033 | A Merry Little Christmas

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"I've been going over the data, and I still don't know why the containment system failed. Haylee and I must have missed something. I'm sorry," Cisco told Dr Wells who smiled calmly at him. "It's not your fault, Cisco. Nor is it, Haylee's," Dr Wells assured him. "Are you certain that you are okay?" Jesse asked his sister who walked into the Cortex with an icepack on the back of her head. "Yes, I am fine. Stop worrying so much," Haylee told him before walking to stand near Cisco.

"But if you both feel the need to apologize for something, you might start with not telling me that Ronnie is still alive," Dr Wells told them with a stern voice. "I asked them not to say anything," Caitlin told Dr Wells, "Once I saw what Ronnie had become, I needed... I needed time to see if I make him whole again," Caitlin told him, Haylee rested a hand on Caitlin's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I know you're mad," Caitlin looked down.

"No. I don't know what I would have done differently in your situation," Dr Wells assured her before sighing. "I know I have made you a lot of promises. I know I've not been able to keep them all. But on my life, I promise you this... We will bring Ronnie home," Dr Wells told her before looking around at the team. Haylee let out a slow breath before sneaking out of the Cortex, she made her way up to the room where the trap stood.

"How did you escape?" Haylee whispered as she crossed her arms, she let her eyes glow blue and focused on the low energy that pulsed off the machine hoping that an answer would jump out at her. "You okay?" Cisco asked as he walked up to her, stopping beside her with his own eyes on the machine. "I noticed something tonight," Cisco told her with a shaky breath. "What?" Haylee asked him, her eyes never leaving the machine.

"When he escaped the machine and threw you across the room, for a single moment, it looked like..." Cisco trailed off before holding out the tablet, pressing play on the recording. Haylee looked down at the tablet with furrowed brows as Cisco slowed the recording down, only for her eyes to widen when she spotted the trail of blue lightning enter the room and throw Haylee into the wall. Cisco looked up at Haylee, "Haylee... The yellow blur didn't throw you into the wall... someone else did."


It was Christmas Eve and Joe had invited everyone over for dinner, technically he invited Haylee over because he wanted her to cook but after what had happened, they decided pizza would be a better choice. "Are you alright?" Haylee asked Jesse whose eyes kept landing on Iris, the girl would look at him before looking away awkwardly. "I may have told Iris how I felt," Jesse told Haylee causing her eyes to widen but before she could say anything, the door opened.

"Hey. What are you guys doing here?" Barry asked Caitlin and Cisco who smiled up at him. "I invited them. Where's Dr Wells?" Joe asked. "He wasn't feeling up to a social gathering, but he appreciated the invitation," Caitlin explained to Joe who nodded. "Eggnog?" Cisco asked with a smirk. "Yes!" Joe cheered as he approached Cisco. "Merry Christmas, Barry," Eddie shook Barry's hand, the speedster smiled back. "You too, Eddie, Iris," Barry smiled at her before approaching Haylee.

She smiled up at him as he sat on the arm of the chair, leaning down to kiss Haylee who melted into it instantly as everyone else watched happily. Haylee excused herself and pulled Joe and Cisco to the side as Jesse and Barry discussed Jesse's "feeling bomb" on Iris. "Alright, I think I'm going insane right now so I gotta tell you two because one will think logic and the other will think science," Haylee expressed to the two of them.

"When the Flash and the man in yellow were going full-on bumper cars on each other, I was watching the electricity coming off of them, I could practically feel the pulses from it... yellow and red electricity..." Haylee explained, she took in a deep breath. "When Barry was a kid, he said he saw red and yellow lightning in his house the night his mother died," Haylee added before looking between the two men who caught on. "There were two of them," Cisco spoke up.

"The man in yellow may have killed Barry's mother," Haylee said with a sad expression. "There was another speedster there that night," Joe finished off before the three of them went quiet. Not only had the Yellow Blur escaped but now they had a theory that carried evidence that there were two speedsters within the Allen household that night fourteen years ago. Haylee looked at Barry as he laughed at something Iris had said, her heart dropped at the realisation that there was more to this than they thought.

Iris had called the three over to put the angel on top of the tree, a tradition the family had done every year. Barry pulled Haylee into his arms, her back to his chest as they watched Joe plug in the lights. The found family cheered as they stood around the tree with Grandma Esther's eggnog - "light" on the bourbon (not that Barry would know) - in their hands enjoying the time they had despite the revelations they didn't wish to know. Haylee shivered involuntarily as a familiar pulse hit her from outside, she turned to the window in time to see a yellow blur disappear.


Haylee typed in the familiar code as she fought back the giddy feeling in her stomach, the door before her slowly opened allowing her to walk in. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she quickly raised her hand in time to catch an arrow coming her way, with a small smirk she glitched behind Oliver and grabbed the bow from his hand. "Is that how you welcome your friends now?" Haylee asked as she placed the bow on the table.

