🩰🌷🍥 sʜᴀᴛᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴀsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴs:16 🩰🌷🍥

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You woke up with dread in your spirit. Something the the atmosphere felt off.
You reminiced about the previous evening when you spoke to your boyfriend. Ms Kang called Ms Choi and informed her that you need to be at the studio asap by 7:00. You knew right away that you are in deep trouble.

Early the next morning, the studio driver came and  fetched you with a car. You stood up before 6pm and showered and dressed in your white tracksuit. Your hair was swiftly styled in a curly ponytail. You looked at your mirror image and you saw how pale you looked. Fear was gnawing in the insides of you. You are very scared for Ms Kang. If they didn't spare the top trainees Jiwoo and Soomin who was actually innocent, what about you who defy the rules secretly which is exposed now. Seokjin had texted you the previous night, warning you about the possible exposure that might impact their careers and relationship in kpop.

...┍━━━━━»•»🌷 🌺🌷 «•«━┑..

As Yuqi, sat nervously in the meeting room on the 10th floor of JYP Entertainment, my heart racing with fear and regret. The seriousness of the situation was palpable, and Ms. Kang's disappointment and fury were clearly evident from the moment you stepped in.Ms. Kang, your Head trainer ,spoke with a severity that chilled you to the bone.

Ms. Kang with a stern voice, "Song Yuqi, do you understand the gravity of what you've done? Dating secretly is a serious breach of our rules. You've jeopardized not only your own future but also the reputation of our company.

Your voice was trembling when you choked out, "I... I'm so sorry, Ms. Kang. I didn't mean to cause any harm or break the rules openly. I...I--"

Ms. Kang cutting in sharply,"  What were you thinking getting involved with an older debut idol? He is very well known. Do you realize the backlash from both fanbases?"

Ms. Oh  eyes looked at you with disappointment she was calmer but stern,"  Ms. Kang is right, Yuqi. Your actions could affect the debut of De-N-im. They need a smooth journey to gain exposure.

Mr. Jeon sighed ,"It's unfortunate, Yuqi. Your talent could have propelled you and them forward.We had high hopes for you, Yuqi. Your talent was supposed to shine in De-N-im's concept."

Your choked and say tearfully," I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen like this.. I love JYP Entertainment and...I love singing and dancing... I didn't think about the consequences .Omg ! I deeply regret my actions. I never wanted to disappoint anyone in this room and not even the girls"

Ms. Ji looked at your devastating face and  interjecting softly," Er... Ms. Kang, many young people fall in love carelessly. Yuqi is a good kid with a bright future. Perhaps we can find a solution that doesn't ruin her career.

Ms. Kang inhaled deeply , pausing, then looking directly at your tearful eyes," Yuqi, you have been a favorite of J.Y. Park himself. Your voice, your dance talent, your visuals—they are the embodiment of what De-N-im needs. Yet you jeopardized it all for love.Do you realize you've ruined your own chances because of this?"

Oh my goodness, does it mean they have considered you for the top six girls?You single handedly ruin your own hardwork and dreams by falling in love with Seokjin. That realization let the pang in your heart increase.

You looked shocked and devastated,"  I... I didn't realize I was ruining my own chances... I'm so sorry."

Ms. Kang eyes grew colder and she said with a firm voice, which broke your heart in shards, "You will have to bear the consequences. You're facing termination from JYPs' training program and the debut line up. We truly can't have this dating scandal affecting our company's reputation and De-N-ims debut. The girls work and trained hard for this moment to shine...and you single-handedly ruin their sunshine, Yuqi."

Ms. Oh looked regretful but she looked more softer, " I suggest that instead of just kicking a potential trainee out, what if we just eliminate her quietly on Friday? No one will trace her as being kicked out as JYP trainee because of this scandal. We keep her name out of the papers. We just hope that Hang doesn't get wind of her identity. Let's keep it quiet."

