

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She often found you sitting in your room, just staring blankly at your computer screen, not knowing what to do.

One evening, Fanqia took over matters. Yuqi hasn't been answering any of her emails, so she decided to read it and try to answer it. There were numerous unread emails, which made her eyes to widen in disbelief.

You furrowed your brows and ask confused,  "What are you busy doing on my computer?" you asked,as you were peeking over your sisters shoulders.You just came from the bathroom.

"I'm trying to help," Fanqia replied softly. "Your friends are so worried about you. You've got over fifty emails from Jiwoo and Soomin! They're really worried about you. Why didn't you reply back? You got some mail from a guy Felix and a girl Minnie. They constantly emailed you."

You sigh because you didn't want to face your friends after what happened with the dating scandal. Your pain was too much. You couldn't bare it.

The last time you went on social media, The final straw came when you accidentally saw a Samsung ad featuring Seokjin. The handsome  sight of him sent you into an emotional spiral. You couldn't get over him. He was permanently stationed in your heart.


Fanqia was so alarmed that she decided to take over your inbox.

"I don't care," you replied, your voice flat.

Fanqia looked worried," Why don't you respond ?"

"I can't . I don't want to hear about the strange and craziness of K-pop. I'm afraid they'll  know. It's really awful to realize I've ruined my own career."

Fanqia eyes enlarged as big as UFOs when she saw Soomin's email, which detailed your previous connection with BTS's Seokjin, the Twitter craze, the agency's press releases, and the fact that a JYP trainee was involved in the dating controversy with Seokjin.

She glanced at you in shock," Your friends insist that they knew all along that it was You and Seokjin in those photos. They figured it out. There is a real meltdown with your friends right now."

You heart started to race as your face became drained of blood," Say what!"

"Oh! my gosh. Yes they do. I'm trying not to faint right now. Just reading it makes me hyperventilating. How was it so possible for you to get the attention of the most unattainable idol on this planet, " Fanqia gushed.

"Qiqi, tell me if its for real?" Her voice was almost trembling with inner excitement,  "were you dating the BTS' hyung? Is he the one you fell in love with?" She whispered, you could see she is on the verge of fainting.

You nodded reluctantly, "Er...Yeah, but it's over now." You don't want to talk about it. It's still a painful subject.

Fanqia almost fainted as she jumped up, "I can't believe it! Seokjin and Jungkook are my favorites! I can't believe you got Seokjin's attention. He doesn't even care about the most beautiful female idols. Oh, my goodness! Seokjin? From BTS? He's so out of everyone's league! How did you even meet him? Your friends know, but they don't have proof. Just suspicions," she said, overwhelmed with excitement.

You signed deeply and made her promise not to tell anyone especially your parents because they don't know the identity of the boy. You started to recount the fantastical story, "We met at a pet shop. I didn't recognize him at first. He bought a puppy for Chaewon and gave me his number.The rest is history. So we kind off started dating, meeting on Sundays. We fell in love. It just... happened. Than we got exposed. His agency forced him to break up with me. They wanted to protect my future in K-pop and his image."

Fanqia listened in awe as you recounted your Sunday dates, the gradual falling in love, and the constant presence of paparazzi.

"But why didn't the paparazzi expose you sooner?" she asked perplexed.

"I don't know. It's strange that the exposure happened during the elimination time," you said equally confused.

Fanqia was amazed, "You and BTS Seokjin are in love, but he had to break up with you? That's so unfair."She whined.

You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes. "I just want to forget the three blissful months I had with him and just move on."

"But how can you, Qi-qi? You're never going to get over him," Fanqia said, shaking her head. "He's everywhere. Hollywood films, performances with Coldplay, his commercials, the magazines, all those interviews online... How will you forget him?"

You looked at her, tears streaming down your face," Then I don't know what to do. You're right. I'm doomed to love him forever." You throw your hands, covering your flustered face.

She came and hugged you tightly, "Time will heal all wounds. Sis. You just have to believe that."

Thinking about the idol makes your heart break all over again. How will you cope?

