𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐘, hell on earth

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WARNINGS: Lots of death, lots of gore, lots of cannibalism, lots of sexual assault (but not detailed ofc), and lots of Sukuna just fucking losing it

Also, kinda long-ish A/N at the end, but please do take the time to read it!

SUKUNA SENSED SUITEN'S CURSED SIGNATURE in the farthest end of the estate, much to his annoyance. He stomped through the halls, slaves scurrying out of his way and ignoring the curious eyes from some members of the Uchiumi Clan as he made his way into the room Suiten was in.

The older man wasn't alone in the room. His first wife, and Shisui's mother, was there with him and they seemed to be in the middle of discussing what to write in a letter. They looked up upon his entry, Hisa looking more anxious compared to Suiten's suspicious frown.

"What do you want?" Suiten asked in a clipped tone. "And where were you and my daughter this morning?"

"The wedding is canceled, and so is the engagement between Shisui and Gojo." Sukuna told them monotonously.

Both of their eyes practically bugged out. Not wanting to deal with whatever complaints they had, Sukuna turned around and began to walk out the door.

"W-what...?!" Suiten sputtered.

Sukuna paused. Something was wrong. Suiten didn't sound angry, which was the reaction he and Shisui had been expecting—he sounded scared.

He turned back to face the pair, his frown worsening. Suiten and Hisa's faces were ashen. They looked at Sukuna as if he had just cursed their whole bloodline.

"What do you mean it's canceled?" Hisa panicked. "Who canceled it?!"

"Shisui did," he replied. "Or, well, she will."

"Does Gojo know yet?!" Suiten demanded.

Sukuna narrowed his eyes. "Why does it matter?"

"He'll kill us! He forced us to allow the marriage! He—"

"—He what?" Skuna asked sharply, back straightening as alarm struck through his spine. "You never wanted them to marry?"

Suiten looked frustrated but still explained, "Of course not! I would never hand out my daughter to a child stuck inside a man's body! I told him exactly that, but he attacked us! He tried to kill my wives and—"

"—Where is Shisui?!" Hisa cut him off, storming forward to grip the front of the younger man's kimono. Her wide, terrified eyes bore into his. "Sukuna, where is my daughter?"

With Junichiro. Fuck, he thought.

I never should've let her go.

Without another word, he turned around and sprinted out of the estate and headed straight for Gojo Castle.

She had to be okay. She had to be. He hadn't been gone for long, just around ten minutes or so. She was probably still discussing their canceled engagement with Junichiro. She was okay. She was.

But that horrible feeling wouldn't stop gnawing away at him. It was a feeling of knowing. As he dashed through the forest and tried to detect any signs of her cursed energy, he already knew what he was about to find.

He got to the edge of the river and stopped.

He could sense it. Junichiro's cursed energy. He looked across the river and spotted the cursed energy residuals that he had left behind in the form of spectral footprints directing him to the right. Cursed energy residuals... that meant Junichiro had been using jujutsu? What for? Where was Shisui?

He hurriedly followed the trail of residue, walking briskly down the riverbank. His nerves felt like they were going erratic, there was a numb feeling coursing through his hands, and his heart was pounding so hard that he could hear it in his ears.

And then he spotted the blood in the water.

Everything stopped. His movements, his breathing, his heartbeat, everything just stopped.

There was blood in the water, and Shisui was there.

He called out to her. "Shisui."

The currents were pressing her against a bunch of large boulders. Blood pooled around her to the point that he could only see the top of her head pressed against the rocky surface. The blood coated the water like an inkspill, staining the rocks and her blue hair. He could see her skin; the fair color fading away and almost becoming translucent. Her fingers were blue from the freezing temperature. She didn't stir when he called out her name again.

His lips began to quiver. "Stop... stop fooling around, you idiot," he called out to her, waiting for her to get up and give him that annoying grin, to tease him for being so worried about her.

Shisui was a good swimmer. She was better than him—she had even taught him how to swim so he knew how good she was. She always swam around the river and he had seen her swim against strong currents without any trouble. There was no way she could actually drown. It was impossible.

She was alive. She was okay. She had to be.

