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"There's your fucking chance man,
answer him and let him suck your dick"


I looked up to meet Jimin's eyes, a slight smirk on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and thought for a second.

"Why should I?" I asked at I locked at their faces, Hoseok smiled at me and Jaewha had a weird look on her face."Cause you like him, he really would suck your dick, get it man and then take him out on a date" Jimin said and I smiled at him, he knew that Taehyung had a little crush on Jeongguk but he never acted on it.

I had a battle with myself, should I meet him? What if he was playing?

„"How can I be sure he's not playing with me, that would be so embarrassing" I ran a hand through my hair and nervously bite my lip. If this goes wrong I would be the biggest foul at school.

„Just ask him if he would send you a nude, if he does it you know he's serious," Hoseok said this time and looked at my phone. I opened the chat again and typed away.

would u send me a nude?
so I know with what I can play with ;)
13:24 PM ✔️

If you want to 👅

Uff you're so hot 😍
13:25 PM ✔️

glad you like it ;)
can we meet? rlly
wanna suck your dick

how can I say no to that 🥵
13:26 PM ✔️

meet me at xxxxx ;)


„Damn you really want him," Jaewha said as she looked over my shoulder and read our messages. I put my phone down and glare at her."Don't read that! It's all your fault"

She smirked at me and laughed a little."I'm the reason you gonna get your dick sucked so better thank me for that" she said as she flipped her hair and looked at me. Hoseok and Jimin giggled behind her and I looked at them and they stopped immediately.

„I go now cause he is waiting for me, you better get going too," I pointed and Jimin and Hoseok , then I looked over to Jaehwa."- and we talk later" She gulped and just nodded.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my Jacket, opened the door and drove to the address he sent me.


I tapped nervously on my thigh as I drove to the address, it looked like a normal neighborhood. Maybe he lived here? Omg, I would be at his house. I panicked slightly as I parked my car and breath in and out.

He was so popular and such a Bad boy, there's no way he's gay. I just can't believe it.


Taehyung stepped out of his car and slowly made his way towards the front door, his hands shaking a little as he got closer to the door. He took a deep breath and ringed on the doorbell.

A few seconds later the door opened and Taehyung felt his breath hitch as he came face to face with Jeongguk, He was shorter than him and he looked absolutely beautiful and so adorable with the white oversized hoodie that gave him sweater paws. He internally cooed at that, Jeongguk smiled up at him and admired Taehyungs handsome futures.

He always had his eyes on Taehyung, just from the side, cause he didn't really have anything to do with him and he was too shy to talk to him. So he was even more surprised when Taehyung messaged him, and because of what he sent.

Taehyung smiled at him and felt less nervous when he looked in Jeongguks pretty doe eyes. He felt happy to be that close to him.

"Hi tae, thank you for coming" Jeongguk smiled and slowly let his arm rest on Taehyung's. He could feel the bicep through the older's shirt and bite his lip at that.

"Gladly" Taehyung replied as Jeongguk stepped aside to let him in, closing the door behind them.He took off his shoes and Jacket and suddenly Jeongguk grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs. Taehyung looked surprised at Jeongguk's back and realized just now that he's not wearing any pants, he could see some tight boxer and he licked his lip at the sight.

He got pulled in his room, the walls were a light shade of blue with a few pictures on the wall, a big king size bed in the middle with big fluffy pillows on top. A mirror next to the big window and the big closet with a few posters on the doors.

Jeongguk pushed Taehyung on the bed and got on his knees between the older's legs. Taehyung stared down at him and gulped.
"Woah! You don't have to do it right away" he was shocked when he just dropped to his knees in front of him and it made him nervous all over again.

Jeongguk looked puzzled at him and licked his lips."I thought we do that first and talk later" he said and played with the belt on his Jeans. Taehyung just nodded and kept staring at his beautiful brown eyes."Okay.." he whispered and when Jeongguk heard him he opened his belt and slowly pulled his pants and boxer down.

