56: Rescue Mission

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Uhm yeah so fair warning I'll probably attempt to shove the whole Overhaul Arc into this chapter๐Ÿ˜ฌ Also I have two OCs that I want to add here they're apart of the Hissaikai so Iris and company will probably fight them idk but they're going to be in this chapter. Don't come for me for adding OCs I just did!


It had been a couple of days since and we were sworn to not say a word to anyone who wasn't there. Ochaco, Tsu, Ejiro, Deku, me, and everyone else who was there were the only ones to know about the mission to save Eri. I remember what Mr. Aizawa said to us after the meeting and that if the mission got too dangerous or the police were wrong in thinking that the League isn't involved we were out of the situation. I didn't care honestly I just want to help in any way I can. I couldn't bear anything else that had anything sad. Ricky and I finally got permission to see Mia in the hospital so I met him by the hospital after school.ย 

He had a small bunch of flowers in his hand. We walked in and Mom was standing by the front desk waiting for us. We had to sign papers and get wristbands so we could come to the hospital whenever we needed to see her or if Mom and Dad need a break and we have to be with her. Dad was working at the cafe while Mom stayed with Mia. We got to the room and there she was. She was sitting up in her bed flipping through a picture book. I almost balled out crying from the sight of her in the hospital gown, again. She had bandages wrapped around her wrist and one around her head and there was an IV stuck in her arm.ย 

"Mia!" Ricky and I say running to our sister's side giving her hugs. "Ricky! Iri!" She smiles hugging us back with her small arms. Small tears fell down my face. "Why are you crying?" Mis asks. I sniff and wipe the tears from my face. "I-it's nothing. I'm just glad you're ok." I smile. We stayed with her for a little bit before going. Ricky headed back to UA for the night while I headed back to The Winter Agency, Siberia's agency. The front desk was closed which meant that Ana, Ze, Creek, Ji, Mica, and Siberia were either in their rooms, in the living room, training, or getting ready for dinner. I went up to the living room and Ji along with Zena were sitting there on their phones.ย 

"I'm back!" I say setting my school bag on the ground next to the couch. "How was it? Your day I mean." Zena asks. "Good." I answer. "Hey, didn't you go see your sister today?" Ji asks. "Yes, she's fine but the doctors are still running tests." I say plopping on the couch next to Ji. "Whenever one of us or Siberia asks you why you want to become a hero you say because of your sister. Why is that? Did something happen?" Ji asks. I take a deep breath as I prepare my nerves. "Well, when I was younger a villain had broken into our house and was trying to look for something I don't know what though. They didn't get anything, thankfully, but when my parents tried to stop 'em they got my sister and cut her neck leaving a scar. I know it might be different but what's happening with this girl who's trapped by the Hissaikai...I just feel like it's happening all over again. And I can't do much about it." I say.

"It's fine to feel that way! I feel responsible for what had happened to my brother and my mom...when I was younger my twin brother, Fritz, and I were inseparable. But when my family and I were out a villain had attacked the city and a building collapsed on Fritz and my mom...I felt so responsible because I could've done somethingย to save them. Stand where they were standing, save them with my quirk, or I could've chosen for us to not leave the house. We feel responsible for so many bad things in life it's natural." Ji says.ย 

We talked more before eating and going to bed. I plugged in my phone and set it on the bedside table. I fell asleep but was woken up about 4 hours later by a message from Siberia saying that they had found where the girl was. The next day we would rescue her!

-Timeskip, next day the rescue-

Me, Siberia, Zena, Creek, and everyone else met at Sir Nighteye's agency. They had confirmed that Hissaikai had Eri in their stronghold where their leader lived. They had also gotten a permit from the police to search the place. Another good thing was that it seemed like Mirio and Deku were back to their normal selves. I know they had been regretting what happened when they first encountered Eri so seeing them normal made me happy. "It looks like we're doing it..." Ricky says. "Yeah, I'm just glad that we were able to find where she was." Ejiro says. "I know you two were feeling really guilty about what happened but I'm just glad you're back to your normal." I say pointing to Mirio and Deku. "At least they didn't do anything worse to her." Mica says. "Shut up! No one asked you." Ricky and I both say glaring at him.ย 

"What's with you three? You're always either fighting or disagreeing." Deku asks. "Yeah, even at the license exams you and Xry fought with each other. Not to mention that weird interaction." Ejiro says. "Uhm...I'll explain it to ya later." Ochaco says as I turn in the other direction trying to hold back my urge to punch Mica in the face. We all put on our hero suits and meet back in the room. We then met in front of the police station. "As you know Nighteye was able to use his quirk on a member of Hissaikai. Through it, he saw underground facilities, and we believe them to be this Yakuza group's headquarters. We were also able to confirm that the girl we're trying to rescue is currently being held in one of the rooms there." The police chief says.ย 