Without realizing it, he was already in the water, clumsily swimming after her. He felt the icy sting of cold water spray against his face, but that hardly deterred him as he kept pushing forward, refusing to be taken by the same currents that had taken her.

He got closer, and even then, she didn't move. The currents continued to pin her against the boulders. He reached her in no time, and that was when he noticed it. Her face was turned towards him, but her hair was in such a disarray that he didn't even realize it and the blood didn't help either.

Through the messy blue strands and streaks of blood, he could see her dark blue eyes. They were half-lidded and staring at nothing in particular, but nevertheless, they were open.

Her eyes were open but she still wasn't moving even though he was right in front of her.

There was blood in the water, she wasn't moving, and her cursed energy was gone, but he refused to accept what that meant.

Sukuna wanted to laugh. How long was she going to keep playing around?

His hands were shaking as he grabbed her, looping one arm around her waist while using his other limbs to swim back to the bank. Carefully, he pulled her out of the water. The fantasy of her being alive shattered the second he saw the state she was in.

Her legs were... 'broken' wasn't even a good enough term for them. They were mangled. Destroyed. Mutilated. No wonder she wasn't able to swim across the river... And her head... There was still blood leaking out from a large cut on the side of her skull, probably where she had hit the rocks.

But her eyes still continued to stare at him. Dark. Dull. Lifeless.

"No..." He muttered to himself, one hand hovering over her body to activate Reverse Cursed Technique. He could heal her. He could bring her back. It hadn't been too long. He could still do it!

"No, no, no, no...!" He choked up, hand falling limply beside her head when nothing happened. "Shisui... no...! NO!"

He let out an agonized scream, loud enough that his pain echoed throughout the whole forest. Birds took off into the skies and the animals fled away in a frenzy, sensing the incoming danger despite the pain he was going through. They knew what was going to come next.

Sukuna let out another scream, the power behind his pain strong enough to shake up heaven and hell. Gingerly, he picked her up, cradling her body in his arms. His claws did not hurt her once—he never let them.

He held her close, seeking out her warmth, but there was no longer any warmth to give him.

"Sh-Shisui...!" He whimpered, clutching her desperately.

Cold. Lifeless. Dead. Dead, dead, dead. Shisui was dead and he was still here. Everything he loved was gone, snuffed away in an instant and he was beginning to feel that maybe he had died along with her because something didn't feel right about him anymore.

"You can't leave me... I won't allow it!" He cried out, face buried into her wet hair. His cursed energy—dark, evil, and vile—stirred at his words, sensing the power behind it and reacting in accordance.

(His love had cursed her, had bound her to him in the worst way possible. His curse made its mark on her soul, something that neither of them would find out about until a thousand years later. You couldn't love someone back to life, but Sukuna was damn close to it.)

"Come back..." He brokenly sobbed, his tears spilling down to the top of her head. "Come back! Please, please, please... Shisui...!"

He desperately clutched her against him, pleading with anyone who would listen to bring her back, but it was pointless. No gods would hear a monster's prayers.

He couldn't tell how exactly she died—whether she bled to death from her injuries, drowned, or if the freezing cold water got to her first.

But he knew who had done this. Him.

It was always him.

He rose up, Shisui's body delicately cradled in his arms. He knew what he needed to do now.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

Hisa's blood-curdling scream fell deaf to Sukuna's ears as he stood at the entrance of the Uchiumi Estate. The green haired woman dropped to her knees beside her husband, who stood there in shock.

The scream was so loud that several members of the clan hurried over, thinking that they were under attack. The rest of Shisui's brothers, along with the other guards, rushed out of the house only to freeze at the sight of Sukuna and the body he was carrying.

Ryujin stumbled forward, staggering until he stood before the younger man. A pained noise erupted from the back of his throat when he looked at his sister's body. He looked devastated, as if someone had ripped his heart out of his chest.

"Sukuna..." He whispered, prying his gaze away from Shisui to look up at him with wide, pained eyes. "...What happened...? How...? Why...?"

Wordlessly, Sukuna deposited Shisui into her brother's arms.

"I will only give you one warning," he said quietly, but he was speaking to the entire clan. "Do not stop me."

