57: Aftermath Of Rescue

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"Iris!" I could hear voices calling my name. I sat up in my hospital bed and turned to see Ochaco, Tsu, Ricky, and Mina running to my side. "You're awake!" Mina says. "W-what happened?" I ask rubbing my head. "We won! We beat the villains. And Eri's safe." Ricky says. "What happened to my arm?" I ask. "The villain you and Ricky were fighting had some sort of venom and bit you. The doctors said they're discharging you today. Ribbit!" Tsu says. Tears roll down my face and I rub my eyes. "I'm sorry! I couldn't help...I let down my guard and almost got myself killed! It's my fault we almost lost." I say. "Don't say that!" Mina says hugging me. She gives me a small kiss on my forehead.ย  You guys were trapped under some rubble and Ryukyu helped to get you guys out. But you were knocked out and had to be rushed here." Ochaco says.

"Before I passed out I heard a gunshot...what happened?" I ask. "It was Togata..." Tsu says. "Mirio got shot with one of the quirk erasing bullets trying to protect Eri...he lost his quirk." Ricky says. "Is he ok though?" I ask. "Yeah and so are Hado and Amajiki." Ochaco says. "What about the Pros? Nighteye, Siberia, Locklock, Fatgum, are they ok too?" I ask. "Nighteye...He didn't make it..." Ricky says sorrow filling the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt..." Someone else says. It was the doctor and she came before I about lost it and broke down. "Yes ma'am." Everyone says. They all leave so the doctor can look at me and make sure I was ok to leave. "So far from what I can see you're fine just your arm that was infected. I noticed that you have multiple scars on your body aswell. When I was removing the poison from your body, I noticed you have one burn scar on your upper elbow and a cut scar on your stomach. If you don't mind me asking what are they from?" She asks.ย 

"I burned myself when I was younger and that's how I got the one on my elbow and the scar on my stomach is from an incident during training camp in UA." I answer. "Ok then. You have nothing else and you're healthy so you're free to be discharged. I also want to give you these." she says holding out a small pill bottle. "It's to help with the poison. If you notice any rash, bruising, or swelling in that area come back to the hospital so we can look at it but these should help it completely leave your system." She says. I take the bottle and watch as she leaves. I had two bags on the ground next to my bed. One was a clear bag that had my costume in it and the other was a duffle bag.ย 

I pick up the duffle bag and some clean clothes were in there. Someone must have stopped by to give this to me. I took it to the bathroom and changed. My uniform for school was in there and I remembered it was still a school day so that's why it's there. I change and take both bags and walk out of my room. It was just Ricky sitting outside my room. "Ochaco, Tsu, and Mina had to go so it's just me." He says. "The girl, Eri, Is she here? Can I see her?" I ask. "Sure I'll take you." He says standing. We walk to a room that has a quarantine sign on it and a big window that shows the inside. A girl with pale blue-ish grey hair and a small horn on her head lays in the bed asleep wearing a hospital gown.

"I can't imagine what's going on in her head right now. Being treated like that and then being saved...she must be scared still." I say. "That Midoriya kid said she had a fever and the doctors think it's from her overusing her quirk." Ricky says. We turned and walked to leave with the others. "Right now the doctors said that they're only going to allow the Pros and anyone who was involved to see her when she wakes up but right now she's still unstable." He adds. We walk out with the others and then back to UA. We walked out before being called by the police. "Ricky and Iris Cotton? We're very sorry to bother you with this right after being discharged but we need to ask you two some questions regarding the Hissaikai raid." An officer says. "You're fine, sir." Ricky says. We went to the police station and then had to go back to our agencies for some paperwork.

I had to sign some forms regarding my work-study and how it was ending early. I then headed back to campus but it was already late when I did. Ejiro, Deku, Ochaco, And Tsu were there too. "So I'm not the only one I guess." I say. "No, we had a lot of stuff to fill out at Ryukyu's agency." Ochaco says. "It was the same for us too." Ejiro says. "If I'm being honest it feels like we've been away from everybody else for years." I say. "Then let's not keep everyone waiting...come on!" Ejiro says. We all walk up and open the door entering the common area. "You guys are back!" Our classmates say all running to us. "We were all so worried about you guys..." Momo says. "And we saw the news." Denki adds. "It looked terrifying!" Toru squeals. "Is anyone hurt?" Sero asks. "Tells us everything!" Aoyama says.ย 

"Guys! Calm down we're ok!" Ejiro says. "Iris! Your arm!" Jiro says. "What happened to it?" Momo asks. "So someone was hurt!" Denki says. "Chill, I was just hit with a poison quirk I'm fine!" I say waving them off. "Poison!" The three say together. "First it's Kamino and now it's the Yakuza! You guys are always getting into such crazy life-threatening situations. Do you know how much that scares us?" Denki says. "Don't point fingers at me, Ochaco, and Tsu we had nothing to do with Kamino." I say hitting the boy on the head. "I'm so glad you three are okay!!" Toru says hugging me, Ochaco, and Tsu at the same time. "I think that's a little tight Toru..." Mina says. I break away and give Mina a big hug. "I missed you so much! I'm sorry I worried you so much." I say to her.ย 

"You're fine...just don't do it again or I think I might just have a heart attack." She says. "Is that a bunny?" Ochaco asks her and Tsu walking over. "Yeah! It's Koda's, you guys wanna hold it?" Mina asks. "It's so soft! It reminds me of Rosey, Iris." Ochaco says smiling while petting the small bunny. "Yeah, it kinda does!" We all relaxed and calmed ourselves not justย physically but also mentally. I was worried for Deku the most he probably was hit with it the hardest, Nighteye's passing that is. And things at school have changed too. Both Todoroki and Bakugo have started their remedial courses so they can get their provisional licenses. I couldn't sleep so I did the only thing that helped me cope and drew on my iPad.ย 


Yeah so this chapter is done and so is the overhaul arc next is the final arc (for me) the school festival arc. Just a note Iris is going to be in the beauty contest because Mia wanted her to so yes she is come fight me for making that decision I don't give a shit!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

-yes, Ricey-chan

this is what iris drew when she was coping

she drew the one whom she lovesโค๏ธ

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