The mission was not just trying to save the girl but capture every single Hissaikai member and bring them down. We were given sheets of paper that had information on every member, their names, ages, quirks, and etcetera. This was serious starts as just simple stuff like detective stuff and saving someone from a thug to cooperating with the police and trying to take down a Yakuza. I look around at all the Pros around us and they all have calm faces while I'm nervous and feel like I'm gonna have an anxiety attack. "Have you dealt with anything like this before?" I ask Siberia. "Actually, yes. Once, it was my first major mission as a Pro. Our goal was to try and rescue a girl who was captured by some villains and had been reported missing. The girl was about your age when we rescued her." She says.

"You say it like you had a connection with her. Did you?" I ask. "Not when we rescued her but I did later on. You wanna know who the girl was that I rescued?" She asks. I nod. "Zena! It was Zena. She was the girl I rescued and how she also became my sidekick. She remembered me and when she graduated from the hero high school she went to she joined my team and has been there since." She answers. I look over at where Zena was standing talking to Bubble Girl. I guess Ana was right. They really are like a family, they all are so close and have connections. I say to myself. The chief explained the rest and gave us a warning about how quickly things could get violent.ย 

8:30 AM

It was now 8:30 and we were all at the location. For a villain group, the base looked really nice. It's a shame that it'll probably get messed up these are villains we're talking about. Just seconds before the chief rings the bell a giant smashes through knocking over some officers. I quickly rush to stop one from falling. "Sir, are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" I ask helping the officer up. "Yeah, I'm fine." He responds. "Whaddaya want? It's too early for visitors." The giant says. If I'm not mistaken that's Rikiya Katsukame. His name and description were on the paper. "Brace yourselves!" Ryukyu says. "Why are you people here?!" Katsukame shouts. A gush of dust blows and I lower my head covering my face. Ryukyu had activated her quirk and was a dragon now. "The Ryukyu Agency will take care of this villain. The rest of you go!" Ryukyu shouts. "Come on let's go!" Siberia says. I look over to Ochaco and put my hand on her shoulder. "Be careful!" I say before running off with everyone else. "You too!" She smiles as she puts her fingertips together and runs to assist Ryukyu.

We all run in but three thugs stand in the way of the door. They didn't care if we had a warrant and attacked immediately. Three pros and some officers stay back to take care of them while we continued. "We need to stick together ok? I don't want you to get hurt." Ricky says as we run pushing through to get to the door. "I'll be fine, we need to focus on saving the girl!" I say. We push past the thugs and make it into the building. We run down the hall and come to a stop. "This is it. There's a device here that opens a hidden passage." Nighteye says. The wall opens and reveals a passageway. A hand shoots out of the passage and three other thugs are there. Bubble Girl and Centopedor stay to take care of them while the rest of us run down.

Both Creek and Zena had stayed outside to help with the crowd so it was just me, Siberia, and Mica. "We're almost there hurry!" Nighteye says. We come to a dead-end with no way to go forward. "Now what?" Locklock says. "I'll go on and see what's behind!" Mirio says running towards the wall. "But if you go you'll be naked." Ejiro shouts to the boy. "Don't worry about that the fabric in Mirio's costume is made from his hair so it doesn't fall off." Ricky says. "It's just this wall. The hallway continues past this." Mirio says. "It's not gonna be easy to break though." I say. Ejiro and Deku use their quirks and smash through the wall making a hole. As we rush through the ground shakes and the walls move around.ย 

"What the?" I say confused trying to hold onto the wall. "This is someone else! Maybe Iranaka. Chisaki's quirk can't do this." The chief says. I prepared myself for anything that could happen but I didn't plan on having the whole damn building a living maze. "Speed is what matters and they know it too. I'm going ahead!" Mirio says running off. "Lemilion!" Nighteye and Deku shout. "You'll get yourself hurt! Wait!" Ricky says before running off after him. "Copy and Paste! Stay here!" Locklock says. Ricky stops in his tracks as his friend runs off. To make things worse a hole opens in the floor and we all fall. "Now where are we?" Deku asks. "Somewhere farther from the target probably. Those guys're really screwin' with us." Locklock says.