Anything that was said afterwards was drowned out as Sukuna turned around and left, his feet dragging him away.

He didn't know where he was going, but he continued to walk. His whole body felt cold and empty, but the inside of his head was a mess. It was a jumbled mess of Shisui's voice and her face, alive and happy, before flashing back to her body in the water. Images constantly flashed behind his eyes and his ears were ringing.

Soon enough, he found himself sucked away into a delusion of his own making.

One minute he was walking, and suddenly he found himself seven years old again, sitting by the riverbank with an opened scroll in his lap and a young Shisui giggling away at his side.

She was alive and happy. They both were.

But suddenly she stood up, her blue eyes glittering as she gazed out into the river.

"I'm gonna go swim!" She exclaimed.

A horrible sense of dread pooled in his stomach. "No," he said immediately. "No. I... I want you to stay."

Stay. Please stay. Don't leave me here.

"But I wanna swim!" She whined. "I wanna play with the fishies, Kuna-chan! Look! I can see them!"

She started for it, but Sukuna hastily reached up and grabbed her hand before she could take another step.

"No!" He said, more desperately this time. He didn't know why, but the thought of letting her go—of letting her go into the river—made him sick to his stomach. "It's not safe!" He insisted.

She pouted at him, her cherubic face growing red from annoyance. "Kunaaaa-chaaaaan!" She whined more stubbornly. "I'll be fine! Really! You can even swim with me if you want!"

"I don't know how to swim," he pointed out, nervous.

She lit up. "I'll teach you! Come on!"

She tugged him towards the river. The apprehension grew. She jumped in and Sukuna felt like screaming.

But then her head popped out from the water, grinning widely. It was the happiest he had ever seen her and that was when he knew that he couldn't deprive her of doing what she loved.

"Jump in!" She exclaimed eagerly.

His shoulders sank in defeat. "Oh, fine," he grumbled. He first took his sandals off before tentatively dipping his feet into the water, and then going in entirely. Shisui cheered, clapping her hands in joy.

But then he lost his footing, falling back with a panicked cry. His arms flopped uselessly as he hit the water, his whole body submerged as he struggled to swim to the surface.

He managed to get back up.

"Shisui—!" He gasped for air, his hands flailing around for her help. That was when he realized he was no longer a child. He was older now, sixteen years old... and alone. Shisui was gone.

"Shisui!" He called out to her in alarm.

He looked around, only for his breath to hitch.

Red. Everything was red. There was blood in the water and Shisui was nowhere to be found.

"SHISUI!" He shouted, swimming around desperately to find her. As he moved, the currents grew stronger, trying to take over him. But he was a stronger swimmer now and he kept going. "SHISUI! Where are you?!"

That was when he finally found her. A few meters ahead, her body was drifting away, being carried by the rapid currents. She was older now too, sixteen just like he was, but she was lifeless and unmoving. The blood was coming from her, leaving an awful trail of red behind.

"No, no, no—SHISUI!" He swam after her, but she kept drifting away farther and farther. He tried to reach out to her, but it was no use—Shisui was disappearing, she's gone, she's dead, I'm too late—

The hallucination ended in an instant.

Sukuna snapped back into focus. He was no longer in the river. He was now on dry land, soaked to the bone with blood on his hands, and a numb feeling in his head.

Someone once said, 'if you love someone, you let them go'. Clearly, that person had never experienced a crushing loss such as this one.

Sukuna never should've let her go. Kindness had stabbed him in the back. He had been selfless and weak and it had cost him everything. He should've given in to his desires, to sink his claws into her heart and carve his name on it. Perhaps she would've hated him for it, but at least she would still be alive and his.

The sound of a few whispers caught his attention.

He looked up, finding an endless amount of eyes directed at him. While he had been swallowed up by his own delusion, his feet ended up taking him straight to the village. Now all the villagers were looking at him, with the same eyes filled with weariness and hate that he had grown used to seeing.

"Killed someone again, you fiend?" One of them hissed, having seen all the blood staining his hands and kimono.

