𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄, force of nature

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I SQUISHED SO MUCH IN THIS CHAPTER AKEFJHSRG I was originally planning to do two chapters before starting the Kyoto Arc, but I was like "fuck that, I wanna get to that arc right now" so yeah 🥲

THE LAST THING MIZUHIME REMEMBERED was drowning, so when she realized she was underwater again, she absolutely freaked out.

It was irrational, she knew that. She wasn't Shisui anymore, she was Mizuhime now and Mizuhime had the power to breathe underwater, to control water.

She could feel the air filling her lungs, not water, but she still couldn't help but panic, limbs flailing as she sunk down to the bottom.

Suddenly, she became vaguely aware of a pair of hands grabbing her and hauling her back up to the surface.

"Senpai!" The owner of the hands rasped as they broke out of the water. "Senpai, are you okay?!"

Mizuhime couldn't answer him. The surface wasn't any better than underwater, in fact, it was like going from one nightmare to another.

Harsh water sprayed her on the face, stinging her skin. It was raining—no, not raining, storming. It had been sunny and bright when she and Sukuna got here, but everything had suddenly changed. The skies were a dark blue, rain was pelting them, and the wind—god the wind—was whipping past them so powerfully Mizuhime almost felt like it might pick her up and send her flying.

"Watch out!" Yuji yelled, holding her close to him as the currents swept them across the river and right into a cormorant fishing boat that had been toppled over.

Mizuhime seized up in fear, a flashback of hitting the rocks entering her mind. Yuji shielded her as best as he could, taking the brunt of the hit. Fortunately, it didn't seem to phase him all that much.

"Shit, shit, shit!" He cursed as the rain continued to pelt at them and the waters continued to slam them around.

That was when she realized that the weird storm wasn't the only thing they needed to worry about. Everywhere she looked, there was a disaster. Trees were falling over, fishermen were desperately trying to not to fall off their boats, and outside the river, she could see buildings get demolished, unable to withstand the harsh wind.

This was a typhoon.

What was going on? Everything had been going so well, so why were they suddenly in the middle of a typhoon*?!

"Senpai!" Yuji struggled to say as they continued to get swept up by the river. "Can't you get us out of here?!"

Mizuhime concentrated, trying to control the water into calming down or at least spit them back out to land, but nothing was happening. All she felt was pure exhaustion, as if all of her cursed energy had been depleted.

"I-I can't!" She panicked.

Sukuna manifested on his cheek. "Brat, let me take over!"

"No!" Yuji snapped.

Suddenly Mizuhime caught sight of something big in the corner of her eye. She turned her head, her breath nearly stopping when she saw a massive eighteen-wheeler truck had fallen to its side and was currently hurtling in their direction.

"YUJI!" She shrieked.

Yuji saw and nearly peed himself. "Oh shit!"

On instinct, the two of them dove under the water, trying to swim as far as they could but a second later, there was a huge CRASH as the truck slammed into the river, the force of the landing shoving them forward several feet and closer to shore.

Yuji launched his arm out, fingers digging into the concrete as he heaved himself and Mizuhime out of the water.

"We gotta get to higher ground," he rasped. "River—overflooding—!"

She could hardly hear him over the howling wind and the even more terrifying screams from the people who got caught outside in the middle of the storm.

"We'll go up Mount Kinka," he said, already trying to pull her up to her feet. She desperately clung onto him, feeling as if the wind was going to push her right back to the river. "Gifu Castle should be safer—"

"—No!" She said quickly. "Not—not there!"


"Please Yuji," she begged, his first name accidentally slipping out instead of her usual 'Itadori-san'. "I-I can't go back there!"

He was conflicted. The typhoon was getting worse, the river was starting to flood over and reach their ankles, and Gifu Castle was the closest safe place they could get to (he could easily scale that mountain in seconds after all), but she looked scared at the thought of going anywhere near that castle.

He didn't know why; she didn't look that scared before but he was certain it had something to do with Sukuna throwing her into that river. The storm was no coincidence either.

"Alright," he decided, picking her up in his arms. "I'll find somewhere else then! Hold on tight!"

