🩰🌷🍥 ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ sᴘᴏᴛʟɪɢʜᴛ:15 🍥🌷🩰

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It was your sister, Fanqia, and it made your phone to vibrate. It had been several months since you last heard her voice and her name on the screen brought some emotions to you. My older sister left a void in my life.

"Fanqia! Is everything okay?" Yuqi asked with a tone of concern mixed with impatience.

"Yes, you know!" replied Fanqia excitedly over the phone. "I have something awesome to tell you! I have got a chance to go for a dermatology seminar in Korea National University Seoul. Would you be free this weekend? I am there only for few days next week."

You can't believe that this happening. "Oh wow, yes I think so because you are coming here! Great! Oh man, it's been ages without seeing you at all; I've missed you so much-when will you get here?

"Well, Wednesday," Fanqia said," And guess what? I am one of four girls going and we are even going to visit a luxury Mountain Spa in Busan as part of the program this weekend."

"Wow Fanqia this is amazing! You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. There's so much we need to catch up on."

"And," Fanqia added flirtatiously, "I'm also bringing Chinese snacks and sweets that are your favorite which do miss always or rather say that is what yiyi told me once she got home from visiting." Hope it doesn't land on problems" And delivered playfully by Fanqia"

Tears were streaming down my face as you laughed. "You really do know me too well right? Thank you very much Fanquia; can't wait to see you"

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House mom is preparing dinner yet all the girls are in their rooms. The higher-ups must be busy with elimination scores, so you could get three days off.

You must ask your house mom for permission to go at least two nights earlier.

So after the exciting call, your mind raced with plans. You knew you wanted to spend every possible moment with Fanqia. You slowly approach your house mom with a hopeful look; you slowly sit at the white high stools and clear your throat to get her attention. She was chopping cabbage for kimchi.

"Can I talk to house mom for a min?" You said politely but sounding anxious.

"Certainly dear," replied House Mom when she saw your worried face. Her eyes roam over your fresh beauty, and she has admitted you are beautiful.

"My sister, Fanqia will be visit to Seoul next week for a seminar," you said, your eyes gleeful with excitement. "She'll be here by Thursday, and I was wondering if I can go stay with her on in Airbnb. We haven't seen each other for several months now and this would mean so much if we could just spend this time together."

Your house mom gave a soft smile, understanding how deeply the yearning ran through your soul before she could respond, "I understand it matters so much to you to see your family."

She just nodded and gave her ultimate permission without hesitation, "But please make sure you don't have any other evaluations from Thursday onwards, make sure and do keep me updated and stay safe."

You glow with excitement; your gratitude was evident as you hugged your house mom, who just chuckled softly, "Thank you so much! housemom! This means the so much to me."

Sakura and Chaewon entered the kitchen area to come and lend your house mom a hand with the supper. Chaewon played board games in Sakura's room. You declined because you wanted to sketch a bit. A hobby that you've neglected for a very long time.

"Oh, hi Yuqi...you look excited?" Chaewon grinned as she greeted their house mom.

You chuckled, "Of cause! My sister Fanqia is coming to Seoul next week for a medical seminar at KNU."

"Oh wow, that's awesome. Family is so important I hope you can enjoy sometime with her." Sakura comment.

You just nod," Yes, so guys I'm going to be gone starting Thursday. Don't miss me too much, okay,"You giggled as you waved to them, bowed to your house mom and went back to your room to text Fanqia.

You: "Guess what? House mom said yes! I can stay with you at Airbnb. This is going to be the best week ever!"

Fanqia: "Yay! I'm so glad. We'll have so much fun. And don't worry, I've packed all your favorite snacks. 😊"

You: "You are the best sis; I can't wait to know about the seminar and spa, it sounds fancy!"

Fanqia: "It's a great opportunity; still can't believe I was picked though. Spa is like a dream come true; we'll be doing real problem skins during practical workshops on this subject matter, but that part will be all relaxation and conversation between us girls just as planned."

Yuqi: "I'm counting down days. See you soon Jie Jie"

A couple of minutes more chatting.

Seokjin sent some sweet text messages by 8 pm.

You: Hey baby! Guess what? My sister Fanqia is coming to Seoul next week for a few days. She's been selected bu her uni for a dermatology seminar at Korea National University. I'm so over excited!

Seokjin: That's amazing sweetheart! You must be very happy after such long time without seeing Fanqia.

