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โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ แด„สœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 1โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ

Chapter 1...

Starts in...




โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ ๊œฐสŸแดœแด›แด›แด‡ส€โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ

When Hana opened her eyes when the stage started she was standing in the hallway with a random book in her hand she was leaning on one of the window ledges looking from the book and then outside taking in the beautiful view, she was having a small beautiful moment for herself in her little world as she ignored everything that was going on around her.

But when she started to come back to reality she heard some of her classmates talking and walking past her in the corner of her eye and then more students came into the hallway leaning on the walls or window ledges like her.

She ignored everything around her, the students and their boring talking about boys, girls, or school work, so she just continued to look outside at the flowers and the leaves as they fell from the trees.

But soon her thoughts were interrupted when some girls called out.

"It's A3!"

Hana snapped out of her trance and looked over at the three somehow special boys as the light from the window that was behind them shined on their backs and a music beat played in the air, as they walked down the hall in slow-motionย ย 

She didn't understand what was so special about them and the way every single girl was trying to get their attention in the first place, but then the realisation came to her mind.

'Oh yeah, they're in a comic book and two of them are the main led character, and the second led while the other is just a extra like most of the students here.'

'How could she almost forget that?'

Hana just scoffed lightly and shook her head a little then she closed the book she had in her hands, then continue to look outside taking in the beautiful view again, trying to ignore all the girl screeching and cheering for the three boys.

Hana wasn't paying attention when the small accident happened between Oh Nam-Joo and Yeo Joo-Da, but when she heard everyone gasp in shock she looked over and saw the two on the floor.

She just looked at the two with no emotion on her face but deep inside she wanted to feel bad for the girl because it was not her fault she is the main female lead but she also really wanted to laugh at this because she just found it so cringe.

She watched as the girl that was on top of the Nam-Joo try to get up but slipped on a fake sunflower so she fell back down on him, once again she wanted to laugh but just let out a smile form on her face.

Joo-Da got off the boy again and this time didn't slip on anything so she started to dust off his uniform that had some paint on it, then he knocked her hand off him and stood up.

"You ruined the art supplies, my uniform." Nam-Joo said fixing his uniform a bit then he wiped his right cheek "And my face." he then continued.

"Are you nuts?"

"Oh, Nam-Joo." Eun Dan-Oh said bringing the attention of the students to her, she walked and stood next to the crouching girl and said.

"Enough." before crouching down herself and putting a hand on the girl for an arm.

"Are you okay?" Yeo Joo-Da just nodded her head, the girl who she nodded to then stood up and looked at the boy with paint on his uniform.

"Do you think you're someone special because you're a part of A3?" Dan-Oh said looking him in the eyes before looking at the other students around her.ย 

"All of you are the same, too." she then said before crouching down again and starting to help the girl clean up the things on the floor.

Some of the girls scoffed at her and whispered to each other as they just watched both of them clean up.

Then one of the member of A3 walked towards them and crouched down, and that was Lee Do-Hwa he crouched down in front of the two girls and helped them .

Hana watched all of this and had a small smile on her face looking at Eun Dan-Oh as she held the book in front of her with her hands crossed over each other while holding onto it.

She was still watching the four clean up but then she looked at Oh Nam-Joo and see him mumble something to himself.

"You're the first woman who has done that to me."

Then Dan-Oh stood up from her crouching position and looked at the boy who was just staring at the four, she then started to walk so she bumped into his left arm as she walked past him and down in the direction A3 came from.

Hana let a grin appear on her face as Dan-oh bumped into the boy and almost let out a snort but held it in not wanting people to see her.

The extra character looked at the other students and saw everyone standing completely frozen in front of her so she looked at Eun Dan-Oh again and saw her look at everyone in shock as her jaw dropped, even do she was frozen just like everyone else she could still see the other extra girls reaction and if she was unfrozen she would most definitely of laughed.