A sorcerer unsheathed his katana. He recognized him as the man who was about to execute him before Shisui came and stopped it from happening. "You're lucky you're with the Uchiumi Clan, Ryomen. If it weren't for them, your head would be on a pike alongside your aunt. Get out of here! Run back to your masters!"

Sukuna did not move.

The villagers started to mutter to themselves, growing anxious.

The sorcerer exchanged looks with the others, and soon enough, Sukuna found himself surrounded.

"I won't say it again," the first man said. "Lea—"

Sukuna grabbed him by the head, claws sinking deep into his skull, and then with one quick yank, his head was severed from his neck. Blood gushed out like a fountain. The body dropped to the ground.

There was silence... and then all hell broke loose.

The village erupted in terrified screams. Villagers ran around in a frenzy. Sorcerers started to attack him. Sukuna barely even moved. He just flicked his fingers once, and the sorcerers circling him all dropped like flies and sliced into ribbons.

As the sweet smell of blood wafted into his nose, a familiar ache rumbled in his stomach. Hunger. He was hungry. That was right... When was the last time he ate? He skipped breakfast, didn't he?

Wordlessly, he bent down to grab the head of the first man he had killed. He dipped his head back, holding the head above him. Blood poured down the severed neck, spilling into Sukuna's opened mouth. His first taste of human blood since he killed his mother.

His eyes widened at the burst of flavor that hit his tongue.

"Ha... haha...!" He laughed deliriously before taking the head and biting into its cheek. He ripped through the flesh greedily, like one would eat a roasted pig.

Good...! It was so good!

Hysterical laughs left his mouth as he went on to eat the rest of the fallen bodies, the pain in his stomach finally ceasing for once in his life. But despite that, he still wanted more.

He wanted death, pain, and destruction. He wanted revenge.


First, it was his height. He was already tall to begin with, but now his body was growing bigger. He grew and grew, parts of his kimono ripping away as he reached his new height that towered over even the tallest structure of the village.

Then something burst from his sides. Another set of bulky arms, black-clawed, and just as deadly as the other set. It teared through his body similarly to how his second mouth appeared, but the pain didn't even last a second. He easily tore the top of his kimono to shreds, leaving his upper body with no restrictions and his other grisly mouth revealed.

As he continued to eat, something formed in the side of his face as a secondary pair of blood red eyes appeared. Mysterious black marks started to appear next, but the more he stuffed his mouths with the blood and meat, the less he cared.

His transformation ended, and now, the King of Curses had been born at last.

Just as he finished feasting on the bodies, more food showed up. Sorcerers, he could tell from the amount of cursed energy they had.

He grinned wickedly at them.

"I was hoping more of you would come!" He said grandly. "You're all terribly weak. And to think I wanted to be your equal, hah!"


They lunged at them, their Cursed Techniques activating at their deadliest.

Sukuna disappeared from their sight in a flash and reappeared beside one of the sorcerers, grabbing him while he was still in mid-jump and clamping his jaws around his neck before ripping through his flesh.

"Pathetic!" He sneered, tossing the body into another sorcerer and sending them flying through a few shops. "Truly you can all do better than this, can't you?"

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't. Sukuna slaughtered each and every one of them. More kept flooding in, but none of them stood a chance against the newborn King. With them gone, there was nobody left to protect the villagers.

Sukuna brought forth nothing but hell.

Houses were swept up in flames, bodies littered the streets, and the stench of death and decay began to cover the whole village. Sukuna gave them no mercy. He killed everyone he came across; men, women, children, the elderly, it didn't matter. He killed and indulged himself in their delicious flesh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He cackled, grabbing a pregnant woman who was trying to crawl away. She was naked, her swollen belly bare for all to see since her yukata was nothing but tatters.

He held her hair in one of his hands, yanking her up so high that her feet left the ground. He grinned down at her. She met his eyes, shaking uncontrollably as her arms protectively wrapped around her stomach.

"I've never met my mother, but you remind me of her," he crooned, his deep voice almost soothing. It made bile rise up her throat. One clawed finger began to gently run up and down her cheek, stroking the soft skin. "Do you know what happened to her? I'm sure you know of the story. I was the talk of the village because of it, after all."

