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โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ แด„สœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 2โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ

Hana was sitting outside of the school on the stairs with her sketchbook in her lap and when she looked around she saw Eun Dan-oh talking to herself on the bridge, it felt normal to watch the girl talk to herself and it felt weird at the same time, mostly because she felt like a stalker when she was watching the shorter girl.

Then she saw something she has seen before a black hole flooding the air, she looked at it for a few seconds before looking at the book in her lap and observing the almost-finished drawing.

She wanted to finish the drawing now but she instead closed the sketchbook and put it next to her and put her elbows on her knees leaning forward, she then put her chin in her palms looking around again.

Hana saw that Dan-oh was looking at the black hole so she looked away not trying to get caught being aware of herself, so she looked around the schoolyard and everyone walking past her.

Then she turned her head to look at the girl again.

She then saw both Eun Dan-oh and Jinmichae looking at the black hole, she looked at the two for a few seconds before crossing her arms over her knees.

She saw that the two looked at each other for a few seconds before Dan-oh got pushed forward by someone and that made the two break eye contact, and when the girl on the bridge looked back down the blonde was gone making her look around for him.

Just as Eun Dan-oh looked in her direction she straightened her back and looked down at the sketchbook next to her and picked it up trying to not get caught staring at the shorter female.

And when Hana looked up at the bridge again but didn't see the shorter girl there anymore so she let out a slight sigh of relief that she didn't get caught.

So she looked down at the sketchbook in her hands and opened it and started working on the soon-to-be-done drawing of Lee Do-Hwa.

The girl with shoulder-length hair just kept drawing in her book for twenty minutes before she was very close to done, she did a few more details on the eyes before she inspected it and closed to book, and put it in her lap with a smile because she was satisfied with the finished piece, she then leaned forward so her elbows were resting on her knees and put her chin in her palms as she did before.

Hana still had a smile on her face when she looked around the open space and she watched as students walked around and talked to their friends but when her eyes landed on the bridge she was very surprised when she saw Eun Dan-oh walking fast away from Jinmichae, then stopping to look at the heart monitor on her wrist.

She sat up straight again when she saw the blonde grab the girl and push her up against the bridge railing then started speaking to her, she watched as Dan-oh pushed the older guy's hands off her she crossed them over his chest and continued to talk.

She continued to watch the two and then Dan-oh pulled out her phone from her skirt pocket and tried to do something with it, but it didn't go so well when the blonde ripped it from her hands and held it while speaking before holding it over the bridge railing and dropping it.

The shorter girl on the bridge reacted and turned around while leaning on the railing to watch it fall to the ground before she turned back to Jinmichae and said something to him he just let a boyish smile form on his face and pointed behind the girl.

Eun Dan-oh turned around to see her phone floating in the air arm's length away from them, as the girl turned to the adult again with wide eyes as she spoke to him.

Hana looked at the phone with wide eyes and a smile on her eyes just watching it float in the air in awe, but soon enough she looked away from it to the two people on the bridge again just to find the blonde staring at her.

The girl with shoulder-length hair reacted fast, grabbed the sketchbook from beside her, ran down the steps as fast as she could, and tried to get as far away from there, turning at every corner she could and every small little path.

And when the girl finally stopped running and ended up at a random open space on the school ground she looked around she turned around to see if the adult was following her or not.

But when she saw no one she let out a sigh of relief and turned back around to walk and sit on a bench, and she didn't make it that far when she turned and saw someone behind her which made her let out a gasp of fear while putting a hand on her chest.

"Aish," Hana said slightly to herself while letting her head fall to look at the ground when she saw who it was.

And it was that damn chef again with crossed arms and that annoying but cute boyish smile once again.

"Now, my first question-"

But luckily for Hana, he got cut off mid-sentence and didn't get any time to interrogate her because the page flipped making her end up in a different place.


Hana let out a dramatic sigh of relief and let her head fall back in serious relief when she felt that she switched places, so she opened her eyes to see where she ended up in her homeroom behind a very confused Eun Dan-oh who was just staring at her phone confused from what had happened before.

She let out a small chuckle while watching the shorter girl and looked down at her desk to hide it but she looked up once the girl in front of her started to mumble about something she didn't hear, then she snapped her head more up when Shin Sae-mi started to speak because she heard what the girl mumbled about.

