🎵🔮⚛ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡs ᴏғ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ:17 ⚛🔮🎵a

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Seokjin was lying on his soft gray couch, thinking about what had happened a week ago. He broke her heart. The girl he loves. Those words were written all over her eyes. The pain and disappointment in them shattered him into a million shards ever to be put back together again. Why would they expect him to stop seeing her? He missed her so much. He was too scared to text her. It has been the loneliness week He had ever experience. Yuqi was three months his sunlight, his anchor and the love of his life.

They told him they needed to break up for their own sake. Both of their careers were at stake now that they had been exposed like this. Only his parents and a few from both companies knew her true identity, though; luckily, Sejin knows how much she means to him.

Bangtan was chatting with him on their chat group.

Seokjin: Guys... I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like I let everyone down, myself included. Why am I getting punished?

Namjoon: Seok Jin-hyung... I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling right now. It's okay to feel lost. It's not your fault, Hyung. We'll be here for you no matter what happens. and Bang PD talked to JYP. He said he would take care of her. They will not post images that will implicate her.

Hobi: I really can't imagine what you're might feeling right now, Hyung. We want you to know that we are  brothers, and we are with you through all of this.

Jimin: SeokJin-hyung, it truly hurts me so much to see you like this, but we want you to know that we are with you because we love you.

Taehyung: Jin-hyung we are so flabbergasted and shocked that it happened to you.  I'm so sorry for everything that's happened, but it was not entirely ypur fault hyung. But remember, Hyung, yu are not alone, we will help you get through to it.

Yoongi: Jin Hyung, I do understand the overwhelming feeling right now, just know we are here to help lift your burden Jin-hyung, I know it's hard, but please you must also take care of yourself, and we will take care of you also.

Jungkook: Hyung I really don't like to see you like this. Hyung, you're  hurting makes us to  hurt also. But we'll definitely get through this together, I promise you. We are the dream team.We'll all face this together, okay?

Seokjin: I just want to thank you guys... I feel so guilty because it is all my fault. I can't stop thinking about Yuqi. I never wanted to ever  hurt Yuqi or anyone else. She is my light. I failed the test of love, because I promise that I wil protect her.

Namjoon: Hyung we cannot always foresee things. You will be able to make right. Hang in there. We understand that you are worried about her right now, but look after yourself.

Jimin:Hyung don't be concern. When things calm down, you can always apologized to her.

Taehyung: If you can't find a way, we will help you.Think about your cool upcoming  'The Astronaut Movie', Everyone  said you will  be amazing in it..

Hobi: please take care of yourself. We all have something faith in your Hollywood debut. I You going to shine Hyung.  You gave gain so many admirers for your talent.

Yoongi: You are a professional actor, sodont doubt yourself.

Jungkook: Oh Hyung ,we are going to miss you when you are on all those filming locations. Okay, fighting! We are your greatest cheerleaders.

SeokJin: I just want to thank you guys. I am so appreciative of great brothers like you. Dont be concern. I will be okay. I promise to make you proud of me.

Namjoon: We are with you and we love you.

Jimin: We sending all our love to you.

Taehyung: Just remember we are the Bangtan family. We stick together. Fighting!

Hobi: Just holler if you need us. I'm just a phone call away.

Yoongi: Take care Hyung...you must enjoy USA and come back strong.

Jungkook: Take all the time to relax and recoup.We will see you the week before the AMAs.

Where Seokjin sat deflated on his leather couch, he just wiped his tear-stained cheeks, thinking about the love and support of his brothers.

But his heart is shattered when he thinks about the adorable Yuqi, whom he loves with all his heart—the girl he was forced to break up with to protect their budding careers.

He throw his head backwards on the sofas and with his palms on his face he started to sob uncontrollably. 

Oh gosh! Why does it hurt so much?

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On the nineteenth top floor of the executive offices, Bang Pd, Sejin and Namjoon are having a conversation. They were anxious about Seokjins' depression and distance after he left Yuqi; this was a great worry for him.

