026 | Flash vs Arrow²

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The next day, Oliver, Felicity and Haylee were seated in Jitters after messaging Barry to meet them there as soon as he could. "The bad guy that you're after, the one who robbed the bank, his name is Roy G. Bivolo," Oliver told Barry once he approached the three. "Uh, thanks. How did you find that out?" Barry asked but the three others stayed silent. "The guy's still alive, right?" Barry asked quickly with wide eyes making Haylee scoff while Oliver raised a brow at him. "I'm just asking. I thought you didn't want to help," Barry pointed out.

"I'm not. It's just a name," Oliver replied which made Haylee laugh. "All right," Barry nodded along as he stood next to Haylee, the sudden movement wasn't unnoticeable by Oliver who smirked slightly as Iris approached them. "One non-fat latte, extra sugar for Felicity, one Vanilla Latte, also with extra sugar for Haylee, and one coffee, black, for Oliver," Iris announced as she placed the drinks in front of the respective customers.

"I brewed you a fresh pot, so..." Iris told Oliver as she stared at him in awe, Haylee nudged Oliver with a smirk. "Thank you," Oliver said in hopes she'd walk away. "Yeah. Okay. Bye," Iris spoke before walking away from Oliver, Barry trailing behind her. "That never gets old," Haylee said before leaning her head on Oliver's shoulder, the sight caused jealousy to form in Barry's stomach while Iris' eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

"Felicity, this is me noticing you staring," Oliver said to Felicity while Haylee smiled knowing exactly what Felicity was doing. "We need to help Barry and Haylee with their case," Felicity told him with her usual smile. "Why don't you want to help?" Felicity asked. "Because Barry doesn't really want my help. He only thinks he does," Oliver replied before sipping his coffee. "Harrison Wells and Barry's cop foster dad both said you were dangerous and a bad influence. Barry defended you," Felicity expressed to Oliver.

"You're going to hock me about this until I say yes, aren't you?" Oliver asked Felicity who shrugged with a sigh. "I'm a hocker," Felicity told him while Haylee smiled widely. "Okay," Oliver said to Barry as he approached them. "Okay, what?" Barry asked with furrowed brows. "Okay, we'll help you catch your bad guy," Oliver explained while Haylee and Felicity high five. "Great. Metahuman," Barry corrected. "I am not calling him that," Oliver told Barry.

"Partners?" Barry asked him with a smile. "Partners," Oliver responded. "Dream team," Haylee spoke up with a smile, Felicity nodded in agreement while Oliver shook his head and messed up Haylee's hair. "You're gonna train him, aren't you?" Haylee asked Oliver as Barry stepped away to answer his phone. "Wanna come with?" Oliver asked her, he wouldn't admit it, but Oliver really wanted to spend as much time with Haylee as he could. "Sure!" Haylee beamed.


Haylee sat on the patio of the abandoned building as Oliver stood by her waiting for Barry to show up. "How is he late?" Oliver asked Haylee as he sat down next to Haylee. "It's his nature, he's always late," Haylee replied as she fiddled with one of Oliver's arrows. "Think you could incorporate electric currents in this?" Haylee asked Oliver as he looked up at her. "Maybe you can work on it for me," Oliver offered before reaching over and brushing her hair from her face.

"I'd be happy to work on it," Haylee told him with a wide smile, she always loved working on new versions of Oliver's arrows. "Hey, you know I'm always around if you need me, right?" Oliver asked Haylee who looked up at him. "Yeah, I know. There's no one else I trust more than you with the darker parts of my mind," Haylee told him before spinning the arrow around in her hands as Oliver watched her, he knew she was struggling in her mind but he wouldn't push her to talk unless he knew she needed it.

"How are you gonna tell him?" Oliver asked Haylee, the metahuman turned to look at him with a sigh, she had no idea. Before Haylee could speak, a whoosh caught their attention causing Oliver to pull his hand back and stand up. "You're late," Haylee told Barry after clearing her throat. "Barry, how can you have super-speed and still not be one time?" Oliver asked him as he approached him. "Sorry, I guess the super-tardiness kinda neutralizes it," Barry replied.