Ms. Ji nodded, "I proposed that we can consider showcasing  her for a potential trade with other agencies like Mohaus or Pledis at month end. She's still a valuable talent, I hate to see her talent go to waste like this. Because of our policies a kick or eliminated trainee cannot return, at least she might fit another agency's concept. I know of four companies that will Debut new girl group's in the latter half of next year."

Ms. Kang eyes looked calculating, "I'll reconsider, but her parents must be unfortunately be informed. Her Appa signed the contract. We won't disclose her name publicly; we'll just deny that it was our trainee."

Your eyes relieved as you sniffed you tears away, yet the  devastation was still present, "Please... please just...just don't tell my parents about the real reason I couldn't debut. Let them think I was legitimately eliminated. They can't know I've ruined my career."

You started to shiver at the thought of your dad's reaction. He will kill you.

Ms. Kang shooked her head adamantly ," I'm sorry, Yuqi. your parents deserve to know the truth."

You felt defeated, tears flowing, "Please, I beg you Ms Kang... don't let them know...my...my dad will kill me."

Ms. Ji smile assuringly as she looked athou nervous demeanour, "Ms. Kang, let's protect Yuqi's future. We can explain it as a friendship or misunderstanding, not cause it to be the end of her dreams."

You're eyes look at Ms Ji with gratitude as she turned her gaze to Ms Kang,"Maybe the showcase can redeem you."

You smile softly," Thank you, Ms. Ji... for protecting me. I'm sorry of disappointing you."

Mr. Jeon looked regretfully,"Yuqi, I'm sorry you're losing this chance, but your talent will find its way."

You nodded  quietly, "I understand..."

 It's the end.

Your heart sank as you realized your dreams of debuting in K-pop were slipping away. The weight of disappointment and sadness settled in, knowing your dad's contract with JYP would likely end, and your journey with it.

This meeting was a turning point—a moment of reckoning for your actions and their consequences, both for yourself and those around you...

After the dreaded meeting ended, the pain in your heart escalated. You know that Seokjin will be better of in this. He has nothing to loose. His agency will protect him fully.

After the meeting ended, you linger in the meeting room, feeling the weight of your world crashing down. Ms. Ji, sensing your despair, stays behind to talk to you. You were still seated frozen and just stare before you.

Ms. Ji called softly, "Yuqi, can I speak to you?"

You nodded, tears barely held back behind your eyes and a heavy heart.

.Ms. Ji was comforting you by placing her hand on your shoulder,”I understand that this is very painful for you; I want you to know though that for De-N-im final lineup; you were in there.”

With shock all over your face and a shattered voice you stammered, “I… I was?”

Ms. Ji nodded with regret.”Yes, you were. Yuqi, you are so talented. You have the best voice, dance moves ever recorded on camera and a stage presence that’s just surreal.”

Punch to the gut realization: That dream within reach now seems impossible to get –you were in the line-up.

As sobs racked your body, “I messed up everything didn’t I? All because of one mistake…”

Ms. Ji shook her head,"Yuqi it’s not just a mistake; it is part of growing up and learning about yourself and what limits or boundaries do actually exist in life? Now tell me about Seokjin: What made him special?” she asked curiously while looking at Yuqi who knows she is thinking like other trainers.

Wiping off the tears from your eyes in an attempt to regain composure.

“You know…Seokjin he understood me we had some kind of connection that I will never be able to explain. He was so nice to me always there for me when I needed him …and our bond was special.” sobbing has been suppressed by closing mouth with palm.

She smiled faintly as she agreed,”It’s not strange that you find someone who really gets under your skin especially in this kind of industry where everything is very intense but my dearest girl remember consequences.”

Deep breathes as much as you could take,” I know just…I never thought it would come down to this.”

Ms. Ji, "Yuqi, don't be discouraged. This isn't the end of your journey, okay You have a remarkable talent that will open doors for you, even if it's not here at JYP."

Hopeful but sad, you looked up," Really?”

“Absolutely,” Mrs. Ji said with a wide smile on her face, “There are many different ways of being successful and the reality is that sometimes the ones we did not plan for are the greatest opportunities. Remember, this should not be seen as your future.”