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. Please, promise, you won't tell anyone." You pleaded.

"Okay, Soomin wrote about De-N-im. Their MV is a huge success, and she and Jiwoo are in pre-debut groups with Modhaus agency. Lia and Yeji are also in pre-debut groups that will debut next year," Fanqia shared.

"Chaewon says her new lifestyle as a debut artist is fabulous but exhausting. Garam is a pain, acting entitled because she got an ambassador contract with Hermes, and Chaewon sent you a link to all the music debut stages," she continued.

You suddenly felt a strange relief that you didn't debut with them. Garam was always jealous and possibly used underhanded tactics to get that contract. You smiled when you heard their fandom was called 'Jeanies'.

"A girl named Minnie also sent you an email too," Fanqia added. "She sent a poster for a global audition with Cube Entertainment. Do you want to maybe try it out again?"

You furrowed your brows as you remembered Minnie. She was the girl who had an eating disorder in the first months of your training. Her parents stopped her contract with JYP for health reasons.

"No," you said firmly, "I'm done with the K-pop world. I'm going to concentrate on a stable life, get my dietician degree, and forget my painful past."

Fanqia has tried everything since that night to reignite your passion for your dreams.

Fanqia chuckled. "Look, I put the audition posters everywhere! Just think about it."

You shook your head with irritation and crumpled the poster. "I told you, I'm done."

Fanqia tried to persuade you more. She made copies of the audition poster and placed them everywhere—on your bathroom mirror, inside your cupboard, in your makeup case, and on your laptop.

You took each one, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it in the trash can.

She even asked Mingling to persuade you, but you remained adamant: "I'm not interested, guys. That life ruined me, so no thanks," you said firmly.

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At Grandma's House

Your grandmother was deeply concerned about your heartbreak. She knew you were consumed with depressing thoughts about losing your position in De-N-im's final lineup and Seokjin. You felt emotionally lost.

Living with your grandma, you found a quiet solace. Your grandma noticed your deep depression, lack of vibrancy, "You look just like me," your grandma said, touching your heart-shaped face. "You have my artistic gift."

Yeah, you knew that, but inside, you felt lost. You're 18, with no K-pop career, no caring boyfriend, and no future, you confided during one of their afternoon teas.

"Being a K-pop star was all I ever wanted." You sadly confessed to your grandma.

One day, during another afternoon tea, you suddenly asked her out of the blue, "Grandma, do you know any shamans who can help people dealing with pain?"

She was visibly shocked, "Why would you seek out a shaman? You should seek out God. There are many fake shamans out there." She looked disturbed. You know Gran is very religious.

You shrugged, "I don't think God loves me that much. If He did, He would've prevented all these misfortunes." You pursed your lips.

Your grandmother's eyes filled with sadness, "God loves you sweetheart. He puts us in difficult positions for character growth and to find our true path."

You scowled. "Yeah, well. I just want to make my family happy. That's why I want to become a dietician."

"Do you truly want to become a dietician?" your grandmother asked with a glint in her eyes.

You nodded, "Yes, I'm tired of being a disappointment. My parents were so happy when I passed the entrance tests for Tsinghua University."

Your grandmother hugged you tightly, "The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."

"But my parents are happy. Isn't that what's important?" You asked with wide eyes.

"What's important is your happiness. Take chances and make mistakes. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail to practice being brave."Your grandma advised you.

She then took out a brown vintage box from a big traditional chinese cabinet and showed you old photos from her days as an opera star. She told you how she battled throat cancer at the peak of her career and how she faded from the spotlight. She never had the courage to go back on stage after overcoming cancer, but she met your granddad, got married, and had a fulfilling life.

"You might have inherited my looks and talent, but you are unique. Don't give up on your dreams, I loved the stage, but after cancer and starting a family, I found a different path." Gran told you sadly.

You asked, with awe," Didn't you want to return to the stage?"

"Opera was my passion, but my family became my world," she said.

You shook your head. "Fame is fickle, and the entertainment industry is dark. Maybe my dad was right."

"Find strength in yourself and make choices for you. Accept responsibility for your own life," she urged.

