Chapter 4

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I have linked a song for the chapter, enjoy!

Isn't jungook so hot?



"Belonging to someone doesn't sound bad when they belong to you as well."


Marinette woke up with a head-splitting headache.

"Hangovers are the worst," she mumbled to herself.

"Yes, Bugaboo, I agree with you. Hangovers are indeed the worst," the voice of the blond Brta came from the doorway.

"Adrien, it is way too early for your stupid taunts," Marinette said as she shot daggers with her eyes towards Adrien, only causing her headache to worsen.

The Beta held up his hands, surrendering. "Well, I came here to give you these," he held up two aspirins and walked towards Marinette's bedside table.

He poured her a glass of water and kept it beside the aspirins. 

"Why don't you freshen up? Everybody's waiting for you downstairs."

"Okay," Marinette nodded.

After Adrien left her room, she quickly drowned the aspirins with water, which somewhat relieved her pounding headache.

God! I stink, Marinette thought. Deciding she needed a shower, she walked towards her closet and picked something comfortable.

She chose a grey Calvin Klein bra with some high wasted grey sweat pants, and to top it off, she added a grey cardigan.

While being in the shower, Marinette's thoughts went to what happened the previous night.

After reaching her house, Marinette tore off the dress, leaving her in her bra and bicycle shorts.

"Why did you wear bicycle shorts under a ballgown,"  Rose, her wolf asked, her eyes rolling in disgust.

"Hey! You think that I would wear nothing under that ballgown, huh?" Marinette argued.

Marinette could feel Rose getting ready to throw a sassy comeback at her. Before Rose could do so, Marinette blocked her.

Marinette made her way to her home bar and took a seat. She served herself with two shots of vodka. She groaned as the alcoholic liquid went down her throat, burning it in the process.

By the time the others had reached home, Marinette was completely wasted. As Marinette went out to grab another drink, Gamma Kim whispered, "Oh no you don't."

He walked towards Marinette, snatched the glass from her hand, and threw it on the ground, causing it to shatter into hundreds of tiny little pieces.

He threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Marinette hit his back with her weak arms, which stopped after a while, indicating that she had fallen asleep.

He carried her to her room and laid her down on the bed, covering her with her blankets. He kissed her forehead and whispered, "Sweet dreams Mari."


Damain woke up with his eyes bloodshot. Yes, the Almighty Alpha King had cried himself to sleep. As he looked at her shoes which laid beside him, he felt tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Damain quickly freshened up. He walked to his study, where the Beta was already waiting for him. 

"Good Morning, Alpha," Grayson greeted.

Damain subtly nodded, barely glancing in his direction.

They walked into the study. While Richard was standing near the desk of his KIng and Alpha, Damain sat down in his humungous chair. 

"Tell Alpha Marinette, I'll be visiting her today," Damain smiled. A genuine smile. One that he hadn't smiled in years.

Beta Richard nodded and scurried out of the room gracefully.

Within an hour, Damain and his people, which consisted of his Beta and some guards.

While he had expected his mate to come to greet him, there was none other than Beta Adrien.

"Where is my mate?' Damain growled.

"Sh-she had wok-woken u-up la-late to-today, s-so s-she h-has g-gone to take a sh-shower," Adrien stuttered. The wrath of the Alpha King had made the most ferocious Alphas go into hiding with their mates and children, so of course, a beta was nothing, he was bound to cower and stutter.

Suddenly the scent of freshly picked strawberries and homemade croissants along with a very expensive Chanel perfume hit him.

"Mate!" his wolf, Xavier yipped.

Damain followed the scent of his mate, only leading him to the living room of the house. And that's where he saw her. Her hair dripping, a towel around her shoulders, talking to the female Beta- Kagami. 


After an hour-long hot shower, Marinette walked downstairs for some breakfast. Just as she reached the living room, the scent of white musk hit her.

"Mate!" Marinette's wolf yipped.

She turned around to see a pair of dark emerald green eyes staring at her. Without thinking, she walked towards him, grabbed his face, and crashed her lips onto his.

To say Damain was shocked would be the oversimplification of the year, he was shaken. Without any hesitancy, he kissed her back with the same dominance, energy, and authority as her.

After a good minute of kissing, they pulled back and rested their head against each other.

Damain whispered, "Move in with me."

"Of course," she replied, liking the tingles spreading through her.


Hey beautiful people!




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