You sniveled while wiping your eyes with your hand saying, “Thank you Ms. Ji. I really appreciate what you just said”.

“I will make sure that your parents don’t go too wrong in their understanding of things,” Mrs. Ji nodded to herself, “They don’t need to know every single thing about Kim Seokjin or where he is living now. What they must understand is that you made a mistake and now it’s high time you faced it.”

Yuqi looked at her gratefully, as she replied,“Thanks for saving me ma’am because without your help I would have been doomed.”

Ms. Ji laughed under her breath, “You’re a shining star Yuqi –don’t let this dampen your shine.” Use it to become stronger than ever before so as to prove all people including yourself wrong as well that nothing can overcome.

As you walk out of the room, deep sadness lingers in your heart because De-N-im will never happen again; but hope was planted by Ms Ji in you through her encouragement words. The road ahead may be uncertain but you resolve to keep moving forward believing in the fact that this dark chapter will end when talent and perseverance gets through it.

Returning to the dorm, you found it empty as the girls were out shopping for new clothes. You cried painfully in your room, feeling deflated and deeply sad. You worried about my parents' reaction and the career you had ruined.

Seokjin texted to check on you. He reassured you that his CEO had a solution, and your face would be blurred in the photos. You  hadn't got the courage to tell him your fate yet, unsure of how to break the news.

The Meeting:

The next day, the senior execs at Bighit and JYP met to discuss the situation. They agreed to protect Yuqis  identity and focus on minimizing the scandal's impact. 

But it left Seokjin to make the greatest sacrifice ever.

..┍━━━━━»•»🌷 🌺🌷 «•«━┑...


Your group got a call that you'll be off for Thursday because Friday will be the final elimination. Chaewon attributed your silence as nervousness for Fruday. Some of the girls even throw up because of anxiety. The dorm was intense. The happy Eunchae and Yujin were uncharacteristically quiet. The dorm mother told you all the do something to get your minds of Fruday. Everybody of the JYP trainees were comforting you with messages to cheer you on. 

You felt like a hypocrite when Fanqia, Soomin and Jiwoo all wish you luck, you already know ow that you will be eliminated. 

You were left contemplating your future, knowing that your dream of debuting had slipped through my fingers. There is no way that your dad will let you continue cause your trainee contract will fortunately expire month end.

Sakura, Kuzuha , Garam and Eunchae decided to go to a movie with one of the managers.  Chaewon and Yujin were playing PlayStation in the lounge.Yeji was visiting Lia in their dorm room. You were just laying on your bed. 

Seokjin hasn't text you and you don't know what is happening by his side. He only text you early in the morning to tell you about his company's stance. 

You are already frightened about the dating scandal that will go viral.

You missed him so much.

The text from Seokjin came that afternoon at 2 pm,  "Can we meet up? The boardwalk near Han River. The place we visited once at night. I need to talk to you."

 Your heart sank, sensing the gravity behind his words. Desperate to escape the suffocating atmosphere at the dorm, you told your house mom you needed fresh air and took an Uber to the meeting place.

The peace on the boardwalk was like a bad joke. The quiet river, leaves softly rustling, and some tourists laughing at trivial things, were all in stark contrast to the inside of you that was suffering from turmoil.

You sat down on a bench and stared at the river with sad eyes as fear, apprehension, anxiety washed over your heart regarding your uncertain future. Well, at least there would be Soowin and Jiwoo’s showcase.

An unnoticeable white Mercedes pulled up under one tree nearby having its windows tinted. You stood up realizing that it must have been Seokjin’s car. There was an urge to run towards him and give him a hug but then I looked just before him out of the driver’s side a man stepped out of the car and opened one of the back doors Seokjin came out. His face looked mournful.

You approached slowly looking worried “Seokjin is everything alright?”

Seokjin shook his head with tension written all over his face “No Yuqi it isn’t.”

He walked towards you wearing sunglasses and had with a hat on top which are his signature look. He peered into the car then to you while visibly carrying heavy weight on his shoulders.