You thought hard about your grandma's wise words.

One day, your grandma said, "Get ready for lunch with your granddad and Uncle Xhoa. Forget about that shaman nonsense. The pain will fade naturally. Your mom went through the same struggle. She was like you. She wanted to be a heart surgeon after my mom died of heart failure. That was her ultimate dream—not to become business moguls like us."

You thought hard about her words.

Despite the peace at your grandparents' house, you still cried yourself to sleep at night. One morning, you told her grandma, "I'm just going to the mall for some fresh air. Maybe shop a little for university."

You booked an Uber to go see Dr. Yue, a respected therapist you found online. His luxurious office was downtown but very luxurious. He had a warm demeanor that instantly made you feel at ease.

"What can I do for you?" Dr. Yue asked gently with a wide smile. His eyes sparkle when he ushers you in to take a seat.

You just nodded politely and said sadly, "Can you take the pain away? ...."

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When you return from the mall after your visit to Dr. Yue, You felt light and weightless.

The mall trip had been invigorating, and you could feel a light-hearted bounce in your step. You opened the front door and called out.

"Grams! I'm back from the Mall!" Pushing the large glass front door closed as you entered. You were greeted by jasmine scent in the house. The living room was so cozy and warm.

When you return back home, you were very cheerful when you called put to your grandma.

You placed all your shopping bags on the plush sofas in the living room.

"Grams!" You called out when you saw her with furrowed brows standing in the doorway. She was busy in the kitchen, baking some treats. Her eyes looked at your cheerful demeanour in utter surprise. With you visiting her, she was already accustomed with that depressive demeanor.  The sudden shift in your emotions were puzzling her.

"Oh my goodness! Yuqi is it truly you that laughs ,"she asked perplexed, you could actually hear the disbelief in her voice.

You chuckled out loudly, filled with joy," of cause its me, grams. Did I suddenly turned into a ghost. "

Your grandma's face looked so surprise, her eyes got a soft look because of your cheerfulness.," You are so unexpectedly 'happy'. We never saw this before...it's different. You look different," she said.

"Oh grams," you gave her a tight backhug, but your grandma still looked flabbergasted.

You were surprise to see your Grandad, immaculately dress in a Grey-striped Armani suit with a newspaper in his hand. He smiled when he saw you," What's the commotion here?" He asked, with a chuckle.

Your grandma gestured to you as your granpa looked perplexed at your vibrant smile. Something was different about you.

Your grandma's jaws were still dropped as she watched you cheerfully chat with your grandpa.

For your grandma your vibrancy and energetic behavior was still shocking. Just too watch you like that.

She was still contemplating about your  sudden transformation and excitement.

You looked teasingly at your grandma's, surprise.

"I think Granma is still thinking I'm a ghost just because I'm too cheerful today." You informed your grandpa.

The atmosphere was very light in the house. When you came you were filled with melancholy and sadness.

Now you even joke around with your grandpa.

You even played your guitar once again.

Later that week, you visit  your CEO  uncle in his opulent  office on the 38 floor. His big eyes widened in surprise as you offered to assist  with some of his office tasks .Just to keep busy.

You help your uncle at the office. He was very surprised at your cheerfulness and sunny disposition.

That week you decided to attend some conferences with your uncle in Hong Kong. You help him out around the office to keep yourself busy.

The excitement was palpable in you. You had a very light and happy demeanour.

Even your grandma took you to high end fashion stores and spoil you with new clothes and fashionable shoes, you visited the very expensive Hydro Spa and had done all the treatment they offered. From a mudbaths to Manis and pedis.

Your uncle looked at you with a small smile, "you so Yuqi like today. Full of smiles. What happened?."

"I'm just very happy to be here with all of you guys," you smirk, your eyes gleaming with inner joy.

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Preparing for University

It was registration time. You were exuberant more than you experienced in recent years. Your happiness was palpable  which made your family happy.  They were very appreciative towards your grandparents input in your changed demeanour.

You looked with sheer joy at your friend, telling her how life seems so brilliant and you have purpose now. You were excited for your bright future. It was your first day at Tsinghua University.

