**✿❀🌼🍀❀✿Chapter 34

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Samantha's mouth dropped when she pulled up behind the Crown Hotel to pick you up. "What the hell happened? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"You wouldn't believe me," you said panting, getting into the car. "The paps were going crazy out front. It was an absolute zoo. They were blocking the entrance, and a couple sneaked into the restaurant and got shots of me and my new family. I was so terrified."

As you drove back to Melissa's house, the tension began to ease, "That's insane," Samantha shook her head. "You poor thing. Let's get you out of here glad you got out of there in one piece."

You breathed deeply, watching with relief as it disappeared behind you." That didn't even begin to began on how I felt like a deer in headlights wherever I turned there were flashing cameras and no way out.But I think one of those receptionists at the front desk recognized me.She might have tipped off the papers.I mean really,Samantha.It took so much for me to forgive my dad, planning a good reunion and now this."

She grinned as she saw your face light up.You told her about your visit and new siblings before showing her selfies with your family around the lunch table.How cute your new siblings were and Amelia that was so friendly. She was scared you would hate her at first sight. But you were surprised that your mum was more beautiful than her.

"I'm so happy for you two making up. You need him in your life bestie."She smiled happily.You nodded.

Melissa's house was a sight for sore eyes.A mixture of her Mexican heritage and modern Aussie design,it was both cozy and luxurious.Her mum had moved to Sydney after Melissa's dad -an Afro-American cop-had been killed on duty when Mel was eight.

This house was located on a hill in Seaforth, NSW. It had the best view of Bondi beach.

"Melissa's place is something else,"you admired the modern house."Her mum must be loaded if she can afford all this."

Samantha nodded."Yeah,I heard it's pretty posh."

As they drove through the automated gate careful not hit anything on their way down Melissa's driveway, they realised 'pretty posh' was an understatement. Lavish landscaped gardens, sparkling pool, interiors straight out of a magazine.

Melissa burst out of the house with Janice on her heels. She looked ecstatic.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" she and Janice both enveloped you and Samantha in tight hugs.

"Why so late? We thought you'd be here an hour ago." Melissa asked confusedly.

"Don't worry about it. Our girl here got stuck with paps at the hotel she met her old man at." Samantha filled them in and they glared at the invasion of your privacy. You shrugged. You were used to it by now but that didn't make it any less terrifying.

"Do not worry, you'll be at peace here.My mom will be back by 7 pm. She said we can order anything we want so come on in and make yourself at home."

Melissa welcomed you with a smile and your eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful up market house which was more than just a dream for you.Melissa was so lucky to live in such an affluent environment.This was your first time at her house.

Inside, the decor was stylish and elegant, making it a perfect retreat.

The whole visit was filled with adventures. On Tuesday you all swam, played PlayStation games, did K-pop dance challenges to BTS and Blackpink, ordered pizzas, and watched movies in Melissa's room.Paparazzi frenzy at the Uni had everyone shook.

"Don't worry about the trolls," Melissa reassured."They're just jealous."

"Yeah they'll move on to something else soon enough," Janice added.

Melissa sat on her bed hugging her pink and yellow flower pillow,"So what happened after Ms Cheong and those bodyguards came n fetched you? The dorms were buzzing on Friday ,that everybody has this idea that you and Jimin are soulmates. Why would their management escort you off uni grounds...obvious to protect Jimins'so -called soulmate?"

"Oh they took me to a secret getaway where paps wouldn't find me...er I was with Jimin at a secluded Bondi beach apartment? That was the truly the best," you smirked as you saw the emotions flashed over their faces.


"Holy Dooley! "Melissa squealed

" Crickey! "Samantha breathed out.

"Woah!" Janice yelled , in unison.

Their eyes unison, "Tell us more!" Samantha urged excitedly .

"Classified info," you laughed teasingly . "But yeah Jimin is hot. We got to know each other...better."

You gave them the juicy details about your stay with him.

Janice face turned red," Oh my word! You give me goosebumps girl. They let you and BTS Jimin be together. Isn't it against Bighit rules?" She looked flabbergasted.

You chuckled," It is but Ms Cheong is such a romantic at heart. She let Jimin and I occupied the penthouse apartment and they were at the bottom. The complex was in a very secluded gated community near Bondi Beach.Everyone thought that they are booked into an exclusive hotel. But Jimin wanted to be discreet here in Aussie,so they rent luxury 5-star self catering apartments.It was so relaxing."

The girls were just teasing you," We bet...so what are your status with our Chimmy?"

You bit your lip as your honey eyes glowed," Well, let say
your lil Mochi is no longer 'officially' on the market. He told me he is not leaving without me being his girlfriend again.Jim's is so hot and cute at the same time. Who could refuse Chimmy..."

The girls were screaming almost their heads off. Janice and Melissa had you pinned to the bed tickling you half to death, while Samantha ate caramel popcorn. You were having an awesome girl's night. Your friends were so happy for you and wanted nothing but the best.

