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"Now, look, Colonel. You may outrank me, but I've been here a hell of a lot longer," Marlow began as the group moved together to get out of the valley, the weight of the dog tags in Analeah's pocket was beginning to get to her. "And I'm telling you that thing that just shredded us was only the first of them. Now we're on their turf, and we need to turn back toot sweet!" Marlow warned as they all stopped in a small clearing, Slivko and Analeah stood together as James let Slivko go after helping him walk. "Not as long as Chapman's still out there," Colonel Packard informed him, his tone indicating that he didn't care about anything else.

"You aren't gonna find him," Analeah spoke up as she stepped closer to the Colonel, her glare darkening as the man looked down his nose at her almost as though he found her presence completely unnecessary. "And why do you say that?" Colonel Packard asked in a mocking tone that James had picked up on. "Because that beast I just killed, coughed up this with a skull," Analeah answered him as she held out Jack Chapman's dog tags causing the soldiers around them to look down. "But that doesn't matter, does it Colonel?" Analeah taunted, "You want weapons that went down with the Sea Stallion to kill Kong, don't you?"

And there it was. The crazed glint in Colonel Packard's eyes was so prominent that anyone who looked the man directly in the face would see it clear as day. "We are still going to that crash site," Colonel Packard said sternly, he stood tall in front of Analeah in a way to intimidate her but she simply scoffed. "So you'd risk the lives of your remaining men and for what? A losing battle? You need to die in a blaze of glory, don't you? You hated the war ending, you refuse to accept that your life as a soldier with power is over," Analeah snarked towards the man, he tightened his grip on his gun.

"Kong didn't kill Chapman!" James spoke up in hopes to turn the Colonel's attention off of his sister due to the look on the man's face. "But he did kill these men! My men!" Colonel Packard replied as he held up a collection of dog tags. "You can't kill Kong, Colonel. Kong is God on this island. He's the only thing keeping them lizard things in the ground," Marlow added with a frantic tone, everyone was realizing the true intent of the Colonel's wants. Analeah looked towards Slivko who was watching her with a worried expression, he didn't want Analeah to get hurt any further but he had to follow his superiors orders.

"He's right, Colonel. We can't kill Kong," Brooks spoke up from where he stood with San, "Now, that other creature? That's the threat. And there are more of them down there." Analeah stepped back slightly as she looked at her arm, blood soaked the bandage and the pain was prominent. "If you take away a species' natural competition, they'll proliferate out of control," Analeah added to Brooks' words, she looked up at Colonel Packard who sneered at her. "Then we'll end them, too!" Colonel Packard snapped back, "After we bring this thing down."

Marlow pulled his katana from his sheath, "I can't let you do that, Colonel." Mills, Reles, and Cole immediately raised their guns in defense of their Colonel while Slivko lifted his gun slightly more hesitant than the others. "Whoa, whoa. Wait! Hold your fire!" James ordered while Analeah tightened her grip on the gun in her own hands. Colonel Packard used his gun to knock the katana out of Marlow's hands before shoving the man to the ground, "This is one war we are not gonna lose." He pointed his gun toward Marlow. "You really have lost your damn mind," Analeah commented causing him to turn his gun on her.

Everyone began yelling at Colonel Packard but his eyes were locked on Analeah who despite being a seventeen-year-old was clearly his biggest threat in some way. "We're not at war, Colonel. You're making a mistake!" Brooks spoke up pulling Colonel Packard's attention to him, the man pointed his gun at Brooks causing him to step back protectively in front of San. "You're lies got my men killed!" Colonel Packard snapped. "Like you're innocent! You're gonna get us all killed," Analeah shouted at the man, the gun pointing back at her due to the words. "You can stand there and play Alpha male, Colonel. But at the end of the day, you're risking us all now," Analeah added.

"Not out fight," James spoke as he pulled Analeah behind him into Mason's arms, the older woman holding Analeah protectively. "Whose side are you on, Captain?" Colonel Packard asked James without lowering the gun. "Okay, Colonel," James spoke with our arms out assuring the Colonel that he meant no harm, "You'll find your Sea Stallion three klicks up that ridge. Now, I'm gonna take these civilians back to the boat. And we'll wait for you there. All right?" Colonel Packard thought for a moment before lowering his gun. Analeah avoided looking at Slivko, she wasn't gonna influence his choice but she could feel his burning gaze.

"Saddle up! Let's go kill this thing!" Colonel Packard ordered his men but Analeah knew they weren't liking the idea nor did they have full faith in the man like before. Slivko followed the others, he stopped next to Analeah with a sigh. "Steve, you running with the big dogs or staying on the porch?" Colonel Packard questioned Nieves' former coworker. "I don't wanna be on the porch," Steve said before following behind the soldiers. "Slivko, you coming?" Reles called out noticing the boys focus on Analeah who hadn't looked at him. "Uh, yeah..." Slivko replied, placing something in Analeah's hand before walking off with the others.

"Marlow, are you okay?" James asked the man as he helped him up. "We need to stop him," Marlow told James instantly. "You wanna talk with him about it again? He seemed to really go for it the first time," Mason questioned Marlow rhetorically while Analeah looked down at the item pressed against her palm, her heart clenching at the sight of Slivko's dog tags. "He's losing his grip," James told them before they turned to head back towards the boat, though its whereabouts weren't completely known.


They eventually reached a spot where Analeah had climbed up a cliff in hopes to get a view of the area to spot the boat. Analeah's mind focused on the dog tags hanging around her neck, she hated letting him leave but knew he wouldn't defy orders. She could hear James and Mason following behind her, the latter was worried about Analeah while James knew she was processing everything in her own way. Once Analeah reached the top, the sun was already down and the view was hidden by light fog though she was quick to spot the boat around the bend.

"There's the boat," Analeah told the two once they stepped up behind her, she noticed how James looked at her. "I'm fine," Analeah told him, pushing her emotions aside. "He'll survive," James replied to her, he hadn't seen his sister interested in someone before but he knew that Slivko felt the same about Analeah, he just hoped the kid would wake up. Mason lifted her camera to take a photo but they all noticed the outline of Kong approaching them, James pulled the girls back as Kong stepped up in front of the cliff.

Analeah took a breath before she cautiously moved forward, reaching her hand out as she did so; Mason stopping James when he attempted to reach for his sister. Kong watched Analeah as she lightly placed her hand on the top of his nose, she smiled as she looked him in the eyes before bowing her head to him. Kong huffed a small breath of air that made Analeah giggle to herself, James and Mason watching the interaction in awe. A distant explosion pulled Kong's attention away, Analeah stepped back as Kong let out a mighty roar before heading in the direction of the attack. "We have to help him!" Analeah told them before they headed down the mountainside.



Rosemary Speaks!

Slivko gave Analeah his dog tags. How cute is that!
Also, apologies for killing off Chapman like in canon...

See you in the next chapter!

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