Mingling eyes glow as she smiled, she hugged you tightly,  glad that you are together for your first rite of passage.

At first your family wasn't very comfortable with your sudden change of emotions. You dad just laugh and told them, that you grew up and kpop is no longer and obsession.

His voice was filled with pride when he notice how grown-up, accountable and responsible you become. Thinking about your future.

Kpop was out of you system, apparently.

You just shrugged because you had a sense of pride in what you have accomplished. You just needed a welcome change in scenery.

Your sister was sceptical, because you were too nonchalant,  "Are you sure you are not interested in kpop, those auditions? No more music and entertainment. Wow!" She said shocked.

You shrugged," I'm not interested and it's no longer a desire to be a kpop star. " Fanqia was perplexed.

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Tsinghua University

There was cheer among Minglings and your family when you moved into your own apartment near Uni. Both your moms and Fanqia came to lent a hand by decorating and setting your apartment up.

You feel like you belong at Uni. New friends, new life and a new you.

It was one afternoon when your sister decided to come pay you a visit at your apartment. You sat around the kitchen table drinking sodas. You could see her eyes were very curious on you," Er...Qiqi. Any thoughts of Seokjin lately."  She looked at you, observing your emotions with a keen eye.

You furrowed your brows tightly, looking confused, "Who is Seokjin?" you ask.

Fanqia looked flabbergasted with her mouth ajar, she looked at you with a blank, deadpan expression, "Seokjin...BTS Seokjin?"

You looked at her with a puzzled look," Who the heck is BTS Seokjin? I don't know him, why?"

The shock rendered Fanqia speechless. What happened to Yuqi? Something is off here. She jumped up and got her tablet from her bag , showing you the seven faces of Bangtan. She told you their names and picture one by one.

You chuckled as you study the handsome faces," V and Jungkook is so cute...you say they are the maknaes?"you casually noticed.

Fanqia just shook her head and show you an image of Seokjins face, your brows furrowed, "Oh wow! He is hot".

Fanqia looked frustrated, "That is Seokjin with the glasses!"

"Hmm, he is very handsome, almost like a Ceo of a company. He looks intimidating just like the Ceos of our C-dramas. Don't you think?" You commented with a half smile.

The group looks way above you league. They are very famous. A slight smirk grazed your lips as you notice his full, kissable lips. Very luscious but no you don't chase after guys you can't have.

Fanqia looked at you like she'd seen a ghost, "You really don't remember, do you?" she muttered, half to herself.

How can you not remember the boy you dated and loves so much?

You furrowed your brows and shook your head, "Sorry I don't know BTS at all. Anyway, I'm so over kpop music and entertainment. I'm more focused on my studies right now."

When you told her you actually preferred Got7 as a kpop group because you know Jackson is part of JYP.

Fanqia couldn't wait to leave, just when she was outside the apartment block , she called your mom immediately. 

She told her that you seemed to have forgotten part of your past; she suspected memory loss.

Your mom called your Grandma and she finally confessed: she found a business card of a hypnotherapist in your room and remembered the questions about a shaman.

Fanqia watched you and she knew something was wrong. She told your parents what she knew right away.


You were so pleasantly surprised  when you and Mingling went to the mall and bumped into the idol, Jackson.

You both chuckled as you saw your senior trying to disguised himself, with a black masked, a white bucket hat, massive dark tinted sunglasses.

Two bodyguards flanked him by the side.When he saw you and Mingling, his face lit up in recognition. He was wondering if you will consider returning to your first love-singing and dancing.

You snort because the whole school knew about your kpop obsession.

"Yuqi! It's been so long!" he exclaimed, giving you a warm hug, "I heard you were a JYP trainee but got cut at the last minute...Are you thinking of returning to pursue a K-pop career?"

He was mesmerized with your beauty and Mingling could just snicker discreetly.

You laughed, shaking your head, "No, not at all. I'm happy with where I am now.I'm focused on my studies now." You told him.