And then Yuji was sprinting through the streets. Now that he wasn't boggled down by the river, his movements were a lot more quicker and agile; he dodged flying objects, jumped over swerving cars, and all without letting the rain and wind deter him.

The 'shelter' he found was someone's house. He simply hopped onto the balcony and broke in with ease. He muttered a 'sorry' to whoever owned the house as they stepped into what looked like a master bedroom.

"I-I-It's freezing," he said, teeth chattering.

"I'd a-a-absorb all the water, but... I've run out of cursed en-e-energy somehow..." Mizuhime said miserably, also freezing.

"This is kinda awkward but uh..." Yuji's cheeks turned pink. "We should take off our c-clothes. They're soaked so..."

Mizuhime's cheeks turned pink too, but she was honestly too cold to care. So the two of them took off their clothes, leaving them down to their underwear. They were still freezing so Yuji decided to rip off the thick blankets from the bed and wrapped it around themselves to keep warm.

As they sat there in the middle of the king sized bed wrapped up in blankets, they stared off at the balcony window, watching in quiet horror as the typhoon seemed to grow worse.

"What happened?" She breathed out.

"I don't know," he answered hopelessly. "Everything just started to go downhill after you were thrown into the river..."

"H-how long was I in there?"

"Not that long. Only a few minutes," he replied, his expression still pinched. "I switched back the second Sukuna threw you in the water. I was gonna get you out, but Sukuna told me you'd be fine, so I waited a bit, but then the earthquake happened and on top of that, the typhoon started to form—I think people call that a 'stormquake'?—and—"

She was barely able to register all of his rambling, only managing to fully understand the last part of what he said.

"—An earthquake...?" She interrupted, paling. An earthquake wasn't a good sign. Usually when an earthquake happened, there was a chance a tsunami would happen right after it.

No, wait, we should be fine, she tried to calm herself down, her mind running a mile a minute. Gifu City's too far away from large bodies of water, and the river's too small to be much of a threat aside from flooding. A tsunami shouldn't reach here...

"Senpai?" Yuji questioned.

"Sorry, it's nothing," she said quickly. "What else were you trying to say, Yuji—ah, do you mind if I call you that?"

"It's fine, senpai. As for what I wanted to say... Well um..." He gulped. "I think you did this."

She stared at him wordlessly.

"I mean!" He panicked. "Like, I'm not blaming you, of course, b-but your Cursed Technique is to manipulate water and stuff r-right? So, um, uh, maybe you just accidentally, er—"

"—It's okay, Yuji," she murmured, her tone soft and defeated. "I think you're right."

It explained why her cursed energy was so low, why she felt so exhausted even though only a few minutes had passed. Being thrown in the river she died in and regaining the memories of her past life as Uchiumi no Shisui, had taken an emotional toll on her. The distress of it all had triggered her to create this natural disaster.

It... it was the same thing her father did. Every time he was angry, the world around him seemed to respond and unfortunate humans took the brunt of his wrath. She was doing the same thing he was.

"Can you try to stop it?" He asked, worried for all the people still trapped outside.

She bit the inside of her lip and clenched her eyes. She barely had any cursed energy left, but she tried to channel what little she currently had to control the typhoon, to make it all stop.

But the winds were still howling, buildings were still being ripped apart, and the streets were still flooding over. She opened her eyes, worried. "I can't."

"That's fine," he tried to cheer her up, but the anxious look he shot at the balcony doors didn't go amiss. "Do you mind me asking what... what happened back there? I'm so confused, senpai. I don't know why Sukuna took you here, or threw you into the river—sorry about that, by the way—or why you reacted the way you did. Did Sukuna, um... hurt you?"

"No," she answered immediately.

Because now she remembered who he was to her before, and Sukuna had never hurt her. A thousand years ago, they meant everything to each other. She was just glad nothing had changed between them over such a long period of time.

"He..." She hesitated. "It's nothing."

