Chapter 2: Sparing With Father

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Levi's Pov

It was after school and I was reading the same book but on top of a tree as I like my reading aera to be calm and quiet. As I was reading I heard something and looked down and saw my mother.

Lex: Levi come down your father is back.

I nodded my head and jumped off and lands on the ground causing a small crater.

Lex: You and your father need to stop doing that.

Levi: I'm sorry.

Lex: let's just come in.

I then walks in to see my father Scar.

Scar: *in the Yautja's language* 'Hello my son. Ready to train?'

Levi: Yes I am.

Scar: 'Then go get your weapon and follow me.'

Lex: Don't hurt him that bad okay.

Scar: 'I promise I won't.'

Lex: You said that last time. *glares at him*

Levi: Don't worry I'll be fine.

Lex: *sighs* Okay, go.

I went up to my room and look over to my wall to reveal a panel, I then started pressing the correct numbers as I look over to my right. Then wall moves over as to reveal all of my human/Yautja's gears.

(The armor, take out the shoulder cannon)

(Add some Yautja's weapons there too)

I picks up my katana and pressed on the panel to close my gear and hides the panel. I then walked back downstairs.

Levi: I'm ready now.

Scar: 'Good young blood, now let's go.'

We soon left the house and made out way into the forest.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

Me and father finally made deep into the forest.

Scar: *activated his wrist blade* 'Ready to begin?'

Levi: *pulls out my katan from it's covers* I'm ready.

(The katana)

We both started to moved side to side as we charged at each other and started clashing with out blades. Father soon slashed my on the chest as I blocked his next attack and kicked him. I soon rushed at him but he dodges and sliced my sides as I fallen to my knees but gotten up and looked at father. We continue on clashing our weapons as he punched me in the face and I punched him in the chest and grabbed a log and broke it on him but he took it and grabbed me by the neck.

Scar: 'You lose Levi.'

Levi: win again.

Father soon dropped my as I groan in pain as the wound slowly heals up but leaves scars.

Scar: 'Come I don't want your mother to "nag" you to sleep since it's what you humans call it "a school night'".' 

Levi: Copy that father.

I then picks up my katana and put it back into it cover and follows father on our way back home.

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