33: I-Island Pt. 3

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The expo was open to the public so the rest of my classmates and I who were there could now go and see it together! I went with Toru, Pony, Ochaco, Jiro, Momo, and I invited Kaya aswell. "Where to first!?" Toru pipes. "There's a rollercoaster and some other like amusement park type rides." Kaya says. "I think this whole place is an amusement park around this time." Momo adds. "We could go on a rollercoaster! Or we could find something that doesn't go fast and make you scream." Pony squeaks. "I heard there's an aquarium!" Ochaco says. "Eh, sea animals kinda freak me out..." Jiro says.

"There's a dolphin show." Ochaco adds. "Say less!!" Toru, Jiro, and I say eyes lighting up. "Do you three really like dolphins that much?" Kaya asks. "Are you kidding! They're fricking adorable! And the smartest sea creature there is!" Toru says. "Well then to the dolphin show it is." Momo smiles. "But first we should get something to eat...I'm hungry..." Pony sighs. "Hey, Iris you said your parents open a temporary cafe here during the expo right?" Jiro asks. "Yeah! I think it's just around the lunchtime menu!" I smile. "Then let's go there! Your parents' tea is amazing." Kaya says.ย 

"Well thank you! And let's go so we can eat and then see the sea dogs!" I say. "Wait sea dogs?" Ochaco asks. "Yes, dogs are smart and dolphins are smart so...sea dogs!" I say turning. We all walk to my parents' cafe which only had outdoor seating but it was nice outside so we didn't mind. We all ordered and then made our way to the dolphin show. It was super cool and some of the instructors had water quirks and made the water dance. It was super pretty. The show ends and we all walked down to ask if we could take a picture with the dolphins. "Sure! We have a little time before the next show so you ladies can take as many pictures as you like!" The woman smiles.

"Me first me first!" Toru says running to the dolphin who was perched on the edge of the tank with its front fins outside the tank. I think it might've been confused where Toru was because um yeah invisible. I take the picture for Toru and then I was next. "Smile!" Ochaco says holding up my phone. I turn to the camera and give a closed-eyed smile. "Awww!" My friends coo. "What?!" I ask. They turn the picture and the dolphin had turned before the picture was taken and kissed my cheek. "It's pure beauty..." I say holding my phone in my hands. We finish the signal photos and then take a group one with all the dolphins.

"That was amazing! The way they like danced on the water practically was amazing!" Kaya says in ustanashiment. "Have you never seen a dolphin in person?" Jiro asks. "Not really my family didn't do much..." She says lowering her head. "Oh no! We didn't mean to make you feel sad!" Toru says. "It's fine I'm not." She says putting on a smile. "Hey look!" Jiro says pointing to a big rollercoaster. "Let's go on that one!" She smirks. "Uhm, hey Toru and I are going to go find um the boys and see what they're doing so can't do it bye!" Momo says grabbing Toru's arm.ย 

"Oh hey, Iris sorry but I gotta go back to my hotel I'm sadly leaving today and need to pack sorry..." Pony says. "It's fine." I smile. That left just me, Kaya, Ochaco, and Jiro. "Well then let's go nothing else to do so let's go!" Kaya says. The four of us walk to the big rollercoaster which kinda scared me not gonna lie but I love rollercoasters and they're one of my favorite things to do when I go to an amusement park. We were in front of two girls who were piping with excitement and I think they recognized us from the sports festival. "You're UA students right?" One of the girls asks. "Um, yeah?" Kaya answers. "We watched you on TV! You with the white hair you were amazing and did so cool with that drawing quirk!" The other says.

"And you with the purple eyes! You were super cool and got fourth place! You two were awesome too! You with the earphones you were amazing with those things! And the way you floated that scary guy with your quirk was super cool! Too bad you lost..." They said surprisingly said all at the same time. "T-thanks..." I say rubbing my neck. We step onto the rollercoaster I sat with Kaya in the front row and Ochaco and Jiro sat in the row behind us and the two girls sat in the row behind them. It went really fast at the beginning and I think we all screamed the whole time. It went around twice which scared me because I almost got out of the cart but it went off again and I didn't dye so that's a plus!ย 

It was one of the ones that take pictures and we all wanted one so I paid for them and we all got one. "That was super amazing! Kinda scary...but amazing!" Ochaco said. "I'm kinda surprised you didn't throw up since you have nausea don't you?" Jiro asks. "It's only with her quirk that happens." I say. "What should we do now?" Kaya asks. "Well, there's going to be a light show tonight and we could watch that I think it's at 9:00 and it's 7:00 right now sooo I don't know what we could do?" I say shrugging my shoulders. "There's an art thing we could go look at that!" Kaya perks. "Oh yeah! Iris didn't you say you submitted an art piece for that?!" Ochaco says reminding me.