Telling Yuji about her past life didn't seem like a good idea. It wasn't that she found him untrustworthy or anything, it was just that Yuji was really close with their teacher. If... If she told him, and he accidentally slipped up in front of Gojo... she didn't know what the older man would do.

Pulling away from her thoughts, she looked over to see Yuji's pensive frown. He didn't seem to believe that what Sukuna had done was 'nothing'. And while it certainly wasn't, she couldn't let him think that he had done something harmful.

"No, really," she insisted. "Sukuna didn't do anything wrong. He, uh... well, he helped me."

He stared at her in pure bewilderment, probably wondering if she had hit her head during all the chaos outside.

"He... helped you," he repeated slowly. "By... dumping you into the river?"

"Um, yeah. Something like that."

"So... so he wasn't trying to hurt you?"

She shook her head.

Suddenly, a familiar evil voice purred in the depths of his mind: See, brat? Sukuna crooned. I can be generous from time to time.

"I'm grateful to him," she breathed out afterwards.

And right away, Yuji felt like he had been slapped across the face. Whatever comical shock he felt about the revelation faded away, terror seeping in at his words.

Sukuna was never generous. He would never do a nice thing for anyone. So why... why would he help her? And how did he do it? Yuji didn't think tossing someone into a river and triggering them into causing a deadly disaster would do anyone good.

Fear then gave way to insecurity. Sukuna was trying so hard to stay on Mizuhime's good side, and it was working. He could see the relief and appreciation in her eyes as she spoke to him and it made his skin crawl. She was grateful. She was happy. At the thought of Sukuna. The monster living under his skin. The monster ruining his life.

But no words left Yuji's mouth. She sounded happy, she sounded like she loved him.

Sometimes she would look at him as she spoke, her eyes full of so much love and care, but Yuji knew it wasn't meant for him and it hurt. That tender softness was for Sukuna, and he just didn't get it because why would she look at this monster that way?

In the depths of his mind, he could feel Sukuna preen at her words, eating up her love and praises like a man starved. He could probably feel Yuji's mental pain as well, eating that up too as a nice dessert.

Yuji opened his mouth, wanting to warn her that nothing Sukuna does could be trusted when he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of an alarm.

Both teens jumped in fright, turning their heads to the TV that suddenly switched open. Neither of them had touched the remote.

But they immediately understood the sound being blasted from it. It was innocent at first, it sounded like a series of buttons being pressed. But after a few seconds, it finally clicked in Yuji's head what that alarm meant. It was an emergency broadcast, a signal that would automatically turn on a television or radio.

It was a tsunami warning.

Yuji let out a harsh curse, tossing the blanket off of him and scrambling off the bed. "We need to get out of here."

"What? Why?" Mizuhime asked with wide eyes.

"That's a tsunami warning!" He told her, quickly grabbing their clothes. It was still soaked, but they didn't have much of a choice but to wear it.

"A what?! No! That—that can't be! Gifu City's nowhere near the sea!" She protested, throwing her clothes on anyway.

It couldn't be true. Tsunamis only hit coastal areas. Gifu City was too far from the coast. A tsunami shouldn't be big enough to reach them, right?

No... natural tsunamis weren't that powerful. But this was no natural tsunami. This was a tsunami that she had created, born from the pain of remembering what had happened to her as Uchiumi no Shisui. The pain of what Gojo did to her.

And anger. She could feel that burning emotion boiling away at her; it had fizzled out since waking up, but the amount of anger she felt at that moment must have been enough to trigger it.

Tsunamis weren't made just from sadness after all. Sometimes they could be created by rage and hate—something she had learned from her father given the numerous tsunamis he had caused back home.

Yuji looked at the nightstand. There was a glass of water on it and it was trembling, the water sloshing around. He looked at the walls, the picture frames eerily rattled against the surface. His heart began to pound. The tsunami was coming.

"W-we need to get out of here," he said anxiously, swinging open the balcony window. Curses, he could handle. All he needed to do was punch them with some cursed energy and bam. Exorcised. But a tsunami? How the hell does one defeat nature?

Easy, you don't. You just try to survive its wrath.

"Senpai, come on!" He shouted, already dragging her through the opening.

