Down the lake goes the Son of Sea

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"Have you even started opened your egg?" Hermione asked me. It was 3 days after the Yule Ball, and the 4 of us, that is, me, Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting together, completing our homework on potions. 

I shook my head, as a 'no'. It was true as I hadn't even opened my egg. I had heard that Harry had opened his to find loud screeching. I wasn't there at the moment, so I never experienced it first hand. And after hearing about the screeching, I had no special interest in opening the egg. Hence, it was closed shut under my bed under cover where no one could see it. 

"Both of you, you need to find out what that means."

"I will open it later tonight." I said.

"And wake up the entire school." Ron completed. 

"Uh- I didn't think 'bout that. I will try a voice reducing spell around my bed."

And that was the plan, which according to Harry, Ron and Hermione 'sucked'.

Late midnight, Harry and Ron were sitting on my bed, as i cast the silencing spell around the bed. Ron had even managed to bring 3 pairs of ear coverers to 'prevent us from dying from screeching'. All three of us put it on. I put my hands over the egg and opened it. 


There was no noise. . . What happened? I looked at Harry and Ron. They both had pressed their hands to their ears, looking at me with wide eyes as I opened my ear plugs. There was a soft soothing, voice. It was by no means what everyone was talking about. 

It was like a soft music. Much like the singers at Poseidon's palace. I pressed my ear closer to the egg to hear the words.

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

Harry and Ron were now definitely looking at me like I was crazy. Both of them were mouthing something like 'close it'. Suddenly it hit to me, like a sharp Bam to my dull brain.

It was like the voice of the mermaids who sing at my father's palace. Only people under the ocean or people who have the ocean in them could hear it. Everyone else only heard a very sharp screeching sound. 

I couldn't tell anyone about me finding out the riddle. Else my secret will be leaked. Well, but Harry definitely seemed like needing help. I couldn't help him. . . But, well . . .  Artemis could.

'Morning Artemis. Don't look at me like that, here's a thing. I can help you with the second task, if - stop looking at me like that - if you can help me convey it to Harry." I told Artemis as soon as I finished breakfast. 

Artemis considered it for a moment. 


"Here's my part. Tell your professor, to tell Hagrid, to tell Hermione, to tell Ron, to tell Harry that . . . well, to dip the egg in the water to find out the second task. Also, don't tell anyone that I told you this, because it will reveal my godliness to everyone, and it would be a mess, even you wouldn't want to be in."

Artemis processed this for a while. Then she nodded. 

"Okay, now you tell me what you found."

And i told her.

"Let the second task begin, and may the fates, be ever in your favor." You know who said that. The 4 champions were out in the open in their swim suits in front of the great lake. 

Percy had a hard time there, trying to keep his eyes anywhere except Artemis. 

The people had a hard time trying to find out what was I using. Harry was using Gillyweed. Krum was a shark. Artemis actually used the most logical way and had summoned infinite capacity oxygen cylinders. I have no idea why no one thought about that?

The timer started counting down. 





All four of us jumped down the lake and BOOM. I died. (No. Percy did not die. Author was incredibly high at that time on what i got no idea on. Prolly sleep deprived.)

I knew there was only 1 hour time, for me to go retrieve whatever the hell the mermaids stole from me. It was gonna be easy like hell for me. I just swam around speedily, met a couple of mermaids who pointed me to towards the real prize. Once I entered the small habitation where 3 unconscious people were tied together, I was shocked. 

Damn, it was Ron, Hermione, and Thalia. Ok, Ron is probably for Harry, Hermione for Krum, and Thalia, of course for Artemis. But now, what about me? Why am I having no one to rescue. 

"Prince of sea." A mermaid whispered.

"Dumbledore made a twist in your task." another one whispered. 


"You have a fourth person here, but she's invisible. No, don't try, your water powers won't work here, as there is a layer of air surrounding her keeping her alive." 

Damn Dumbledore for his twists. 

"Atleast tell me who am i supposed to save?" 

"The least I can tell you, she was one of the very few people you have interacted with in the last few years." 

Shit. They took Ginny, didn't they?

"What's the range in which I have to find her?" 

"Here's a clue: Look into yourself, find what u are, and in the center of it, you will find what has been stolen from you." 

Look into myself? All right. I looked at my hands and feet. 

What am I? Well, all I am is Percy Jackson. 

In the center of it? What the hell is that supposed to mean? 

Ok, maybe its like one of those word clues that Annabeth -ugh- gave me once. The middle of it, could mean the middle letter of the word. So, it was the middle letter of the word of what am I?

What am i? A person? No, it has no middle words. Percy? R? No, that doesn't seem like it. A Human? M?

Then it clicked on me. I am not a human. I am a god. Wow, i had almost forgotten that. So, middle word of god is O. What am I supposed to do with O? 

I looked around the entire place. And there it was right in front of me. A stone structure shaped like an O. 

Wow, the obvious. I swam towards the O. There was force field blocking it. Of course there was. 

"What's this?" I asked the mermaids.

"You can enter it only with a truth." One of them said.

Truth? Sure. 

'I am a god'. I whispered to the forcefield. Nothing happened.

"A very deep truth." Another said.

"I am bi." I said. (kinda out of plot. Rly.. Then again, half this chapter is out of plot)

The mermaids all blinked. It was clear they never expected this. 

The invisibility charm vanished. There was Ginny, unconciously tied to a rock. 

"Well done, my lord." the mermaids said as one. I noticed Harry approaching and quickly took Ginny in my arms and asked the mermaids. "What will happen if they aren't rescued?"

"Don't worry, Dumbledore will take them back to surface if they aren't back on time." One of the mermaids replied. I sighed in relief and made way towards the surface with Ginny. I went through another way to make sure that Harry won't notice me. It took me a few seconds to go back to the surface. 

Seriously, I felt this task was the easiest ever. Asking a son of sea to swim in the black lake, one of the places he has been visiting often for the last years. I literally knew almost every hook and nook of the black lake, and made a lot of friends under the lake. 

Once I reached the surface, i could see the time. I back back in like 30 minutes. 

Everyone applauded as Fred and George Weasley pulled me up. They looked at me curiously. I understood. 

"Ron's down there. Don't worry, Harry's gonna save him." 

Both of them looked relieved. People started crowding me, asking me various questions. Somehow Fred and George managed to get me to the hospital wing, despite me being absolutely well. 

"Go check on Harry, Ron and the others." I told them, as Madam Pomfrey started rushing all over me checking for any injuries, even though I was fitter than before, being in the water so long. 

As soon as Fred and George left the ground, there was a loud resonating BOOM and the whole place vibrated with the noise.

In bit of a hurry, so imma keep the A/N short. I gotta study now. Sorry for being late. Also, plz vote for my book In PercyJacksonAwards. Next update on 8th november.  That's all. 

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