45: License Exams Pt. 1

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Ok so this chapter might be longer because I am going to try and attempt to cram everything for the Provisional License Arc in here I might shorten some things but other than that enjoy the chapter! :>


Today is the day! Today is the day! Today is the day we take the Provisional License Exams! I had gotten the adjustment for my hero suit for my voice and I had mastered the three ultimate moves I had been practicing in class. I carefully got up and walked to my closet trying not to wake Mina up. I grab my uniform and walk to my bathroom. I put my uniform on and grab my hairbrush. I brush out my hair and grab some cinnamon stud earrings. I attach them to my lobes and smile at myself in the mirror. A knock on the bathroom door and I open it. "Hey did I wake you up?" I ask Mina. "No, I just got up to tell you I was going back to my room before anyone got up so I could get ready." She says smiling.ย 

"Ok well, I'll see you whenever you come down to the common room!" I smile giving her a small kiss on the cheek. "Bye!" She says before quietly walking out the door. I pick up the blankets and pillows off the floor putting them back where they go and turn off my TV. I lock my door behind me before walking out. I take the elevator down to the common room where nobody else was yet. I open my phone and my texts were crazy since Camie was trying to get me to answer.ย 

Me: heyย 

Camie-chan: Finally!

Me: What's the 'finally!' for?

Camie-chan: You didn't answer me!

Me: I was asleep! I don't live at home anymore so I can't just randomly wake up and text you because there's such thing as a curfew and I was also with someone...wait no I wasn't

Camie-chan: Oooooooooo! You were with someone๐Ÿ˜

Me: Shut it!

Camie-chan: Mhm

Camie-chan: So who's the lucky person????

Me: No one;-;

Camie-chan: Liar! You are either dating someone or have a crush so spill!

Me: It's a girl and that's all you're getting outta me๐Ÿ˜ค

Camie-chan: Your Bi's showing Luv-

Me: Yuh thinks!!??

Camie-chan: Anyway the main reason I texted you was because Shiketsu is having the Provisional License Exams today and I think UA is going to be there too am I right?

Me: Correct and I'm pretty sure a bunch of second and third years from different hero course highs will be there

Camie-chan: You think he'll be there?

Me: If you're referring to him yes I think he might be there but that happened like 2 years ago I don't think he'll still be mad at me plus I wasn't the one who ducked up it was him

Camie-chan: I'm just surprised that you're still ok with seeing him after what he did to you...if someone did that to me I wouldn't want to be anywhere near them for at least 10 years๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

Me: Yeah ok...oop Sky just started a conversation on Discord and they won't stop ating me give me a sec-

I close my Messages app and open Discord.ย 

INeedGas:ย @SheepySheepo answer ussssssss

riceygirl: come onย @SheepySheepo

frenchyfry: *@SheepySheepo in french*

PANcake: come on come on let me hear you say! Heyo!ย @SheepySheepo

smallbitch: Answer dumbass!ย @SheepySheepo

Me: Will ya'll please

smallbitch: She lives!

Me: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘

PANcake: ๐Ÿ‘€

Me: What did ya'll need?

INeedGas: Nothing๐Ÿ˜Œ

Me: Well then peace I have school๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ–•โœŒ๏ธ

I shut my phone off as my classmates start to enter the common room. We all eat and then set off to our classroom. We all take our seats as Mr. Aizawa explains what we will be doing and we then grab our hero suits and backpacks and set off to the busses. I sit next to Mina in the back of the bus. "Isn't it so exciting! Just one step closer to becoming a Pro!" Mina smiles. "I know! My friend from Shiketsu said that they're going to be there for the exams and I'm so excited." I smile. "Really you know someone from Shiketsu?" She asks. "Mhm! We've known each other for a long time since kindergarten, I think." I laugh. "How long have you known Ochaco and Pony?" Mina asks.ย 

"Since we were babies..." I smile. The bus shortly comes to a stop and I look out the window to see the huge building where we would be having our exams. "Eeee! We're here! I'm so excited!" Toru pipes from across the bus. "Everyone exit in an orderly fashion!" Iida says chopping the air with his hand as per usual. We all grab our briefcases and exit the bus. "Wow! So big!" I say taking in the sight of the Dagoba Arena. "I'm kinda nervous now..." Jiro sighs. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros...I expect your best..." Our teacher says trying to encourage the class 'cause oh boy did we need it!