"What? What would I do if I could see the future?"

"I.." she then said starting to think but Ahn Soo-Chul cut her off.

"I would make my channel a hit claiming myself as a prophet."

"I'll get a million subscribers!" he then expressed loudly, throwing his arms in the air exited.

"He's such an attention seeker." the girl in front of him said with crossed arms.

"I would win the lottery and buy Nam Joo an expensive and luxurious backpack that will suit him and shoes as well, studded with a hundred diamonds." Shin Sae-mi explained to her two friends while moving her hands like she always does.

Then once again Eun Dan-oh started to mumble to herself and the taller girl behind her, heard her perfectly this time.

"According to Dried Squid, I can remember everything because I'm aware of it." while watching the four girls and one boy in front of her that wasn't aware of themselves as they talked to one another about what they would buy the first lead boy if they won the lottery.

"If one isn't aware of themselves, they won't remember?! I can't believe it!" she finished as the put both of her hands in her hair shocked and confused about what she just figured out.

And with that, Hana was done there so she stood up from her chair and walked out of her homeroom and walked down the hallway a little.

She stopped walking when she was a little away from her homeroom and leaned on a window ledge just trying to relax for a minute.

But that minute ended as fast as it started because she got bored of just staying still so she stopped leaning on the ledge and started to walk down the hallway but stopped and started to think which way would let her avoid the cafeteria at all cost.

She couldn't risk getting stopped by Jinmichae again just for him to try and interrogate her so she walked a little longer way around the school, she originally planned to walk outside to walk around but outside is an easy way to get to the cafeteria, so not that way then.

She looked down both ways of the hallway and continued to think, if she goes right she would end up outside pretty fast and she didn't want that, if she went left she could walk up the second floor of the school and it was pretty far away from the cafeteria.

So left it is then.

Hana then started to walk down the hallway and when she got to the stairs she walked up them like she planned and continued down the left hallway, where she passed a few other students who were walking and chatting with their friends or just standing on their phones scrolling through social media.

While she was walking she observed and just watched all the students she passed them, she was also hoping she would run into her younger brother so they could maybe spend a minute together before the stage was going to start but sadly she didn't pass him or see him at all.

But instead, she ended up in the open area where everyone's lockers are, just as she looked down over the railing while walking down the stairs she saw the only person she didn't wanna see, of course.

He was walking down the last step of the staircase when some girls were screeching over him as they do for A3, he continued to walk but soon stopped in front of Eun Dan-oh who held her arms out to stop him from walking any further.

Hana was watching as she started to interrogate him as she continued down the staircase slowly so they would notice her.

"How did you do it?" the shorter girl in front of him asked.

"Do what?" Jinmichae asked confused at the younger female standing in front of him.

"Make the phone float in the air," she said as she put her arms down by her side again.

The adult crossed his arms before answering the girl.

"I told you. We are in the world of comics."

"No matter how much I think about it, I think you took a peek and drew it in," Don-oh said as she put her hands on her hips.

"It's an unpleasant feeling to be suspected as a pervert," he said back to the shorter girl in front of him.

"Aish, you are so annoying."

"You know she saw the phone float in the air as well," she exclaimed pointing to a girl behind him who had shoulder-length hair and was watching them while trying to walk away backward really slowly.

Jinmichae turned around and saw the same girl he saw when he was on the bridge, he stared wide eyes at her and she was doing the same.

"You-" he said uncrossing his arms and pointing his finger at her,ย 

But to Hana's luck once again he got cut off because the stage now started.

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She had ended up standing where her locker was, which is across from where she was just standing when she was in the shadows.

And now instead of the girls screeching for the blonde adult they were screeching for the main lead, Oh Nam-Joo.

The extra was just leaning on the lockers as girls just called out his name excited to see him.

'Aish, you see him every day why so excited over a stupid boy', was the thing going through Hana's head while looking at him with a face full of disgust.

Then when he got closer to Eun Dan-oh and Shin Sae-mi, the shorter girl pushed the girls who were wearing heels toward the boy but he just moved out of the way making her stumble a little.

"Hey, I will give you a chance." Nam Joo started to speak looking at Yeo Joo-da, the female lead in the comic book.

