Chapter 3: The New Girl

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Levi's Pov

(Two Days Later)

It's been two days after sparring with father and now I'm in class with Alastor as the teacher tells us that we are having a new student.

Mrs. Holmes: Alright everyone we have a new student. *look to her side* Come on in.

Then a female student shyly walks in.

???: H-hi, I'm Morgan Steward, n-nice to meet you all.

Mrs. Holmes: Alright now Morgan you can sit next to Levi. Levi raise your hand.

Levi: *raise my hand in the arm* 

Mrs. Holmes: And there you go Morgan.

I the watch Morgan walks towards me and sat in the seat right new to me. 

Morgan: H-hi I'm new here.

Levi: I know and nice to meet you Morgan, I'm Levi Woods.

Morgan: N-nice to meet y-you too.

I then focus on the what Mrs. Holmes was teaching her lesson.

(After Class)

It was after class and I was walking in the hallway as I saw Morgan speed walks towards me.

Morgan: H-hey Levi c-can you help me with something?

Levi: With what?

Morgan: I-I'm trying to find my next class.

Levi: Who is it then?

Morgan: Mr. White.

Levi: Lucky for you I got him next so follow me. *smiles at her*

Morgan: *blushes* T-thanks you!

Levi: No problem.

I then lead her towards Mr. White's class as he was the chemistry teacher.

(Timeskip to free period)

I was now in the gym with my friend and Morgan who tagged along with me as we became fast friends as they was talking with each other I was reading the same book again.

Ashely: So why did you move to Chicago Morgan?

Morgan: W-well my parents had a falling out and my mom m-moved us here.

Alastor: Oh that's bad! Drama in the family is terrible!

Ashley: And what's with the stuttering?

Morgan: O-oh just nervous around L-levi that's all.

Alastor: Don't worry my dear Levi wouldn't hurt you at all.

Morgan: R-really?

Ashley: Yeah he won't fight you because you don't seems like a fighter to him. 

Morgan: *looks at me* Is that true?

Levi: yes it's true I'll never fight sick people, people who can't defend themselves, and kids. And those who does that will never have my respect ever.

Alastor: That's Levi for you! 

I then hear a ball bounce and saw a ball heading towards Morgan but I quickly caught it and looks to the side and saw Bernard.

Levi: Really Bernard? Wanting to hurt the new student?

Bernard: To teach that oversized bitch her place and that I'm the boss of high school.

Levi: No your not. You have the lowest test scores and grades of everyone here. Even Malvin is smart than you and his IQ is 115.

Bernard: *growls* You want to fight asshole?!

Levi: Fighting you would be a waste of my time.

Bernard: Is that so? Then why your mother birth out a bitch instead of a man?

The group looked at me as I have a stone face, but behind that was rage. Rage and murder thoughs behind the stone face as I gave the ball to Ashley and made my way towards Bernard. And look down at him cause he was 6'0.

Levi: Can you defend yourself?

Bernard: What? Of course I can! My old man teach me boxing, and your weak mother never taught you how to fight> *smirks*

Levi: She and my father did teach me things in their ways. And from what you said that you can defend yourself. Then get ready to fight Bernard. Only hands and kicks, no knives.

Bernard: *scoffs* I don't need a weapon to beat your sorry ass.

Levi: Then let's begin.

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