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Hana opened her eyes now and she was sitting at her desk right behind Eun Dan-Oh who gasped as the scene changed and looked around at everyone a little confused about how she got there then Shin Sae-mi and Ahn Soo-Chul started to talk to the girl as she continued to look around confused, she stopped looked at the girl in front of her and continued to look down at the drawing she has started.

The drawing happened to be the girl sitting in front of her, she was almost done with it she just needed to at a few more shadows to the hair and face, so in the meantime as she was trying to figure out the best places to add more details she lifted her pencil in the air and started to tap it against her head.

When the extra character had just got done with the drawing of Dan-Oh she flipped to another page in her book and started to sketch out a new person, just as she thought of someone to draw the teacher came in so she wrote the name down of the person then closed the book and put it on the right side of her desk.

"All right, get ready for your test!"ย 

As the teacher called that out some students groaned in frustration not ready or not wanting to take the test.

Hana just sat there waiting for Eun Dan-Oh to pass the test paper to her which she did after the teacher handed them out to the students sitting in the front, she then passes the last test paper to the person behind her.

She listened to the girl in front of her talk to herself a little and looked up to watch Dan-Oh pinch her cheeks to see if she was dreaming or not then she looked back down at her test papers again.

Hana opened her eyes just as her character finished the last question on the test as the English teacher called out to the whole class.

"All right! Time's up. Everyone, put down your pens."

The extra character with shoulder-length hair listened to what the teacher and put down her pen, then she put her papers together then stood up from her desk, and walked to the front of the class to give to the teacher, he took the papers from her and started to look at them.

She was already walking back to her desk as soon as the teacher took the papers from her hand.

As soon as Hana sat back down at her desk she pulled her sketchbook in front of her again and opened it to look through all of her drawings, she has drawn different people in her class and some teachers not many though just a few.

She then got to the page where she had started a small sketch, she continued drawing on the page and tried to ignore Ahn Soo-Chul's excitement over some likes he got on his phone.

Hana just continued drawing and she didn't even know who she was drawing anymore because it wasn't the person she was planning to draw, but she just let her hand move across the paper when she had drawn the form of the person's face two people ran by her so she looked up and saw Shin Sae-Mi chasing after Soo-Chul.

She just shook her head at the two and looked down at her book again and continued drawing and started to listen to Eun Dan-Oh talking to herself.

"What should I do?"

She heard the girl in front of her mumble to herself while keeping her eyes on Ahn Soo-Chul's phone which he left behind, she looked up at Dan-Oh tilting her head a little to the left just as the girl mumbled to herself again.

"I must be going crazy."


Hana was sitting in the library off stage now all alone in the shadows as she continued the drawing she started on when she was in her classroom and now finally she saw who she had drawn, the blonde school chef that doesn't make an entrance that often, only when the school is serving stir-fried dried squid, Jinmichae.

She didn't know why she drew him of all people in the school she just did for some reason, when she was done with the drawing she looked at it for a few seconds checking if it needed more details or if it was good already.

But she looked it over and saw it was all good so she stood up from the table and grabbed her sketchbook then started walking towards her classroom to leave the drawing she finished earlier that day, the one of Eun Dan-Oh.

Hana was just casually walking down the hallway looking through her book and mostly at the drawing of Jinmichae, she was still confused about why she drew him but she just shook her head as they arrived at her classroom.

She opened the door and walked in as she flipped to the drawing of Dan-oh, she leaned against Ahn Soo-Chul's desk that was to the left of the shorter girl, she looked at the drawing for a bit before ripping the page out of her sketchbook carefully not to ruined it.

She placed the drawing on the girl's desk and then walked out of the classroom again to walk back to the library but then she decided against it, so now she started to walk around the school admiring it all and when she was walked past a few windows, she smiled because the vines on the walls were so beautiful when the light of the moon shined on them.

Then she stopped walking after a bit and just looked out the window and got lost in her thought for a minute or two, then she lifted the book that was resting in her left hand and opened it and stared to flip through it till she landed on the drawing of the blonde adult again.

Hana stared at the drawing for a little and it felt like forever soon she let a small smile form on her face as she ran her fingers over the drawing, she didn't know why she did it or why she felt this strange way when she looked at the drawing, it felt so wrong but she just could help it.

