001 | Returning Home

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To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. You see, this story is about the impossible. My name is Haylee Brager. And I know the fastest man alive. His name is Barry Allen.

Our stories are pretty simple. Our whole lives we've been running, Barry usually running from bullies. However, I ran from the truth. Sometimes we'd escape but sometimes we didn't. But one night everything changed for both of us, a new world of impossible that wouldn't be the dream we thought it would be.

But let's start at the beginning, when I decided to stop running. Get comfortable, grab your snacks and prepare the tissues and tunes because this story will be a ride.

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"Excitement fills the science era as we are two days away from the start-up of Dr Harrison Wells and his team's, Particle Accelerator," The radio announcer spoke as the car followed along the highway before turning off down a street. "Dr Harrison Wells has expressed his joy about this life-changing moment, he is beyond ready for a new - as he said in his own words - "Era of meta-science" and we too, feel the same," The announcer continued before the radio shut off.

Haylee Brager climbed out of her jeep with a small smile resting on her face as she looked up to the two-story house before her. She was a college graduate and with her new PhD, she decided to return home to Central City. She grabbed her duffel bag and handbag from her car before heading up to the door, sticking the key in and turning it with anticipation. She smiled widely as the door opened to reveal her furnished home just the way she wanted it, endless photos with friends and family decorated the walls.

Haylee placed her keys in the bowl by the door before heading upstairs to the master bedroom, she threw her bag onto the window seat before face-planting her soft bed. Moving houses was always an exhausting task but Haylee was beyond glad she decided to hire her college friend to do the interior design of the house with a random amount of money. Lydia was good at her job and Haylee had no regrets about asking the fashionista/interior designer for help.

Pushing herself off of the bed, Haylee changed out of her travel clothes which consisted of sweatpants, a random Star Wars shirt and a random jacket with her ugg boots. She slipped on a black long-sleeved shirt before pulling on a green plaid skirt, her shirt tucked into the skirt. She looked over to her shoe rack and decided on some black ankle booties and a leather jacket over the shirt. She ran her fingers through her hair before grabbing her handbag, checking to ensure her purse and phone was inside before grabbing her keys.


With one destination in mind, Haylee anxiously climbed into her car and drove through the familiar streets of Central City. She pulled up across the road from a familiar cafe, her heart was racing as she climbed out of her jeep and quickly crossed the road. Standing within a short distance, Iris West was serving a customer with her usual kind smile and bright curious eyes. Haylee was nervous to see one of her best friends again but she knew better than to avoid Iris West.

Facing the nerves, Haylee stepped into Jitters and walked forward towards the counter. "One moment," Iris' voice carried through the cafe like a sweet melody. "That's fine, I got all the time in the world," Haylee responded causing Iris to freeze in place. Haylee smirked as Iris turned around to look at Haylee, the brunette smiled as Iris raced around the counter before wrapping her arms around Haylee's shoulders.

"You're back!" Iris cheered as Haylee giggled, her arms tight around Iris' waist. "I just moved back today," Haylee responded as the two pulled away from each other. Iris took her break and the two sat across from each other at a table, Iris was beyond ecstatic to see Haylee again while Haylee was glad that Iris wasn't angry at her. "I half expected you to be angry at me for leaving," Haylee stated before sipping her vanilla latte.

"Oh trust me, I was at first but I knew you needed to leave after what had happened. I just wish you called," Iris answered with her sweet smile. Haylee pushed her anxious thoughts away and smiled at Iris until her phone buzzed leading to a smirk appearing on Iris' face. "Can you give me a ride to the CCPD?" Iris asked with a sweet tone. "Why?" Haylee questioned suspiciously. "Wanna go see my dad?" Iris asked causing Haylee to remember the fond memories with Joe West and she couldn't turn the request down.


Iris walked ahead of Haylee in search of her father, she smiled widely spotting her best friend standing with her father. Iris smirked at Haylee before signalling for her to go up the stairs and hide, Haylee happily obliged with the idea to scare Joe. Haylee stood by the door waiting for Iris' code word so she could jump out and scare the father figure that Haylee admired. "I just thought I'd stop by and visit," Iris' voice carried towards the room and Haylee got ready to scare Joe. "It's all dandy, right?" Iris spoke with a smirk walking into the lab before the two men.

Once Joe heard the word he instantly perked up but was left startled when Haylee jumped out shouting "boo". Iris and Haylee began laughing as Joe rested his hand on his heart though a fatherly smile rested on his face as he pulled Haylee into a bone-crushing Joe West hug. "Welcome back, baby," Joe spoke softly as he pulled away. However, the third person stood there in shock as he came to terms with who was standing there laughing with the West father-daughter duo.