He was curious about your past with Seokjin. Twitter was in meltdown few months ago about a dating scandal with Seokjin. He heard from Namjoon that the trainee might have been Yuqi, but he needs to keep it secret, even Mingling was asked to keep Yuqis past a secret.

"I've heard rumors about you and a certain idol. Were you Seokjins' girlfriend?"he asked with curiosity.The fact that you got the elusive BTS hyungs attention was still too surreal for him.

He knew you were gorgeous,  but that you would be Seokjins' ultimate type was mindblowing. The fandoms wanted a full pic of you to see what you got that made Seokjin so interested.

You furrowed your brows in confusion, again the same name, "Which Seokjin?"

You saw the confusion in Jackson's demeanour,  "Seokjin...BTS Seokjin? You honestly don't know them?"

Jackson shook his head very much intrigued. Mingling discreetly shook her head at Jackson behind You.

You just shrugged it off," Why does all of you wanted me to be connected to this idol? Their name doesn't ring a bell. Sorry to disappoint you Jackson. BTS might just be another group, but I really don't know them personally. So could you all just stop bothering me about this guy...it makes me uncomfortable. "

Jackson was flabbergasted. Four blond girls were implicated at the agency, but no one came forward. Yuqi also deny the rumours and she adamantly told him she doesn't know Seokjin personally. It's just gossip and she wasnt in any scandals.

As he walked away later from the girls, you couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. Why was everyone so fixated on this Seokjin and you?

Jackson later called Namjoon when he was in his van, explaining the situation, "She doesn't remember Seokjin. It's like she's a different person. Maybe it was another trainee, not Yuqi."

"It is her...Seokjin showed us pics of the real image in the tabloids that was blurred out." Namjoon stated firmly.

Jackson chuckled, " She is still gorgeous. I'm thinking of asking her out on a date. She is adorable."

Namjoon was flabbergasted," Please don't Jacks, Seokjin is still crazy about her. He just wants to know if she is happy."

Jackson snort," She is so happy that she totally forgot about BTS. She doesn't remember her interaction or dating Seokjin. Maybe her mind and heart just decided to move on."

Namjoon asked Jackson to keep it a secret, as Seokjin wasn't over his girlfriend even after a year.

One day, in the university library, while you were working on an dietary assignment, Fanqia found your deeply emerged in your work, bopping your head to a song and she asked, "What are you listening to?"

She sat down next to you.You grinned as you handed her one of your earphones. She was perplexed to hear Seokjin's "The Astronaut."

Her eyes widen in visible shock. Did you remembered? But her happiness was shortlived.


 You smiled and said, "Oh, a girl in my class made me listen to this song. I've instantly fell in love with the song immediately. His voice is so soothing and comforting. It's became my solace...my safe place. I don't know but...I felt so connected to the lyrics of song."

Fanqia was determined to help you remember your past connection with Seokjin. 

Fanqia's eyes widened, "Do you know that's a song by BTS's Seokjin," she said cautiously, "He won several awards, like an Oscar for his acting recently as well as numerous Korean Drama Awards like a prestigious  Daesang at the Baeksang Arts Awards and this OST won daesangs at music awards. Do you really not remember, BTS ?"

You shook your head, still smiling, "No, but it's a great song. It resonates with me for some reason," You were impressed but still showed no signs of recognition,  "Well, good for him. He does got a great voice."

Fanqia was frustrated, longing for the genuine you to come back. She stayed in contact with your old friends, hoping to rekindle your memories.You only forgot BTS, how bizarre is that. Keeping you updated on your friends lives as you so blatantly ignored them. 

She told you about Garam's downfall and kick out of De-N-im', how she was implicated in bully allegation since her school days, some trainees also came forward of her misconduct. You were flabbergasted when Fanqia told you that Jiwoo and Soomin got their revenge.

They found the waiter and he came foreward that he was paid to lure and keeping them in the shady Club Suga by spiking their sodas drinks, but staged more soju cans so it looked like they were drunk. until the managers could find them. Garams sister never came to Seoul. She planned it all.