Jeongguk looked surprised at the size and seeing him already half hard."Your already excited " Jeongguk smirked at him and took the base of his dick in his hand, making taehyung moan at the cold hand on his dick. He bites his lip and looked at the pretty boy between his legs. He got even harder at that and Jeongguk started stroking him slowly, applying pressure on the vein on the side. Taehyung moaned deep at the way Jeongguk stroke him.

The raven head bites his lip at the deep voice of Taehyung, moaning at the way Jeongguk stroke his big dick. He moved his hand faster and saw precum coming out of the slit, he rubbed his thumb over it and smearing it around so he could stroke him better. Taehyung's dick twitched at that and he kept looking at Jeongguk while deep throaty moans escaped him.

Jeongguk found him absolutely sexy the way he moaned and bite his lip, it aroused him as well. He licked his lips and lowered himself and kitten licked the pink head of his dick.

"Fuck.." came out of Taehyungs mouth as he felt the warm wet muscle coming in contact with his dick. Jeongguk kept leaving kitten licks on the head, collecting the precum with his tongue and tasting it. It was surprisingly kinda sweet and he loved it.

He let the head slip in his mouth and softly sucked on it and at the same time playing with his balls. Taehyung couldn't stop moaning and he buried his hand in Jeongguk's fluffy hair, he pulled on it as he sucked even harder on the head. The younger loved his hair getting pulled so he softly moaned against his dick.

"god..ahh baby" Taehyung moaned and he pushed himself deeper in his mouth. Jeongguk allowed him too and opened his mouth wider and felt him hit the back of his throat. He blushed at the nickname and the big dick in his mouth. He gulped around him and bob his head up and down. Jeongguk sucked harder on his dick and squeezed his balls.

Taehyung watched Jeongguk deepthroating him and how he blushed and a few tears collecting on the side of his eyes. The sight was absolutely breathtaking.

Jeongguk bobbed his head faster and let his tongue run on the underside of his dick. Taehyung pulled on his hair and pushed his dick in and out of his mouth.

"baby your so good at this.. Fuck" he moaned at the amazing feeling Jeongguk gave him.

Jeongguk let Taehyung fuck into his mouth and he could feel a bit drool coming out of the sides and he swallowed around him and sucked harder as he felt his dick twitch inside his mouth.

"fuck I-I'm gonna cum baby" Taehyung looked in his doe eyes and Jeongguk looked up at him, looking so innocent while doing something so dirty. He took him out of his mouth and kept licking the tip and sucking on it, he stroke the rest with his hand and just focused on the head.

Taehyung could feel the warm feeling in his stomach becoming too much and he knew he was about to cum.

"fuck fuck.. Baby, I'm coming" he said between his moans as his dick twitched and Jeongguk licked and sucked on his tip. As felt him twitch he let the tip rest on his tongue. He stroke him and he felt the first strings of cum on his tongue. Taehyung tucked on his hair and moaned deeply as he came.

He breathed heavenly as strings of cum hit Jeongguk's pink tongue. It hit his cheek and chin as well and it looked absolutely sinful.

Jeongguk keeps his mouth open moaning at the cum on his cheek and on his tongue. He swallowed everything happily and sucked the head till everything was out.

He liked the cum off his face and looked up at Taehyung with, red cheeks and teary eyes.
The older didn't even know what to say, that was the best blowjob he ever received and Jeongguk looked breathtaking.

"Do you liked it?" Jeongguk asks as he put his dick back in his Jeans.

"Baby that..that was perfect" he said as he pulled Jeongguk up on his lap. He smashed his lips on his and kissed him deeply, he could taste himself but he ignored it and wrapped his arms around him.

"Jeongguk that was..wow.. I loved it..would you go on a date with me?" Taehyung asks as Jeongguk pressed himself closer to him and smiled at him.

"Of course Hyungie, I would love to" he winked at him and pulled him closer to kiss him again.

At that was the begging of something beautiful, a strong and loving relationship between two boys who never talked before that incident. They got married and adopted children. They just were meant to be.


Jaewha sat on the other side as she saw the small family cuddling on the couch.

"There's no way I was the reason for that, they better be thankful for the rest of their lifes"

"Believe me, sis, I am "


this is the last part, cause I think it would be cute as a short story :) I hope you're not disappointed ;)

love y'all

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