But in Dan-oh's eyes, he was talking to her, but in reality, he wasn't.

"A chance to thank me."

And with that once again Hana was just done so she looked around the room to see if her brother was anywhere in sight, but when she looked towards the door leading outside the main lead walked through them.

She looked back at the shorter extra female who pointed her out earlier to the blonde chef seeing her face in the direction he walked in with Sae-mi next to her talking about the boy like always.

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When the stage finally ended the girl with shoulder-length hair walked back to her homeroom once again and just sat down at her desk but now she didn't take her sketchbook from the corner of her desk, instead, she laid her head down on her arm closing her eyes trying to take a small rest from the headache that was forming in her head.

But she could even get that because she heard Shin Sae-mi talking about a comic book lying on the girl's desk in front of her, so she lifted her head and listened in on their conversation.

'Like what else is there to do than that?'

"This is crazy. This is exciting." the girl exclaimed as the flipped the pages in the book she was holding, before looking up at her friend and touching her arm a little.

"Dan-oh, you were right, The more obvious it is, the more thrilling it is."

"He's so handsome. I want to go into the comic!" Sae Min said with a frown on her face but happily.

"Sae-mi..." Eun Dan-oh said to her friend in front of her who wasn't paying attention to her at all and just continued to flip through the book.


"This is here." the shorter girl explained quietly.

"What?" Shin Sae-mi asked again but with a smile on her face now looking at her friend.

"This place that we're at right now is inside a comic," Dan-oh explained further pointing to the book in her friend's hands while doing so.

When the girl said that Hana looked at her for a second before letting her head fall on the table with a quiet-loud thud, but it got ignored then Ahn Soo-Chul turned to his two friends because he heard their conversation as well.

"What?! We're inside a comic?!" he exclaimed confused, drawing all the student's attention to the three friends.

"Hey, it's a secret." Eun Dan-oh said trying to quiet him down but he completely ignored her and stood up doing something weird with his hands while saying.

"Eun Dan-oh has spoken! This is a world inside a comic, everyone!" making everyone in the classroom laugh at her.

"Wow, Eun Dan-oh, your imagination is awesome!" a guy from the back of the class said while doing a finger gun with his hand and pointing it at her.

"Awesome!" his two other friends said as they did the same motion with their hands as their friend who spoke first.

"Did you only read comic books all day at the hospital?" the first guy asked her.

Then a guy from the front of the class stood up with his friend and started speaking.

"Your imagination is amazing! Someone once said 'The best talent a person has is their imagination'."

"Imagination!" a guy with glasses explained in English next to him.

"Imae... Image, What? What did you say?" a girl sitting in the front of the class with her arms crossed asked him, then she let out a laugh before standing up and continuing talking.

"Mo-Beum, why is your pronunciation so terrible when you're so smart?"

"Follow me. I.." the girl said to him again making a hand motion at the same time.

"I..." he follows after her.


"Ma.." Mo-Beum copied what she said once again.


"What," he said out loud very confused.

"Image," she said putting the small words she said together.

"Image..." then the whole class said after her.

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When Hana opened her eyes again after she heard the page flip she was still in her homeroom behind Eun Dan-oh who gasp as she opened her eyes.

The taller extra character looked around the classroom and saw everything back to normal again after the shorter girl in front of her started talking about the comic book world they are in Shin Sae-mi.

And she knew something was going to happen again because Dan-oh is so new to all of this so she doesn't know what to do or how to talk to unaware characters.

Hana just watched as the girl in front of her tapped on her friend's shoulder that was also in front of her.


"Yes?" she answer as she turned around while having a makeup brush on her face.

"Do you remember what I just said?" she asked her friend.

"What did you say?"

"That this is... a world inside a comic." Eun Dan-oh finished.

And once again Hana let her head fall on the desk with a loud thud and it got ignored again because Ahn Soo-Chul stood up doing the same thing with his arms again.

"What?! We're inside a comic?!" he exclaimed confused, drawing all the student's attention to the three friends.

"Eun Dan-oh has spoken! This is a world inside a comic, everyone!" making everyone in the classroom laugh at her.

"Wow, Eun Dan-oh, your imagination is awesome!" a guy from the back of the class said while doing a finger gun with his hand and pointing it at her.