Haylee laughed but Oliver just stared at him, Barry smiled at Haylee before turning back to Oliver. "So, how do we catch Bivolo here?" Barry asked him. "Oh, no, we don't here. We're here to train," Oliver told him before grabbing the arrow from Haylee's hands. "What? Like Rocky?" Barry asked amused. "I read Lee's blog post on The Flash, and I visited all the crime scenes you fought at," Oliver explained to Barry.

"Don't you sleep?" Barry asked him with a serious tone. "Last month, you took on a man named Leonard Snart," Oliver began but Barry interrupted him, "We call him Captain Cold." Haylee sighed before leaning back on her hands. "We can talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later," Oliver responded instantly. "You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and The Huntress?" Barry asked which made Haylee snort, covering it with a cough due to Oliver's side glare.

"The point is that you engaged Snart on a commuter train, which he derailed," Oliver explained which caused Haylee to wince slightly as she remembered the news report about it. "Okay, there may have been some damage, but I got the job done, I was the hero," Barry replied feeling mildly offended by Oliver's comment. "Barry, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch o it? You could. You have the time, but you don't. You just run in blind," Oliver told him.

Haylee nodded in agreement with Oliver's words, she could remember her training with Oliver. He spent months teaching her to case the environment, to be sure of the exits and the different risks that could sneak up on her. "There's a difference, Barry, between having powers and having precision," Oliver finished off, Barry swallowed dryly at the words. "When I came to you thinking about going out and helping people, you said I could be an inspiration," Barry pointed out.

"Living this life... Well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And since you are probably as stubborn as I am..." Oliver says as he readies his bow, nocking an arrow into place. "What is that for?" Barry asked him being cautious. "You're going to run over there, you're going to come back at me, and you're going to hit with an arrow," Oliver told him with a serious expression but Barry laugh thinking he was joking. "No, I'm not," Barry replied.

"Yes, you are," Oliver said after a faux laugh. "Okay, fine, I will humour you," Barry told him with a challenging smirk, he looked over to Haylee with a wink. "This will hurt," Haylee muttered as Barry sped towards Oliver, catching the arrow he let loose. "Nice try," Barry smirked but before he could look to Haylee to see her impressed smile, two arrows shot out of their contraptions into his back making him groan in pain.

"Gah! What? You shot me?" Barry exclaimed as Haylee laughed quietly. "I heard you heal fast," Oliver replied before pulling out the arrows making Barry scream out in pain. "Are you alright?" Haylee asked Barry as she walked over, Oliver handed her the bow. "Uh, yeah... Why are you holding the bow?" Barry asked with a worried expression. "You can't always rely on your powers. Remember your fight against Tony? You need to be able to rely on your other skills," Haylee told him before nodding at Oliver.

"You and I will fight one on one while dodging Haylee's perfect aim," Oliver announced before moving to the clear space. "I don't think I'm at that level," Barry replied as he scratched the back of his neck. "I'll take it easy on you. She won't though," Oliver warned him as Haylee smirked, she knocked an arrow into place before moving back onto the patio, she raised the bow and smiled innocently while Barry swallowed dryly.


"It wasn't that bad," Haylee said to Barry as he rubbed his shoulder. "You hit me with every arrow! How were you that good?" Barry asked with wide eyes. "I worked for Oliver, knew his identity and he became protective, and he taught me. Told me I was a natural," Haylee shrugged off wanting to avoid her past despite knowing she'd have to tell him eventually. "Yeah, a natural alright. My shoulder still hurts," Barry whined making Haylee laugh.