You: I am! She is my best unnie. It has been several months since we last saw each other... here's a picture of her 😊. You attach a photo of Fanqia.

Seokjin: Wow, she's beautiful! No offence but not as beautiful as my girl. I can see the family resemblance. She must be smart too, being in her third year of dermatology at Tsinghua University.

You: Non taken. She is! She was a maths and Science genius at her high school. I'm so proud of her. We've planned to spend a few days together before she goes to a luxurious mountain spa with the other girls from the seminar.

Seokjin: That sounds perfect. You deserve some quality time with her. I'm elated for you both!

You: Thank you! But I just found out I'll be super busy next week. All the girls in my program will get the weekend off as we prepare for the final placement.

Seokjin: That's a bummer. But I'm sure you'll still make the most of the time you have. How's the preparation going for the finale lineup? You must be all so excited ?

You: It's intense. We've taken numerous photos, and the judges-J.Y. Park, Ms Oh, Ms Ji, Ms Kang, and Mr Jeon-will sit and decide on their choices. It's nerve-wracking but exciting.

Seokjin: You're doing fantastic, Bunny. Just hang in there and keep doing your best. I know you'll shine.

You: Thanks, baby. Your support means a lot. I'll keep you updated on everything.

Seokjin: Looking forward to it. Enjoy your time with Fanqia, and good luck with the preparations for the finale. You've got this!

You enjoyed every moment of talking to your boyfriend. He also told you that Bangtan and Sejin know about you two, which almost makes you choke from shock. You know that the maknae-line keeping your bond a secret. Seokjin will kill them if he finds out.

He told you that he met up with Coldplay and that they might work on a collab with them. You were delighted to hear that his favourite band wants to collaborate with them.

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Friday Morning

As the first rays of the morning sun peeked through the curtains of our top-rated BnB, you and Fanqia woke up, still relishing the rare chance to spend time together after her gruelling seminar week. The BnB, nestled in the serene countryside, was a perfect escape, "How did you manage to find such a gem?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"I wanted us to have a relaxing place to reconnect," you replied, smiling. You chatted over breakfast, savouring fresh croissants and fruit from the local market.

Your conversation flowed naturally, bridging the gap the busy week had created. You reminisced about childhood memories, laughed at old jokes, and shared your dreams fears and family expectations.The bond the two of you had always shared felt even stronger.

You went to a craft market and bought cute trinkets for the family. Fanqia told you surprising news: Your wealthy Mogul grandparents were busy arranging a marriage for her with some heir of a conglomerate in Shanghai. You were very surprised as Fanqia never dated anyone.

You and Mingling your childhood best friend had millions of crushes on unreachable guys throughout your school years. You both even had a crush on Jackson who was your senior at the Art School. Mingling was so excited when she heard that Jackson debuted in the kpop group Got7 and that you are currently at the same agency but don't even see the idol.

You spoke about your parents and brothers. Xuanjun is dating a fellow medical student, and Yutai is now working his residency at your parent's private clinic. You miss home, but your dreams are in Seoul, and so is the guy you love.

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Saturday Morning

The next day, your sister was so ready to leave for Busan, where she would be part of the student delegates attending at the luxury spa to learn in depht about the practical aspects of dermatology.

While she was packing her travel luggage, her beautiful
face was filled with a sadness, "Qiqi I wish we could spend more time together," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

"It's alright sis," you console herwirj assurance, hugging her tightly, "We'll have other weekends together. Just go and enjoy the perks."

Fanqia than say with a whiny voice," But we didn't even spend enough time together, going out to nice places and my team is flying straight back home from Busan on Tuesday evening "

You just chuckled," We will and if I'm lucky to debut, you'll be travelling with me during your breaks---"

Just before noon, a van pulled to the BnB to fetch FFanqia.She let you meet her professor and three classmates, who were mesmerized by your visuals and your beautiful honey-coloured hair.

You lovingly embraced each other one last time, promising to meet soon, "Take care of yourself, okay and good luck with that seminar," you said with teary eyes, waving wildly as she got into the vehicle. The vehicle slowly pulled away, leaving a slight emptiness in the peaceful ambience of the BnB.

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Saturday Afternoon

Your were all by yourself at the AirBnB, so you decided to watch a film, eat some buttered popcorn and cut up fruit pieces like a salad just to uplift your spirits. Halfway through the film, your phone was buzzing with a text from your sweet boyfriend, Seokjin.

