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Analeah walked with Slivko and Reles, the two stuck to either side of her while Mills and Cole followed behind the two. It took them around three hours to reach the edge of a large valley, titan fossils spread around the fields before they reached a hill looking down into a crater filled with a strange gassy fog that had a horrible stench. "Yeah, you smell that? That's death," Marlow told them. "What the hell is this place?" Slivko asked no one in particular. "It's a graveyard," Analeah said with a frown, she really didn't like the plan and the sight of Kong's parents' skeletons laying in the dirt made her feel worse.

"This is what's left of Kong's parents," Marlow added. "I've taken enough photos of mass graves to recognize one," Mason spoke up as she stared at the grave sight ahead of them. Slivko looked from the graveyard to Analeah, he noticed her discomfort and immediately wished he could deny his Colonel's orders to get her away from the dangers. "The crash site's just on the other side of this valley," Colonel Packard spoke up, "We'll cross through and make it to the highest point west." Analeah and James shared a look, he could see the hesitance in Analeah's eyes which made him uneasy about the plan.

"Uh-uh. This place is a real no-no, sir," Marlow warned Colonel Packard with a shake of his head, his eyes focused on his superior. "We need to be going to the north side right now," Steve spoke up with a panicked tone, Analeah internally agreed but anyone could tell that Colonel Packard wasn't backing down. "And you're welcome to do that, my man. By yourself," Colonel Packard told Steve who backed down at that. "I'm not leaving Jack out there," Colonel Packard informed everyone. "Bullshit..." Analeah muttered to herself, she knew what was on that Sea Stallion and it wasn't gonna be Jack Chapman; he was gone knowing what was in the valley.

"Now, who's with me?" Colonel Packard asked almost daring the others to refuse him. "We can make it," James spoke up. "At least most of us," Analeah added with a shrug, she wasn't gonna lie to any of them. "You're mighty right, we can make it," Colonel Packard spoke up ignoring Analeah's comments, finding her opinion invalid to the task. "Now, stay sharp. Keep an eye out," Colonel Packard added before leading the group into the valley below. "I've only been here twenty-eight years. What do I know?" Marlow asked rhetorically as Analeah nodded to his words, she trust Marlow far more than she trusted Colonel Packard.


The group walked cautiously through the fog, Analeah was playing with the small dagger as she looked around the area. Analeah had no idea what to expect of the Skull Crawlers and it made her extremely uncomfortable especially as Bill Randa snapped photos of the surrounding environment. The group began to split apart which only made Analeah shake her head in disappointment with everyone, she just felt that something was off. A sudden explosion made her jump, Slivko pulled her closer to him; the two looked toward Cole and Mills who had been thrown back by the sudden explosion.

"Watch those fumes!" Randa shouted causing Analeah to roll her eyes, she truly believed that half of the males had no sense of self-preservation. Everyone froze at the sound of a distant screech, the air seemed to thicken as the group huddled closer. "Run!" Marlow suddenly shouted causing everyone to split up in different directions, Slivko pulled Analeah to hide with him knowing that her injured arm limited her abilities. They were silent as the large Skull Crawler wandered around until it reached a small space just behind the large bones that Analeah and Slivko were hidden behind.

Analeah looked over to James and Mason as the Skull Crawler began to regurgitate, vomit and bones fell from the mouth of the creature. Analeah watched as a skull dropped into the space between the two bones, a pair of dog tags hit the ground and Analeah instantly read the name Chapman. As the Skull Crawler turned away, Analeah grabbed the dog tags and looked at her brother, James immediately realized his mistake in this task; he was doing a terrible job at protecting his little sister. The Skull Crawler scurried off into the fog leaving them all in silence, James lead the group out of the cover once Colonel Packard had.

They all moved forward, Analeah went to call Colonel Packard when the Skull Crawler returned and consumed Bill Randa in one gulp, the man's camera flashing within the stomach of the reptilian body in the fog. "Set up the fifty!" Colonel Packard ordered his men as Analeah stood with Silvko, the soldier held up his gun ready to shoot to protect her. "Death before dishonor," Marlow muttered in Japanese, Analeah looked from the Lieutenant to her brother who was also on edge. The Skull Crawler charged Marlow who managed to step to the side and slice across its leg closest to him.

The Skull Crawler smashed into the skull of the triceratops where a soldier had set up the big machine gun, the reptilian beast sent him into the air before reaching out with its tongue to pull him into its mouth. The Skull Crawler chased after Mason as everyone with a gun fired at the large beast, Analeah held the blade in her hand and threw it towards the monster, it successfully struck the beast in the eye. The creature turned towards Analeah, her eyes widened as it began to pursue her instead; she began running away barely managing to slide to safety underneath a smaller rib cage. "Bring the torch! Do your thing!" Colonel Packard ordered.

As one of the soldiers fired the flamethrower at the beast, Analeah took the opportunity to escape the small space and rush away from the burning creature. The Skull Crawler tail whipped one of the soldiers, sending him into a skull creating a large explosion that sent Slivko flying back into the soil. "Slivko! Gas!" Analeah screamed out, her eyes turned to the prehistoric birds that began flocking about; she wave her arms around before picking up a gun from the ground and firing shots at the birds. Analeah turned to see James fighting his way through the birds to get to Slivko, she let out a breath of relief seeing Slivko awake.

The Skull Crawler immediately headed towards the two and Analeah's eyes widened. "Mason!" Analeah screamed out as she raised her hand, Mason threw her the lighter and Analeah looked at the familiar item before she flicked it on and rushed up to them throwing the flammable item just to the side of the beast; the moment the lighter hit the flammable bones, an explosion sent the Skull Crawler to pieces while Analeah, James, and Slivko were sent back by the impact of the explosion. Analeah let out a groan as she lifted her head to see Slivko laying half under her, he looked up at her and let out a breath of relief.

Slivko's arm wrapped around Analeah as she went to move, she placed her hand on the side of his face as he squeezed her waist. "Never again..." Slivko told her making her laugh. "I got to save you this time," Analeah teased as she ignored the pain in her arm. "My hero," Slivko told her as he brushed her hair out of her face, "Though I'd prefer it if you were safe." Analeah shrugged at his words, "I can't make that promise." Slivko chuckled as she said that before the two got up from the ground, Analeah looked at the Skull Crawler impressed with her work but ultimately, she was pissed with Colonel Packard for putting them in this situation.



Rosemary Speaks!

Little heroic moments for Analeah.
And she's not too happy with the Colonel. Would you be?

See you in the next chapter!

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