"Awesome!" his two other friends said as they did the same motion with their hands as their friend who spoke first.

"Did you only read comic books all day at the hospital?" the first guy asked her.

Then a guy from the front of the class stood up with his friend and started speaking.

"Your imagination is amazing! Someone once said 'The best talent a person has is their imagination'."

"Imagination!" a guy with glasses explained in English next to him.

"Imae... Image, What? What did you say?" a girl sitting in the front of the class with her arms crossed asked him.

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Hana opened her eyes for the second time as everything restored itself to normal again.

But this time the girl doesn't look around the classroom or look at any student, she just lays her arms on her desk and lets her head fall onto them because she already knows that Eun Dan-oh is going to make everything play out for the third time in a row.

"Is there no one who hears this sound right now?" the girl in front of her asks herself out loud.

"Sound? What sound?" Shin Sae-mi cut in and asked her friend who sits behind her.

"That sound of a page-turning, because this is a world in a comic," she says without thinking.

"What?! We're inside a comic?!" Ahn Soo-Chul exclaimed confused, drawing all the student's attention to the three friends.

And there it comes once again with him standing up with his arms in a weird position for the third time.

"Eun Dan-oh has spoken! This is a world inside a comic, everyone!" making everyone in the classroom laugh at her.

"Wow, Eun Dan-oh, your imagination is awesome!" a guy from the back of the class said while doing a finger gun with his hand and pointing it at her.

"Awesome!" his two other friends said as they did the same motion with their hands as their friend who spoke first.

"Did you only read comic books all day at the hospital?" the first guy asked her.

Then a guy from the front of the class stood up with his friend and started speaking.

"Your imagination is amazing! Someone once said 'The best talent a person has is their imagination'."

"Imagination!" a guy with glasses explained in English next to him.

"Imae... Image, What? What did you say?" a girl sitting in the front of the class with her arms crossed asked him, then she let out a laugh before standing up and continuing talking.

"Mo-Beum, why is your pronunciation so terrible when you're so smart?"

"Follow me. I.." the girl said to him again making a hand motion at the same time.

"I..." he follows after her.


"Ma.." Mo-Beum copied what she said once again.


"What," he said out loud very confused.

"Image," she said putting the small words she said together.

"Image..." then the whole class said after her.

After it played out again Eun Dan-oh was now done and stood up.

"Why is there, not a single person who believes me?!"

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It was nighttime now when Hana opened her eye again and this time she was in the library just standing in the middle of the room, she didn't know why she was there but kinda did though because she sleeps there with her younger brother.

She didn't feel like being there because she would be back later to sleep, hopefully, if the writer have some mercy for her headache that was destroying her head right now.

She just tried to shake it off as she walked out of the library and just roaming through the hallway to her homeroom once again to get her sketchbook and maybe just sit down for a minute to relax as well.

And when she got there she saw Eun Dan-oh sitting at her desk holding a page of a comic book, she watched as the shorter girl observed the page and the drawings on it while talking to herself.

Hana wanted to go inside but she knew the girl would question her and would remember it till the next time they see each other, she walked a little away from the classroom and leaned on a wall to just wait for the girl to leave.

While waiting for a little she decided to crouch down while still leaning on the wall and just continued waiting.

She sat there for maybe ten minutes but the girl never came out of the classroom after those few minutes passed she stood up from her crouching position to look into the room if the shorter girl was still there or what.

When Hana got to the classroom she didn't see anyone in there so she walked into the room and straight to her desk which was empty making her very confused.

"What?" she mumbled to herself.

She thought for a second then let her head fall back in frustration because she remembered that her stuff could be in her locker, so then that's where she gonna go now instead.

After she walked out of her homeroom and down the hallway she remembered that the blonde adult that works in the cafeteria of the school usually works late so she hoped now that she wouldn't run into him, at least not again because she doesn't feel like getting interrogated right now.

Hana only walked for a minute thanks to the lockers and she hoped her stuff is there because there is no other place where they could be.

When she got to her locker and she opened it and thankfully her stuff was in there but most importantly her sketchbook of her all her drawings.

So she took the book out of her locker and also took out a pen before closing the door to the metal box, then she turned around and leaned back on the metal and sank on the floor so she sits on it.

