30: Fighting a Sibling Pt. 2

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We hear the go and I run at my brother. I'm not going to go easy on him just 'cause he's my sibling. Right now he's a villain and my ticket to going to training camp. I say to myself. I can't let him touch me or he'll use his quirk and can copy mine. He probably already has some quirks copied to use but I can't let him use mine. I run at him and throw a punch to which he dodges. I could sense him about to touch my arm and I elbow him in the stomach before he can. "Nice try! But my senses and hearing have peaked since my internship." I smirk.ย 

I had to handcuff him to pass and it was going to be hard. I turn and see he has disappeared. Huh? I ask myself. I look around to see he is gone and I can't see him. "Did ya miss me?" I hear his voice asks. I look up and see him floating and about to fall and trape me. I use my ribbons and loop them around his legs slamming him to the ground. The ribbons are freezer but not with like ice but just frozen as time stopped. I lose focus and he escapes. Damnit! He's fricking fast! Faster than when I would train with him. I say trying to look around.ย 

I hear footsteps on the top of a building that is near me and I knew it was him. I draw a couple of circles and place them in the air using them as steps to get to the roof. There he is and I run at him holding the handcuffs this time. His back was turned and couldn't see me coming. The bottoms of my shoes are sound absorbent so they make no sound which I was happy about. I grab his hand and put the cuffs on while he was distracted. "Iris Cotton wins!" The robotic voice says.ย 

I take the cuffs off of my brother and help him up. "Good job! You had me completely fooled with that fake of yourself." He says. Fake I didn't make a fake of myself. Who? Or what was that he saw then 'cause it wasn't me. I ask myself. I grab his ear and whisper into it. "I didn't make a fake of myself...that wasn't me." I whisper letting his ear go. His face was in shock and he nodded. Rick walks back to tell the principal while I went back to my classmates. "Hey! Iris-chan!" I hear Mina's excited voice say. I turn to see the pink girl waving and running to me.ย 

"Hey, Mina! Wait did you say -chan?" I ask. "Yeah, you're my friend so it makes sense to call you that!" She smiles. A friend? I'm touched... I smile internally freaking out. "The way you fought your brother was amazing and it looked so cool! But what was it you were telling him at the end?" She asks. "Rick said that I made a copy of myself when I didn't and I can't even do 'cause of how big a piece of paper I would need and I don't even have the colors for that...what I'm trying to get at is that someone or something got into the exam area." I say.

"That's odd, like really really odd...did you tell a teacher?" She asks. "Ricky is going to go tell Pr. Nezu right now about it." I say. "If it was a villain then there's something they're planning because why would they do that it's really weird." I say. The final match concludes and then we all go to change out of our hero suits. We head back to our classroom aswell. Bakugo and Midoriya had to go to Recovery Girl from the injuries they had gotten but were back in class. "For the written finals you all passed with flying colors..." Mr. Aizawa says as the class cheers. "But as for the practical exam, some of you had failed...Sato, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari I'm looking at your four.

"And as for training camp in the woods...you'll all be going." He says. YAY! I'm so excited yee!!!! I say excitedly to myself. "You all will need these, a list of things you will need to buy and bring for this trip." He says. We all receive booklets that have all the necessities inside we will need. Everyone suggests we go on a class shopping trip which I accept. I was so happy I would be going to the camp and so excited to see who would be teaching there. We all head home after that and I walk with Mina who asked if she could stay with me at my house tonight since we didn't have school tomorrow.

I said yes so we stopped by her house so she could get her things. We then made our way to my house where we had treats made by my mom and dad as a celebration. We talked for a little while, until like 9:00, and then went up to my room and put pajamas on. "Hey, do you wanna watch TV?" Mina asks. "Sure! How about...Oh! I know Assassination Classroom?" I ask. "Yes yes! Let's watch that." She says. We watch that until about 1:00 and then both pass out on the floor with blankets over us with Assassination Classroom playing in the background.ย 

It is at times like these I'm glad I have carpeted floors. We slept until 3:00 PM the next day which was the longest I have ever slept and hung out for the rest of that day. I was filled with joy about going to summer camp. Sure, yeah we would be training but it was still summer camp and we would probably get to do amazingly fun things! I was super pumped and couldn't wait for the day where Class 1-A of the UA High School's Hero Course got to go to summer camp together. It will be the best time of our lives!


Hi, lovelies this chapter is done and I hope you liked it bye-bye!

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