"You did?!" Jiro and Kaya ask surprised. "Yeah but just one and it's an ok thing I mean not like compared to Picasso or Frida Calo or anything." I say waving them off. "Girl! Have you seen what you draw? Your art is probably compared to those people better!" Jiro says. "Ok, then we can go to the art place..." I sigh. We walk there and it was outside, like most stuff, and had a whole lot of people looking at the art. "Mine's is over this away." I say pointing and leading my friends. We come to a picture I drew of a pink-haired girl with a darker tanner whatever skin color, blue eyes, lighter splotches of skin color on her face, a flower shirt, and a flower field background which I was super proud of (see pic above for example).

"This looks amazing!" My friends say. "Thanks!" I smile. We look at some of the other amazing art pieces and by then it was 8:30. We all went back to our hotel rooms to get ready before the light show. I went to my room and it was just me since Ricky took Mia to the amusement park and my mom and dad are working in the cafe so it was just me. I open my closet and pick out a white crop top and some pink jean shorts. I decide to add a light denim jean jacket to the outfit. I put on some rainbow socks and my pink and white shoes. I brush my hair and tie pink ribbons around my horns.ย 

I grabbed my phone and the room key and walked down to the lobby and out the door to the location. I arrived and my whole class including Kaya and her brother were there. "Hey!" Ochaco says calling me over. I walk over and stand with her Iida, Midoriya, Tsu, Momo, and Todoroki. "I heard they're going to pick someone random to come and sing during the light show. Ribbit!" Tsu croaks. "Oh I hope it's not me I could never my nerves would go off!" Ochaco whines. "I bet you could do it Cotton! During the movie night, you sang a song and it sounded amazing!" Midoriya says. "Eh, I don't know there are way more people here." I say.

"You could still do it though you'd be amazing!" Momo adds. "Thanks, but we'll just have to see." I smile. "Oh hey, it's starting!" Ochaco says pointing to the stage as lights begin to beam. It was amazing and then they called a name for the singing part and holy crap it was me and I was super fricken scared. I asked if I could bring someone up to the stage with me and I chose Mina. I picked a song, Confident by Demi Lavato because I needed some confidence right now. :')

I walked onto the stage and Mina and I were given mics. I can do it don't freak the frick out ok? I say to myself. The music starts and I look at Mina and she smiles at me.ย 

Are you ready? Ha!

It's time for me to take itย 

I'm the boss right now

Not gonna fake it

Not when you go down!

Mina sings.

'Cause this is my game! And you better come to play!

I used to hold my freak back now I'm letting go.

I make my own choice

I sing as Mina starts again.

Bitch I run this show!

So leave the lights on...

You can't make me behave!

And then I start up again.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

So you say I'm complicated!

That I must be out my mind...

But you've had me underrated...



We both start to sing in harmony.

What's wrong with being...

What's wrong with being...

What's wrong with being confident?!

It's time to get the chains out

is your tongue tied up?

'Cause this is my ground

And I'm dangerous

And you can get off

But it's all about me tonight!

We decided to end the song there and the crowd cheers from our performance. We took a bow and went back to our classmates. "That was so much fun Iris-chan!" Mina says giving me a tight squeeze. "Thank you! You're amazing at singing and dancing!" I say. "Hey, you guys were amazing!" Kilo says as he and Kaya walk over. "Thanks!" I say. "We're going to head back to our hotel room so just wanted to say bye." Kaya says. "Bye?" I ask. "Yeah we're leaving tomorrow morning so this'll be the last time we see you until school." Kaya adds. "Ok then bye! It was nice to see you guys again stay safe!" I say hugging the both of them.

My classmates and I walk back to our rooms aswell and check-in for the night. I entered my hotel room and Mia ran to me and hugged me. "You were amazing!" She says looking up at me. "Thank you?" I say puzzled. "We watched the light show on the TV you and that Ashido girl were amazing." My dad says. "Thanks dad!" I say smiling. "You're getting better at singing in front of a big crowd! That's good." My mom says. We eat room service and then we all go to bed as we were leaving tomorrow morning aswell.


Ok, this is the last chapter of the I-Island Arc as I am calling it I hope you all liked this and have a great day/afternoon/night!!! And again credits for the creation of Kilo and Kaya go toย marrPen. OMG guys we're almost to the training camp arc!!! That is my favorite arc in the storyline because we get more of class 1-b I am so excited for that arc eeeeeee!!!!!!!


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