Hana opened the notebook to an empty page in her book and started to draw someone, who was that someone, that damn blonde bastard.


Because she wanted to annoy him by leaving a drawing of himself at his workplace for him to find.

Hana probably sat there on the floor against the metal for an hour just drawing away on the paper and making small details.

And when she finally felt that the drawing was done she stood up from the floor and opened up her locker then she tore the page out of the sketchbook and placed it inside the metal box before closing it.

She looked down at the drawing in her left hand and let a grin appear on her face because this drawing would annoy the blonde adult when he would find it.

So she started to walk away from her locker and up the stairs to the second floor mostly because it was a shortcut to the cafeteria.

For the last twenty minutes, Hana goes through the hallways of the school and leaves the drawing of Jinmichae on the counter where the food gets served.

Hana was now in the library standing behind her brother as he was working on a new drawing of Eun Dan-oh.

She looked over his shoulder before putting her right hand on it with a smile, as he turned around to face her he let a smile appear on his face as he placed his left hand on hers while leaning back into her.

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Hana walked off the library with her brother by her side and both of them were wearing smiles on their faces because that was the longest they have ever spent together in a while.

Before they only got to spend a few minutes together before they got put on stage but now the twins are walking to class together for the first time since before the story started.

When they step into their homeroom they watched as Eun Dan-oh was reading a book that was in her hand.

As Hana walked to her desk and put her stuff on it so looked at the girl in front of her as she brushed some hair behind her ear, but then she looked at her brother and decided to go sit at the empty desk in front of him just to be with him a little longer and that desk just happened to be right behind the main lead.

Just as she sat down a girl in the front of the class called out while standing by Yeo Joo-da's desk with two other girls, both she and Haru ignored it and just continued to sit quietly.

"Hey! It was you wasn't it?"

"What?" the main lead asked them confused.

"Who else would steal someone's wallet here but you?" a girl in a very yellow shirt asked the girl who was sitting down while having her arms crossed.

"It's not me," Joo-da said back to them with a little bit of irritation in her voice.

"All right then. You should let us search your bag." the same girl who called out to her said while grabbing it from the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing? I said it's not me!" said the girl sitting down while trying to grab the back away from the girl whose standing up, but another girl standing behind her put a hand on her shoulder pushing her back down in her chair again.

"Hey, give me that, Give it to me!" Yeo Joo-da said still trying to get her bag back from the other three girls standing around her.

Then some other things happened that neither of the twins paid attention to, but what they did pay attention to was when Eun Dan-oh stepped in.

"That's enough," she said when she grabbed the wrist of the girl who was holding the light blue backpack.

Before taking it in her hand, opening it more, pulling out a black wallet, looking at the girl again, and saying.

"I saw everything."

"So, what do you want me to do?" asked the same girl.


"Sorry. Are you happy?" the girl said after letting out a small scoff, as some other students in the room laughed at it.

"Let's go," she said again after taking the wallet Eun Dan-oh was still holding and walking away.

"Why did you suddenly step in out of nowhere?" the girl in the yellow shirt asked the girl with an annoyed look on her face.

"This is ridiculous." said the other girl standing behind the two before following her friends.

Yeo Joo-da stood up from her chair and the girl holding her back gave it back to her as they smiled at each other.

"Thanks, Dan-oh."

"You're pretty and kind, too." the main lead continued while holding onto her bag.

"Of course!"

"It's a tiny, tiny bit annoying, but this is my role." Eun Dan-oh said using her hand to explain it.

The twins looked at each other and chuckled a little as the girl then walked past them as some guys cheered on her for stopping the bullying, 'I think?'.

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Hana was standing in the cafeteria with her class to decorate some cakes but she was not standing at a table of four like the others she was standing where the people working there serve the food, to get a little privacy and so it's a little quieter.

She doesn't know what she was doing or how to do it because there is nothing on it, it's just a white cake with nothing on it.

She was sitting on a bar stool by the counter exhausted so she let out a sigh before letting her head fall on her arm that was placed on the counter, she watched as other students were done with their cakes and tried to give them to one of the two A3 members in the cafeteria but just got ignored.

While continuing to watch everyone she didn't notice who came up from the other side of the counter and looked at her before letting a smile appear on their face while letting out a silent laugh, then they took their right hand to tap on her shoulder gently to get her attention.