"Hi, how are you sweetheart? How's Fanqia doing?" he asked.

"She just left for Busan. I'm feeling a bit lonely now," you replied," I don't want to go back to the dorms right now. So I'll just use this as my alone time. Chaewon went to visit family."

"Baby, you are alone in a strange Bnb, and I missed you so much, so do you want to spend the rest of the weekend with your boyfriend at my family's lakeside cabin?" he suggested. "Just pack your weekend bag and book out from the BnB. I'll fetch you later this afternoon.."

His offer brightened my mood instantly. Why not. You and Seokjin are very responsible. You quickly packed up all your belongings and texted him the address. Within an hour, Seokjin arrived in his sleek black SUV. Before you leave the house, Seokjin uses the opportunity to tenderly kiss you inside the home. You missed him so much and after a sweet greeting. You loaded your weekend bag into the car and set off for the cabin. You had already booked out.

He told you the cabin is well-stocked cause his parents were there for a romantic getaway a few days ago. They went to the Bahamas a day ago to celebrate their 25th marriage.

Your drive was relaxed, and the atmosphere was filled with anticipation as you drove past dense forestry. You asked Seokjin to use the Bangtan Playlist so you could listen to more of their songs. You admire your cute boyfriend and feel so blessed to be noticed and loved by him.

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The trees lined the curving road and the light of the sun glistened on a river, which accompanied us throughout our journey. There was a black van that followed you for about 20 minutes as you chatted in the vehicle.

"Do you think that car is following us?" You asked, your voice trembling with fear. It had slipped your mind how famous Seokjin was. Omg, you hope this one is not to be like paparazzi two months ago.

Looking at the rear mirror seokjin said "Maybe it's paparazzi? Let's change direction." Thus he maneuved the suv quietly using a hidden path in forest in order to throw them off his back.

After some tense silent moments he tricked them into thinking you were going to stay for a day at one of those nearby caravan trailer parks in the vicinity.

Most of the campers might know the cabin address. Especially those who have permanent residence in the park. Seokjin felt the anxiety gnawing at his insides, but he kept a level head so as not to make his girlfriend more nervous, whose eyes were constantly looking at the rear window.

Seokjin managed to lose the car after you've decided just driving around the nearby campsite. Seokjin knows the vicinity very well due to he and his brother hiking visitations at this side of the lake. You sighed in utter relief when you finally took a different and , secluded route, through several foliages to Seokjins' family cabin.

You just reached his family's cabin by 2p.m that was situated on private property very near the Mountain Estate. The cabin has its' own private side of the massive lake and was a gift by Seokjin's late paternal grandparents.


You can just enjoy yourselves all together with Seokjin while relaxing.

You sat snuggled on the porch facing the lake and talked about your life. You will miss him when he goes to the USA for almost six months.


Unbeknownst to the two of you, a dispatched reporter had gathered information about Seokjin's family's lake estate. He smoothly told the people at the caravan park that he would interview and shoot some interesting images of Seokjin at his family cabin. He was so anxious that he would be late and get fired by his Celebrity Magazine. But he told them that he thought he was lost in this dense forest area. He looked so vulnerable, acting cutely, mesmerizing the people with his unmistakable charm after he complimented some of the people on their beautiful campers. Those who know the Kims Lake estate gave a guy the coordinates to the lake cabin.


But for now, you and Seokjin were blissfully unaware, enjoying your time together.

That evening, you snuggled up in front of the crackling fireplace, wrapped in a thick blanket on the thick rug surrounded by pillows and plush cushions. It was still cool outside, and the lake's breeze brought a crispness to the atmosphere. You sipped on hot Sikhye, a traditional Korean rice drink, and shared a pizza for dinner. The atmosphere was cosy and romantic. You smiled sincerely in each other's eyes, enjoying your time together.

Seokjin unexpectedly stood up, you look at him with curoius eyes as he smiled widely, pulling you up.

"Close your eyes, Bunny", he uttered with a gentle tone. You smirk as you do so.

He turned your back on him, and then you felt a cool metal string slip around your neck.

You gasped as you saw the beautiful locket surrounded by tiny pearls. Seokjin surprised you with a beautiful gold locket. Your eyes widen as you open it up, and you see cute photos of you together. You pursed your lips as your eyes started to tear up.