Seokjin is off to the USA for half a year film shoot for his first Hollywood movie next month but in the week following their breakup, locked himself up in his penthouse refusing anyone from visiting him.

The purpose of their meeting was to discuss how severe it was and various ways they could assist him through it all.

As Head of Hybe, Bang Pd started by stating that his mental health and happiness really matter to him. He put it down straight—something must be done now.Seokjin is currently going through hard times. Dealing with loss.

Sejin couldn’t believe his ears. “In the USA? Does it sound prudent given his present condition? Can he concentrate on the movie, do you think? Aren’t we supposed to wait until he gets better mentally?”

Bang Pd smiled and said, “Let me tell you something. He will be shooting in America and working with Chris Martin on the soundtrack.”

Namjoon’s eyes bulged out of their sockets as if in exclamation of surprise. They were like: Wow! Chris Martin! That’s massive! But is Jin ready for that?

“Of course,” Bang Pd grinned, “Because that’s his favorite band. Moreover, Chris wants him to spend some time with himself and Gwyneth when he goes down there for the film shoot so that Jin can find peace within himself amidst all this.”

Sejin looked delighted. “Wow! That might do wonders for him. Sometimes a change of scenery and a company of people who really care can work miracles more than we could imagine.”

Namjoon nodded back, “Yeah I’m totally with you on this one. I mean just imagine how exciting and uplifting would something like that be for anyone let alone someone who is going through what he has been…He’ll get better.”

Bang laughed at their reactions, which were hilarious considering they cared about a lot of things but chose not to voice them loudly, " as always let's support our boy but this time let's give him everything we’ve got.. This trip might change everything...in few days Dispatch will publish the exposure and at least he will be out of the country when all hell breaks loose."

Hybe decided to send him to the USA a month earlier hoping such distance could make him forget anything and focus only on career.

After breaking up with Yuqi, Seokjin changed completely from being vibrant into appearing sorrowful and also  filled by silence . Even though he continued trying to pretend like everything was okay, the burden of his guilt was heavy. There were no words that could help him,even from the maknae-line.

Yet, this time meant for recovery turned out as a period of deep loneliness and self-reflection for Seokjin.

No matter how much he buried himself in work in America, there was an emptiness attached to him.

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A Month Earlier in America

In America, Seokjin was alienated in the massive cityscape of Los Angeles. His days were spent working nonstop and feeling very sad at the same time. However busy he stayed in his preparations for their performances and engagements, there was an apparent change in his mood.

The city seemed to be full of life, yet he felt like a ghost and not a global superstar.

Despite being far from his home comforts in South Korea ,the emotional pain remained.

He miss his girl, Yuqi so much. The pain intensified when he saw the backslash and controversy after the dating scandal was exposed. Every social platform had a meltdown from ARMY, antis and general kpop fans. He haven't heard from or about Yuqi for months. He didn't hear about her debuting in any other groups or even if she continued training in Seoul.

The only thing that Bangtan told him was that she was eliminated from the highly popular De-N-im debut group , and who was becoming the fastest growing kpop girl group, who won tons of rookie awards and even made it to the charts and she left JYP for good.

He wondered if she went back, home to China.
Then someone tipped of the media that the trainee was from JYP. That opened a lot of new cans of worms, but the two agencies had to pull out all stops to come clean.

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The situation became particularly concerning for ARMY when they saw him perform at the American Music Awards. When BTS was invited to perform at the American Music Awards, fans noticed a noticeable change in Seokjin demeanour.

Despite his cool and calm exterior, an aura of sadness weaved around  him. On stage, he maintained his professionalism, but his smiles never quite reached his eyes, and his movements lacked their usual energy and enthusiasm.

Especially among the huge excitement and buzz after they won the most coveted award categories they've been nominated for.  He was more emotional during acceptance speeches and fans could see how he discreetly wiped his eyes behind Namjoon or he would just looked downcast.

ARMY, who are always attuned to the moods of their idols,noting the melancholy that seemed to shadow his every move. They  expressed their concern across social media which was filled with tweets of worry, as fans speculated about the cause of his apparent melancholy.

