002 | The Interview

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"And then Eric smiled and welcomed me to the team!" Haylee cheered as she sat down on the couch, her phone to her ear. "That's great, Lee. I'm glad you're settling in nicely," The person on the phone responded. "Yeah, but I do miss Starling City. Even the dark mood it forces over everyone," Haylee spoke before sipping her drink. "Only you could miss the nightmare this city holds," A light chuckle sounded through the speaker.

Haylee laughed before placing her drink down on the table. "Oh come on, Ollie. You know me by now, I literally worked for you. But the question is, do you miss me?" Haylee asked with a smirk before opening her laptop. "I wouldn't say that," Oliver answered. "Wow, tell Diggle I agree that he should get to beat you up every now and again," Haylee responded with a smirk. "I won't be telling him that... But I do miss you, Lee. We all do," Oliver spoke quietly.

Haylee leaned back into her couch with a small sigh, "Yeah... But after what happened..." Haylee closed her eyes and wrapped her free arm around her knees as she pulled them to her chest. "I know, Lee. It's alright. Look, I gotta go but we'll talk soon and don't be afraid to visit," Oliver spoke. "Same to you, Ollie. Bye," Haylee smiled as she hung up the phone before looking over to the black suitcase sitting on the coffee table. She got up and slowly clicked it open, smiling down at the handmade bow and arrows.


Adjusting the buttoned-up shirt, Haylee walked into Jitters early the morning of her interview at S.T.A.R Labs, the day before the Particle Accelerator. "Iris!" Haylee called before sighing, "How do I look for my interview?" Iris smiled at Haylee. "You look great! Very Science-chic," Iris spoke causing Haylee to laugh as she walked to the counter. "Can I get my usual please?" Haylee asked with a sweet smile before pulling out the money to pay. "Also, have you spoken to Barry?" Haylee asked.

She hadn't heard from him since she got back and she was hoping to talk to him. If she got the job at S.T.A.R labs then she was gonna sneak him it to see it in person. "I'm not sure. Do you have his number?" Iris asked as she placed Haylee's Vanilla Latte on the counter. "I don't actually, can you-" Haylee began only for Iris to cut her off by holding out a piece of paper. "Thanks, I'll come over to your place for dinner!" Haylee said as she walked away with a smile.

Haylee let out an anxious breath, she was half an hour early for the interview and decided on calling Barry. After adding his number to her contacts under - Barr <3 - she pressed call on the phone and held the phone to her ear leaning her head against her car window. "Hello?" Barry's voice came through after two rings. "Hey Barr, it's Haylee... You have my number now," Haylee spoke with a cheeky smile on her face.

"H-Haylee... H-hey, how did you get my number though?" Barry asked as he scratched the back of his neck. "I got it from Iris considering we haven't spoken since I got back. You don't mind, do you?" Haylee asked, she didn't want to upset Barry. "What- uh, no... It's fine. I just, uh, wanted to give you my number... myself..." Haylee smiled at Barry's words. "Anyway, I was wondering where you are as I have my interview at our dream job and I need your words of comfort," Haylee spoke as she chewed on her nails.

"I'm in Starling City chasing down a case... But, uh... Right... words of comfort," Barry thought for a moment before sighing. "Alright, Hayles... Breathe," Barry started off slow, Haylee closed her eyes and took in a deep breath causing Barry to smile. "You will be fine because you are an amazing person with an intellect that could put Albert Einstein to shame and as difficult as it is, try not to psyche yourself out. You wouldn't have this opportunity if they doubted you," Barry finished off, the two in silence for a moment.

"Did I mention how much I missed you Barry Allen because life sucked without you," Haylee said, sitting up straight in her seat. "I'm happy to hear it again," Barry answered before getting momentarily distracted. "Well, I got to go but when will you be back from Starling?" Haylee asked. "I'll be back before the launch of the Particle Accelerator," Barry answered. "Awesome! Because I am taking you to see it in person, so make sure you do come back," Haylee said with a smile.

