*๏ผŠโœฟโ€๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ€โ€โœฟ๏ผŠ*Chapter 13

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Flashback: Part 8:2

Jimin pov ( final).

Osaka, Japan. 29 May- 2 July 2017

The group arrived safely in Japan for the completion of their Asian leg of the tour. Before their intended travel to Osaka, Jimin had a private meeting with BangPd-nim.

The group was very wary of the meeting and hope that Bang wasn't so hard on the adorable eldest maknae.

Jimin felt worse and looked very shocked after the heavy scolding from their "father'."

One tabloid post an article about his latest dating scandal. It was a small publication. Fortunately, they didn't have enough facts to state their case about Jimin and an unknown Aussie girl. The fandom was in confusion because nobody saw it coming. Media outlets speculate that Bighit wants to kill the rumors because it might be, according to the media, that Jimin also has found his soulmate. After the so-called dating scandal of Taehyung at the BBMA's

The punishment Jimin received with immediate effect was "no sightseeing" in Osaka with the boys after their concert, no eating out at restaurants with the boys after shows, he will eat at his hotel under the watchful eyes of his manager and bodyguards, and he will no longer have the eldest maknae privilege of a hotel room by himself.

He will room in Japan with different Hyungs. In Osaka, he roomed with Namjoon. A bodyguard will be stationed outside their room, making sure no sneaking out.

Jimin took his punishment graciously. Bang Pd let him deduct half of the money the company had to pay for the major media outlets to keep his name out of the news.

Jimin just nodded and handed his credit card over to the management to transfer money immediately to their agency. He didn't care because he was loaded.

Bang Pd wants to teach his boys responsibility. To experience the consequences of a decision.

Jimin was to embarrassed to reveal to Bang about the nature of their short holiday romance.

All that he told management is that everything is sorted out. They have broken up. Done!!! he promised Management that he wouldn't contact her, but He missed "Red" so much.

His heart is broken to pieces. Jimin didn't look twice at the female hotel staff. Never flirt or hooked up with someone. He was unnaturally quiet after that meeting.

On the flight, he slept the whole flight through. He was feeling nauseous. He couldn't eat. The Maknaes were super concerned about him. They missed the loud, annoying Chimmy who always gatecrashes their Vlive sessions. He is never in vlife. He only went once on vlive and that was to apologize to ARMY.

The next day was rehearsals at the dome. He wants to feel excited for the setlist practice or dance rehearsals. He felt so out of his element and couldn't even wake up. He had vivid dreams of Y/n ...The way she was sobbing and pleading to him never to let go!!!


During Soundcheck rehearsal: Osaka-jล Hal

" Where is Jimin? " Namjoon asked, looking around for their eldest Maknae.

"Isn't he still in make-up? Jin-Hyung replied, fiddling with his earpiece.

The boys were all apprehensive about Jimin since they came from Sydney, Australia. He was not himself. The hyung-line found out about the dating scandal and how their management handles the matter efficiently.

They knew that Jimin felt deeply in love with the redhead Aussie and he was forced to leave her and cut all ties with her. His heart couldn't take it.

Before leaving to go home for a brief meeting with Bang Pd in Seoul, Jimin was devastated because the girl he loved blocked his messages.

They constantly found him looking at his phone, obsessed with sending messages until the boys told him its no use. She wouldn't receive any of his messages.

His demeanor changed day by day. He would smile and be chaotic on stage just for ARMY, but the boys knew it was only a facade. He was miserable, and an aura of deep sadness surrounded him.

Hiding his pain became a challenge, and today at the soundcheck rehearsal, he could no longer hide it. He broke down.

"I'll go look for him...maybe he is in the restroom," Jhope suggests and turn around and go backstage areas looking for Jimin.

Around the hidden backstage stairs, he found Jimin sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands.

Jhope ran, shocked at his little maknae.

"Jimin?" -he came to and kneeled in front of a sobbing Jimin. His face was flustered, indicating that he was crying for a very long time now.

The boys were bickering but didn't sense Jimins' absence. They thought he went into the restroom.

Jimin couldn't lift his head and was just crying softly. Jhope's face was unhappy. He hates seeing their maknae in so much pain.

"Jimin," Jhope rubbed his shoulder, " Please talk to us...to me. What's wrong?"