You had told them that you would only date him until he found his soulmate, but Jimin had said he was going to reject the girl as soon as he saw her. It didn't matter if they were in the 0.1% chance of being red golden strings; Jimin wouldn't give up on what he believed was love at first sight.

So on Wednesday night they threw a pre-birthday pajama party for you. The lounge room was filled with Tim Tams, shapes and Vegemite on toast for those who like it, plus drinks like Bundaberg ginger beer.

Everybody wore their colourful PJs-yours were silky sky blue with white butterflies all over them, Melissa's were pink and black, Janice's ones were green and yellow striped, Samantha's ones were purple because she's Army through and through . You felt euphoric surrounded by your two best friends in the world.

They gave you gifts: a BT21 charm bracelet from Melissa along with the entire BTS Love Yourself album series , a small vintage record player from Janice plus an Aussie themed blanket for those days when it gets too cold in Seoul etc , a kangaroo charm bracelet from Sammie plus this really whimsical handmade scrapbook she made filled with pictures of us since you met till now, all our milestones together. Your first dates/awards/dance performance at school/sport events/regardless you during your prom/Pic of you and Greg on your 1st anniversary...and then there was even some pics thrown in there from when she first became army til cute photo clipping of you & Jimin she'd gotten from Esquire magazine.

Melissa's mum had bought you this beautiful designer green long sleeve top with these cool silver sleeper earrings to match .

During the night while we were all just lounging in the private tv room eating some potato chips and drinking a few Bunder beers my arm started hurting really bad and then like out of nowhere my fingers felt like they were stinging with this sharp burning sensation.

"When did you get those bruises?" Janice asked, concerned as she saw you wince and rub at your arms.

"I think I'm getting a late Whisperer mark," you said. "The stinging started a week ago. But it's weird because two places hurt at the same time."

Samantha and Melissa exchanged looks, their brows furrowed in confusion. "That's not supposed to happen unless one soulmate died at birth or as an infant," Samantha explained. "If they die before you turn 21 if you're soulmarked your mark will be white. But the system can graced you with another if you hadn't activate any bond yet."

Your eyes widened. "Oh gosh no, I don't want to be confused with a white soulmark! Maybe it's an allergy."

Melissa shook her head. "It's weird because you're Tarnished. Maybe it is just an allergy. Don't worry about it -- me and Ruby are Tarnished for life. We'll see what happens."

You looked worriedly up at Melissa, who was trying to solve the problem of all this in her head: her lips pursed, her brow furrowed.

"You think so?"

Samantha gave you a side-hug and smiled down at your smaller frame.

"Who knows? You could be lucky and get your late whisperer mark early," she said softly, giving your shoulder a squeeze before letting go of your body completely.

Janice looked downcast for a moment but quickly covered it with humor - she didn't like people feeling bad for her.

"I hope so too, Ruby will be very fortunate,"she mumbled under her breath before stepping back from the group slightly."I wish I was lucky enough to meet another mate after mine rejected me and got married to his long-term girlfriend," she admitted lowly under her breath before mumbling:"I wish I was Tarnished like Ruby and Melissa," she said, louder this time. "I would've dated around more. Maybe I would've found love."

Her eyes looked sad and you wrapped your arms around her.

"All my ex-boyfriends cheated on me," Janice mumbled in a self-deprecating way. "So I guess I'm just going to stay single for the rest of my life."

Melissa smiled down at her best friend before looking," You will meet the right one someday. You got your Tarnished status already, so you free dear,"

Melissa wanted to be soulmarked, so she didn't have to search and find her own destiny for once.

Janice just laughed and waved her hand dismissively. "It's alright, I got over it quick," she smiled at the girl. "Now let's do something fun! Let's check if Bangtan is doing a Vlive!"

Melissa helped you understand the Korean with her translation app; luckily Jimin was chatting with ARMY online, but he only told them cute vague things about himself and his day while answering none of their questions about you dubbed "Red" by the media except that there was an article about him in that magazine - ARMY weren't supposed to worry about him anymore because he and 'Red' were still 'good friends' and no, neither of them had found their soulmates yet.

You roll your eyes as your friends look at you smugly.

Melissa grinned, "Army can be so dense. Jimin looked ethereal and so happy. From zero to a hundred real quick."

You snort, "He has to be careful because there are a lot of saseangs."

"How did you meet her?" one user asked.

"Is she your soulmate?" another questioned.

"Do you like redheads?" someone inquired.

"Was she nice to you?" a fan asked.

"You look so happy, Jimin-nah" commented another.

"Do you still want to be an idol..." comments about the tour and comeback flooded in.

Jimin had answered charmingly, but he hadn't given anything away.

"Melissa, quickly ask a question from my account," you suggested. You just want to check if he might remember.


Melissa went onto your account and Jimin was still speaking and being his flirty self so she jokingly typed: "why do you like redheads? If you meet your soulmate, will you let her dye her hair red?"

'That we might not be lucky he notices our question among the thousands of ARMYS questions,' Janice chuckled.

You dropped your jaws when you saw him reading it. Melissa and Janice squeal loudly as he softly muttered the question.