Yunjin came forward and told the managers that she remember that Garam had Jiwoos bag the whole time and was typing constantly on her phone, checking messages on two different phones and Yeji also recall that Garam drank her smoothie without the lid, but placed another lid on a separate cup. It must've been her that changed the cups lids leading to Yuqis allergy attack and more  incidents, but you remained indifferent.


Your mom was deeply troubled when she discovered all your K-pop memorabilia boxed up and hidden away even your well earned Art awards. It wasn't showcased with your siblings awards.

Your mom truly felt regretful that you had to hide your gifts and your feelings of unworthiness. She was flabbergasted when she saw your empty bedroom walls for the first time. She had burst out in sobs when she realised that you decided to pack away and forget about your dreams. Making painful sacrifices to get your parents approval.

After Fanqias' frantic and distressing  call she called your grandmother and told her about their findings.Your gran  then tracked the hypnotherapist down. After much insistence and pressure.Grandma was adamant to  get to the hypnotherapist who had treated you. 

Under severe pressure, he confessed, "I was experimenting with a new pain suppression therapy. It was supposed to help her forget the pain of her past, but I didn't anticipate this level of memory loss."

"Are there any side effects?" Grandma asked, her voice trembling.

"Yes," he admitted, "Forcing her to remember too soon could cause a severe mental breakdown. It's best to let her memories return gradually, over six months to a year."

He explained that it was meant to help her forget her misery and deep pain, to help her getting comfortable studying, but it inadvertently erased memories of her love for K-pop and a boy named Seokjin that she find difficult to forget. He warned that forcing her to remember could trigger a severe mental breakdown and made her spiral into deeper sadness and depression.

"He wanted to help her forget her pain and focus on her studies," your grandmother explained to your mom, "But it seems she has forgotten more than just her pain. Crucial parts of her brain supressed her experience with love.And he also warned us that forcing Yuqi to remember could trigger a severe emotional breakdown.  "

 Despite the family's concerns, they decided to let you be. University life was a blast. You and Mingling became the most popular students, excelling in your classes. You even created healthy meal plans for yourself and your dad's patients. Your dad was elated for your dedication to your studies.

Yet, Fanqia remained uneasy, "Her happiness isn't geniune, " she said one day to your parents, worry clouding her eyes.

Despite your happiness, Fanqia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Your cheerfulness seemed staged, a facade to suppress your true feelings.

One day, she asked you about the K-pop auditions again testing the waters, "I'm stilĺ not interested," you said firmly.

Fanqia looked at you with determination. She was adamant about helping you  remember your genuine self, not the facade you had created.

Your life at university continued to flourish. You enjoyed your studies, your friendship with Mingling, and you new-found sense of responsibility. You remained blissfully unaware of my past love and dreams. Your life was filled with academic success and genuine, if somewhat artificial, happiness.

But a part of you wondered if there was something more, something you had forgotten. For now, you were content, but the journey to uncover your true self was just beginning.

A/n : Yuqi forgot  Seokjins' existence.

Thank you for the 1.23k reads. Gosh you guys made my day. 🎉🎉

But please comment or vote. I need to dedicate more chapters to my loyal readers. So silent readers kindly vote on more than 5 chapters to earn a dedication. I love meeting new readers. And thank you so much to my loyal commenters interacting with you is a blast.

Shout out to 🥇 MarieKarlsson3 , 🥈@Yoonvibecity  for commenting constantly on the story.

Thank you to all the voters
@Btsmamma @squeaki20707 @the _paper-hearts @Foodie2029 @Katkasb @ArlenyschelineMart @americanaranja  @neomu-stressed

1. What are your thoughts on Yuqis mental health?

2. Will Fanqia be able to help her sister?

3. What do you think might trigger Yuqi to remember Seokjin?

4. Do you think Yuqi did a wise decision going for hypnotherapy?

5. What do you think about Fanqias discovery of Seokjin?

6. Do you think Jackson will listen to Namjoon after meeting Yuqi?

7. Do you think Yuqi is happy studying  to be a Dietician?

8. Do you think Namjoon wanted to keep tabs on Yuqi to comfort Seokjin?

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