46: License Exams Pt. 2

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We were lead inside and to changing rooms where we could put our hero suits on. I was still upset from seeing Mica again. "Hey, Iris, are you ok? I know what Mica did to you you could never forget..." Ochaco's sweet voice asks. "Yeah, I just need to focus on the exams." I answer putting a smile on my face. "Iris, if you don't mind me asking but who was that Xry boy you were talking to?" Momo asks. I take a deep breath in and out with a sigh. "Mica Xry...he's my...ex." I sigh putting my head down. "What! What did he do that was so bad? Ribbit!" Tsu croaks. "I-I don't want to talk about it." I say putting my costume jacket on and flipping the hood up. 

I walk out of the changing room and into a hall of people. I take a seat on a bench and open my phone. I opened Discord to tell my friends that I might not be ok today. 

Me: Hey...

frenchyfry: Le gasp! She's sad... @smallbitch @PANcake @INeedGas @riceygirl I need some help besties. 

smallbitch: I'm here!

PANcake: I heard my name?

INeedGas: YES!

riceygirl: We're here.

Me: It's HIM.

riceygirl: Ok now I'm gonna hurt someone🔫😀

PANcake: wait Sky...who?

INeedGas: She's talking about Mica...that piece of shit

Me: I'm at my provisional license exams

PANcake: I don't think sky and I have those until our second year

Me: crap I gotta go bye

I turn my phone off and walk to where Ochaco was standing as the explanation was about to start. A tired man with messy white hair explained that we would all get three targets and place them on our body in hit able places and we would get ten balls to use against our opponents. And we can't hit people from our school. The building opens and we're now in a huge field like area. I place a target on my stomach, the back of my jacket, and one on my knee. We all scatter and the games begin. 

I separated from my class and went off in my own. I got a hit on two students from a different school and went on to look for more. I ran into a problem though. "Well, looks like I've got the sheep cornered." Mica laughs. "Shut up!" I shout. "You lost the privilege to call me that when you decided to hurt me!" I yell. "It wasn't my fault...you're the one who wanted to leave." He smirks. "You tried to kill me! I think it was a good thing that I left...and guess what I have someone new and she's kind and caring...I made the mistake of being with you...I cried and wouldn't eat or come out of my room for three days. My family tried to help me my friends did and I made the mistake of not listening."

I look up at his targets and he already has one of them hit so I just needed to get one of them and eight other people then I would be done with this part of the exam. I slowly grab one of my balls from the box on my waist and hold it behind me. Mica holds up his hand as it forms fire around it. "I really want to pass this exam...I see you've noticed I already have a target hit and you've hit about three others..." He says waving his hand in the air as he admires the fire around it. H-how does he know this?! I ask myself. I make a rope on my skin while he can't see and tie it around the ball and around my waist.

"Thought I wouldn't see didn't you?" He says running at me. He tries to hit the target on my stomach but I jump in the air and to his opposite side behind him. I grab the rope and pull it around hitting the target on his back. The other target was on the box behind him and I could get it if I wasn't ten feet behind him. "You were always such a great jumper...with your quirk an all since sheep are known to be great jumpers...I'm not surprised UA would have their students going past their limits." He says standing up from the ground. During the training camp I worked on my movement skills like jumping with Tiger. He had me jumping across rivers to strengthen my leg muscles.

He puts a hand to the ground and send fire my way before someone kicks him away and it goes out. "Mina!" I say smiling as Mina stands. "I came when I saw him about to attack you..." She says. "I also got his last target!" She smiles holding up her hand that has one of her balls in it. "What did he do...to you that is?" She asks. "We used to date but he hurt me and it didn't end well...so I left him." I answer. We run off before he gets back up and we tag some more people. "Complete! Please make your way to the gather hall to wait." A voice says as my targets light up green. "Well, looks like I finished! I'll see you when you finish...I hope you pass!" I smile hugging Mina. 

"Ok, bye Iris-chan." She smiles hugging me back. I walk to the hall where a whole bunch of other kids from schools sit. They had snacks out on a table so I grab a water and sit down on one of the benches. I open my Discord that had a DM from Kaya.

Kaya: hey I just finished the first part of the license exam how bout you?

Me: yup just finished and I did great...I think 🤔 

Kaya: I'm so happy for you!

Me: thanks 😊 

I talk with her for a little bit before someone walks over to me. It was a girl with a fancy school uniform and long light blue hair. "You're from UA aren't you?" She asks sitting down beside me. "I'm Saiko Intelli! Your classmates are amazing...your school really must be amazing if it's students are as amazing as the ones I fought against." She says looking off at Momo and Kyoka who were standing across the room. "Oh thanks...and I'm Iris." I say. We talked for a little bit before the next round's explanation. 

The next round was a rescue and we had to rescue victims that would grade us on how we did. It was the same as last and the roof opened and we were in the field. I again seperate from my friends and run to where I heard a voice calling for help. It was a boy stuck under a concrete beam. I make a pole and lift the beam off of him. "You should say something! You want to make the civilian feel safe that you rescuing." He says. Jeez! Forgot they were grading us but he didn't have to be so harsh. I say to myself. 

We had to take the injured to a area that was like a medical care area. The rescue part felt short but Gang Orca a Pro that I like came in and was a villain. That Inasa kid from Shiketsu and Todoroki got into a fight. Finally, it was score time and would show who lost and would get their license and who wouldn't. I look up at the board and...I did it!! I say to myself in awe. The two that didn't make it were Todoroki and Bakubitch. "You did it!" Ochaco's peppy voice says running to hug me. "Thanks! I'm so excited now we are Semi-Pros like Mr. Aizawa said." I smile. She let's go and Mina walks over. "Congrats! We both did it! Now we're half way to being Pros!" She smiles. 

"I am so happy for you Mina!" I smile. "As I am for you Iris-chan!" she smiles. We all pack up and head to our bus. I wanted to walk back so I told Mr. Aizawa and he let me walk back. I grab my suite's case and sling my backpack on my back. "Hey!" Mica's voice shouts. I turn and he's walking my way. I turn around and ignore him. Don't turn back. Don't turn back. I say to myself. "Wait let me talk to you!" He shouts. "What!? What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask. "Listen, Abby I'm sorry for how I acted when we were together can we at least try to be frie-" He says before I cut him off. "First you lost the right to calling me by my middle name a long time ago and second no because you did this all the time! You want a second chance at being close to me and then you hurt me again! So no we can't. Now I have to go and get back to my dorm before it gets dark." 

I turn around and walk off. He tries and grabs my wrist but I yank my arm back. "I said no now leave me alone!" I say looking at him with anger on my face. I walk away again before he van respond and my phone beeps. Kaya had sent me a picture of her and the rest of the 1-B girls with their licenses. I take one of me and mine and send it to her. I put my phone away and then shortly after get to the heights alliance. A certain pink girl sits on a bench outside the door. I sit down next to Mina and give her a small smile. We talk for a bit before going inside. I change and sit down with the rest of the girls. 

I sat next to Mina. "Sooo who do you guys have crushes on???" Toru chirps. "You first Ochaco. Rabbit!" Tsu says. "Ah! Uhhhh ummm... No one..." She blushes. "Speaking of... Iris you don't have to if you don't want to but could you tell us more about that Xry boy?" Momo asks. "S-sure..." I sight looking down at the wrist he grabbed. 


Hi guys! Sorry this took a while to make the WiFi where I am right now isn't that good and I've been busy...and don't worry about the ending I will have a chapter dedicated to the explanation of Mica and Iris' relationship and how the met and ended. 

-sorry again, Ricey-chan!🍙

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