She began to sob, broken pleas leaving her dry lips.

His cruel smile only grew at the sound. He could smell her piss and sweat, he could smell her fear pouring out of her in waves and it made his heart beat wildly with sadistic glee.

"I killed her as an unborn baby, while I was still trapped in her womb. Just like this little one here," he purred, his claws tracing a circle around her protruding stomach. "You know, I've never tasted a newborn before."

"AAAAARGHHHHH!" She shrieked as Sukuna jammed his whole hand through her stomach, snatching the baby and pulling it straight out of her. The little thing was soaked in blood and fluids, the umbilical cord still attached to it.

Sukuna dropped the woman and the cord snapped. Licking his lips, he placed the baby close to his secondary mouth. Its large tongue stuck out and he carefully placed the baby on it.

"Watch," he told the woman with eagerness, forcing her to witness as the teeth closed in on her newly born, bones crunching, and flesh squelching between powerful jaws.

"NOOOOO!" She wailed, bleeding out from the hole in her stomach.

"Well, I'm bored with you now," he smiled, shrugging dismissively before dismembering her with a flick of his fingers. He looked around the desolate village for any more food. "Hey! Are there any more humans around?!"

No response. He hummed under his breath, looking at all the chaos he caused and appreciating the beauty of it. Truly, one of his greatest works. If only Shisui were here to see this. He could imagine her complimenting him.

Everyone in Yorokobi Village was dead, save for the Uchiumi Clan. Sukuna wasn't going to touch them unless they got in his way. They would be the only ones to survive this massacre.

But he wasn't done yet.

There was still one other bloodbath that he was looking forward to.

"GOJOOOO!" He roared, his voice echoing through the burning village and the darkening skies.

His grin practically split face, his four eyes glinting red with anger and blood lust as they glared up at the small dot in the distance. The Gojo Castle. Junichiro surely was there, sitting all nice and comfy. He couldn't wait to destroy him.


━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

When Sukuna reached Gojo Castle, there was nothing anyone could do. He was truly a demon from hell, wrecking everything in his path and leaving nothing but death in his trail.

The castle, what once was a grand symbol of Gojo Clan's prestige and wealth, had been reduced to ruins within seconds of Sukuna's arrival.

There were bodies everywhere. Of servants, slaves, and sorcerers. Their corpses laid in pieces, scattered all over the destruction. Everyone was dead.

Except for one... for now.

Junichiro dropped to his knees, blood spurting from his lips as he coughed haphazardly. Sukuna could've killed him in an instant like he had done with everyone else, but the newly crowned King wanted to take his time with him.

He wanted him to suffer. A quick death was not what he deserved.

Sukuna calmly walked towards him. His previous madness, the feral grin he wore while slaughtering all these people, had thinned out, his eyes dark and cold as he stared down at someone he once saw as above him.

Gojo no Junichiro. The man people had worshipped as a god. And now he was on his knees before the man he had treated like scum.

"All this carnage..." Junichiro trailed off with a mirthless smile as he looked around the bodies of his family. "Where has your humanity gone, Sukuna?"

"Humanity?" He let out a broken laugh. "Now you see me as a human? It's too late... Whatever humanity I had left... died when you killed her. You... and everyone here... you always treated me as if I wasn't equal. And all of you were right. I am not equal to you. I am above you. You helped me realize that."

Shisui had been the only thing that had kept him sane and human, but she was gone and now there was nothing holding him back from bringing Hell on earth. The massacre of Yorokobi Village and the annihilation of the Gojo Clan was only the beginning.

The white haired man swallowed thickly. He closed his eyes, seeing the look of fear in her beautiful face before her last moments flashing through his mind. He let out a shuddering breath, opening his eyes and looking back up at Sukuna.

"Sukuna... I'm sorry," he said remorsefully. "I—urk!—I-I didn't mean to... to kill her. I love her... I swear I do...!"

Sukuna's red eyes cut into him. "You don't love her. You don't even love yourself. You're incapable of understanding such an emotion."

The pain and anguish in his face turned into something vile. "I love her," he said intensely. "I love her, and when you kill me, I shall join her in the afterlife."