We were in a whole other place. And it was a room this time. "Well, what have we here? Looks like some state-authorized thugs crashed our party!" A voice says. We turn and yet again there were three more thugs there. Fatgum prepares to fight them but Tamaki stops him. "No, a Pro needs to save their strength. They just wanna slow us down. Go on. I can handle them myself." Tamaki says. "Taki no you don't! We can do this together!" Ricky says. "Yeah, we can work together!" Ejiro says. "All of you please, stay I'd be more than happy to kill you all!" One of the thugs that has blonde hair and a brown mask says. That's Setsuno. His quirk allows him to take things from people so using a gun or something against him isn't a smart choice.ย 

Another holds up a gun and I jump back. Number one fear is guns and I hate them. Tamaki attacks them with his Manifest and throws them against a wall. He says he can do it on his own and Fatgum believes in him. We then leave out a door leaving Tamaki by himself. We run down the hall again and the Mimicry guy uses his quirk and pushes Mr. Aizawa away. If he gets rid of Mr. Aizawa then his quirk can't be erased. Fatgum and Ejiro jump in front and fall into the hole. "We keep losing people every bit." Siberia says. "As long as we can still get to the girl we're fine." Nighteye says. We run through the hallway more and it starts to move again. "Again! Really." Mica says.ย 

I could feel a hole form under me so I brace myself for falling. Sure enough, I was right and I fell through. But it wasn't just me Siberia, Ricky, and Mica fell down aswell. "Where are we?" I ask. "I can see but not that well." Mica says. "I don't know where we are but I doubt we're alone so prepare yourselves." Siberia says. "Yay! New friends! I'm so happy you decided to stop by!" A feminine voice cheers. "We hope you can stay! We're gonna have fun!" Another voice says this time the voice sounded like a boy. "What the? Who's there?!" Ricky shouts. I could hear the sound of shoes hitting the ground. It sounded like two people so it would be a two on four. They step into where we can see them and it was a boy and a girl. They both looked to be about Ricky's age.

"Who are you and what do you want with us?" Siberia asks. "Oh, we just want to play! And make some new friends." The boy says. I could see them more clearly and I know who they are from the paper we were given. The girl was Arito Hanaboi her quirk was called Bettle Juice and she can clap her hands or snap her fingers three times to summon her demon "Bettle Juice". The boy was Chio Yakata. His quirk was called Double. He can make a clone of himself to use in a fight but whatever happens to the clone happens to him. "They were on the list!" Mica says. "Chio Yakata and Arito Hanaboi..." I say. "Wow! You've been doing your research...it's a shame we have to kill such bright people." Hanaboi says.ย 

I hear her clap her hands once, twice, and then a third time. "1...2...3!" She shouts. "Watch out!" Siberia yells. I could see some type of worm-looking creature shoot out from Hanaboi's back. It shakes the ground and we're all thrown back a bit. "What the hell was that?!" Ricky shouts. "Arito Hanaboi, quirk: Bettle Juice. She has demon-like creatures in her body that she can only summon when she snaps or claps three times. They can do a lot of damage to a person and poison is one of them." Siberia answers. "You heroes reallyย do your homework. Impressive..." Hanaboi says. She attacks us again but I feel someone sneaking up behind us. I quickly make a circle and swing at the person behind me.ย 

It was Yakata's clone. They attack back and forth several times trying to get the upper hand. "Siberia! Can you use your quirk?!" I shout asking the Pro from across the room. I had my arm poisoned by Hanaboi's quirk and it was hard to move. "If I do it might hurt you kids. If I were to use Russian Winter here in this small of a space it might freeze you guys." She answers. "Ok, then, let me help! Ricky come here!" I shout to my brother. We were all beaten up and were slowly losing. "We need to help. Remember the training we did with animate? It's time to use it." I say to my brother. "Now? But won't it be dangerous you're already low on energy?" He says. "I'll be fine. Now copy my quirk!" I say holding out my hand. "If you two have a plan best to use it now!" Siberia says. Ricky copies my quirk and we both create small triangles to use.

We trained together to come up with an ultimate move that used both our quirks. We did this a while before I entered UA and we had practiced many times...just not in this big of a form. "Ready?" I ask. "Ready!" He says. We move the triangles up into the air making them float and aim and shoot at Hanaboi and Yakata. "Ultimate move! Mimicry Creations!" We both shout as our attack plays out. It helped but not a lot. My arm wasn't getting better and after many attacks, I passed out from the poison. All I remembered next was waking up in the hospital with my arm wrapped in a bandage. I didn't know if we won or lost if we got the girl or not, but I did know that I had fallen out of play and couldn't help.


I hate the way I wrote this!!! It looks like I rushed the whole thing! I might rewrite it later on but not now because this took me so long to write! Ugh! But here it is and next is the school fest arc and then The Next Hero makes its debut.

-I didn't try to rush it, Ricey-chan

3021 words! The longest chapter in The Art Hero!

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