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Earlier when he arrived in LA

During his following months stay in LA, Seokjin was invited to spend time at Chris Martin's mansion with Gwyneth Paltrow, and their children, Apple and Moses,who welcomed him warmly.

The Martin family's peaceful setting and authentic goodwill was a short-term sanctuary for him from his inner chaos. Seokjin also referred to as Jinnie by the Martins; Apple, their daughter – she alone had the ability to make him genuinely smile with her creativity and playfulness.

Seokjin found solace in the Martin's hospitality. They shared meals, bantered about meaningless topics over dinner; he even jammed with members of Coldplay on various instruments throughout the week.

Photographs of Jin were posted online with his new friends and bandmates from Coldplay. In these pictures he seemed more relaxed than ever before shown publicly during performances but behind those smiles still lingered sadness that could be seen if you look closely enough into his eyes.

As they sailed away from shore aboard Chris Martin's yacht, the sun cast warm beams down onto the deck creating an atmosphere of peace so palpable one could almost taste it while having lunch with Gwyneth Paltrow who happened to be there too (alongside her ex-husband).

For two days, they would drift aimlessly through calm waters where nothing but tranquility existed, except maybe for some playful dolphins swimming alongside them at times.

Seokjin was surrounded by luxury: plush cushions and elegant furnishings on the spacious deck of the yacht. Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow greeted him warmly, their smiles setting him at ease, as they settled in for a relaxed lunch.

The couple had an air of comfort and intimacy that made Seokjin feel like he was among old friends rather than international superstars.

You were enjoying a glass of sparkling champagne with Gwyneth and Chris, taking about their pass dating scandals and trails in the public eye.

They talked about their agony of sharing their heartbreak with the public and endure all those public scrutiny.

Chris spoke sincerely, his voice filled with empathy as he recounted how tough it was to try surviving both being monitored by public eyes and having a broken heart at the same time. Gwyneth nodded silently; her eyes showed that she also remembered everything he was talking about.

"That's where we've been Jin," Chris said gently but encouragingly. "It's not simple," admitted Chris looking straight at Seokjin with an expression full of sincerity on his face as well as in his words. "You know having your personal life ripped open for millions to feed upon..." His last sentence seemed to contain some sort of secret message, but still he learned to become stronger through all that.

Gwyneth reached out to touch Seokjin's arm in empathy."Every heartbreak all the rumors is like having one's soul cut out in front of others." Gwyneth said softly."We understand how overwhelmed you are""But you will find out that you are stronger than you think because there is a whole ARMY out there, people who genuinely love you," She murmured.

Seokjin was listening with intensity and he could understand their shared pain.

Chris eyes were filled with encouragement as he pat Jin on his shoulder, " You know what Seokjin, you are stronger than you think.

"Courage isn't a matter of not being terrified," he said, "It is about facing up to your fears no matter how daunting they appear. And I am sure you have that courage within in you Jin.You will go through it and be better for it at the end.You can rise over this too. It may sound impossible but trust me, it will pass."

Seokjin smiled appreciatively feeling his hope glint within him.

Seokjin never disclosed anything about his private life, but he was consoled by Chris 'and Gwyneth's presence because they knew what a heavy burden it was for him.
"I had no idea other than that I really loved her and I had to let go... It broke my heart into shards."

Seokjin said in a whisper of vulnerability and with eyes filled with tears; then added, "But the fame... just ruined all."

The compassionate looks exchanged between Chris and Gwyneth told at a glance." Jin we hear you,' Chris breathed faintly.' Nonetheless remember love is hellish tough. So are you."

They exchanged glances again knowing well what each wanted without speaking much between them but it said volumes; then suddenly surrounded by the endless ocean all over and new friends unlike before who did not judge him or put any pressure on him Yet now there was a small fire burning inside SeokJin.

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ARMY took to Twitter after seeing pictures of Seokjin with the Martins and Coldplay, speculating on why he looked so melancholy months after the scandal.