She got a feeling in her chest that she knew the man even though she already know that they have never talked to each other, but maybe she knew him in her past life or in another comic book they were in together and maybe they were somewhat close then.

She let a little pass again after she thought of a few things before she closed the book and pulled it to her chest, not letting the smile drop from her face, and then she started to move her feet down the hallway.

And soon enough when Hana wasn't paying attention to where she was walking she accidentally walked into someone making the person drop the stuff they were carrying she dropped her book and fell to the floor, she closed her eyes when she came in contact with the floor.

She kept her eyes closed while she adjusted to the small pain that formed in her elbow after she landed on the floor, she sat up a little and put her hand on her elbow for a second before opening her eyes just for her heart to quicken up and panic a little.

Why did she panic?

Because she accidentally bumped into the blonde adult who she drew earlier and was just staring at the drawing she made a few seconds ago, and now she had made him drop everything he was carrying on the floor.

So she completely ignored to pain in her elbow and got on her knees as fast as she could and started to pick up the vegetables that ended up on the floor putting them back in the box he was carrying, she could feel his gaze on her but she just continued to clean up the floor.

Jinmichae looked at her picking up the vegetables and crouched down to start and help but stopped when he saw her book laying on the floor open right by his left hand, he took hold of it and flipped through the pages and saw many different students in it but stopped again when he saw a drawing of himself.

He looked confused at it and ran his fingers over the drawing and looked closely to admire the small details that were put into the drawing, he looked up at the girl in front of him just to see her still putting vegetables into the brown box on the floor next to her, then he looked down at the drawing again.

And just as he opened his mouth to ask her about the drawing but then the sketchbook was ripped from his grip so he looked up at the girl and seeing she was holding the box he was carrying earlier, he stood up from his crouching position and the box was pushed into his chest not even a second later and he reacted fast and grabbed it so it would fall to the floor again.

Hana just looked at him for a second after she gave him the box she bowed down a bit as an apology, and when she turned to walk away Jinmichae grabbed her right hand which made her look at the older guy confused.

The adult just looked at her for a little with a look of realization on his face when the two made eye contact it was like he knew her from somewhere, which he did, then he opened his mouth and looked down at her name tag to see nothing so he closed his mouth and looked up into her eyes again, then he looked down at their hands and back up at her for the second time.

"Why do you have a drawing of me in your book?" he asked her, having a strong grip on her hand so she would try to run away.

She tried to pull her hand away but he just tightened his grip because he wanted her to answer his question.

And just as Hana opened her mouth to answer him, even tho she didn't know how to answer his question but luckily the sound of page flipping cut her off.


Hana opened her eyes to be sitting at her desk in their classroom, she was kinda disappointed because she wanted to speak with the man or more with someone that wasn't her brother, but at the same time she didn't want to talk to him because then he would know she was aware of herself, she let out a small sigh and looked down at the workbook that was in front of her.

Then she heard two people enter the classroom breaking her out of her thoughts

"Eun Dan-Oh, why are you here so early?" Shin Sae-Mi asked the shorter girl.

"Sae-mi, don't I seem strange these days?" Dan-Oh asked the girl who walked a little behind her, then she looked at her desk to see a drawing of herself as she sat down so she picked it up and admired its small details, she had a smile on her face while she was looking at it and ran her fingers over it then looked around the classroom trying to figure out who could have drawn it.

"Um... I think you're the same as usual." said the girl who was wearing a beret on her head.

"Recently my memory keeps disappearing and I have hallucinations, and I think my personality has also changed." she put the drawing in her hands down on the desk again.

When the shorter girl said that, Hana's eyes widened a bit as she kept her eyes on her workbook blocking out the rest of their conversation.

And soon enough there were so many stage changes and many days passed that Eun Dan-Oh couldn't keep up and got more confused and confused every time she was in a new place at a different time.