"Lee," Oliver whispered before pulling her into a tight hug. "Merry Christmas, Ollie," Haylee whispered to him as she tightened her embrace. "Merry Christmas, Lee. It's good to see you," Oliver told her as he pulled away, leaving his hands resting on her waist as he looked down at her. "I know why you are here," Oliver told her and she nodded in agreement. "It took us some time but we finally found him," Oliver explained before leading Haylee out of the hideout.

"He was trying to get on a plane to Europe when Digs located him. With Felicity's skills, we managed to corner him and lock him up," Oliver explained as they approached Oliver's motorbike. The two got on and Oliver raced through traffic until he reached Starling City's Police Department where Sebastian Mitchell was locked up in a cell. "He doesn't seem to be a big fan of yours now that his father and brother died," Oliver explained as they headed in.

"Haylee Brager," Quentin Lance spoke as he approached the two. "Detective Lance, it's been some time," Haylee responded before the two shook hands. "I hear that you've had an upgrade these days," Lance mentioned which made Haylee smirk, her eyes began to glow blue before fading out. "You could say that," Haylee shrugged casually while Oliver smirked. "Glad we made amends then," Lance told her before motioning for them to follow him.

"There's your guy," Lance told her as Haylee stepped up in front of the two-way mirror that allowed her to see him. Sebastian sat in the car with a deadly glare set on his face, a dark bruise rested under his right eye and he had a split lip along with a bandage on his shoulder that showed Oliver had gotten him with an arrow. "I see you treated him with your natural kindness," Haylee stated sarcastically which only made Oliver smile in return.

Haylee smiled at the two men before glitching into the room leaving Lance stunned while Oliver chuckled at the older man's reaction. While Sebastian leaned back in his seat shocked to see Haylee standing before him with glowing blue eyes. "So first you play me, then you assist your father in trying to kill me - which by the way, I didn't kill him, someone else did - and then you threaten me before attempting to disappear, why?" Haylee asked him.

"He told me to leave. He told me that if I didn't leave and stop trying to hurt you then he'd kill my mother... I wasn't gonna let him hurt her," Sebastian instantly told her in a panicked tone. Haylee furrowed her brows as she looked at Sebastian, "Who? Who threatened her? Who told you to leave?" Sebastian stayed silent as he swallowed dryly. "Who?" Haylee shouted as she slammed her fist on the table, electrical currents soaring over her momentarily. Sebastian jumped before speaking, "The yellow man! It was the yellow man..."


After Lance locked Sebastian away, the man too terrified of the Yellow Blur to threaten Haylee further, Haylee and Oliver made their way to Big Belly Burger where Diggle was currently. The two of them decided to have Haylee glitch in front of him, which she did. "Don't do that!" Diggle told her sternly as he cleaned up the soda that he had spilt over himself. Both Haylee and Oliver were laughing as Felicity made her way in, the blonde instantly sat down with Haylee and hugged her.

Haylee updated Team Arrow about everything that had happened with Team Flash including the details about the Yellow Blur, she even sent the video recording to Felicity in hopes the blonde could find more evidence for Haylee and Cisco. She enjoyed her time with her former team - her Starling family - before saying goodbye to them. Oliver walked her out knowing she was going to glitch back to Central City, the two walked silently.

"Are you sure that Central City is where your heart is?" Oliver suddenly asked her as they stopped walking, ensuring no one would see her glitch away. "Yeah, I'm sure. Listen, Ollie... I know you are convinced that guys like you don't get the girl, but that genius blonde in there, she's your true heart; you just haven't realised it yet," Haylee told him with a sweet smile. "You'll always be my epic love, Oliver Queen. Always," Haylee told him before kissing his cheek and glitching away.


Haylee spent the rest of Christmas with Barry, the two of them were cuddled up in Barry's apartment watching Christmas movies and eating enough snacks to feed an army. While Jesse was in their lab, he was focusing on the tech in front of him as a distraction from his feelings about Iris. Cisco was with him, the two working on building Lavera a full AI body - which was almost complete. Eddie and Iris were together while Joe was focused on work.

Caitlin was at home enjoying the peace and quiet watching her favourite movies with a nice warm coffee in her hands. In Starling City, Oliver was training in his hideout while Diggle spent Christmas with his family, Felicity spending her time with her family. Oliver let Haylee's words burn into his mind, they were an epic love but it wasn't forever, he understood that now more than ever. And finally, Dr Wells stood in his office smiling at the recording of the blue lightning saving Haylee... "This will be fun, Bolt."


Author Note
I wasn't entirely sure how to end this chapter but decided that the last chapter was slightly longer so this one could be shorter. I had to add some more #Hayver content to full my love.

Anyway, who saved Haylee? Who is Bolt? What will happen for Team Flash now?

-Rose <3

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