" Oh Jinny... it's so beautiful," you throw your arms enthusiastically around his broad shoulders and

Seokjin looked deeply in your moist eyes," I love you Bunny and want to be with you forever, please promise to love me forever," he said, his eyes full of sincerity, his hands were caressing your hands.

Tears filled my eyes, "I love you too, Seokjin. I promise to love you always, no matter what happens."

He embraced you tightly against his chest as he looked down at your flustered cheeks and pulled you back down on the soft rug with the thick pillows.

Sitting on a plush carpet close to each other before the fireplace, its warm glow casted golden light all over the room. The fire crackled quietly, thus serving as a background to the quiet evening. Your eyes glow when you raised them up at Seokjin, full of love and hope.

Seokjin gently pushed back your hair from your face with his fingers and let them rest on your cheek. "Yuqi," he muttered softly in an emotional sound. "You have no idea just how much you mean to me."

You smiled and my heart swelled with affection. "Maybe I do," you whispered back, leaning closer.

Your faces were inches apart; the warmth of the fire wrapped around you like a cozy blanket. Seokjin titled his head slightly forward as his lips touched yours in a gentle kiss. As if time stopped for just that moment, your lips moved in perfect sync as you kissed each other deeply.

His hand slid onto the nape of your neck and pulled it closer just as he lost himself in that second. In response to this tender touch of his, you throw your arms around his broad shoulders while your fingers ran through his hairs' strands. That intensity in your kisses depict the deep developed love between you which connected both of you.

The shadows created by the fireplace flickered across the walls while you kept kissing slowly and deliberately. First your mouth then your entire jawline were covered with soft kisses that left you trembling with delight.

You could just sighed contentedly, your eyes fluttering closed as you savoured the feeling of his soft and heated lips on your skin.

Your hands roamed Seokjin's muscled back, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt as he held you close. The heat from the fire and the passion of your cuddle created a cocoon of warmth around them.He pressed kisses into your neck which sent electric charges throughout your body...you couldn't get enough of him... You tilted your head one way so he could enjoy your heated skin even more vigorously than before; his lips made you shiver with pleasure as he nudges at your delicate flesh.

"You know Bunny-doll..I love you." He said breathing heavily.

"You know I love you too Seokjin." You said breathily, your voice trembling with sincerity.

Seokjin moved in for another slower kiss that was even more tender. Your lips were dancing in unified and this connection was deepening by every second. Your heart raced when his hand made its way down your spine, pulling you closer to him.

The fire kept burning brightly and you lost yourselves inside each other. Kisses which both had been passionate and filled with affection, getting more intense as time went on. The world outside ceased to exist as you lived in the moment; your hearts beating erractically within your chest. You clutched at him as if he were your last drink in the desert.

Eventually Seokjin pulled you gently onto the pillows , hovering on top of you as you continued kissing...

That night you spent blissfully together sleeping in one another's arms, cherishing every moment of your renewed bond.


Sunday Morning

From behind the curtains, the rays of morning sun softly glided into the room casting a warm glow. In the fireplace embers were still glowing faintly as a reminder of your intimate night with Seokjin. You woke up first and your cheeks flushed as you remembered your passionate moments. You felt embarrassed and happy at the same time, just wanting to shyly hide under the blanket like you naturally are.

He could tell that you were moving in his arms, and opened his eyes to give you a soft smile, "Good morning beautiful", he said with a husky voice full of sleep.

You tried to hide in against his bare chest but Seokjin gently lifted your chin; mischief twinkled in his eyes," why so shy Bunny?" he teased," you weren't this shy last night." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully in a teasing mode.

Your blushing cheeks flushed deeper than ever before; you even jokingly slapped him on the chest," Stop teasing me, Seokjin." you pouted adorably.

He chuckled, the sound warm and affectionate, "I can't help it. You're adorable when you're shy." He kissed the tip of your nose, making you giggle.

Seokjin got up grabbed his loose olive green designer jersey. He had his sweatpants on, but he was bare-chested and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you to gather your thoughts. You covered yourself up with the thick blankets over your whimsical sports bra with little pink butterflies. You flushed with embarrassment and looked frantically around for your white sweatshirt. When you saw it behind you on the sofa, you quickly grabbed it and slipped it on, feeling more decent. Gosh, you and Seokjin forgot about the boundaries you sat, but your love for each other overruled any reason last night.

