027 | Flash vs Arrow³

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"Haylee..." Barry breathed out as Haylee stood before him revealing herself as Raven, the brunette was shaking in fear as she looked up at him. "Haylee is Raven?" Caitlin voiced through the comms looking at Cisco, Jesse, Joe and Dr Wells, noticing that only Joe seemed to be shocked by the information. Barry removed his mask not wanting to have the others listening in to the conversation. "Why?" Barry asked with a betrayed expression.

"Don't do that... You knew I was hiding something about my past, so don't look at me like that," Haylee practically begged with glassy eyes. "I would have never judged you, Haylee. You know that..." Barry told her as he stepped forward. "I know..." Haylee spoke in a quiet voice. "So why didn't you tell me, Haylee? Why sit by and let Joe talk about Raven like that? It explains why you got so upset with him but why not say anything? Why?" Barry asked with a voice crack.

"I'm scared! I'm scared that you have these expectations that I'll never reach... And you'll leave," Haylee answered, her voice was soft and broken as a tear fell down her face. "I'd never leave you, Hayles. It's physically impossible for me to even think about ever leaving you," Barry argued back, he shook his head before stepping forward again. "I've done bad things, Barry... I've hurt people... I don't deserve someone like you..." Haylee whimpered before taking a shaky breath hoping to blink away her tears.

"Don't do that, Haylee... You made mistakes, you've done things that you clearly regret, you have remorse, it makes you human... I'd never hold your past against you," Barry assured as he stepped forward again, only one step away from Haylee. "Nothing you can tell me will ever change how I feel about you..." Barry whispered to her as he took that final step forward, Haylee hiccuped a sob before falling into Barry's arms. "You aren't broken, Hayles. You're human," Barry whispered into her ear.


"No signs of macular damage. Your retina and cornea seem unaffected," Caitlin told Barry as he sat in front of her. "I told you, I'm fine," Barry assured them. After reassuring Haylee and bringing her back to Star Labs where Joe apologised for his words, Barry had gone up against Bivolo alone rather than having Arrow assist him which resulted in him being affected by the metahuman. "You said Bivolo whammied you. No desire to go MMA on any of us?" Felicity asked Barry.

"No. Yeah, I mean, something weird happened with his eyes for a sec," Barry explained to them, Haylee let out a sigh trying to ignore her headache caused by the needed breakdown after holding in her emotions for so long. "Weird thing?" Haylee inquired with a shaky breath. "Yeah, everything went red," Barry told her before sending her a small reassuring smile. "Okay, next thing you know, Bivolo was gone. Look, obviously his powers didn't work on me, so..." Barry trailed off at the unimpressed look on Haylee's face.

"It was stupid for you to go out there alone. You take too many risks. As fast as you are, that's going to catch up with you," Caitlin scolded him, Haylee nodding in agreement with her words. "Caitlin, I'm not Ronnie. You gotta stop treating me like I am," Barry snapped at Caitlin making Haylee and Felicity look at each other with worried expressions. "You're right. You're not," Caitlin stated before storming away from Barry with a hurt glint in her eyes.

"What?" Barry asked Felicity as she stared at him. "You are such a lovable dummy," Felicity told him as Barry's phone vibrated. "It's Oliver... he wants to have another session," Barry told Felicity as he looked at his phone. "I'm sure he's not going to shoot you again. Maybe you should wear body armour," Felicity joked but frowned when Barry didn't smile or laugh. "Barr, take me with you," Haylee spoke up with a small smile.


"Thinking of new ways to embarrass me?" Barry asked Oliver as he placed Haylee down, keeping her close in a primal protective way. "I'm not trying to embarrass you, Barry, but you went after Bivolo last night alone and you lost him," Oliver explained with a teacher-like voice in hopes Barry understood that Oliver was just trying to help him. "And you've never had a misstep?" Barry asked with an annoyed scoff, Haylee let out a sigh before walking closer to Oliver.

"'Course I've had missteps. Barry, I have been living this life for almost eight years, encountering things you can't even fathom, and I am still alive," Oliver explained to Barry as he stood next to Haylee, the brunette nodded in agreement with Oliver which made Barry grit his teeth. "Not because super-speed kept me out of the ground," Oliver added which made Barry look away with a scoff-like expression.