People were already running for their lives, all sprinting north, meaning the tsunami was coming from the south end.

Together, they jumped off the railing. Yuji dared to look back. Over at the tops of the building, he saw it. The tsunami. One large wave was rushing towards them, crashing through buildings and swallowing people in. He felt his legs turn into jelly. He had never experienced a tsunami before.

But then Mizuhime grabbed his shoulder. "COME ON!" She yelled, pushing him forward. Her voice was barely audible over the chaos. "KEEP RUNNING!"

Sukuna's mouth appeared on his cheek. "Let me take over."

"Hell no!"

"Brat, at the rate you're going, you're both going to get killed!" He snapped, irate. "Now let me take over!"

The tsunami was getting closer. He could practically feel it spraying at their feet. Against his wishes, Yuji gritted his teeth and let Sukuna take over him for the second time that day.

One second, Mizuhime was running for her life. The next, she was suddenly swept up in a pair of strong arms and soaring across the sky. A familiar laugh entered her ears. Sukuna. Of course he would be enjoying himself in the midst of a disaster.

Sukuna made another high leap, and when Mizuhime looked down, she saw a familiar castle underneath them.

"Wha—no!" She struggled. "Sukuna, not that place!"

All he did was grin madly. "Watch and learn, melons!"

Instantly, they dropped. Mizuhime's scream felt trapped in her throat as he crashed through the top of the castle until they reached the bottom floor. The second they landed, the rest of the castle began to crumble all around them. As if Sukuna's presence alone was enough to destroy it.

"That's better," he hummed, setting her down. "Come take a look."

He walked to the edge of the summit, casually stepping over pieces of rubble and not minding the wreck he caused.

Mizuhime blinked dumbly at the scene. The castle was destroyed. Sure it wasn't the same one that Gojo owned a thousand years ago, but seeing it in ruins left her feeling quite satisfied.

Dazedly, she stumbled after Sukuna and stood beside him at the cliff's edge. She gasped when she looked down.

The tsunami had finally stopped moving, but the mark it left was devastating. Gifu City was no more. All she could see were the tops of the tallest buildings. Everything else had been submerged in the water. Everything and everyone.

"Take a seat," Sukuna yanked her down. He was already sitting at the edge, marveling at the sight of the drowned city of what was once their old home. "Doesn't it feel good?"

"...Good?" She whispered. "How... all those people... I just killed..." She couldn't finish the sentence.

"You were just cleaning off the filth," he shrugged, the hundreds or thousands of lives that were probably taken not bothering him in the slightest. "This was our hell. And now you've washed it all away."

You've washed it all away. The words echoed in her head. Numbly, she turned her head back down to what was left of the city. A thousand years ago, Yorokobi Village once prospered here. It was her home, and like Sukuna said, it was also their hell.

Her old village was long gone now, but she had to admit... watching its remnants disappear under the water did feel good.

So she stayed quiet and watched alongside her friend as Gifu City was wiped off the map.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

The ride back to campus was... quiet. Sukuna had finally relinquished control of Yuji's body the moment they reached the train, and the pink haired boy had been silent since then.

The same went for Mizuhime. Her mind couldn't seem to find one thing to focus on. It kept drifting off to her previous life, her last moments on earth before her fiance snapped, to the tsunami she caused and all the lives it took. That she took.

Gojo, fortunately, wasn't there when they returned to Jujutsu Tech. After making sure Yuji was able to sneak back into his hideout without anyone seeing him, she trudged back to her dorm and promptly collapsed on the bed.

Her phone was buzzing with news articles about the recent occurrence and she couldn't bear to look away from them.




Death toll unknown, it said. The words kept swimming in her vision, taunting her. Death toll unknown, death toll unknown, death toll unknown. There were thousands of people in those cities. And the death toll was unknown.

She could feel something crawling up her throat. The previous liberation she felt when she sat upon the mountain with Sukuna turned into a heavy weight on her shoulders.

People were dead because of her.

She swallowed thickly, forcing herself to set her phone away before burying herself under the sheets of her bed.