A few minutes later, he returned with a silver tray of Korean breakfast. The aroma of warm rice, kimchi, and freshly toasted honey waffles filled the air.

"I thought maybe you'd be hungry," he told you as he put it down before you, "Breakfast in bed for my beautiful girlfriend."

Appreciating what he had done, you smiled back at him, "Thank you darling. This is incredible."

Sitting next to her, his teasing grin watched as she ate the hot sweet waffle gently.

He chuckled lightly turning toward her, "You know", His tone got playful" You were so confident and inhibitionless last night but now you're all blushes and shyness again: It's really cute." Gently pressing on your blushing cheek; your honey locks cascading on either side of your shoulder.

It made your face feel hot so you tried to concentrate on your food instead, ''Oh no Seokjin you are terrible!" you berate him with a flustered face.

He laughed softly, enjoying your reaction, "But you love me anyway, don't you?"

You nodded, your eyes sparkling affectionately, "Yes, I do. Even when you're teasing me."

Seokjin's look softened, then he kissed your cheek. "Good because I love you too. I love every part of you, especially your adorable shyness."

Love and gratitude swelled in your heart. He cherished the whole of you despite feeling shy about yourself, "Thank you Seokjin," you grinned, a little braver than before, "For everything."

He grinned and picked up a piece of kimchi, holding it to your lips. "Open up,let me feed you", he said while looking lovingly at you.

You opened your mouth, savoring the food and the taste in your mouth, "Mmm, delicious , aren't you eating" you furrowed ypur brows.

Seokjin laughed again, a soft, windshield sound filled the room, "See? It's not so bad being a little shy. It just makes you more endearing...and no I'm still satisfied with what you fed me last night " he grabbed a small honey waffle and wink at you, while chewing a piece sensually, licking the honey from his full lips, that made your eyes widen and jaws dropped in shock. Can someone be so hot and unbothered about his effect on women?

Seokjin burst out in laughter at your beet red face. You just shook your head at your adorable boyfriend, but you could see the teasing sparkle in his eyes. He so knows how he turned you one with one gesture.

You continued enjoying your breakfast together with Seokjin throwing in more playful teases that made you heart flutter sometimes. Despite being shy, though, you felt incredibly happy and loved knowing what it meant for Seokjin to love all of you.

Later, after you refresh yourself with hot showers, you go boating on the river. Seokjin taught you how to fish, and you caught your first fish of the day. You roasted the fish on the porch and ordered fresh salads, baked pizza bread, and veggie sides from a local fresh food market.

The day was filled with fun and laughter.

By the time you had to leave each other there were sweet kisses exchanged as well as an even stronger relationship formed.


Next Week at JYP

Back at the dorms, tension filled the air as everyone waited for them to unveil whose name was on that final lineup.The trainers and higher-ups scrutinized each girl's concept photos, dance, and vocal videos.

In the meeting room, the tension was high as photos were placed on the whiteboard-paste and then removed. Ms. Ji chose Kuzuha, Sakura, Yuqi, Yeji, Chaewon, and Eunchae as her favourites. Ms. Oh and Ms. Kang selected the identical girls Kuzuha, YuJin, Yuqi, Yeji, Garam, and Sakura. Mr. Jeon picked Yuqi, Kuzuha, Sakura, Garam, Yeji, and Eunchae.

They voted and presented the photos to JY Park, who finally chose Kuzuha, Yuqi, and Sakura as the top three. The next three would be decided after further deliberations. but it seems that the lady trainers want Yujin, Eunchae, and Yeji to make the final De-N-im and Garam as a wild card.

Ms Kang and Ms Oh were relieved. They couldn't believe the torturous three months had come to an end. Now they can reveal the girls to the press. Do the Music video and teaser. Send out the press release of each girl revealed and their official positions, reveal the new girl group's name to the press and the rest would be history as the girls will be part of the kpop scene after appearing on the hot debut music shows. JYP has already worked with the best media agencies to thoroughly promote and market their new girl group digitally and traditionally. They could feel this group would take even the West by storm, overshadowing even the queens of kpop.

On Wednesday evening, as Ms Ji and Ms Kang exited the meeting room, they were intercepted by a journalist. The tall man, with an air of smug importance, reveals his identity with a knowing smirk.

