𝘒𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘷𝘴 𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘳

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After organizing with Brooks and San to head to the boat, Analeah and James led Mason and Marlow toward the current battlefield that Marlow had created. Analeah adjusted the bag on her back being cautious with the explosives she had within it that had been found on the bodies of the other soldiers. Analeah was fuming at the sight ahead of her, Kong lay burned in the river on his back while Colonel Packard stood in front of him with a sadistic smile on his face; the others watched the scene with a mix of guilty and disgusted expressions. Analeah took steady steps until she was by Colonel Packard, "PACKARD!"

The man looked up at her as James and Mason stepped out, the soldiers raising their guns at the girl who glared at their Colonel. "It's done. You're done, so drop the detonator and let's go or I'm leaving your dumbass on this island for him to play with," Analeah threatened Colonel Packard with her own gun raised at him, the look in her eyes screamed that she wasn't gonna back down anytime soon. Slivko hated holding his gun up at the girl he had fallen for, the way she stood her ground created a warmth in his chest that he had to ignore; he wasn't on board with the Colonel's plan.

Marlow appeared behind Slivko and Reles, holding his katana to Reles' neck while pointing his gun at Slivko. "I asked you fellas nice the first time," Marlow told them as he raised a brow at Slivko hoping the boy would stand his ground. "We don't wanna fight here, Packard," James spoke up knowing his sister was more likely to provoke a fight in hopes to shoot Colonel Packard between the eyes. "This thing brought us down! It killed my men!" Colonel Packard snapped back at James. "He was defending his home the same way you defend your country. He had a right to fight back!" Analeah sneered at Colonel Packard as she stood between Packard and Kong.

"We are soldiers! We do the dirty work, so our families and our countrymen don't have to be afraid!" Colonel Packard shouted at Analeah and James, the siblings stood together protectively in front of Kong. "They shouldn't even know a thing like this exists!" Colonel Packard continued but Analeah simply rolled her eyes. "And they won't. If we fight hard enough, no one will know about Kong's existence and he won't leave the island. You're picking a fight where one is not needed, Packard. You best back down," Analeah shouted back at Packard, her heart pounding in her chest as she stood ready for anything.

"Bullshit!" Colonel Packard snapped back at her. "You've lost your mind. Put that detonator down," James spoke up for the remaining soldiers to hear. Colonel Packard walked closer to James, stopping just a foot away from the gun before activating the detonator; only a push of a button to explode Kong. "Stop! The world is bigger than this," Mason spoke up pulling Packard's attention to her. "You'll regret this!" Analeah added to Mason's words. "Bitch, please!" Colonel Packard shouted back at her, "Slivko, get her out of there!" Analeah glanced at Slivko whose hands were shaky, his mind running wild with what to do next.

Slivko made eye contact with Analeah and all of his walls broke, he turned his gun towards Colonel Packard and stood straighter. "Put it down, sir!" Slivko demanded with a tone of politeness that made Analeah bite back a smile. "Packard!" Analeah snapped noticing the man reaching for his pistol, she stepped forward, "You even think about pulling that gun out to shoot him, I'll put a bullet between your eyes so quickly, you won't even get the chance to blink." Analeah was seething with the man, she watched from the corner of her eyes as Reles, Cole, and Mills lowered their weapons.

Before anything else was said, a loud bubbling splash caught their attention; Analeah's eyes widened as a Skull Crawler almost larger than Kong broke through the surface. "That's the big one," Marlow said with wide eyes. "Fall back!" James ordered everyone. Slivko ran straight towards Analeah and grabbed her hand before pulling her along with the others. The two seventeen-year-olds kept a tight grip on each other's hands, Analeah managed to look back in time to see Kong crush Colonel Packard under his fist; the sight made her smile proud of Kong.


The sun was rising in the distance as the survivors rushed through the jungle until they reached a marsh, Analeah could feel the weight of her special weapons in her bag. The group rushed out into the water, Analeah pulled her bag into her hands and pulled out two sticky bombs. "Cole! Mills!" Analeah called out, they turned to her and noticed the bombs; she tossed them to the two before pulling out the extra two and handing them over to Slivko and Reles. "I'm gonna take the flare gun and get up on that cliff to signal Brooks, I expect to see you all on the other side!" Analeah told them, James nodded hoping it would keep her out of danger.

"Come on, every second counts!" James told them as Cole nodded, "These are gonna do some serious damage." Mills smirked as he looked at Slivko, "She your girl yet?" Slivko shook his head as he glanced toward where Analeah was climbing the cliff. "You better make a move once this is over or you'll lose something great," Reles told him before activating the bomb in his hand, the Skull Crawler headed towards them and they all reeled their arms back throwing the bombs to stick to the reptilian beast. The explosions from the bombs had torn through the Skull Crawler's skin and sent it stumbling to the side allowing them an opportunity to move further away.

The familiar sound of Kong's growl pulled Analeah's attention, she turned her head to see Kong slam a large boulder into the Skull Crawler's head. With a smirk on her face, Analeah pushed herself to climb to the top faster. While Kong and the Skull Crawler battled, James, Mason, and the soldiers rushed away from the fight in hopes to clear it into safety. Analeah finally reached the top of the mountain, pulling the flare gun from her waistband before aiming into the sky with a shallow breath, she fired the flare into the sky hoping that Brooks would see it.

Kong ripped a tree out of the ground and tore off the branches to make it a weapon as the Skull Crawler snarled at him readying for another round to claim the King title but Kong wasn't gonna back down; he had his parents to avenge. The two titans rushed each other, Kong using the tree to bash the Skull Crawler across the jaw with enough force to send it stumbling back. Analeah watched in amazement as Kong fought to protect his home; the Skull Crawler growing more angry and impatient. The Skull Crawler charged Kong, the large ape grabbing it by the throat however, it used its tail to wrap around Kong's torso, and both of its hands connected with Kong's as it screeched in Kong's face.

With the force of its tail whip, the Skull Crawler threw Kong into a pile-up of shipwrecks where he got chained up by old rusted anchors and propellors. The Skull Crawler prowled towards Kong, pressing down on the ship lying across Kong's chest before taunting the prehistoric ape with its tongue; Before the Skull Crawler could taunt further, gunfire rained on the large beast. Analeah turned her head to see Brooks manning the machine gun on the ploat, firing at the Skull Crawler in an attempt to protect Kong. Mason and the soldiers made their way to the ploat as the Skull Crawler headed towards them, Analeah watched anxiously before an idea struck her.



Rosemary Speaks!

Almost at the end of the short story!
I really hope you've enjoyed the book.

See you in the next chapter!

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