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Hana was sitting in the library like always this time she wasn't drawing but reading a random comic book she found on a shelf, she read it as the sun from the window shined on her and she looked straight at it.

Then the door to the library opened and she someone's shoes click against the floor, they were faint but she still heard them.

She looked up from the book and saw Eun Dan-Oh walking around trying to find the right shelf with the books she needed then she took down maybe about twenty books and read through all of them, when the shorter girl was out of her site she looked down at the book in her hands again and continued to read.

It felt like hours had passed when Hana was reading her comic book which had changed to a different one while five random books were next to her on the table she knows that they weren't there before and that she had read them, then from nowhere she heard a thud and a few seconds later she heard a voice talking.

"You followed me all the way here?"

The extra characterย recognised the voice and it was Baek Kyung and he was talking to Eun Dan-Oh.

"That's enough." she heard him say again in an annoyed tone.

And after that, she heard someone run out of the library and she bet it was Dan-Oh.

She looked up from the book in her hands and over to be completely right as she saw the shorter girl run out of the library and the boy who was talking to her walking after her, then a girl from a different class came out of nowhere and took ahold of his arm stopping him.

Hana stood up not wanting to be in the same room as the extra A3 character mostly because he's and selfish asshole, she walked away from the table she sat at leaving the books she had read behind and walking away from the table.

As she walked away from the table she saw her younger brother come from the stars so she gave him a polite smile and waited for him to catch up to her, and when he got to her he smiled at her back and put his left hand on her head and messed with her hair a little.

She just smiled and lightly hit him in the stomach and started to walk and he caught up easily because his legs were a little longer than hers, they walked side by side out of the library.

Hana was walking with her brother to her left so when they were walking out she bumped her shoulder, Baek Kyung.

"Gosh. Hey," he said as the twins continued to walk.

"Hey," he called out to them again but mostly to the shorter one because she was the one who bumped into him.


He called out one more time making both twins stop and turn to him but when he looked at the two with squinted eyes because he couldn't see their faces because of the sun, and when he looked at their name tags they were utterly blank making him look back up at their faces confused.

The twins just turn back to the door of the library and continued to walk outside the library not caring about either the boy or the girl that's still in there.

As Hana was about to go to their classroom but then her brother grabbed her hand and dragged her outside, they walked outside hand in hand till they sat down on a bench, and after a few seconds of silence, the older one breaks it.

"Why did you drag me here?" she asked her younger brother looking at the left side of his face, he just look down at the ground in front of them.

"We haven't spent any time together in a while now," Haru said as he leaned his head on her shoulder and got comfortable in that position.

"Yeah, I guess that's true," she said back with a smile, as she put her right arm around his shoulder and leaned her head on his.

"Do you wanna talk about anything?" Hana asked the boy that was leaning on her.

"No, just wanna sit here with you."

After Haru said that he took hold of his older sister's left hand and intertwine their fingers as the two both closed their eyes, and the twins sat in very comfortable silence.

Little did the twins know that someone was watching them from afar with their heads tilted a little to the side and crossed arms and that someone happened to be the blonde school chef, Jinmichae.

And just as Hana opened her mouth to ask her brother something the page in the comic book changed again...

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Hana opened her eyes again and saw she ended up outside of the school cafeteria she let out a heavy sigh tilting her head back in frustration because she was tired of not being able to spend five minutes with her brother alone before the stage changed, she looked around to try to see if Haru was there but didn't see him making her let out another disappointed sigh.

As she was still standing outside of the entrance to the cafeteria someone walked past her breaking her out of her thoughts, it was Eun Dan-Oh.

She watched as the girl walked inside and not long after she followed inside not far behind the shorter girl, she then looked to her right to see Dan-oh and her friends there so she walked to stand on the other side of the pillar the shorter extra character was on.

Hana leaned on the pillar with her back against it and with crossed arms then she started to listen to the conversation that was going on behind her.

"Come on, am I that pretty to give you a heart attack?" Shin Sae-Mi asked her friend who looked at the wrist bracelet to check her heartbeat.

