Chapter 5

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before starting this chapter, pls spare your precious time to listen to this song.
This song was written in 2013 by doctor creep.
the lyrics of this song will shock u

Song for this chapter: La Vie En Rose


"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you.

After all, we are a pair of broken people finding their place in each other."

Marinette was thoughtlessly packing her suitcase. After all, she was moving in with her mate. Marinette wasn't the least worried about moving in with him, the only thing she was worried about was her pack.

She turned to the king who was helping her pack her clothes, "What would happen to the pack if I go away?"

Damain did not look the least bit startled, cause after all he knew this question was coming," So at first I was thinking that we could hand over your pack to Beta Adrien," Marinette gasped, "And I knew that is going to be your reaction, so I thought it would be better if we divided the responsibilities equally among you, Beta Adrien and Gamma Kim."

"Looks like you really thought this through," Marinette teased.

"I did, mon bébé," Marinette blushed at the nickname.
{Translation: My love}

They both were packing Marinette's bags in peace when Damain confessed, "I like you."

Marinette stopped folding her clothes, "But you don't know me."

"I want to," Damain came near her.

"But why? There is nothing special about me," Marinette argued.

"You're you, of course, you are special," Damain took another step towards her, and now their lips were almost touching. Within a second, their lips touched. Kissing each other was like being in heaven, sparks were flying around making them go crazy.
The kiss started as a slow and innocent kiss, slowly it turned into a full-on make-out session.

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat.

Marinette and Damain jumped out of their embrace and glared at the intruder.

In front of him stood none other than Beta Richard. He looked like he had just witnessed a porn scene in real life and maybe if he hadn't interrupted, they would most likely be doing it right now.

"Did you need anything?" Marinette asked, her posture stiffening.

"Yes, I came here to inform you that the car is ready," Richard answered, his eyes on the floor, not having the courage to face them.

"We'll be there soon, the packing is almost done," Marinette gave him a fake smile.

"As you wish, Alpha Marinette," Beta Richard gave them a bow and walked out of Marinette's room, closing the door.

"Are you bipolar?" Damain asked.

"What! No, of course not! Why would you think that?"

"Well because one minute you were kissing me - and enjoying it -, and the next minute you were giving fake smiles!"

"Can we just go? I just want to go to your house," Marinette whined like a baby.

"Changing the subject, now are we? Let's go then."

Damain grabbed her suitcase before Marinette could do so.

"Damain, why are you holding my suitcase? I can hold on my own," Marinette disputed.

"Honey, I very well know you can, but I want to spoil you, for you are my mate."

"You want to spoil me with your strength?"

"No, I want to spoil you with every single thing ever."

"Okay, let's go now!"

"Calm down!"


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I personally think that this isn't my best work, I think this is more like a filler chapter.



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