Let this be a dream, she prayed as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Not even a second later, a familiar chill entered her bones. The same chill she would get whenever she was yanked into Sukuna's domain.

"Sukuna..." She said in a weak voice, opening her eyes to see his ruby ones already scrutinizing her from his twisted throne.

"You look like you're about to get sick," he teased. "Try not to vomit, would you?"

"Not now, Sukuna," she let out a shuddering breath. "I'm really not feeling well..."

"Because you killed some humans?" He scoffed. "So what?"

She flinched. "I didn't mean to kill anyone..."

"Whether you meant it or not doesn't matter. There's billions of humans. Killing a few thousand doesn't make a difference." He droned.


He cut her off. "—The guilt is eating you up and you want to do the right thing, is that it? Are you gonna waltz over to the higher-ups and tell them that it was you who did it because you just feel oh so bad? You know what they'll do to you, moron? They'll label you as a jujutsu terrorist and execute you. And if they don't kill you, then you'll live the rest of your life hated by everyone you know."

She paled. "I-I don't want..."

"Then you'll keep your mouth shut for the time being and I'll make sure the brat shuts up too," he smirked. "You did an excellent thing, you know. No need to punish yourself. Then again, humans do like to cling on to their foolish morals..."

She could hardly pay attention to his praises. What she had done deserved no praise.

"Speaking of the brat," he added, narrowing his eyes at her. "Why didn't you tell him the truth?"

Mizhime, who was still dazed from everything that had occurred on this day, stared up at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

He rolled his eyes. "About that blue-eyed rat, Gojo. Why didn't you tell him the truth about his precious teacher?"

She swallowed thickly. "I... I just couldn't."

"Why?" He demanded. "Let him know what that man did to you! Let him hate him! The brat idolizes him, let the truth tarnish his view of that bastard."

"That's exactly why I can't tell him," she despaired. "Yuji adores Gojo-sensei, the truth would crush him." The same way it had crushed her. "Besides, if he knew about what Gojo did—whether he believed it or not—there's a chance he might let it... slip to him. That's what I'm worried about. If Gojo knows that I remember..."

"You're scared." Sukuna stated, blinking as if he couldn't understand why anyone would be afraid of the strongest man in the world.

She winced, but didn't say anything to deny it.

"...Fine then, you have a point anyways," he scowled in admittance. "He'll most likely try something if he were to know and I can't protect you when I'm stuck in this feeble body. It's best to keep quiet.." Even if Yuji didn't go blabbering out to Gojo, if he let anyone know that Mizuhime had a close relationship with him back in the Heian Era, she would surely be in danger.

She relaxed. "Thank you." And then hesitantly: "Can I ask you something?"

He grunted.

"What happened after I died?" She asked carefully. "Why are people calling you the King of Curses? Why are you so... different now?"

You were the sweetest person I knew, she thought. So how... how exactly did someone like that become the King of Curses?

Her question earned her a smile. A bone-chilling, blood curdling smile that made shivers roll down her back.

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head over," he purred, descending from his throne to get closer to her. Mizuhime's breath hitched. His smile was downright evil, a telling confirmation that whatever had happened after she died wasn't pretty.

"Now," he continued. "As a present for the disaster you caused, I've decided it's time you learned how to do a Domain Expansion."

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

To her relief, nobody was talking about the tsunami the next day. Sometimes she would hear someone mention it, but so far, everyone seemed to believe that it was a normal tsunami, and not one caused by h̶e̶r̶ a sorcerer.

While she was trying to stomach breakfast in the common room, a flash of white appeared in the corner of her eyes and terror seized her brain.

"Hime-chaaaan~" A painfully familiar voice rang in her ears. Gojo, her teacher in this current life, teleported at her side.

It took all her self-control to not run out of the room like a bat out of hell.

"Good morning, sensei," she said, trying to sound as calm as possible so as to not give anything away.

He beamed, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder where the door was. "Follow me outside, Hime-chan. There's something important I need to tell you."

She felt like throwing up as she followed him outside. Something important? Did he know that she remembered? Or did he know that she had caused the natural disasters back at Gifu City?