Ricky told me about his but I understand that it's completely random every year and that there are two every year aswell. One in June and one in September. "All right! I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" Kaminari says. "Let's call out the usual you guys! On my mark. Go Plus...Ultra!" Ejiro says as another voice says it aswell. I turn to see a boy in a Shiketsu uniform with his fist in the air. "Y'know, it's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that, Inasa." Another boy from Shiketsu with a head of dusty purple hair says. "Camie!" I say running to my friend. I try and hug her but she just shrugs me off.ย 

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask. "I'm sorry do I know you?" She asks acting like she doesn't know who I am. My face turns from a smile to shock. "It's me! Iris...Cotton?" I say pointing to myself. "Don't know who you are..." She says. I walk back to my class with a disappointed expression on my face. Well, that's not like her...and she acted like she didn't know me? Something's fishy and I don't like it... I say to myself. "What? Pardon me. I am...very extremely...sorry!" The bald boy says putting his head to the floor making his hat fall off. Oh! So he does have hair. I say mentally. "Who is this guy? I don't trust his enthusiasm." Kaminari says pointing to the boy. "Hey, look at their uniforms," Jiro says. "They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan," Sero says.

"UA in the East. Shiketsu in the West." Bakugo says. "I wanted to say it just once! Plus Ultra!" That Inasa kid says. "See, I really love UA High School. I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students. I'm so looking forward to it!" He says. "Hey isn't that the school you said your friend was in?" Mina asks. "Yeah, that's her with the fawn hair...but she's acting weird I don't know what's wrong with her..." I say pointing to Camie. "Oh. Blood." Camie says looking at Inasa. "Let's go." The other boy says as they begin to walk inside. "Inasa Yoarashi." Mr. Aizawa says. "Do you know that guy, Mr. Aizawa?" Toru asks. "Indeed. He's strong." We all gasp at his words.

"He's in the same year as you all and received the top scores for students admitted through recommendations. But for some unknown reason, he turned down his acceptance to UA and went to Shiketsu." He adds. Our age?ย ย I ask myself. "Wait. He's...our age?" Midoriya asks. Wait he's strong and got one of the top scores then...he must be better than Momo and Todoroki! I say to myself. "Great to meet you, UA students. Please excuse me!" Inasa says. "Hold on. Is anyone else confused here? This guy says that he loves our school but he turned down his chance to enroll when it was offered?" Sero asks.

"Yeah, What a weirdo," I say. "Maybe, but he's the real deal keep an eye on him." Mr. Aizawa says. I'll be keeping an eye on him and Camie. Something's up and I don't like it... I say to myself watching as my friend walks away. "Eraser?" A feminine voice says calling our teacher. "I'd know that scowl anywhere! I saw you on TV at the sports festival. But it's been a while since we were this close in person." The voice says. I turn to see... No! It can't be Ms. Joke?!ย ย "She looks familiar," Midoriya says. "Let's get married!" Ms. Joke says looking our teacher dead in the eyes. "No." He replies. Well, dang Mr. Aizawa that was cold... I say to myself. "Haha! You're a real laugh-riot buddy." She says laughing.ย 

Mina perks at the mention of romance. Her and Kaya what's with them and shipping? I ask myself. "As usual you impossible, Joke." Mr. Aizawa says. "Oh, that's Ms. Joke! The smile hero!" Midoriya perks. I forget how much of a hero nerd he is. I say. He then continues to ramble and explain Ms. Joke's quirk. "Come on, imagine it! If I was your wife, you'd have a future full of constant laughter." She says holding out a thumbs up. "That sounds like an actual nightmare..." Mr. Aizawa says. "You two seem close." Tsu says. "Our agencies were near each other. As young heroes striving to make a difference in the world, a mutual love bloomed-" She says before being cut off.

"No, it didn't." Mr. Aizawa retorts. "I do miss your quick retorts. You're my favorite person to tease, future husband!" Ms. Joke laughs. "So, Joke. If you're here, then that must mean..." Mr. Aizawa says. Ketsubutsu Academy is here aswell. I say to myself watching as the students walk over. One white-haired first-year sticks out in the crowd of second-years for me. Mica... I say to myself starring at the boy. One black-haired boy walks over to Midoriya while Mica walks over to me. "So you got into UA? I'm surprised you actually worked that lame quirk of yours to get in." He glares at me.ย 

"What's your problem Mica? Our 'thing' ended two years ago! Let it go. You're acting like a child as always..." I say crossing my arms and staring him down. "Correction you ended our 'thing' two years ag-" He says before being cut off by me. "No! No corrections I was right you were the one who fucked up not me!" I say pointing to him. "And this is Mica Xry our top first-year and the first one to come from our school to be here as a first-year!" Ms. Joke says pointing to him. "You know him, Iris?" Toru asks. Ochaco looks over and gasps before running to my side and taking me by the arm. "I used to..." I say.ย 


Ok hehe, I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger!!! >:) What could happen with Mica and Iris? What was their 'thing'? How will Mina react when Iris tells her how she knows Mica? Just have to find out when I post the next chapter >:)


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