"I think I saw her during the East Asian History class. The Chinese lady from..." Ahn Soo-Chul said trying to offend the girl sitting in front of him, but she cut him off putting a finger to his mouth stopping him from continuing.

"Are you saying that I look like a queen? Like Yang Guifei?" she said with a happy smile on her face "I'm not that pretty."

"Jiฤngshฤซ." Soo-Chul finally continued after the girl removed her finger from his mouth.

"Yes, that's the one." Eun Dan-Oh backed him up while pointing at him.

Hana accidentally let out a snort but she covered her mouth so it wasn't that loud, like who wouldn't laugh after someone called their friend a zombie in Chinese?

"You're lucky that Dried Squid Fairy is here today," Sae-Mi said with clear anger in her voice looking at the boy in front of her.

"Dried Squid Fairy?" Dan-Oh asked confused.

"Everyone calls him 'Dried Squid Fairy' Because he only comes when they serve stir-fried dried squid." the girl who was sitting down explained to her friend before continuing with her ranting.

"Oh, Nam-Joo, Lee Do-Hwa, Baek Kyung, and Dried Squid Fairy are called A4 of Seuli High School."

"Isn't it A5?" Ahn Soo-Chul cut in slamming his hands on the table as he looked at the girl in front of him.

"'A5'? Is there one more?" Shin Sae-Mi asked the boy confused and kinda excited.

"You must count me in." he then said doing a weird pose before winking at the girl sitting in front of him.

Hana blocked out the last of their conversation as she leaned forward a bit trying to hide the fact she was laughing silently to herself because of their conversation and it was hilarious, the hair behind her ears fell in her face hiding it better.

And soon enough when she stopped laughing all the girls in the cafeteria startedย screeching and cheering for the Dried Squid Fairy, just like they do with the A4 members.

The girl with shoulder-length hair looked over to see who this Dried Squid Fairy was because she had no idea even tho she always listened to Shin Sae-mi talk about him and the blonde adult, she looked over and saw the blonde who she bumped into a while back, Jinmichae.

Her eyes widened a bit when he came into view and when the two made eye contact she looked away and let out a scoff while shaking her head.

"Aish," she mumbled, a little frustrated that she started to feel that way again, like the night in the hallway.

She slapped herself on the forehead for not realising sooner, it felt as if it was soย obvious then she finally put two and two together.

Then after a little bit, Hana was standing in line to get lunch and she was standing behind Eun Dan-Oh, she didn't mean to stand right behind her.

ย But some stuff happens for a reason right?

"Thank you." she heard Ahn Soo-Chul say to the guy who putย stir-fried dried squid on his tray.

Then Shin Sae-Mi moved forward to stand in front of the blonde adult and after he put someย stir-fried dried squid on her tray as well she winked at him, he winked back at her with a boyish smile with made her look down smiling to herself.

Then Dan-Oh moved forward to stand in front of him and she had a frown on her face which he took notice of.

"You seem out of energy." Jinmichae said before putting someย stir-fried dried squid on her tray as he did with her friends "Here. Eat a lot and cheer up."

"Even if you give me a lot, I won't be able to eat if my memory skips." Eun Dan-Oh said before moving on to look at the curry soap, she then moved away from it in fear and mumbled to herselfย 

"I just want to get less curry on me."

Hana's eyes widened and looked down at the shorter girl next to her then she looked to see Jinmichae whose eyes also widened, she immediately knew that he were aware of himself then he looked at her making her look down at her tray.

He smiled at her when she looked up at him again and putย stir-fried dried squid on her tray so she bowed her head a little and then walked away from the counter going to sit down at an empty table, his eyes followed her when she was walking away and they stayed on her till she was sitting down at a table.

When she sat down and started to eat her lunch she felt someone's eyes on her but she just ignored it but then after a few seconds, she looked up and saw Jinmichae staring at her with his head tilted to the side, and when he didn't look away from her she looked down at her tray and continued to eat in silence.

After about fifteen minutes of eating Hana finished her lunch so she stood up from the table and moved so she could push the chair in, then she picked up the food tray and walked to the kitchen to leave it.

