034 | History

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Haylee sat next to Dr Wells, they were back on the abandoned runway from Barry's first revelation about his abilities. She was eating some fries from Big Belly Burger as they trained Barry, after his encounter with the Yellow Blur - that Haylee and Cisco had decided on calling him Reverse-Flash - he realised he wasn't the fastest man alive and so he needed more training. Which is how they ended up on the runway with one of Cisco's drones firing missiles at the speedster who had to dodge and deter the weapons.

"That was too close," Caitlin announced as the missile blew up next to Barry, barely missing him but Haylee wasn't too worried. "He told me to make it hard," Cisco replied to Caitlin who then looked at him with an incredulous look. "Please don't kill him Cisco, he hasn't asked me out officially yet, so I can't claim girlfriend status at his funeral," Haylee told Cisco before throwing another chip into her mouth. Caitlin shook her head while Cisco and Dr Wells laughed at her comment.

"Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed," Dr Wells reminded Cisco before taking an offered chip from Haylee. "Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?" Barry asked with a cocky smirk. Cisco looked to Dr Wells and Haylee, the former nodded as the latter smirked, "Bring it." Cisco smirked before pushing a button for another missile. "Why isn't he running away?" Caitlin asked with wide eyes while Haylee rolled her eyes.

Barry caught the missile mid-air and spun it around, sending it straight into Cisco's drone causing it to blow up. Cisco frowned at the destruction of his drone before sighing and moving on from the grief knowing he had two more. "Show off!" Haylee called out as Barry sped over to them, planting a soft kiss on Haylee's head instantly. "Very impressive, Mr Allen. Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve," Dr Wells complimented.

"It's still not enough," Barry said with a frown. "It will be," Dr Wells assured him with a kind smile on his face. "You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around," Dr Wells explained to him. "I think you mean Reverse-Flash," Cisco spoke up getting a nod from Haylee. "What? He said it," Haylee told them with a shrug. "And he's right. The yellow suit, red lightning, and evil... the reverse of Barry," Cisco explained.

"Meh," Barry spoke up while Dr Wells nodded. "Actually, I kind of like it," Dr Wells told them, both Haylee and Cisco smiled at each other as Barry ate another burger. "All right, I'm still ready for another round. How many more drones do you have left?" Barry asked Cisco. "Two," Haylee spoke up with a smile. "And they've got lasers," Cisco added with a wide grin on his face. "No!" Caitlin, Dr Wells and Haylee said instantly causing Cisco's grin to fall while Barry laughed and kissed Haylee's cheek before speeding off onto the runway.


"Barry, Haylee," Joe called them over, he had asked Barry to pick up Haylee before arriving at the crime scene. "Hey," Barry smiled at him as Haylee knelt down by the frozen pieces on the ground. "Well, the breakage indicates that the door somehow had zero viscoelasticity when it hit the ground," Barry explained to Joe. "What does that mean to normal people?" Joe asked making Haylee laugh. "The steel shattered like glass," Haylee simplified. "That's why Iris calls you his translator," Joe commented.

"Guys, it was frozen... By something that reaches Sub Zero," Haylee told them with a frown. "Snart," Joe realised instantly making Haylee and Barry sigh. "I thought Snart was some world-class thief. All these expensive cars... He didn't take any of them?" Eddie asked with furrowed brows while Haylee was hit with a thought. "Eddie, put out an APB on Snart," Joe told him, the detective nodded and walked away.

"He wasn't here to steal anything, he was setting up a trap for Flash," Haylee explained to them instantly, Joe and Barry shared an uneasy look. "That's not good news," Joe expressed as Haylee walked over towards the door noticing a match sitting on the ground. "And he wasn't alone, I bet. Look," Haylee told them as she held up the match. "Snart likes the cold, why would he want a match?" Barry spoke leaving the three of them uneasy.


"Captain Cold is back?" Cisco asked after Haylee and Barry explained their findings. "For a non-meta human, Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the Nemesis," Dr Wells expressed with a sigh. "He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us, the one I built," Cisco pointed out with a guilty expression, Haylee rested her hand on his shoulder and sent him a reassuring smile. "Well, what does he want this time?" Caitlin asked them. "The Flash," Haylee answered her instantly.

"If Snart wants a fight with the Flash, then I'll give him one," Barry told them but Dr Wells sent Barry an unsure look. "You don't think I should?" Barry asked his mentor. "I didn't say that. But, Barry, as fast as you are, you cannot be everywhere at once. And it becomes then a question of priorities," Dr Wells told him. "Now, in the last month, you have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes, and it's working," Dr Wells continued.

"You're finally getting faster," Dr Wells finished off. "Okay, but what am I supposed to do, just ignore Snart?" Barry asked. "The last time you had a fight with Snart, a train derailed. You were lucky to get all those people to safety. And if you don't give him that fight..." Dr Wells trailed off. "He may just back off, and there'll be no casualties," Barry finished off for him. "And hey, if it makes you feel better, I'll focus on helping with a way to catch Snart," Haylee added with a reassuring smile.

"Exactly. Look, Barry, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch Cold," Dr Wells said before noticing the grins on Haylee and Cisco's faces at the use of the Villain nickname. "Yes, I said it, Cisco, Haylee. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it," Dr Wells told them but the two simply high fived each other with wide smiles. "Yeah, we can definitely come up with ways to neutralize Snart," Cisco assured Barry.