Seokjin took a deep breath and broke my voice saying “Bunny I love you but my agency wants us to break up.” They told me this was supposed to shield you from any backlash when the tabloids publish our dating scandal next week if your name is involved with mine in anyway in relation to K-pop your music career might be doomed forever or even get tarnished terribly.”

Your eyes widened in shock, “Are you seriously considering this? I love you Jin. I’m risking everything like you are too; how can you possibly quit?”

Seokjin squeezed his eyes shut for a moment giving away some frustration in his strained voice he said “I do love teary eyed as I am but I cannot love you at this stage. You are not supposed to gamble on your future for my sake. I don’t know what lies ahead of us even.”

Tears streamed down her face as she shook her golden locket, an emblem of their union.

“I vowed to be with you through thick and thin, yet you’re throwing in the towel,” she stated while sobbing and looking at him with an incredulous expression.

Seokjin’s face looked hurt “It’s not giving up. It’s protecting you. Just now our careers matter most and we shall put aside our love for each other; it will subside in six months when I go away to America again The scandal will be out of news by then nobody is talking about it anymore because you can live a scandal free life.”

You looked completely defeated “Fine, fine let’s break up, get me out of your life. I mean nothing to you. You want that picture perfect life without any complications.”

Seokjin swallowed hard but there were tears falling off his eyes, “No bunny everything is about you for me but I can’t afford love right now my career is on the line if I refuse these rules from my agency everything would go away from me like in a blink of an eye and godforbid that my scandal ruins your future too.”

Your heart broke into pieces by his words so she pulled the necklace from around her neck and threw it at him where he caught it just in time.

“I wish you all the best in life,” and you shook your head sadly; it was a simple way out. I won’t trust anyone else again from now on. Even for my whole life, I will work hard and sweat so that one day, I will stop loving you and forget about you. I regret the day we met at the pet shop.”

Seokjin’s face was like a shocked to the core.

Seokjin eyes open wider and whispering in his soft broken voice he murmurs your name, “Yuqi…”

You laughed scornfully, spinning away towards him as well, saying: “Bye Seokjin!”

Walking away with bowed shoulders and falling tears unashamedly while looking up to the sky with utter despair.

Seokjin watched you go, his hands on his face, unable to handle the devastation. He got back in the car, hunched over.

Sejin patted him on the back as she said,” It will be better this way. You’re protecting her.”

“Who is it better for?” Bitingly laughing while looking at Seijin sideways.”

“I have just lost my one and only true love,” replied  Seijin sadly.

The car drove past you as you walked  and you saw Seokjin turn to look at you until he was far out of your range. The wound in your heart was so deep and raw. You had lost your position in De-N-im and the guy you had given your heart to. As breaking away from boardwalk felt it would take forever for pain to heal after broken dreams and shattering of hearts.

You can only say like Seokjin did so undoubtedly:

'Love is a luxury that you both can't afford..."

...┍━━━━━»•»🌷 🌺🌷 «•«━┑..

At night, she lay on her bed, stifling her tears lest Chaewon hears them. The pillow was soaked with salty tears and the phone chat looked empty without Seokjin’s sweet messages. That time you knew it was over but your heart didn’t listen to your mind.

Jungkook: Hyung loves you so much noona don’t give up on him this is to protect you

Taehyung: Yuqi please be strong he’s doing this for you please stay strong.

Jimin: We’re here for you keep believing in love it makes hyung happy at least.

You shook your head harder as the silence hit hardest without Seokjin beside you. How do you feel safe without him? You responded to the texts of the younger line and told them to forget about you and help Jin move on.

Yuqi: Please make him forget about me. This is better. Good luck on all your endeavors.

...┍━━━━━»•»🌷 🌺🌷 «•«━┑...

Friday came with mixed feelings of excitement and trepidation; girls were packing their things from their dorms since after that day six would be moving into a new penthouse in Gangnam-gu according to JYP.

The group was thrilled but you only managed a fleeting smile, weighed down by your broken spirit.