"Good evening, ladies. Ms. Ji, Ms. Kang, I need a moment of your time," he said, his voice carrying a severe tone," I'm Hang Jihyoung from Dispatch. I have some evidence here that you might find... troubling." He held out a yellow envelope which both women immediately identified as posing potential danger.

Ms Kang narrowed her eyes at him asking," Dispatch? What evidence is this?"

The journalist laughed out loud and opened the package theatrically; then he laid out photographs on a nearby table one after another. As they flipped through them their faces changed from curiosity to shock as Ms Ji's eyes widened when she saw who appeared on them OMG! This is so unreal!

"This... this can't be," Ms Ji stammered, her voice trembling, "That's our trainee... with Seokjin from BTS. How...when ...why ? " her eyes looked at Ms Kang in disbelief.

Ms. Kang's face flustered with fury, "What the hell is this? How did you get these?"

He just chuckled.

Ms Ji was in disbelief, "This... this is my favourite trainee," she whispered, her voice shaky. "And with the most unattainable guy , Seokjin from BTS." She knows every member of BTS because she is a secret ARMY. How many times did she drool over this hot oppa?She could understand the trainee is very pretty and adorable. Boys easily falls for her.

Ms. Kang's face twisted with fury, "My goodness! How the bloody hell could this happen? We have strict rules about dating! " she looked at the images of the couple embracing each other tenderly. This does not seem like a platonic relationship. In fact they had a romantic affair with each other.

The journalist nodded respectfully yet firmly, "I respect J.Y.Park and his work. That's why I'm here to give you the opportunity of managing this before it goes public. Bighit has already promised a delay until their idol leaves the country. They have already measures in place to deal with this...scandal. But I thought you should know what's about to break. In three days we're going public. You know how long we were trying to get some dirt on Bighits artists..."

Ms. Kang glared at him, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "How considerate of you." she wiped her face, but her face turned expressionless. They need to act fast.She was pacing up and down.

Ms Kang's fury was evident as she practically spat her words, "We cannot let this get out! The timing couldn't be worse. We're about to announce the final lineup for our new girl group!"

Ms.Ji placed her hand on Ms.Kang's arm trying to calm her, "This could ruin everything. Our new girl group...they can't debut like that with such scandal hanging on us. It will take the light from them...We all know that if BTS sneezes, the press will write about it for weeks. Every social platform will overshadow our new debut group. Public opinion will be focused on Seokjins' relationship.JYP will not get enough publicity."

Ms. Kang turned to the journalist, her tone now pleading, " Mr Hang . Can you please hold off on this? At least until we've announced the final lineup, maybe a week from now after our group has enough attention and hype around them?"

The journalist raised an eyebrow, "And why would I do that? I understand the gravity of the situation. But information like this comes at a hefty price?" he snorts with a lopsided grin.

Ms. Kang's eyes narrowed, "Name your price." gosh she hates this man.

Ms Ji stepped forward, trying to keep her voice steady, "Look, implicating JYP in this will only hurt the new girls groups debut and the company. We need time to handle it internally first of all. JYP will give you the go-ahead after our girl's debut on several stages and music shows."

The journalist pondered over it for some seconds and then nodded his head, "Well there is an extra cost for such a favour. I could lose a potential scoop if someone else posts this first to the highest bidder---"

Ms. Kang clenched her fists, clearly struggling to maintain her composure, "Okay! What do you want?"

The journalist nodded, satisfied with their desperation, "I'll wait, but not indefinitely. Schedule the meeting, and we'll talk terms. We can come to a sweet financial agreement," the journalist said simply, greed glint in his eyes, "And a meeting with JY Park himself to finalize the details," he smiled as he saw the two women look at each other with apprehension.

They will have to give him 'hush money'. They wondered how much will Bighit labels pop out, to keep some of these images out of the papers. They have nothing to loose. BTS always bounce back. Those boys are bulletproof against haters. For them there's not such a thing as bad publicity. Bad publicity for them is good publicity. It keeps them relevant and in the news. But their new debut group doesn't need this type of sabotage. What a mess!

Seokjin burst out in laughter at your beet red face. You just shook your head at your adorable boyfriend, but you could see the teasing sparkle in his eyes. He so knows how he turned you one with one gesture.