"It was because I realized that I needed to keep learning, keep training, keep getting smarter, and until you get that, despite your best intentions, you will do more harm than good," Oliver was stern with his teachings, Haylee knew that best as she had heard a similar lesson from Oliver but now, Haylee was worried that Barry's "whammied" state would cause some major issues that weren't necessary.

"I finally see it," Barry stated with a judgmental look in his eyes. "You're a little bit jealous of me, aren't you?" Barry asked as he dropped his arms to his side. Haylee closed her eyes and look towards the ground letting out a sigh as Oliver raised a brow. "A guy like you, handsome, rich, can have any girl he wants-" Barry started before motioning towards Haylee, the brunette in mention scoffed at the taunting words.

"-Jealousy's probably a new emotion for you, so you might be a little slow to get what it is that you're feeling," Barry continued until he was standing in front of Oliver, Haylee crossed her arms as Barry and Oliver stood toe to toe. "That's your theory?" Oliver asked unimpressed by Barry's taunting words. "Absolutely," Barry responded instantly. "So you can train, lift weights, climb that stupid barn till your heart explodes, but you'll never he as fast as I am," Barry said in his face.

"Barry..." Haylee warned but Oliver stopped her with a side glance. "You'll never be want I am. And that's gotta hurt your rock-hard pride, Ollie," Barry finished off and despite the blank nonchalant expression on Oliver's face, Haylee knew he was hurting from those words. Barry walked between Haylee and Oliver as the latter stood still, the former turned to look at Barry with an upset expression.

"I told Felicity you didn't want my help," Oliver stated out loud to the speedster. "Yeah. You're finally right about something," Barry replied before looking at Haylee, "Let's go." Haylee let out a slow breath. "I'm staying with Ollie," Haylee told him with her arms crossed, she watched as Barry clenched his jaw, his eyes flashed red for a moment before he rushed off in a red blur. "Bivolo's powers affected him, Ollie. Don't let it affect you," Haylee assured Oliver who let out a sigh.


"I don't even want to know how Dr Wells worked it out," Haylee told Oliver who was unimpressed with the knowledge that his identity was revealed to more people. "Then again, you arrive in town along with the Arrow, its not that difficult to pin that together," Haylee continued until Oliver looked at her. "Right, I'm shutting up now," Haylee said with a small smile. "Where is he?" Haylee spoke into her comms.

"Uh, attacking Eddie..." Cisco told Haylee who instantly groaned in annoyance. "As if Eddie didn't hate Flash enough as it is, now he's making it worse," Haylee said before looking at Oliver, "I'll lead him out and to you." Oliver nodded before the two pulled their hoods up. Glitch smirked at her new suit, she glitched down the alleyways and up onto the roof to spot where Barry was currently attacking Eddie.

"I've spotted him," Glitch announced before glitching down into the street, she pulled Eddie to the side and glitched over to Flash, kicking him in the side. "Not in the mood for this," Flash spoke in a slight growl. "Well, that's too bad because I wanna play," Glitch replied before glitching behind him, she pulled her bow out and flicked it before nocking an arrow and sending it into his leg.

"You're out of control, Flash. Don't let Bivolo's power control you," Glitch told him as she dodged his next attempted hit. "Catch me if you can," Glitch teased before glitching down the street, she was focusing his anger on her. "I might just got spend time with Arrow," Glitch spoke knowing that would hit him, and it did successfully as he moved in a blur throwing her into a wall.

"Oh, you wanna play like that," Glitch muttered under her breath, she pushed off of the ground and let her electricity soared over her, she created small energy balls and threw them towards Flash, the speedster dodged them easily with a smirk on his face. "Is that all you got?" Flash taunted while Glitch simply shrugged. "Distractions work," Glitch informed him right as Oliver dropped into the street.

Arrow shot an arrow that wrapped a strong rope around Flash while Glitch moved to stand near Arrow. "You need to calm down," Arrow warned Flash who glared harshly at the two. "And you need to hold on," Flash replied before speeding  off, dragging Oliver along the pavement, Glitch sighed before following after them. Flash used the cord attached to him to throw Arrow across the ground, Glitch zapped next to Flash and punched him in the chest allowing Arrow a chance to let the cord go.