Jimin lifts his red-rimmed eyes and looks at Jhope, the sunshine of the group with tear-streaked eyes, " I missed her so much ...and then...I opened my messages and s...she sends me a message saying that she is sorry and...and....that she still loves me...and she wishes me a happy future....oh gosh Hobi-Hyung. I wanted so much to hear that...I wanted to send a message immediately, telling her that I love her too, but she blocked me again...
My gosh...Hobi...I love the girl...she is "it" for me, I can't see a future without her in it..." He gulped with difficulty trying to wipe the tears from his cheeks The sadness is so evident in his red eyes. Few of the crew came around and were shocked at Jimin's condition. Jhope look apologetically at the staff member.

"Er...Jimin complains about terrible pain in his neck. We don't know what caused it...but it drove him to tears, and he is heartbroken that he will not perform well tonight."Jhope lied through his teeth.

The staff member's eyes widen, and they quickly ran to bring a cold compression and massage the back of Jimin's "sore" neck.

Jimin looked at his Hyung with appreciation and told the staff member that he feels ok to go and rehearse.

Jhope smiles and nods at the crew member. The crew member smiled and helped Jimin to stand up and went away to give the idols some space so that Jimin can recollect himself.

"Are you feeling ok to go and rehearse, Jimin? I can tell the guys your "neck " is painful" Hobi grinned. Jimin smiled a watery smile and stood up straight.

He looks at his Hyung," No, thank you for caring about me...I love you. I think I'll be able to do my job."

Jhope smiles," You'll be ok. If the redhead is destined for you, you'll meet up. Have faith, ok...at least you know that she still loves you."

Jimin wipes his eyes with his sleeve," Yeah..." But for how long?

Jhope laughs and hugs him around the shoulders, dragging them back to the stage...


That night during the concert.


The Bangtan boys were hyped up. The J.Army was so excited and was chanting their names. Taehyung and Jungkook were keeping a closed eye on Jimin.

He looks ok because he forgot his pain and became professional on stage. He did his best for the J-Army.

The boys looked discreetly at their oldest maknae. He smiles and gives fan service, but that Jimin charm was a little lacking. No one could understand how invested he was in developing love with his Aussie princess.

Back at the hotel, he was silent. During the late dinner at the hotel, he just plays with his food without caring what happens around him. The boys were laughing and bickering around him. Sejin embraced him and reassured him that everything would work out fine. Jimin is not so sure about that.

Jin-Hyung and Namjoon-hyung came to sit next to him.

"Are you alright, Chimmy?" Namjoon looks very concerned and pats him on the shoulder. Jimin smiles a little, not wanting his Hyungs to worry unnecessarily.

"I'm good...not very hungry, though" he took a little bite from Maki sushi. He opts for a small sushi selection because his appetite was gone, and since this morning, he felt nauseous.

Jin -smiles and takes a big bite of his dessert. " Jimmy, you need to taste this peppermint dessert is divine. I'll just add something like this for my restaurant menu."

They try to cheer him up, and he feels so grateful for their love and support.

Taehyung and Jungkook also came and joined him at his booth.

"Do we have a band meeting?"Taehyung looks at the two Hyungs with Jimin.

"No, we feel like sitting alone, "Jimin stated.

"Ok, then we will also sit alone with you, Jin-hyung. What is that dessert? It looks yummy.?' Jungkook looks at his bowl. He also wants some like that.

Jin grinned," Peppermint caramel. The dessert selection is that side. Let's go. I want to try out the cake selection. I need some real energy now."

He and Jungkook excused themselves and moved to the dessert buffet table. Jimin just shook his head. Kookie and food will always be partners. He and Taehyung were whispering. Taehyung is his male soulmate. They understood each other.

After their dinner, they all retreat to their rooms. Namjoon was forever writing in a notebook. Jimin decided to go rest and maybe find the courage to fall asleep.


The Japanese leg of the tour was hectic the whole of June and early July. They had sold-out concerts in the best arenas around Japan. Jimin was slowly coming out of his misery and started to love what he was doing again; giving fanservice, talking with the fans on life; again being more active on social media. ARMY was elated their most adorable member was back, but strangely no dating scandals happened in Japan, which was weird for the members. The Aussie =beauty ruined Jimin. The Japanese girls were beautiful, and Jimin didn't even flirt back with them. Tabloids were frustrated because BTS sold magazines and Newspapers just by having them on their covers for virtually any menial thing.