"Hah!" Sukuna laughed cruelly. "You're delusional. You won't reach her where you'll be going."

But Junichiro shook his head in denial, his lips opening to speak the words of a curse unbeknownst to the both of them:

"Wherever her soul goes, whether it's hell or heaven, I will follow her."

Sukuna's face darkened. "I'm sick of hearing your voice."

He flicked his finger, and Gojo no Junichiro was dead at last.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

Ryomen no Sukuna had cemented his spot in history.

He became known as the King of Curses, the greatest threat to humanity ever known. No other enemy had ever been as powerful and deadly as him, so it didn't take very long for his name to be known all across the world of sorcerers, cursed spirits, and even non-sorcerers alike.

But none of them ever stood a chance.

He spent his years roaming the country, leaving a path of death and despair everywhere he went. Sorcerers were sent out to kill him, cursed spirits sought him out for a challenge, and even powerless humans tried to hunt him down only to be used as entertainment and food to quell his hungry stomach.

Truly, after that fateful day of bloodshed, everything had changed for the worst.

Despite Sukuna leaving the Uchiumi Clan untouched during the massacre, the Clan wasn't spared by the rest of Jujutsu society. Many of them questioned why they were the only survivors of Sukuna's bloodshed. Rumors began to branch out; people believed that they conspired with Sukuna to take the Gojo Clan out, some thought that Uchiumi no Shisui was a whore who had an affair with Sukuna and asked him to take out her fiance.

Regardless of which was the truth, it all led the Uchiumi Clan to their fall from grace. They were stripped of their status as one of the Big Three sorcery clans and were shunned by society for their involvement with Sukuna. To add salt to their wounds, the Kamo Clan—the same clan they belittled and looked down upon for years now—had taken over their spot.

It was a slap to the face, but out of desperation, the Uchiumi Clan had no choice but to offer up their daughters to the clans they had previously rejected, hoping that at least their daughters would gain some status by being married into more privileged clans.

The Gojo Clan was in shambles as well.

Sukuna had slaughtered almost every capable sorcerer they had and the only reason they still held their spot in the Big Three was because the eldest son, Sugawara no Michizane, was still alive. He had no choice but to go back to the ruins of his ancestral home and try to rebuild the Gojo Clan to their former glory. It was a struggle and Michizane didn't exactly enjoy being the head again, but he knew how much the people needed him.

The entire country of Japan was suffering because of what Sukuna had done and the only one who was truly thriving was the monster who brought hell on earth himself.

Uraume knocked politely on the grand doors of her master's bed chambers. They waited several moments until a deep voice said, "Come in."

They walked in, holding a tray of cooked human meat seasoned and lathered with jam in a way their master liked. A cup of blood carefully sloshed as the chef quietly walked forward and beside it was a finely made ceramic bowl of eyeballs.

"Master Sukuna, I come with your evening snack." Uraume stated with a swift bow.

Sukuna, donning a lavish kimono fit for a king, hummed in response, not even glancing their way, too distracted by the two women servicing him. With a simple wave of his hand, the two women removed their mouths from him and backed away to give him space on the bed.

Uraume's gaze didn't falter, nor did their face show any expression on the amount of nude women in their master's bed. They had grown used to it after the years of serving him, though they couldn't help but be curious about one thing. All the women his master had taken—either willingly or forcefully—all shared uncanny physical traits: fair skin, blue hair, and blue eyes.

Numerous women have been offered up as futile sacrifices, even noblewomen and princesses were given away, but Sukuna only ever accepted those with blue hair and eyes. And whenever he went around destroying villages, he only hunted down women with those same features as well. Those weren't exactly common traits, so Uraume didn't understand why their master would go through such trouble.

It was strange, but they weren't going to question it.

Master Sukuna certainly has a distinct taste in women, they mused.

"About time you got here with my food. I was getting hungry," he purred, snapping his jaws teasingly at one of the women who flinched back in fear. He let out a deep chuckle before beckoning his servant forward.

"Forgive me for my tardiness, Master Sukuna," Uraume said. They set the tray of food down on a nearby table and awaited further orders.

"Don't be late again," he warned.

"Yes, master."