They both walked into the CCPD spotting Joe by his desk before looking to see Eddie talking to Captain Singh, well, arguing. "Hey. What's up?" Barry asked Joe as Haylee hugged him. "Eddie's making his case for the task force again," Joe told them, Haylee instantly groaned in annoyance. "But I thought the Captain shot him down already," Barry responded. "Well, apparently he's got a new argument. The Arrow made another appearance last night," Joe informed him.

"And?" Haylee asked with a frown. "He's dangerous, Haylee," Joe answered Haylee making her eyes glow for a moment from anger. "You don't know him or his story, you can't judge him for that. Everyone has a story, Joe. Why should you judge him on something he does for survival without knowing his story?" Haylee's voice was calm but they knew she was angry by the flicker of lights and computers.

"The Arrow has killed a lot of people in Starling City, Raven included and no doubt she'll show up eventually," Joe spoke calmly hoping to get Haylee to understand but she did the opposite. "Seriously?! You do know that Starling City is the dark, broken version of Central City, right? Things are different over there," Haylee tried her best to remain calm as Joe shook his head, Barry reached to hold Haylee's hand but she pulled away.

"It doesn't matter, Haylee. He's still killed people, hurt others and so has Raven," Joe continued but Haylee had enough, she closed her eyes willing back the tears before stepping forward. "Then consider me dangerous," Haylee spoke making Barry and Joe look at her with confused expressions. "Haylee, your metahuman abilities are controlled," Barry whispered to Haylee but she scoffed before looking between them. "You'll see..." Haylee turned around and left.


Haylee walked into her personal lab and approached her old suit, she swallowed dryly before looking over to Jesse. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Jesse asked her, he had been working on some tech to show Cisco. "They need the truth, Jess. I can't keep running from my past, it'll only kill me," Haylee replied before putting in the code to open the case. She pulled out the hood first and let her fingers run over the material, "No more running."

Haylee put up a post on her blog announcing that Raven had been seen in Central City before she made her way to an abandoned alleyway waiting for The Flash to show up. But she was surprised to see Arrow show up first, "Are you sure about this?" Haylee smiled before letting out a breath. "They need to know the truth," Haylee responded with her voice modifier. "Be careful, Raven. You'll only cause trouble for yourself," Arrow spoke as Flash showed up.

"What are your intentions here, Raven?" Flash asked straight away as he looked from Arrow to Raven, the hooded girl smirked before firing an arrow towards the roof of the building. "To show you who I really am," Raven spoke before pushing a button, the arrow rope pulled her up to the roof. She began running, jumping across the buildings and rolling on each landing. Flash looked to Arrow, "You aren't gonna chase her?" Arrow shook his head, "You should."

Flash raced after Raven while Arrow let out a breath as he prepared himself for whatever reaction may happen. Raven managed to keep ahead of Flash, the speedster watched her jump across the buildings before using an arrow to pull her onto the CCPN building. Flash managed to get in her way, the two broke into hand to hand combat until Raven managed to overpower him and pin him to the wall.

"Who are you?" Flash asked as he pushed her off of him, she rushed forward again and continue trying to land a hit on him. Raven smirked using this opportunity to train Flash, to test his reflexes and fight sequence. "Who are you?" Flash asked again as he stepped away from her, only to groan when she landed a punch to his stomach. "Barry, you good?" Cisco asked through the comms with the team behind him.

Flash finally had enough, he dodged her next attack and attempted to pin her down but Raven pushed off of the ground and flipped over him landing on one knee. "Who are you?" Flash asked as he turned to her, he was angry now. "Someone you know... Or you thought you did," Raven responded with the modifier before turning around, and with a slow shaky breath, Raven pulled her hood off revealing her identity. Barry's eyes widened, "Haylee..."


Author Note

I might be having too much fun writing this episode... 'Cause I love #Hayver so damn much and they won't be collabing again for a while... But like... I'm thinking about writing some Arrow episodes into this as flashbacks as he time as Raven and as her new Glitch identity... What do y'all think about that? Let me know!

-Rose <3

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