At the conference center, the atmosphere was electric. The whole JYP agency was present, and you, along with the other girls, were dressed in elegant black dresses, your hair styled in beautiful curls. You moved mechanically, your spirit too broken to fully engage.

"Can you believe it, Yuqi? This is it!" excitedly exclaimed Chaewon who was jumping up and down.

You nodded as if you were simply nervous. But this was a horrible truth of life.

The room was filled with executives and trainees alike all buzzing with excitement. It erupted into cheers and screams when Sakura, Eunchae, Chaewon, Kuzuha and Yunjin were announced as the first five girls. Those cries of joy and hugs were just so overwhelming.

Ms. Oh and Ms. Ji looked at you sadly when Yeji stood beside you on one side while Garam stood beside Yeji on the other waiting for the last call from in between them because they knew that it could have been yours but for your mistake. Then Garams' name was called. Shock gasps was heard. You just smile and thank the trainers with a nod. Yeji still looked dazed as if she can't believe she missed the opportunity.  Garam was bursting into tears of excitement.

Congratulating Garam through tears of her own she forced a smile hugging her while both crying at Yeji did also congratulate Garam who looked very relieved but happy.

Garam’s eyes got teary,”I thought you’d be in the final line up Yuqi.” However she whispered smugly into your ear next.”

Garam smirked, snorting softly and said “I knew you’d eventually mess up”.

You were shocked, did she know about the impending scandal?

..┍━━━━━»•»🌷 🌺🌷 «•«━┑..

All applauded for them with JYP addressing De-N-im telling them what a jam-packed program they had ahead of them. Girls will be in the eyes of media from the next day.As you and Yeji were taken back to your dorms, new group stayed for publicity photos and they will be having a celebration at luxury Hotel. This would see their first MV shoot commence as teasers on all social media platforms.

Yeji cried through the night out of deep distress that another year was still left for training. You made an attempt to offer her consolation alongside Ms. Choi although your heart was too broken to make any intervention and it didn’t have a feeling either. Later that evening Soomin and Jiwoo came by your room attempting to comfort you. But life lost its significance plus aim.

Meeting with Your Parents

The meeting with your parents and the management on Saturday was a nightmare. Your dad was furious upon learning about your involvement with a boy. He paid the outstanding penalty and adamantly told Ms. Kang that you would not attend the showcase as your punishment.

Dad stoic face was laced with controlled fury, "She will unfortunately not attend the showcase. Her life as a trainee had come to an end. Yuqi messed up and I will not let her messed up her future with meaningless careers. She will be leaving Seoul once her travel documents are finalized. Her life is not over and she will be back in Beijing by Tuesday."

You parents were so disappointed and you felt you have signed your own career death warrant. They trusted you to make the right decisions, but you failed them by falling deeply inlove with a boy who's career and reputation is more important than you.

Your parents flew back home the same evening. Your dad was to furious to stay the entire weekend in Seoul. Your mom was just hugging you and told you that everything will be fine.

You were allowed to stay in the dorm until your departure. But that night you told Ms. Choi you would rather stay in an Airbnb near the airport from Sunday to Tuesday.

You hugged her with a sad face, "You don't need to look after me, Ms. Choi. I've made other plans. JYP owes me nothing.Thank you for being a good mom for me...I'm going to miss you so much."

Your know your parents were deeply disappointed, having been on the verge of accepting your career choice. For them you've wasted valued time but they still have hope for your future. Your dad remained stoic, saying little, his silence a heavy burden on your heart.

 As you packed your things, the reality of your lost dreams and broken heart settled in. Your future in K-pop seemed over, and all you had left was a deep, unyielding sadness.

A/n: Poor Yuqi got eliminated

Thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments.You rock.

1. What do you think about the meeting with the trainers?

2. Do you think that Yuqi will want to stay and do the showcase?

3. What do you think about Ms Ji?

4. Did you anticipate a break -up? How do you feel about it?

5. Do you think Seokjin will come back for Yuqi?

6. What do you think must  Yuqi do?

7. Will Yuqi give up on her dreams?

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