Photos and videos of Seokjin with the Martins and Coldplay trended on social media, sparking a lot of interactions on Twitter by BTS ARMYS. Fans spoke about the deep sadness in his eyes. Their joyful, funny and the unofficial  fake maknae, changed and ARMY noticed easily.

@purplearmy: "It breaks my heart to see Seokjin being so calm and quiet of late though. I hope he is fine.#WeLoveYouJin #StayStrongJin"

@KpopLover101: "There is definitely more to this 'dating scandal' involving that JYP trainee than you think; Jin looks so devastated and so sad 💔#BTS #Jin"

@ArmyUnite: "Anyone else who saw those pics of jin with Coldplay? He looks happy but his eyes still show sadness😢#BTS #Seokjin"

.@BTSFanLuv94: "I miss Jins bright smile on his face, whatever happened i hope he finds happiness again#WeLoveYouJin ##BTSxAMAs""

@goldenjinniee0922:"Why did Jin suddenly become gloomy? His smile isn't reaching his eyes anymore 😢 Hope he does not have any serious problem...#WeLoveYouJin ##BTSxAMAs."

@ArmyLovesPurple : Something is going on with Seokjin. He looks so sad. Does anyone know what is happening? #JinStayStrong"

@EuphoriaJin: "This makes my heart break for Jin, there are more to this story I can feel it.#ProtectJin #BTS"

Rumors and TheoriesSpeculation quickly turned towards the rumored dating scandal with a foreign JYP trainee.Global  came up with all theories about Seokjin sadness and mental health.

@MarieKarlsson3: "Getting to see Jin with Coldplay is amazing, but I cannot fail to observe that something looks different about him. I hope all is well with him. 😔 #JinWeLoveYou"

@KimSeokjinStan: "Jin’s smile does not reach his eyes anymore. What happened to our Worldwide Handsome? #SupportJin #BTSArmy"

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The Mystery of the Supposed Girlfriend

Many theories arose amongst ARMYs about Seokjin’s alleged girlfriend who was rumoured to be a JYP foreign trainee and her identity weighed heavy in more speculations on why they broke up.

There were lots of rumors about Seokjin dating a foreign JYP trainee; no one knew who she was, which led to even more stories.

Some fans thought she had quit while others tried guessing the reasons for their separation. No facts only intensified stories; some felt she left JYP, others speculated on how deep the relationship could have been.

@KpopInsider: "Rumor has it that Jin's alleged girlfriend left JYP. Maybe that's why he looks so down? 🤔 #BTS #Seokjin"

@FanGirlAlert: "What if company policies caused them to break up? Idols can’t date openly and it must be hard for them. #SupportJin #BTS”

@KDramaQueen: “I heard she was a foreign trainee. Must have been difficult managing a relationship with all the media scrutiny. 😟#BTS #Jin”

@ArmyDetective ”Do you think she left because of the scandal? Or maybe there were other reasons we don't know about.#BTS#Seokjin”

@MysteryARMY ”If Jin’s ex left the company, it must have been really serious. I can’t imagine what he’s going through…#StayStrongJin”

@SeokjinForever ”Maybe they had to break up because of their careers? It's so sad to think about. I hope Jin finds happiness again. #JinDeservesBetter”

@GlobalARMY “The dating rumors were never confirmed, but seeing Jin so down makes me think there was something real. I just hope he’s finding support.#Jin”

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ARMY's Unwavering Support

Seokjin’s fans did not change their minds even after this which was all around the place and they were still there for him. They posted a lot of encouraging messages showing that they care about Seokjin. The international fan base, who are all connected by their love for BTS, would send some encouraging words and virtual hugs to cheer Jin up during these hard times.