"Listen, Barry. Whether or not you go after Snart, that's your choice. We will do whatever we can to support you," Dr Wells assured the speedster who focused on every word. "But after this past Christmas, after the events with the Reverse-Flash... I just think he poses a greater threat to all of us," Dr Wells finished off. Haylee looked up at Barry with a sympathetic smile, she let out a slow breath as he turned to her. "The choice is yours, Bar," Haylee told him.


"If it isn't little Noelle..." Henry Allen teased with a smile as Haylee sat down on the opposite side of the window. "Hey, Henry. How are you doing?" Haylee asked with a smile. "I'm doing well. You know, Barry told me some interesting information in his last visit," Henry smiled widely as Haylee blushed and looked down slightly. "Barry makes me happy, he's a good man," Haylee told him, a content smile resting on Henry's face.

"He told me that you two were dating, but not official..." Henry trailed off with furrowed brows before sighing, "What's taking you two so long?" Haylee laughed at his words. "We've been pretty distracted focusing on other things," Haylee told him with a small smile. "You mean Nora's case?" Henry asked with a frown. "We're gonna get you out of here, Henry. You're innocent, I know that. We'll get you out," Haylee told him firmly, she didn't doubt her words.

"I believe you will, but don't let life just cruise by. I've lived my life. You and Barry deserve to live yours," Henry told her with a smile. "Now, how is that brother of yours? Still pining over Iris?" Henry asked with a smile. "Oh yeah. Jesse told her how he felt even though she is dating someone else," Haylee told Henry whose eyes widened. "No..." Henry breathed out before the two spent the rest of her visit talking about everything and anything.


"Leonard Snart," Haylee spoke as she walked up to him. "Haylee Brager. It's been a while," Snart replied with a grin. "You know, it wasn't that difficult to track you down. Wondering on old stomping grounds wasn't the best decision," Haylee told him with her arms crossed. "And why would you be hunting me down, Brager. We haven't spoken since we were kids," Snart told her with narrowed eyes. "I heard you got yourself a partner, likes a little fire and I made the assumption it was Mick Rory," Haylee explained with a shrug.

"Your genius never fails to amaze me, Brager. Mick and I have... a common interest," Snart told her with his usual calculating stare. "I guessed as much. I'm assuming your new focus is the cities hero, The Flash?" Haylee asked him with a raised brow. "Ah, yes. I've been skimming through that blog of yours. You've got quite the hard-on for the Flash," Snart pointed out with a taunting smirk. "Snart. We were friends once, so I'm gonna ask you this once... Walk away," Haylee asked with a sigh.

"Yeah, you see... Central City is my home, I'm not walking away," Snart told her before he stood up straight with a sigh. "And neither are you," Snart added before turning away, Haylee moved forward but was hit in the side of the head with something heavy. She stumbled back into someone's arms, her head instantly throbbing as black spots filled her vision. "It's been a while..." Mick spoke into her ear before she passed out.


After Barry received a call from Joe informing him that Haylee had been taken by Snart and his partner, he felt a wave of anger and guilt. Barry cursed to himself for not doing something sooner, he truly believed that he could have prevented Haylee from being taken. "Barry! Snart won't hurt Haylee," Jesse told him as Barry and Joe entered the precinct. "Why are you so sure about that?" Joe asked him. "Snart and Haylee were friends as kids. Our father worked with his dad, they would sneak off so Snart could escape his father's abuse," Jesse explained to them.

Barry and Joe shared a look before nodding at Jesse, it eased them but not by much. "Joe, we got a hit, a second pair of prints. They belong to a Mick Rory," Eddie told them as he approached the three. "Who is he?" Barry asked while Jesse shook his head. "Big-time arsonist. He and Snart worked a job last year that went bad. Half of Rory's body was burned in a fire that got out of control. He escaped from an ambulance on the way to the hospital, hasn't been seen since," Eddie explained to them. "Why would they kidnap Haylee?" Eddie added, worried about his friend.

"Joe, Thawne, it's on every station," They turned their attention to the TV screen that showed Snart close to the camera while Mick held Haylee in place, her playing the part of the damsel in distress not wanting to reveal her power. "Greetings, citizens of Central City. I am Leonard Snart. But you can call me Cold," Snart introduced with a smirk. "I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone. That "red streak" you've been hearing whisper's about, the one mysteriously saving people these past few months?" Snart explained.

"Well, surprise, he's real. This pretty gal writes that special blog all about him. They call him The Flash," Snart announced as Haylee tried to fight out of Mick's grip. Barry clenched his jaw in anger as he watched the screen, Jesse let out a steady breath. "Porter and Main, tonight, sundown. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Flash. Show the whole world you're real," Snart teased with a smile before leaning in closer, "Or this pretty gal dies." Haylee shook her head, "No, don't come for me. Stay away!" And the video cut out.


Author Note
Oh, Haylee. Trying to be Barry's hero, how cute!
I love tying my OCs in with multiple characters so the opportunity to connect her to Snart was so tempting, I went with it. Plus, I'm really getting these updates out quicker than I thought. I hope you are enjoying them!

-Rose <3

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