You continued enjoying your breakfast together with Seokjin throwing in more playful teases that made you heart flutter sometimes. Despite being shy, though, you felt incredibly happy and loved knowing what it meant for Seokjin to love all of you.

Later, after you refresh yourself with hot showers, you go boating on the river. Seokjin taught you how to fish, and you caught your first fish of the day. You roasted the fish on the porch and ordered fresh salads, baked pizza bread, and veggie sides from a local fresh food market.

The day was filled with fun and laughter.

By the time you had to leave each other there were sweet kisses exchanged as well as an even stronger relationship formed.


Next Week at JYP

Back at the dorms, tension filled the air as everyone waited for them to unveil whose name was on that final lineup.The trainers and higher-ups scrutinized each girl's concept photos, dance, and vocal videos.

In the meeting room, the tension was high as photos were placed on the whiteboard-paste and then removed. Ms. Ji chose Kuzuha, Sakura, Yuqi, Yeji, Chaewon, and Eunchae as her favourites. Ms. Oh and Ms. Kang selected the identical girls Kuzuha, YuJin, Yuqi, Yeji, Garam, and Sakura. Mr. Jeon picked Yuqi, Kuzuha, Sakura, Garam, Yeji, and Eunchae.

They voted and presented the photos to JY Park, who finally chose Kuzuha, Yuqi, and Sakura as the top three. The next three would be decided after further deliberations. but it seems that the lady trainers want Yujin, Eunchae, and Yeji to make the final De-N-im and Garam as a wild card.

Ms Kang and Ms Oh were relieved. They couldn't believe the torturous three months had come to an end. Now they can reveal the girls to the press. Do the Music video and teaser. Send out the press release of each girl revealed and their official positions, reveal the new girl group's name to the press and the rest would be history as the girls will be part of the kpop scene after appearing on the hot debut music shows. JYP has already worked with the best media agencies to thoroughly promote and market their new girl group digitally and traditionally. They could feel this group would take even the West by storm, overshadowing even the queens of kpop.

On Wednesday evening, as Ms Ji and Ms Kang exited the meeting room, they were intercepted by a journalist. The tall man, with an air of smug importance, reveals his identity with a knowing smirk.

"Good evening, ladies. Ms. Ji, Ms. Kang, I need a moment of your time," he said, his voice carrying a severe tone," I'm Hang Jihyoung from Dispatch. I have some evidence here that you might find... troubling." He held out a yellow envelope which both women immediately identified as posing potential danger.

Ms Kang narrowed her eyes at him asking," Dispatch? What evidence is this?"

The journalist laughed out loud and opened the package theatrically; then he laid out photographs on a nearby table one after another. As they flipped through them their faces changed from curiosity to shock as Ms Ji's eyes widened when she saw who appeared on them OMG! This is so unreal!

"This... this can't be," Ms Ji stammered, her voice trembling, "That's our trainee... with Seokjin from BTS. How...when ...why ? " her eyes looked at Ms Kang in disbelief.

Ms. Kang's face flustered with fury, "What the hell is this? How did you get these?"

He just chuckled.

Ms Ji was in disbelief, "This... this is my favourite trainee," she whispered, her voice shaky. "And with the most unattainable guy , Seokjin from BTS." She knows every member of BTS because she is a secret ARMY. How many times did she drool over this hot oppa?She could understand the trainee is very pretty and adorable. Boys easily falls for her.

Ms. Kang's face twisted with fury, "My goodness! How the bloody hell could this happen? We have strict rules about dating! " she looked at the images of the couple embracing each other tenderly. This does not seem like a platonic relationship. In fact they had a romantic affair with each other.

The journalist nodded respectfully yet firmly, "I respect J.Y.Park and his work. That's why I'm here to give you the opportunity of managing this before it goes public. Bighit has already promised a delay until their idol leaves the country. They have already measures in place to deal with this...scandal. But I thought you should know what's about to break. In three days we're going public. You know how long we were trying to get some dirt on Bighits artists..."

Ms. Kang glared at him, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "How considerate of you." she wiped her face, but her face turned expressionless. They need to act fast.She was pacing up and down.

Ms Kang's fury was evident as she practically spat her words, "We cannot let this get out! The timing couldn't be worse. We're about to announce the final lineup for our new girl group!"