When she got to the kitchen she stopped walking because she was close to walking into someone, and that someone just happened to be Jinmichae so she looked up at him and saw he had a boyish smile on his face.

"I can take that," he said holding his hands out to take the tray.

Hana held it out so he took a hold of it and held it only with his left hand, she took a step back and bowed down a bit as a thank you.

And when she turned away to walk out of the cafeteria the blonde took hold of her right hand just like the night they bumped into each other, she turned back to him and looked at him confused before looking at their contacted hands.

"Are you gonna answer my question now?" he asked her tilting his head to the side again.

She didn't answer him and just started at him trying to act clueless so seem more unaware of herselfย  which is what she was supposed to be.

"Can you answer my question?"

She just continued to look into his eyes not moving her head or breaking eye contact with him.

He started at her for a few seconds before looking down at the floor beneath them and asking yet another question.

"Are you not aware of yourself?" Jinmichae asked furrowing his eyebrows confused.

Even though she could just open her mouth and answer him like a normal person would do she did what she was best at, stayed silent and didn't answer him.ย 

The blonde just continued to stare at her for a few seconds before finally giving up when he still got no response from her, letting out a sigh of disappointment looking down at their hands that were still connected, he gave her hand a little squeeze before looking into her eyes again with aย  boyish smile on his face.

"You know what, never mind."ย 

Tturned to leave she tried to pull her hand away Jinmichae tightened his grip even more like the night before, then he pulled her with him to place the food tray on the counter.

She tried to pull her hand away again but he still had a strong grip on her hand, she just wanted to leave and find her brother so she could continue to talk to him and just be with him for a little bit.

"You know, I saw you talking to a guy earlier, so why can't you answer my questions now?"

She didn't answer him just stared into his eyes like she did when he first grabbed her hand.

He lets out another disappointed sigh and looks down again and when he looks up at her and opens his mouth to speak two thuds were heard behind the girl then glass hitting the floor, the two looked over and saw Eun Dan-Oh and Yeo Joo-Da on the floor with curry soap on them and students were around them laughing and taking photos and filming the two of them.

Hana looked at all the students before turning to the Jinmichae behind her who was already looking at her, she ripped her hand from his grip pretty harshly because of his strong grip and he stumbled forward a little because of it, then she walked fast out of the cafeteria trying to get away from there as fast as she could while ignoring blonde who called out to her and followed after her.

The blonde followed her out of the cafeteria doors but when go got outside them he didn't see the girl he was trying to talk to anywhere in the hallway when he looked both ways, he let out another disappointed sigh and walks back into the cafeteria and continued to do his job.

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Hana was sitting in their classroom again listening to the teacher's boring talk about 'Love' or something like that while she was just drawing in her sketchbook and this time she was drawing the person she was planning to draw earlier in the chapter, Lee Do-Hwa.

She ignored most of the teachers talking and just kept drawing in her book, but then she started to think about what happened in the cafeteria with Jinmichae.

"Are you gonna answer my question now?" he asked her tilting his head to the side again.

She didn't answer him just looked at him clueless, trying to act unaware.

"Can you answer my question?"

She just continued to look into his eyes not moving her head or breaking eye contact with him.

He started at her for a few seconds before looking down at the floor beneath them and asking yet another question.

"Are you not aware of yourself?" Jinmichae asked furrowing his eyebrows confused.

Even though she could just open her mouth and answer him like a normal person would do she did what she was best at, she didn't answer him.

The blonde just continued to stare at her for a few seconds before finally giving up when he still got no response from her, letting out a sigh of disappointment looking down at their hands that were still connected, he gave her hand a little squeeze before looking into her eyes again with a boyish smile on his face.

"You know what, never mind."

Tturned to leave she tried to pull her hand away Jinmichae tightened his grip even more like the night before, then he pulled her with him to place the food tray on the counter.

She tried to pull her hand away again but he still had a strong grip on her hand, she just wanted to leave and find her brother so she could continue to talk to him and just be with him for a little bit.