Then he waved a dismissive hand towards the women. "Take her back to their quarters, but as for this one," he pointed a clawed finger at the woman on his left, who nearly stopped breathing. "Make a meal out of her. Her looks aren't quite right. She's too... small." He frowned, eyes plastered on her naked chest. "I grow bored of her."

The woman's eyes went wide and she immediately parted her lips, "No—!" She started to shriek, only to stop when ice began to frost over her mouth, silencing her.

"Right away, master," Uraume nodded shortly.

They turned their head, only to tense up when an unfamiliar cursed energy signature sparked up, appearing right outside the gate. A sorcerer.

Uraume exchanged a look with their master. Sukuna looked unperturbed and maybe just the slightest bit bored.

Uraume was about to offer to deal with the unwanted pest on their own, "Master, I can—"

"—No," he interrupted, rising from his bed. Faster than Uraume could see, both of the women were soon beheaded, their bodies falling to the floor with a loud thump. "I'll see what it is. It better be worth my time."

Uraume nodded in acceptance before following after the pink haired man.

They walked outside, stopping just a foot away from the gates where they could see an unfamiliar man waiting on the other side. He showed no fear or anxiety as Sukuna approached, only smiling calmly and even tipping his head in respect. He had long black hair and wore common robes. He was no one special, nor did he seem very strong either.

Uraume opened the gate and Sukuna stared the man down.

"Well?" He said flatly. "Are you here to be my next meal? What do you want?"

The man had to crane his neck up to face the king, revealing a strange row of stitches across his forehead.

"I've come with an offer," he said. 

— author's note —

Some people actually realized what "Kei" was doing!!! Good for them!

And for those who didn't, here's an explanation of "Kei's" dIabOLicaL pLaN:

1. First off, I'm pretty sure we're all aware that "Kei" is Kenjaku. Kenjaku took over the real Kei and that's why he started wearing funky hats. Anyways, Kenny was just roaming around ancient Japan and heard rumors about there being a second bearer of the Six Eyes (Jun).

2. Kenjaku canonically has a hate boner for ppl with the Six Eyes cuz he was defeated by two people with them. After his second defeat he was like "enough's enough!" and decided that he needed to kill them. He failed... lol. He managed to kill a baby tho so yay him?? That's why in the modern times he decides to seal the Six Eyes away instead of killing them cuz he literally can't 💀

3. So back to this story. This is during the time where Kenjaku's still in his "I need to kill Six Eyes users!!!" emo phase so ofc he's gonna get triggered when he hears that there's TWO of them instead of one. He goes to Gojo's village, takes over Kei's body to be closer to Gojo, and gains all his memories (so he knows that Jun is unstable and is obsessed with Shisui)

4. He uses the latter to his advantage. At first he thought causing her death would help trigger a war between the Uchiumis and Gojos that could lead to Jun's downfall but he got something better: Sukuna. He knew aaaalll about Jun's jealousy towards the dude and used it to his advantage.

5. After Sukuna's auntie dies and he moves in with the Uchiumis, Kenjaku actually manages to meet the guy and remember what he said?? "I believe he can take down the Gojo Clan" that's when he's like "OMG??? HE CAN KILL THE GOJOS FOR ME 😍" and a Sukuna stan was born

6. Jun's jealousy and mental instability results in him killing Shisui, which angers Sukuna, and leads him to get revenge by killing Jun (and taking down other Gojos with him). That's one pair of the Six Eyes down.

So basically...

Shisui: catalyst

Sukuna: pawn

Junichiro's death: desired result

Too bad for Kenjaku, there was still Michizane he needed to deal with, plus he had yet to realize that killing a Six Eyes user just triggers the birth of another one teehee

(but still, I give him an A for the Aizen level planning)

ALSO IM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT WRITING OUT THE JUN VS SUKUNA FIGHT! I wanted to, but as of today (Aug 19, 2022, which is the date I finished writing this chap), Sukuna's Cursed Technique has yet to be fully explained and it would be very hard to write out a fight where one character's abilities are only 10% known to me. I didn't write about the weapons we see him using in official art either for that same reason. So I left the details of the fight very vague 😭

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