Her chest was moving up and down; she felt seconds away from hyperventilating.

Gojo finally stopped until they were a good distance away from eavesdroppers. He turned back to her, a smile still lighting up his face.

He's so much like Junichiro, she couldn't help but think. Her personality wasn't completely similar to Shisui's, but Satoru and Junichiro's likeness was too strong. It was chilling to realize.

"The Kyoto Sister-School Event is only days away," he began, to her surprise.

The Goodwill Event... After everything that happened, she had almost forgotten about it. It was something she and Maki had been looking forward to, since succeeding in it meant they would be promoted to a higher grade. A simple school event seemed like such a miniscule thing after regaining memories of her past life and accidentally killing so many people...

"Right..." She trailed off, not knowing where this conversation was going.

"Unfortunately, I can't let you participate in it." He said, a 'sympathetic' look on his face.

"Oh... Okay." She murmured in response. After remembering her life as Shisui, hearing him say this wasn't too surprising anymore. It was upsetting, sure, since she had been looking forward to this so much, but after everything Junichiro put her through, Gojo denying her was something she should've expected...

Gojo stared at her incredulously. "... 'Okay'? Huh, I would've thought you'd be more disappointed than this..."

"Sorry, sensei, I'm just... really tired right now," it wasn't a lie.

He frowned pensively. "Are you sick?"

She shook her head. "No, I just need more sleep. Excuse me..."

Rather than going back to the common room to finish her breakfast, she went to her room instead. There was no point in spending the day training anymore, all she wanted was to lay in bed and rest.

But of course, Sukuna could never give her a break.

"Are you just going to stay here moping or are we going to get started on your training?" Sukuna asked boredly as he watched her sit around his Innate Domain doing nothing. "Don't you have some special event to train for? The brat mentioned how important it is for you."

"It's the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event, and it doesn't matter." She said dully. "I can't participate."

He raised a brow. "Oh? And why not?"

"Gojo-sensei won't let me. Apparently I'm not ready for it yet." Sure, a part of her felt frustrated by this. She had been so eager for the event too, and so determined to win it if it meant finally bringing her up a level. To have the opportunity snatched away from her felt so unfair. But now, she just felt more tired than anything.

Sukuna's face hardened and within a second, he was standing in front of her. There was a harsh glare on his face, but it wasn't directed to her.

"What?" He hissed. "That damn bastard is forbidding you to compete?!"

She nodded. "Yeah... It's fine. I... I don't really mind."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh not this again. Don't tell me you're still hung over what happened yesterday."

"I just caused three natural disasters, Sukuna." She shot him a mild glare.

"And it was impressive! You should be proud of what you've done!"

"Well I'm not," she said dryly.

"Pathetic," he spat. "One little setback has rendered you to this?"

"This is a lot more than a 'setback'," she seethed.

"To think you'd give up so quickly," he scowled. "Giving in to Gojo so easily, hmm?"

She paused. "What? No! That's not—"

"—You're so eager to bend over and do as he says, just as you've always done!"

"That's not it!" She growled in frustration, splashing water at his face. It didn't hurt him, but it sure annoyed him. "I killed people, Sukuna!"

"AND?!" He exploded. "For fuck's sake, melons, get over it! Gojo's trying to get control over you again, are you really so willing to let him do this just because of some pesky human emotions?! You're pissed that he's doing this to you!"

"I am," she agreed. "But—"

"—But nothing. This event is the your chance to give him a big 'fuck you' and you want to do it, don't you?"


"Then stop wallowing like a child and get your shit together."

She bit the inside of her cheek. "But how? He would never allow me to..."

"We won't let him get away with this," he promised her, and she liked how he spoke collectively. It made her feel like they were in this together and that he wouldn't let her go through this alone. "You will compete in that tournament with the annoyingly long name."

"You... want me to go against what Gojo-sensei says?" She asked uncertainly.

He scoffed. "What he says is nothing but bullshit not worth listening to. Don't worry, melons, I already know the perfect way to let you participate."