Arrow nocked two arrows into his bow as Flash threw Glitch away from him, the blue-suited girl let out a groan from the impact. Arrow let off the arrows, both of them hit the wall behind Flash who then smirked, "You missed." Glitch rolled her eyes at Flash's words. "No," Arrow stated casually before pushing a button, the two arrows blew up sending Flash to the ground with a groan. Arrow jumped up and moved to help Glitch, "You alright?" Glitch nodded before glitching behind him and kicking Flash away in his attempt to attack Arrow from behind.

Arrow nocked another arrow into his bow and shot it into Flash's shoulder, "2000 milligrams of horse tranquilizer should be hitting you anytime now." Glitch watched as Flash's entire body began to vibrate burning through the tranquilizer. "That's not good," Glitch muttered already feeling drained from her electricity usage. Flash began running around Arrow and Glitch causing a tornado-like vortex to form, Arrow shot an arrow towards a building and wrapped his arm around Glitch pulling them from the ground.

Flash moved in a blur up the building and pulled the arrow from the wall causing the two to drop, Glitch closed her eyes and focused on hers and Arrows energy before glitching both of them safely on the ground. "Holy wow... it worked," Glitch breathed out before stumbling into Arrow. "Good save," Arrow told her before turning his attention to Flash. "Is that all you got?" Flash asked them, Arrow noticed that Glitch was feeling drained from glitching both of them. "I got this," Arrow assured her.

Glitch moved to the side and rested against the wall as she took steady breaths focusing on the electricity around her, she needed to feed on some of it. Meanwhile, Arrow attempted hand to hand combat with Flash, the speedster dodging his attempts with his speed until Arrow landed a hit which only aggravated the Flash further. "You think you can impress her..." Flash seethed before sending fast punches into Arrows stomach, back and finally one to his face.

Glitch stepped back from the electrical box that she siphoned some power from and turned to the two fighting, she let out a breath before glitching over and kicking Flash in the side which sent him stumbling back from Arrow, giving him an opportunity to recover from the hits. Arrow clicked a button that sent to arrows flying towards Flash from his bike, Flash turned and caught them instantly.

"Fool me once," Flash spoke up as Arrow threw a smaller arrow into Flash's leg, Glitch zapped next to Arrow and helped him up from the ground. Flash pulled the arrow from his leg and attempted to stand up straight as Glitch stood ready to fight if she needed. "I still believe in you, Barry," Arrow spoke up, Flash's eyes began to glow a vibrant red before he moved forward to punch Arrow, the archer caught his punch.

Arrow turned Flash around and held him in place as a van pulled into the alleyway, Glitch moved to the side ready to intervene if she needed to as Flash tried to free himself from Arrow's hold. Joe, driving the van, turned the car and Dr Wells clicked a button to open the van door which then revealed a colour pattern that reversed Bivolo's affects, freeing Flash from the anger he felt.

"Barry, you okay?" Arrow asked as Glitch stepped closer to them. "Oh, this is gonna be a special kind of hangover," Flash replied making Glitch laugh and shake her head. "Oh yeah, he is fine," Glitch voiced before smiling up at Flash. "Training with you will be fun," Glitch warned making Flash's eyes widen while Arrow chuckled knowing that Glitch would be getting back at Flash for the hits tonight.

"Oliver... I'm so sorry," Barry told him as Oliver helped Barry walk, Haylee walked beside them. "It's not your fault. But we still have your metahuman to take care of. Anything left in the tank?" Oliver asked him. "Well, if not, there's three of us, right?" Barry asked Oliver and Haylee who both nodded in agreement. "Well, what are we waiting for boys? We've got work to do," Haylee spoke with a smile.


Author Note
The next chapter will be the final part of Flash vs Arrow... I'm sad... then after that, I'm gonna do an original chapter that shows more of Haylee's friendships with Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Eddie and even her brother, Jesse.

I know there is a second part to the crossover via Arrow which I might write after the original chapter. We shall see...

Because I am a simp of #Hayver despite loving #Barlee.

Anyway, how did you like the change in the fight scene? Did I incorporate Haylee smoothly or does it seem forced?

I like it but I'm not the one I'm trying to impress... Also, thank you for all the love on this story.

-Rose <3

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