"Hayles?" The voice was barely audible but Haylee heard it, she turned her head to look straight at the person. "Barry Allen," Haylee responded with a smirk before stepping closer to the taller man, to her other best friend. She thought she dreaded Iris' reaction but here, standing in front of Barry, she was terrified of what he might say. "You look good, Barry," Haylee spoke with her usual smile despite the anxious thoughts gnawing at her.

Barry was frozen in place as he stared at Haylee Brager, the girl he's known since they were kids, the girl who made him swoon with a simple smile. "Barry?" Iris nudged him with a knowing smirk. Haylee looked at Iris for a moment before looking back at Barry, "You aren't mad at me, are you?" Barry shook his head after seeing the look of fear cross Haylee's eyes. "No, no way!" Barry responded before wrapping his arms around her, resting his head on hers.

Haylee rested her head on his chest with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his torso with a wide smile, she assumed his racing heart was because of her sudden unannounced arrival. But little did she know, she always made Barry Allen's heart race. Joe and Iris shared a look, they both knew something and they were beyond glad that Haylee had returned to Central City. Haylee and Barry pulled away after realising they were holding each other for a while.

"So, update me?" Haylee asked as she sat on an empty table in the lab. "Well, Barry here is the CCPD's forensic... uh, person," Iris trailed off causing the other three to laugh. "That's really good, Barr. You wanted this and I'm proud of you," Haylee spoke looking at Barry, his cheeks flushed pink at the compliment. "And what about you?" Iris asked wanting to know more about her best friend. "Uh, well... after moving to Starling City, I went to college and decided on studying Astrophysics and Chemistry to which I now have a PhD in," Haylee explained.

Barry's eyes widened as Iris smiled proudly but Joe walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "I am so proud of you, Haylee. You were always gonna make us proud but I am genuinely so proud of you," Joe spoke bringing tears to Haylee's eyes as she hugged Joe tighter. "Thank you, Papa Joe," Haylee responded with the term she always called Joe. He stepped back allowing Iris to hug her, "So what's the next step?"

"Well, I applied for work at the CCPN and I have an interview with them later today," Haylee explained with a smile as she stood up straight. "And I have an interview at... wait for it..." Haylee started with a dramatic pause until Iris nudged her, "S.T.A.R Labs with the... Dr Harrison Wells!" Haylee cheered with a wide smile causing Barry's eyes to widen. "That's amazing!" Barry cheered as he hugged her, the two had a major admiration for the scientist.

"I am so excited, but I gotta keep my inner fan at bay. So I will need a Joe West lecture to keep me calm," Haylee teased making Joe roll his eyes. "Detective West!" Captain Singh spoke as he walked in but stopped in place seeing Haylee. "Haylee Brager," Captain Singh spoke softly before the two hugged. "How is Rob?" Haylee asked the Captain. "He's well, but I expect he'll be inviting you for dinner once he hears you are in town," Captain Singh spoke as he stepped back.

Haylee nodded, "I'll be there. Anyway, I shall stop distracting Joe and Barry and drag Iris out of here so they can work. It's been amazing seeing you again, Captain." He smiled before handing a file to Joe and walking out. Haylee turned to Joe and Barry with her usual smile, Barry instantly felt a flutter of butterflies in his stomach seeing it. "It's so good to see you both again!" Haylee spoke before hugging Joe again, he kissed the top of her head in a fatherly fashion.

Haylee turned to Barry and hugged him, "And you got so damn tall." Barry laughed as he looked to Iris and Joe, who was smirking at him which only made him flush red. "Well, you're short," Barry responded. Haylee pulled away and lightly shoved him, "That's really nice of you. Anyway, I've got an interview to get to and you all have work, including you Iris so let's go." Haylee stood up on her tippy toes and lightly kissed Barry's cheek before walking out of the lab with Iris.

Joe turned to look at Barry who was frozen in place with red cheeks, the lingering touch of Haylee's lips on his cheek. Joe chuckled lightly at the love-struck boy before lightly nudging him, "Come on Barr, you can fangirl later." Joe chuckled again before walking out of the room while Barry smiled widely. Haylee Brager was back in town to stay and he knew that was step one of his ten-step plan.


Author Note:
Hey Reader, I just want to say thank you for clicking on this story and giving it a chance. I'd really appreciate any votes, comments and shares. I want to let you know, I am using a transcript and the show itself to write this but I've had to edit it due to skipping some content that is needed for the story. I really hope you'll continue this story and enjoy it as I try to follow the canon with some original content.

-Rose <3

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