Jimin laughed, his eyes wide in recognition. A wide smirk on his face, "Redheads are unique", he said. "If I am fortunate enough to meet my soul mate, she can have any color of hair on whatever day she would love to dye it. 100% yes but i would love to see who she really is."

Your friends were overjoyed when Jimin called out your question. The ARMY comments buzzed with congratulations and asked Jimin stuff based on what you'd asked him.

He didn't engaged in any questions after Melissa's question, the rest seemed less important, instead he only answered general idol stuff and then he greeted Army, telling them he needed to go rehearse and the Hyungs might be online later and with a wink he logged off. After they closed the laptop, Melissa and Janice looked at each other suspiciously.

"What? He knows your username?" asked Melissa staring at you surprisedly?

You shrugged smirking "No idea but Mel asked about red heads...so yeah."

Samantha smiled nudging your shoulders,"I'm sure he knows your account. It's the only social account you kept active."

They just grinned keeping quiet before deciding to watch some horror movies.It was a wonderful evening.

On this particular day which is today being your real birthday; your phone pinged:

Mom: Happy 24th birthday my beautiful Merida. Have a blessed flight. Hyun and family can't wait to meet you. We will have a big birthday celebration at our new house. You have your own room. Enjoy your day.🥰😘

Becky"Happy birthday, sis! Miss you heaps! 🎉❤️"

Bryant: "Happy b-day! Have an awesome time in Seoul! 💪"

Dad: "Happy birthday! Amelia and I send our love. Enjoy your trip."

Lachlan and Isla: "Happy birthday! 🎂🎁"

Some of your Uni friends: "Happy birthday, legend! 🎉🎈"

You even got a message from Zendaya in New York: "Happy birthday, love! Hope you have a fab day! Heard you on the way to Seoul. I might see you there. 😘"

And a beautiful message from your idol boyfriend: "Happy birthday, my love. Can't wait to see you soon. Send me your new home address I'm sending your gift and promise you will accept it. No questions asked. I love you RubyRed ❤️"

Melissa's mum showed you pictures of the flat she had taken for your stay in Seoul; it was a plush block not far from Netmarble offices. Her mum saw to it that it was closer to bus stops as well as subway stations.

Excitement filled the air as you and your pals were all getting ready for the airport. Luggage bags were placed in Melissas' mum's SUV and some in Samantha's. Janice parents pick her up from Melissa's home and her bags were stuffed in their car.

Bryant, your dad, Lachlan and Isla came all joined in with them seeing them off at this end. Your dad had already transfered a huge lumpsum of the money he had set aside for you for investment purposes before you even reaching 25 years.

Samantha and Brendon were there too along with Melissa's mum and Janice's parents.The first was Janice's flight to Tokyo so you all hugged her tightly wishing her safe journey. She was crying and still whined why she wasn't aware of the Korean internship.

You all just laugh at her pouty face as she waved you all goodbye as she walked through the boarding gates. You hope she makes new friends that will look after her there.

Inform your mother that you have had a visit with your father and Amelia and then built a relationship with your half-siblings. You mom was so thankful that at least you tried to fix things with dad.

You even sent text message to your dad to thank him for forgiving you also and how good it was to meet your dads soulmate and younger half-siblings. You and Becky even got an invited to visit New Zealand in the summer.

You still had one more hour before you and Melissa will board. She stuffed plenty of snacks into her bag, for the trip. Your intern company booked you together in Qantas business class tickets. You both felt comfortable as well as ready for the journey.

To avoid people recognizing you, you ensured that your copper red hair was tied back tightly under a big hat with dark glasses.You can't believe you had hide your identity in your own country.

There were lots of emotional greetings from friends and family members who waited anxiously at the arrival area of the airport. Samantha cried out loud because she could not bear seeing you leave. You will be away within six weeks maximum: three weeks vacation, three week internship.

"Don't worry, Janice will get us all tickets for BTS's last concert this year, but it will be in Japan. We still need to come back write our exams and graduate. Then after graduation we will all go to Japan like a farewell seniors' trip." Melissa assured everyone else, "

You all agreed on going to Japan shows when you buy ÿour tickets. Jimin is still on tour so it might happen if he wouldn't not see you while interning in Seoul? But you'll just make sure you're keeping texting each other from time till then!

When boarding the plane, waving goodbye and crying, you and Melissa felt mixed emotions of joyousness and expectation about what lies ahead.

Deep down you hope that this trip will be very memorable with no recognition or public interference.

A/n: A long awaited chapter. Ruby and Melissa are off to Seoul.

Thank you for all of your support. The reads, votes, adding the book to your libraries, commenting as well as follow me to get early updates. ❣️❣️❣️

1. What do you think lies ahead for the two friends?

2. Do you think Ruby will be treated well among the Koreans?

3. Will she be recognized there?

4. Do you think Ruby will be able to meet Jimin?

5. What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Kindly vote if you like this chapter.

Enjoy another treat from Our Mochis' Muse' album.


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