"You know, I saw you talking to a guy earlier, so why can'tย  you answer my questions now?"

She didn't answer him just stared into his eyes like she did when he first grabbed her hand.

Hana thought back to the night they bumped into each other in the shadows and just thought of the question he had asked her, and she lifted her right hand to rub the side of her head a little.

"Why do you have a drawing of me in your book?"ย 

But soon enough her thoughts were interrupted when a kid called out to the teacher.

"Answer!" a guy with glasses who was sitting front row said holding his arm up in the air.

Hana looked over at him as the teacher asked him.

"What is it?ย What is it?"

"'Love's Fool.'" the student answered him.

Some of the students laughed at him as the teacher just looked disappointed at him, then a girl from the front row also wanted to try and answer so she also called out.


"Yes? Il-jin!"ย 

"'Love's Stick.'"

Hana just shook her head and looked down at her sketchbook and continued to draw trying to ignore everyone's voices around her, but soon she heard the girl in front of her gasp a little and she thought nothing of it and ignored it.

Then Eun Dan-Oh stood up with another gasp like she figured something out which she did, everyone looked at her thinking she was going to answer the question.

"Yes, Eun Dan-Oh?" the teacher said looking at her.

"What?" she said snapping out of the trans she was in while looking at her paper and looking at the teacher and around the class before coming up with a reason they leave the class.

"I want to go to the nurse's office," Dan-Oh said putting a hand on her chest, acting like she was in pain.

Everyone let out groans of frustration because they thought she was going to say the right answer.

"Okay, okay. Go ahead, go." the teacher said holding his arm out signalling she could leave the classroom.

Hana kept her eyes on the shorter girl as she was leaving the room and they stayed on her as she was just standing outside of the classroom doing weird poses and talking to herself, trying to figure something out again.

Everyone was just continually trying to figure out what the answer was to the question and mumbled.

"'Love's Happiness.'"

ย Then the teacher called out to one of the students in the back row.

"Baek Kyung, go and take Eun Dan-Oh to the nurse's office."

When the teacher said that everyone looked outside and to see Dan-oh just being weird.

"Why me?" Kyung asked the teacher.

"Aren't you two engaged or something?"

And when the teacher finished that sentence everyone in the room started to go crazy and tease the boy in the back right corner.

The boy behind her stood up with his friend that was to his right and started shouting and doing something weird she didn't have the energy to care about, she just kept her eyes on the girl outside of the classroom.

"Mr.Baek!ย Mr.Baek!" everyone shouted until someone in the back slammed their hand on their desk making everyone go quiet in seconds.

"Be quiet." she recognise the voice and it was Oh Nam-Joo.

"Please forgive us. We're sorry." the two boys said to him and sat down.

Then Baek Kyung stood up from his seat and walked out to Eun Dan-Oh.

Hana finally looked away from the girl with a shake of her head and continued to draw in her sketchbook.


Hana was sitting outside of the school on the stairs with her sketchbook in her lap and when she looked around she saw Eun Dan-Oh talking to herself on the bridge, it felt normal to watch the girl talk to herself and it felt weird at the same time, mostly because she felt like a stalker when she was watching the shorter girl.

Then she saw something she has seen before a black hole flooding the air, she looked at it for a few seconds before looking at the book in her lap and observing the almost-finished drawing.

She wanted to finish the drawing now but she instead closed the sketchbook and put it next to her and put her elbows on her knees leaning forward, she then put her chin in her palms looking around again.

Hana saw that Eun Dan-Oh was looking at the black hole so she looked away not trying to get caught being aware of herself.


Milo's Small Note:

I'm so grateful for the people who are taking the time to read this chapter of my book, and waiting for the next one to come out!

I hope you guys still like it enough to read it and wait for the next chapter to come out! <3

Don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment <3

Have an amazing day or night wherever you guys are in the world <3

Don't forget to eat, drink water, and take care of yourself and your mental health before anyone else's <3

Love you guys <3

Graphic byย thatweirdokhai

Words - 6505

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