Jimin didn't want to make his father angrier, so he made sure he was back into his good books by behaving exemplary. The boys didn't care as long as their loud mouths and very happy Jimin were back, although he wasn't necessarily happy he was getting there.

They round off the concerts in Hiroshima, Nagoya, Saitama, Fukuoka, and Sapporo in Japan. ARMY was so excited and excited during these concerts. They loved their boys more and more, and the boys could just be thankful for all the love and support they got from ARMY. They only have the ARMY behind them.


It was the morning before they leave Japan to go home that the most unusual thing happened. In Sapporo. Jimin stood up with the most excruciating pain in his abdomen. Jhope was flying from his bed, running to a moaning Jimin.

"Oh gosh, it hurts...AHHHHHHH?' He was screaming in agony and clutching and grabbing his stomach with force. He was bending down in a sitting position.

"Jimin!!! Jimin !!! What's is wrong? Oh my gosh! Let me quickly get Sejin!" Jhope ran out of the room at record speed, coming with Sejin and two of his hyungs in the room.

Sejin accessed the situation and called the hotel management so that they can arrange for a doctor. The Bighit paramedics team was quickly on the scene and attended to a wailing Jimin.

Namjoon looked at the sweaty Jimin with shock," W.. what's wrong with him? "

"He looks in so much pain...please do something ?" Taehyung was calling out with visible fear. Jimin was in so much pain as he lay in a fetal position. The paramedics were efficient and did what they were supposed to do until the doctor came.

Jungkook and Jhope looked wide-eyed and couldn't understand what went suddenly wrong with Jimin. The previous night they were laughing and playing games, and Jimin was cheating also.

Yoongi stood with furrowed brows," Is it food poisoning?"

"Oh...my word!!! Please let him be ok!" Jin stood with his hands over his head. They can't lose any one of the boys.

One of the paramedics shook his head when the doctor asked the group to give them a little space so that Jimin can be examined in private.

It was so strange. The boys and their management were in confusion in the hallway. Is it serious? Why did Jimin look so pale and close to death?

They could hear Jimin crying of the pain he experience. Yoongi wondered, isn't it his appendix? The doctor and Jimin were alone. After a shot or two. Jimin was getting calmer, but the pain is busily subsiding a little. What happened to him? It was like someone stabbed him multiple times in his stomach.

The doctor looks at the little superstar with furrowed brows," Jimin, I know it is a private matter, but I need to know if this is a matter for the general hospital; or is it a matter for the system?"

Jimin looks at the doctor with a pain-streaked expression: "W..what do you mean by system matter?'

The doctor smiled and asked with a soft tone, "Are you mated?"

Jimin looks confused at the doctor. Why is he asking something so silly like that," N..no, I'm a registered Tarnished? Why?"

The doctor looked thoroughly confused," I might be wrong in this matter, but it seemed you are experiencing mirror symptoms as your destined soulmate."

"My..my destined soulmate...but I'm not soul-marked only branded...I don't have a destined soulmate...that is ridiculous." Jimin said with a strangled voice. He looked flabbergasted.

"Like I said, but I might be wrong...you might experience the pain that she is experiencing right now..., did you experienced any other out of the box symtoms that you won't normally go through...because you have pain, but you don't have any condition that constitutes the severe pain you went through, and a pain shot help to let it subsided very quick...look how well you look now?' The doctor states and looks at him with wonder.

Jimin looked stunned. After the doctor gave him pain shots, the pain evaporated as if it was never there in the first place. He is still dazed and looked a the doctor with concern etched in his eyes." Er yes, for weeks now, I've experienced little nausea and slight depression.?'

"...and If you say you are Tarnished and you don't have a soul mark, it can mean only one thing...?" the doctor trail off, not sure how to explain it to the young man.

"W..what doctor...what does it mean?' Jimin felt a strange fear and shivers running up his body. The doctor sounded almost ominous.

The doctor looked him straight in the eyes," It means that you will receive a "late whisperer" soul mark anytime from now..."

Jimins' eyes widen bigger than saucers," W...what!!!"

A/N. I hope you enjoyed the last and final flashback of Jimin's experiences in 2017. Thank you to all of you, faithful readers and voters. You are valued.

Question 1:What are your thoughts about Jimin receiving his "late whisperer soul mark?'

Question 2:" What happened physically to Jimin?"

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