Hana lifted her head from her arm with furrowed eyebrows and looked back at who was behind her, and her face just changed from a confused one to a panicked one.

"Hello," said Jinmichae not letting the smile fall from his face while having his hands behind his back.

"Looks like you need a little help with that," he said before pointing to the untouched cake sitting on the counter.

She looked down at the cake for a few seconds before looking up at him.

"I promise, I won't interrogate you about anything."

Hana didn't answer him just stared at him while he just smiled at her so she nodded her head slightly and walked around the counter so they were on the same side, while she walked she immediately regretted nodding her head at him because when she stood next to him his smile just got wider.

The next half an hour the two spend decorating the cake together, well mostly the blonde adult did the decorating while the student gave him the stuff he asked for.

During that time more and more students left the cafeteria while the two were still there, and then it was just the two left alone there which they didn't notice at all.

When Jinmichae looked up and around the room he saw no student there he was kinda confused so he looked at the girl beside him that is almost as tall as him and started to speak.

"You should get back to your classroom."

Hana looked up from the cake to the blonde beside her confused before looking around the cafeteria herself seeing none of her classmates there decorating cakes like she is.

She looked back at him and nodded with a small smile on her face as she untied the knot that was by her lower back and took the band over her head, she backed away from the counter before turning away from the adult to putting down the apron on another counter behind them both.

When she looked back at him she let a smile form on her face before bowing down and walking out of the cafeteria.

Jinmichae just stared after her with a smile on his face as she walked out of his workplace, then when she was finally out of the room he looked down at the counter and closed his eyes while leaning on it.

"Aish, that girl," he said before putting his left hand over his heart.

And when he opened his eyes again he looked at the cake for a few seconds before remembering that she was supposed to bring it back to her classroom, he already knew he could catch up to her now because she is probably already back at her class so he just picked it up carefully and put it into the fridge.

And when he closed the fridge there was a drawing of himself on it which he smiled at.

When Jinmichae walked inside the cafeteria through the back door carrying a basket of vegetables and it was just like every other morning, carrying vegetables in, washing them off, cutting them up, and putting them away for later or using them immediately for lunch for the students.

As he put the metal basket down on the counter he didn't even get to start on anything else because he got distracted by something on the counter where they put the food to serve to the kids.

He walked around the big counter where he was just standing on the other side of it and checked what was on the wooden counter.

It was a drawing of himself in a style he recognise.

He picked up the drawing and held it in his right hand and let his left hand run over the small details in the drawing.

A smile formed on his face when he continued to look at it, then he walked around the counter in the middle of the kitchen and to the fridge to put it up with a random magnet that was already on it.

After remembering that morning he smiled brighter and let out some small chuckles and leaned his head slightly down and closed his eyes, when he looked up at the drawing again he put one hand on it and traced over the small details with his finger before he went back to doing his job still smiling like an idiot.

As Hana was walking back to her classroom she saw her younger brother not so far away from her in the hallway so she jogged up to him and threw her left arm around his neck and side-hugged him.

Haru reacted fast and looked who the person was but when he saw who it was he smiled which she mirrored, then he put his arm around her waist so they could continue walking to their homeroom together.

When the two were outside their classroom they stopped to watch Eun Dan-oh talking as the A3 members stood around her and everyone else in the class listening to her just rambling about something they just listened to as well.

The twins stood there for a little still holding onto each other and watching the girl.


This time when a stage started Hana was lucky she wasn't in it.

She and her brother were standing on the second floor of the library with their backs to a big window that was showing a full view of the scene that the oldest twin didn't have to be in.

The two were holding onto their sketchbooks with a drawing of Eun Dan-oh on both of the books, they both looked at the drawing and then looked outside the window to watch the scene unfold.


Milo's Small Note:

I'm so grateful for the people who are taking the time to read this chapter of my book, and waiting for the next one to come out!

I hope you guys still like it enough to read it and wait for the next chapter to come out! <3

Don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment <3

Have an amazing day or night wherever you guys are in the world <3

Don't forget to eat, drink water, and take care of yourself and your mental health before anyone else's <3

Love you guys <3

Graphic byย thatweirdokhai

Words - 5877

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