"How?" She asked curiously.

A devious smirk crawled over his lips. "Who are the people Gojo hates the most?"

"Um... you?"

"Aside from that," he waved a hand dismissively.

"The higher-ups," she answered more confidently. "He always complains about them and how they... get in the way of his plans..." She trailed off, realization sinking in.

"Now you get it," his smirk widened. "And what is the one thing those wrinkled old bags love the most aside from power and corruption?"


"And what do they hate?"

"Gojo-sensei." He was the antithesis of the higher-ups (and jujutsu society in general). He advocated for progressiveness, constantly rebelled against them, and became a teacher to educate students on things the higher-ups would rather not have them know about.

"Exactly," Sukuna purred. "And you just so happen to come from a very ancient and traditional clan whose Head is one of their Special Grade lapdogs," he stated. "If you were to make a complaint against the very man that they hate, they'll side with you unanimously. It helps that you've had no issues with them, so you'll definitely earn their approval too. I hate those withered old fools, but they can be useful for some things. In this case, you can use them to your advantage."

Mizuhime's eyes were blown wide open. "Kuna-chan, this is—that's—you're a genius!" She sputtered.

He nodded cockily in agreement. "I know. And don't call me by that dreadful nickname, it's embarrassing."

She ignored that last part.

"I'll make an appointment with the higher-ups the second I wake up!" She decided. "Hopefully we can meet soon—preferably before the event starts... I hope I sound persuasive enough..."

"You'll be fine," he rolled his crimson eyes. "Honestly, you worry about the littlest of things. Stop stressing or your tiny brain will explode."

"I'm more worried about how sensei will react when he finds out what I've done," she fretted. "He'll be so angry..."

"If he touches you, I'll take over the brat's body and slaughter him," he hissed venomously. "I will not lose you again."

Strangely enough, Mizuhime actually felt touched by that.

( BONUS! )

One day before the event...

"Ah, we just got an update from our little spy," Geto hummed. "According to him, Gojo's request for the Uchiumi heiress to abstain from the Goodwill Event has been rescinded by the girl herself!"

"Ooh how fun!" Mahito said cheerfully. "Dagon, do you hear that? Maybe you can face her! You were born from the fear of water-based natural disasters after all, so it's only fitting, hehe!"

"I'm afraid not," Geto objected to the idea. "Dagon and Uchiumi's abilities are too similar; they can both generate and control water. Any attack he launches on her won't harm her in the slightest. In fact, she can just absorb them to strengthen her Water Body. Dagon doesn't have that privilege."

The patch-face curse pouted in disappointment. "Ah, what a shame! I guess we'll have to leave it to Ranto** then..."

Heads turned to face the dark cloudy figure that floated over at the side of their hideout. Blue streaks of electricity arced through its gaseous body as it hummed in acceptance.

"Ranto would be a better opponent," Geto agreed.

But the fight would be short. From the memories he gained from this corpse he was using, Mizuhime was dangerously weak against electricity of any form. Ranto, who was an old cursed spirit created by the collective fear of storms—a fear that the girl's own father increased due to his moody nature—would probably kill her in an instant. 

* Originally, I was going to call it a hurricane but I learned that apparently in Japan, they call it 'typhoons' instead so I changed it

** Ranto is an OC cursed spirit that I created for the Kyoto Event. Here's what I based him off of:

Now onto her new skills!

Earthquake Generation: she can create and cause powerful earthquakes

​​Flooding: she can create an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry. The primary effects of flooding include loss of life, damage to buildings and other structures, including bridges, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals

Tidal Wave: she can call forth huge water waves to crash down at their targets, washing everything away in a powerful torrent

Tsunami Generation: she can create and cause powerful tsunamis regardless of the area she's in. Due to her ability to generate water, she does not need to be near the coast in order to create a tsunami

Also, I made a beautiful, super detailed visual of the areas of Japan that were hit by Hime's tsunami. Enjoy the masterpiece brought to you by ipiccy lol:

Btw tsunami Hime made was over 500 meters high, so it's something like this:

(I did not make this 😔)

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