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๐•Ž๐•–๐••๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•ค๐••๐•’๐•ช walked up to a small hut adorned with a giant bee painting. Surrounding the shed were numerous beehives, and the air was filled with the constant hum of buzzing bees. He observed the setup with curiosity when a voice interrupted his thoughts, causing him to turn around.

"Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping?"

The speaker was a short boy wearing a beekeeper's outfit. He had glasses and a retainer. Extending his hand, the boy introduced himself, "Eugene. Eugene Ottinger. Founder and President of the Nevermore Hummers."

Wednesday regarded him with a blank expression before shaking his hand. "Wednesday. Wednesday Addams. Am I late, or is it only you?"

Eugene shrugged, "The hive life isn't for everyone. And no, it's me and another person."

Before Wednesday could respond, a familiar voice made his heart skip a beat. "My, my. Are you following me, Mr. Addams? Should I be flattered?"

Lilith stood with her arms crossed, a smirk on her face, and a teasing glint in her eyes. Wednesday met her gaze and retorted, "Not even in your dreams, Miss Winters."

Lilith stepped closer, her smile widening. "Then, probably in my nightmares, then?" Before Wednesday could reply, Lilith turned to Eugene. "Hello, Eugene. Sorry I'm late, I had to stop at the bookstore first."

Eugene beamed at her. "That's alright, and I see you've already met our new potential member of the Nevermore Hummers."

Lilith perked up, turning to face Wednesday fully. "Is that right? So, you're willing to feel the sting?"

Wednesday contemplated for a moment. He did have an affinity for venomous insects, and the club's small size was appealing. Plus, Lilith was a member. He looked at her as she smiled, a challenge and invitation in her eyes.

"Perhaps," he replied, his tone neutral but with a hint of curiosity.


The door to the little shack swung open, revealing Wednesday in a beekeeper outfit. He stepped out, adjusting the netted hat when he heard a soft chuckle. Turning, he saw Lilith laughing quietly.

"What's funny?" he asked, glaring slightly.

Lilith cleared her throat, walking up to him. "I do apologize. It's just that I've never seen you in full white. Even though you look good, I prefer you in black." She smiled, reaching up to fix his netting hat before walking off. Wednesday watched her retreat, feeling his cheeks warm up. He quickly shook it off and walked over to Eugene.

"Bees have been producing honey in the same way for 150 million years," Eugene explained. "They're nature's perfect community. All working together to achieve a common goal."

As Eugene spoke, Wednesday's eyes wandered. He spotted Thing behind some of the hives, shooing away bees. The sight made him smirk slightly before turning his attention back to Eugene's explanation.

"From the queen bee to her workers. There's no patriarchy in the hives!" Eugene finished enthusiastically. He turned around, only to notice that Wednesday was nowhere in sight. Disappointed, Eugene sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly.

Lilith placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, capturing his attention. Using her magic, she created a mesmerizing spectacle as the bees danced around them, drawn to the blooming flowers that suddenly appeared in vivid colors. The bees buzzed happily, flitting from flower to flower. Eugene smiled, the sight lifting his spirits, and hugged Lilith tightly.

"I still don't get why people call you evil. You have a beautiful heart and you're so kind," Eugene said, his voice filled with admiration.

Lilith smiled warmly and replied, "I know why they do, but they don't matter to me. As long as I have my friends, then I don't feel like the dark witch that I am."

Eugene's smile widened as he looked up at her. Together, they continued their beekeeping activities, tending to the bees with care and dedication. Lilith's magic made the flowers bloom more vibrantly, and the bees thrived under their watchful eyes. The peacefulness of their shared task enveloped them, creating a serene bubble in the midst of the bustling Nevermore Academy.

Meanwhile, Wednesday had followed Thing's direction and found himself in a secluded part of the beekeeping area. He stood there, observing the bees and the surrounding nature. The rhythmic buzzing was oddly calming, and for a moment, he let himself be enveloped by the tranquility of the place.

However, his thoughts soon drifted back to Lilith. He was intrigued by her, and Eugene's words about her having a beautiful heart resonated with him. He had seen glimpses of her kindness and strength, but there was an air of mystery about her that he couldn't quite decipher. Wednesday's curiosity about Lilith deepened, and he resolved to learn more about her.

As he stood there lost in thought, he felt a presence behind him. Turning, he saw Lilith approaching, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Thought I might find you here," she said, her voice soft and knowing.

"Just needed a moment away from the buzzing," Wednesday replied, his tone neutral.

Lilith nodded, understanding. "The bees can be quite calming once you get used to them. They're fascinating creatures."

Wednesday glanced at her, noticing the way the sunlight played on her features. "You seem to know a lot about them."

Lilith smiled. "Eugene taught me everything I know. He's passionate about beekeeping, and his enthusiasm is infectious. Thank you for joining the club," Lilith said after a while. "Eugene was really excited to have you."

Wednesday shrugged. "It seemed interesting enough."

Lilith chuckled softly. "You're not very good at admitting you care, are you?"

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you think?"

Lilith met his gaze, her eyes searching his. "I think there's more to you than you let on, Wednesday Addams."

Wednesday looked away, feeling a rare vulnerability under her scrutiny. "Maybe," he said quietly.

Lilith reached out and gently touched his arm, her touch warm and reassuring. "Whatever it is, you don't have to hide it. Not from me."

Wednesday looked back at her, surprised by the sincerity in her eyes. Her form began to shimmer, an ethereal glow enveloping her body. The air around her seemed to hum with energy as the change took hold. Her arms elongated and thinned, feathers sprouting from her skin, first in patches and then in a rapid cascade, covering her entirely. Her fingers fused and morphed into slender, ebony wings, the glossy feathers catching the light and shimmering with iridescent hues of blue and purple.

Lilith's legs and feet shrank, twisting and reforming into delicate bird limbs, tipped with sharp talons. Her face transformed, her mouth and nose extending into a sleek, curved beak. Her eyes shifted, becoming sharp and beady, with a piercing intelligence that remained distinctly hers.

With a final burst of energy, her transformation completed, Lilith stood there as a magnificent crow. She shook herself, ruffling her feathers and adjusting to her new form.ย 

She spread her wings wide, feeling the strength and agility in them. With a powerful push, she launched herself into the air, her wings beating rhythmically as she ascended. The ground fell away beneath her, and the trees became a blur as she soared higher.

Wednesday stood still, his eyes fixed on the dark shape of Lilith as she flew off into the distance. As he watched her disappear into the sky, he noticed something flutter down and land softly by his feet. Curious, he bent down to pick it up. It was a black dahlia flower, its petals velvety and dark, almost absorbing the light around it. He held it delicately, examining its intricate details and deep colour. The flower seemed almost otherworldly, much like Lilith herself.

For a moment, he stood there, lost in thought, the flower's significance weighing on his mind. He looked up, his gaze following the direction Lilith had flown, wondering about the message she had intended with this peculiar and beautiful gift.

Clutching the black dahlia in his hand, Wednesday turned and began to walk off, the flower a poignant reminder of the enigmatic girl who had just vanished into the sky.


By: SilverMist707

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