"It's a date, uh, I mean - you know... uh, I gotta go... Bye Hayles!" Barry hung up making Haylee slowly pull her phone away from her ear with a small smile as she chuckled lightly. Haylee took another deep breath before climbing out of her car and heading into the building she's only ever dreamed of walking into. "Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked. "Hello, I'm Haylee Brager, I have an interview with Dr Harrison Wells," Haylee spoke, the receptionist looked to her screen.

"I can handle this, Miss Hart. Miss Brager, please follow me," Harrison Wells' voice echoed like a melody from behind Haylee. Haylee turned to Harrison and used every bit of her strength to hold in her urge to scream. "Of course, Dr Wells," Haylee spoke before walking with Harrison Wells. She was admiring the building as she held her bag strap. "This is an amazing opportunity and though I risk sounding like a fangirl, meeting you is a major honour," Haylee spoke in a professional tone.

Harrison smiled as he turned his gaze to her, she smiled kindly at him. "Thank you, Miss Brager. I'm glad that you are excited to work with us," Harrison spoke before they entered the main room where many scientists were hard at work. Haylee looked around with wide eyes, she was like a kid meeting Santa for the first time. "Dr Wells, we have an update on- oh, sorry," A male spoke as he looked up from a tablet.

"Ah, yes. Cisco Ramone, this is Haylee Brager. She has the potential to join our team here in Star Labs," Harrison introduced before Haylee and Cisco shook hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you Cisco," Haylee spoke kindly. "You too, Haylee. Best of luck!" Cisco spoke before backing away and getting back to work. "He is one of the brilliant minds within our team," Harrison before holding out his hand to signal Haylee to continue walking.

"And this is Ronnie Raymond," Harrison introduced as Ronnie turned to them. "I'm assuming you've impressed Dr Wells," Ronnie spoke as he shook Haylee's hand. "I certainly hope so," Haylee spoke as someone pulled Harrison aside. "One moment," Harrison spoke before walking away with the man with glasses. "I bet you are all anxious for the launch of the Particle Accelerator," Haylee stated as she looked to the computers.

"Oh yeah but it's gonna be amazing," Ronnie assured before the two began talking more about the science behind the Particle Accelerator and what they could learn. A woman slowly approached the two, "Ronnie." He turned to her with a wide smile before kissing her swiftly. "Haylee, this is my fiance, Caitlin Snow," Ronnie introduced, the two women shook hands before they discussed Caitlin's career as a geneticist until Cisco wandered over and joined. Harrison watched them interact with a smile on his face.


"So are you willing to be a part of our team here at S.T.A.R labs?" Harrison asked. The two had found their way into his office where they had discussed the usual interview questions after Haylee had gotten Caitlin's number, as Ronnie claimed she needed more female friends, followed by Cisco offering his. "I would be honoured to be a part of this team and I can assure you that I will work hard here," Haylee spoke with full confidence.

Ronnie had spent some time reassuring her that she'd do fine, he had no doubt that she'd get the job. Harrison stood up with a smile before holding his hand out to Haylee, she grabbed his hand and shook it. "Then welcome to our team, Miss Brager," Harrison spoke. Haylee's smile widened as she let go of his hand, ignoring the strange shock she had when shaking his hand. "Thank you, Dr Wells. Truly, thank you!" Haylee cheerfully spoke.

Harrison explained that she could start tomorrow morning, so after wishing goodbye to Harrison she made her way down the hall towards the entrance of the building. "So?" Cisco asked jumping up and down beside Haylee who put on a blank expression as Ronnie and Caitlin walked over. After a few moments of silence and Cisco's nagging, Haylee smiled and nodded. "I got the job!" Haylee cheerfully stated.

Cisco fist-pumped the air before hugging Haylee out of nowhere making her laugh. "This is gonna be awesome!" Cisco cheered as Caitlin smiled and hugged Haylee. Despite only meeting on that very day, Haylee couldn't help but feel connected to Cisco, Caitlin and Ronnie as they all walked together talking about random topics like old friends. And she had no clue just how connected they would be.


Author Note
I wrote this a while ago and I'm still a little insecure. And I hate feeling that way, but anyway. How do you feel about this?

-Rose <3

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