@ForeverBTS: "No matter what, we're here for you, Jin. Your happiness means everything to us. #LoveYouJin"

@BTSArmyGlobal: "Jin, take as long as you need to get better. We will be with you until the end. #AlwaysWithJin"

@BTSUpdatesGlobal: "I heard that Jin was connected with a JYP trainee…whatever happened to her? Did she quit? #BTSRumors"

@KpopLover101: "Hurriedly it is said a girl named jin ex-girlfriend left JYP i think he is devastated because of this #JinLoveScandal"

@ARMYtheories: "What if the breakup was really bad and thats why jin looks so down? I hope he's getting the support he needs . #JinSupport"

@KpopDetective: "Who were jin dating rumours point towards a jyp trainee but no one knows did she leave ?#JinDatingScandal”

@ArmyGossip: “There’s definitely more to this story. Just look in his eyes- there’s heartbreak written all over them! Who is this mystery girl? #BTSRumors”

@MysteryArmy: “If Jin’s girlfriend left JYP then what could have happened? Did it affect her career too when they broke up? #BTSJin #MysteryGirl”

@SeokjinLove :“I wonder if Jin’s sadness has anything to do with his girlfriend quitting her job. I have so many questions but no answers. #SupportJin #BTSArmy”

Twitter seemed full of rumors and gossip about Jin. His fans tried to find clues in every picture, performance and interview. Numerous people were able to notice that there were sadness in his eyes and begun wondering whether this was indeed about the foreign JYP trainee or otherwise. The theories were numerous, ranging from bad break up to the trainee being fired by the company under strange circumstances.


The identity of the girl is still remained unknown even at present. She caused him deep pain according to ARMY’s beliefs about them. It was also suspicious that she suddenly left without trace or any news about her departure from the company.She had been rumored to be dating Seokjin and they even had secret dates for sometimes.He must've liked this girl a lot.

The support from ARMY was overwhelming as they could clearly see his sad facial expressions throughout the months. He started being so emotional because he got overwhelmed by their messages So, Seokjin pulled himself together,throughout it all, Seokjin stayed strong leaning on his family, band members, Chris Martin’s family and his dedicated fans.The healing process took time but each day brought moments of inner peace and hope to him to cope and move on.

While in America, Seokjin found comfort and support. He was thankful that his Korean and global friends in the entertainment industry, as well as K-pop celebrities, showed their concern after his fans saw his emotional demeanour at the Awards show.

Korean Actor Park Seo-joon tweeted:

“Seokjin-ah, till now you have been a joy and inspiration to many people. Whatever goes wrong we are still with you. Don’t stop believing in yourself! #YouAreNotAlone”

British Actor Tom Holland’s message:

“All the good wishes go to Seokjin and all BTS members . All of you have struggled together and no matter what this connection can never be broken. Let’s keep shining! 💫 #BTSFamily”

Korean Actress IU Tweeted:

“Sometimes it is better for you to take care of your own mental health rather than pushing too hard on yourself Seokjin-ssi. We will be here for your whatever happens our dear friend.We are right behind you every step of the way! #SendingLove”

Canadian Singer Shawn Mendes also tweeted:

“Hey Seokjin I mentioned earlier that I wanted to let you know how much strength and resilience you give me every day. Keep making a difference in this world! #WeStandWithSeokjin”

Lee Min-ho a South Korean actor tweeted:

“There are ups and downs in life but an army stands there supporting everything about you Seok Jin Take one day at a time, remember tomorrow may be brighter than today.Fighting!! 💪#StayPositive”

American actress Zendaya said:

“I am sending all my love and support out to Seokjin during this difficult period. You will never walk alone on this journey with me by your side forever more!!! Shine on!! ✨ #WeLoveYouSeokjin” These messages show various actors from both Korea as well as other countries that addressed their condolences towards her during these trying times.

A/N : Seokjin tried to cope months after of the breakup.

@MarieKarlsson3 @americanaranja @neomu-stressed @Btsmamma @squeaki20707 

1. Do you think Seokjin is depressed or feeling guilty?

2. Do you think management regret their decision of the break up?

3. Will Seokjin be able to move on from Yuqi?

4. What do you think of the social meltdown? 

5. Any ideas about the source of the  tip-off about the JYP trainee?

6. Which Tweet is the best for you?

7. Do you think Seokjin is globally loved?

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