Ms.Ji placed her hand on Ms.Kang's arm trying to calm her, "This could ruin everything. Our new girl group...they can't debut like that with such scandal hanging on us. It will take the light from them...We all know that if BTS sneezes, the press will write about it for weeks. Every social platform will overshadow our new debut group. Public opinion will be focused on Seokjins' relationship.JYP will not get enough publicity."

Ms. Kang turned to the journalist, her tone now pleading, " Mr Hang . Can you please hold off on this? At least until we've announced the final lineup, maybe a week from now after our group has enough attention and hype around them?"

The journalist raised an eyebrow, "And why would I do that? I understand the gravity of the situation. But information like this comes at a hefty price?" he snorts with a lopsided grin.

Ms. Kang's eyes narrowed, "Name your price." gosh she hates this man.

Ms Ji stepped forward, trying to keep her voice steady, "Look, implicating JYP in this will only hurt the new girls groups debut and the company. We need time to handle it internally first of all. JYP will give you the go-ahead after our girl's debut on several stages and music shows."

The journalist pondered over it for some seconds and then nodded his head, "Well there is an extra cost for such a favour. I could lose a potential scoop if someone else posts this first to the highest bidder---"

Ms. Kang clenched her fists, clearly struggling to maintain her composure, "Okay! What do you want?"

The journalist nodded, satisfied with their desperation, "I'll wait, but not indefinitely. Schedule the meeting, and we'll talk terms. We can come to a sweet financial agreement," the journalist said simply, greed glint in his eyes, "And a meeting with JY Park himself to finalize the details," he smiled as he saw the two women look at each other with apprehension.

They will have to give him 'hush money'. They wondered how much will Bighit labels pop out, to keep some of these images out of the papers. They have nothing to loose. BTS always bounce back. Those boys are bulletproof against haters. For them there's not such a thing as bad publicity. Bad publicity for them is good publicity. It keeps them relevant and in the news. But their new debut group doesn't need this type of sabotage. What a mess!

Ms. Ji exchanged a worried glance with Ms. Kang, "We can't let this ruin everything we've worked for. We need to protect the girls and their future. Our rules are very strict and we can get backslash and we can't let the public know it's a Jyp trainee---"

Ms. Kang sighed, defeated but determined, "Fine. We'll arrange a meeting with JY Park. But you need to give us your word that you'll hold off until we've had a chance to deal with this."

The journalist smiled, satisfied, "You have my word. For now." he smirked maliciously. He can't wait to expose two rival companies. The Romeo and Juliet of Kpop.

As the journalist bowed and left, Ms. Kang turned to Ms. Ji, her face a mixture of anger and resolve. "We need to fix this. Immediately. This scandal could destroy everything. De-N-im will not get the necessary attention at debut...the buzz will be around BTS Seokjin and ---"

Ms Ji nodded, still processing the shock, "I'll call JY Park and arrange the meeting. We can't let this leak. Not now. Ms Kang. I know Jihyoung. He is known for exposing celebrity secret relationships every year. Remember that drug scandal few years ago and ruined career of that actor..who took his own life few weeks after that...We can't let this ruin JYPs' rep."

Ms Kang took in a deep breath trying to hold herself together, "We'll get through it, we have too... This is particularly important to De-N-ims' success. They might be doomed before debut."

She wiped over her platinum blonde hair vigorously.

They stood in the empty office as silence weighed heavily upon them knowing that how they handled this crisis determined what happened next for their trainees and their company.

She looked determined as she opened her cell phone to make that dreaded call...


a/n : Yuqi and Seokjins' relationship has been compromise.

I know super long chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it.

A grand shout out to all my loyal readers. Seokjin is finally back home. So let's celebrate🎊🎊🎊 with giving "Starstruck Secrets " some free hugs. 🫠😉kindly vote and comment a lot so that I can recognize you.😍

@Yoonvibecity @the_paper-hearts @MarieKarlsson3 @Armylovespurple @Btsmamma @Squeaki20707

1. What do you think about Yuqi and Fanqia relationship?

2. Do you think Seokjin and Yuqis' love would stand the test?

3. Who do you think will be in the final line up?

4. What do you think about Yuqi and Seokjins' romantic getaway?

5. What qualities in Seokjin would you like in a boyfriend or future husband?

6. What are your thoughts on the Dispatch tabloid journalist?

7. Will he keep his promise or post the scoop anyhow?

8. Any ideas what the trainers and Jyp will do with the information?

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