32: I-Island Pt. 2

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My brother and I's plans for the party were called as my parents wanted us to stay with them and Mia. I sat on my bed scrolling through my Picsart before getting a text from Kirishima. Wow! Haven't gotten a text from him in a while. I say to myself before opening it.

Kiri: Hey could you help me with something?

Me: Uh sure what is it?

Kiri: I'm trying to get Bakugo to come with me to the party but he won't listen...

Me: What makes you think I can make him?! He literally hates my guts.

Kiri: I know but Kaminari is busy and already at the party and Ashido didn't get the tickets soooo that leaves you from the squad! And aren't you coming to the party?

Me: No my parents asked my brother and me to stay in the hotel with them and my sister so no. But I'll be right there. It's the hotel across the street right?

Kiri: Mhm! I'll tell the front desk you're coming it's room 234.

Me: Cool be right there.ย 

I turn my phone off and slip on a pink hoodie and some baby blue crocs that go perfectly with my black leggings and white crop top. I take my room key and tell my parents I'll be right back. I walk across the street to their hotel and then walk up to their room. I knock on the door and a down-haired Kirishima answers. "Good you're here!" He says. He opens the door and lets me in. "Who the fuck is that shitty hair? Wait you asked the sheep over here?!!" The blonde who was laying on the bed says glaring at the red-haired boy.ย 

"She's here to help me try to get you to go to the party," Kiri says. "Don't kill her!" He adds before walking into the bathroom. I look around the room and it's pretty nice! Smaller than mine but still really nice I love the interior. I catch a glimpse of two suits hanging in the wardrobe. "Well, these must've been cheap!" I say looking at them more carefully. I hold one up to the boy and see how it looks before doing the same with the other. "What the hell are you doing?" He barks.ย 

"When my brother asks for help deciding on something I hold it up to him!" I smile. "Do I look like his copycat ass to you?" He asks. "Yes just with an attitude and ego that's too big for your own good." I smirk "I'm not going to that dumbass party." He says. "Uhm! That's what you think! You're going because I came over here to help get you out and be damn certain I will!" I say. Wear this one!" I say tossing a grey suit with a red shirt and a vest that has a rose pattern on it to the boy. "I'm not wearing it!" He says. "Yes, you are!" I shout back at him.ย 

"You don't have to wear the tie but if you want me to tie it so you can look less of a dick than you really are then I'd be happy to!" I smile. He flips me off to which I stick my tongue out at him "What are you 10?" I ask as he was acting like an actual child. "No are you!" He glares at me. I simply give him a smirk before walking out of the room and leaning against the wall waiting for them to get out. I doze off for a sec before I hear the door open. "Thanks again Cotton!" Kiri says pointing to an angry Bakugo with the suit I gave him on.

"No problem! And it's Iris! Not Cotton." I say to him. "And it's Eijiro not Kirishima then!" He smiles. "Stop talking dumbasses and get a move on!" Bakugo barks at us. I walk out with them before separating back to my hotel. I decide to sit in the lobby instead of going back to the room. I pull my hood over and pull the strings just hiding my face a little bit. "Hey, Iris!" I hear Pony's voice say. "Hey Pony! You got nothing better to do either?" I ask. "No, not really but I came down here, and look who I found! Luck then!" She smiles.

We talk for a bit before we both go back to our rooms. My siblings were playing Monopoly because my parents went to the cafe tonight. "Come play! You can be the kittie!" Mia says handing me a player piece that looks like a cat. "Ok then!" I smile taking a seat on the floor. We play for a bit before loud alarms blared saying there is a villain. "What's going on? I thought this island was safer than any other place else." My brother says. "It's not supposed to have villains it said that there weren't any. Wait! Mom! Dad! We need to make sure they're ok. And Ochaco to!" I say rushing to get my phone.

"I'll turn the TV on and look at the news." Ricky says. "I-Iri I-I'm scared..."My sister says pulling on my pant leg as I try to dial my dad's phone. "Don't worry Mia everything will be ok! There are Pro-Heroes everywhere." I say squatting to her level and putting my hands on her shoulders. I give her a tight squeeze and a confidant smile. Her eyes start to tear up. "No-no! Don't cry Mia it's fine." I say. "I'm going to call momma and dada ok? I'm going to make sure they're ok! Everything will be ok." I say to her. "Iris! The TV isn't working and my phone isn't either." Rick says.ย 

"Then the only thing we can do is stay calm and safe!" I say. "Let's all stay calm ok? We can't leave the hotel...the internet doesn't work and the network system is down so the only thing there is to do is stay calm! We can continue our game just act like nothing is happening it's normal ok?" I say trying to calm my family. There's a knock on the hotel door and Mia jumps running to my side. "It's fine it's ok. I'll go see." I said patting her head. I carefully walk over to the door. I grab a letter opener that was on the desk and look through the peephole. "Phew! It's just Pony we're fine." I say to my siblings.ย 

I open the door to a concerned Pony. "Iris! Are you ok? Is your family ok? I heard what happened and came over are you ok?" She asks rambling. "Yes, yes, and yes! I'm fine Pony calm down." I say. "Come in and stay with us if you're that worried." I say. "I tried texting Ochaco but she didn't answer." She says. "I know I tried calling my parents but it didn't work I think the network is down." I say we all stay with each other and wait it out and then everything was back to normal. My phone rings and I rush to get it off the charger. It was Ochaco. "You scared the crap out of me Ochaco! Where were you?!" I practically scream into the phone.ย 

"I'm sorry I didn't have my phone I'm fine we're all ok no one was hurt I promise." She says. "Is that her?" Pony asks. I nod and hand her the phone. "Ochaco you scared me too! I'm so glad you're ok!" Pony says. "Yes I am." Ochaco says in response. We talk and she tells us everything that happened and then my parents got back. Pony went back to her room and we all checked in for the night.


Hi so I am so so so so sorry I didn't have Iris participate in the events I just felt like she does a lot of things in the story that follows the fandom and I wanted her to do this instead so deal with it I'm sorry.


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