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CHAPTER 0 3 - WORDS: 483

— taehyung pov

„Hey, tae you got a notification" Jimin said as he eyed my phone and looked at me. I picked up my phone and looked at the twitter notification.

someone logged in your acc on another device

I furrowed my brows and clicked on the app and logged back in. My phone dinged and someone messaged me.


Oh my God. I clicked on the chat and felt my heart stops beating."oh no" I gasped at that. I didn't even dare to read it. Who did that? Who wrote him and why the fuck would he reply.

"Yo Tae what happened?" Hoseok asks and looked at me with worry in his eyes. I showed them the chat and at that moment I knew.

"JAEHWA!!!" I screamed angrily and waited till she came down the stairs, she looked nervous I could see that. She fidged with her fingers and bite her lip."Ahm yes?" Jaehwa looked at me and then she saw the phone in Hoseok's hands."Shit, I'm sorry Tae I just wanted to embarrass you. I didn't think he would be into that" she stumbled and run her hand through her hair. I watched her for a moment to realize what she said, my eyebrows furrowed at her.

"What do you mean" I ask Jaehwa and now she looked surprised at me."You didn't read it?" She pointed her finger at the phone in Hoseok's hand. Jimin and Hoseok both read the messages, both looked up at me and hold the phone out for me.

"You should read that" I snatched the phone from Hoseoks hand and looked through the chat.

you're such a twink
wanna suck my dick?
12:46 PM

wtf dude no
12:47 PM

bet u like a dick in your
pretty little mouth
12:48 PM

No, I don't
12:49 PM

well maybe..
12:50 PM

I mean I would suck you
12:52 PM

You're for real?
12:53 PM

you're fucking hot
and we go to the same school
12:54 PM

so wanna meet me rn? 👀
12:55 PM


"there's no way" I whispered as I stared at my phone. I couldn't believe Jaehwa would do something that could go so wrong, but what shocked me the most was that he thought I was hot.

"There's no way he's gay" I said as I looked up and looked at three confused faces."Man Jeongguk's into you" Jimin said after a while and Hoseok nodded at that. I looked down at the message again.

I didn't know he was gay, if I had known that I would have made a move a long time ago. He's popular and everyone wants to be friends with him but only a few are really close to him.

"There's your fucking chance man, answer him and let him suck your dick"

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