Under Da Ocean

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3rd person point of view. 

As soon as the loud sound was heard all across Hogwarts, Percy jumped out of his bed, took out his wand from under his robe and rushed out of the hospital wing towards the giant lake. Poor madam Pomphrey was left to comprehend what happened in the last few seconds. 

There was a lot of panic around the Giant lake. Percy noticed that Krum was out with Hermione beside him. Neither Artemis nor Harry was seen anywhere. Panic started forming in Percy's throat as he scanned the place for Dumbledore. Yet, he was no where to be seen as well. Percy went to Hermione, who looked a bit too fazed from what had happened. 

Then another BOOM. The place resonated again. It came from somewhere inside the lake and a rainbow appeared on the lake with the words written in blood red color, 'surrender yourself, prince, if u want them to survive. You know where to come.'

And it disappeared after a few seconds. 

"Students, teachers, ghosts, guests, and everyone, this is to inform you of the emergency lockdown starting effectively in an hour, for the next few hours. Everyone please get back to their dormitories. Beaxbutons and Durmstrang guests, you will be given the great hall to stay for the night." It was McGonagall's voice. 

Percy's P.O.V

Emergency lockdown? Damn. That's bad. 


That was the word troubling me. I was the only prince over here. So, it must be sent by someone of my lot. I mean the Greek lot. 

It was clear that Harry, Artemis, Thalia and Ron were being held captive under the lake. And I was not gonna let them die. I sneaked away into the far end of the lake, and from there I teleported right on the lake floor. 

It was just as it had been like 20 minutes ago. I called for a fish to update me about what happened. Tracy, the blowfish came and informed me that a dude with a black coat suddenly appeared and did some sort of jumble mumble and Harry and Artemis were covered in air bubbles. He dragged them to somewhere very very deep under the ocean, and trapped them there along with 2 other people, who i guessed where Thalia and Ron. 

I guessed that it was someone who was a god, or related to godliness, other wise no magician could hold a goddess like Artemis. And if someone could over power Artemis, I should have written my will before going in. 

However, being the stupid guy I was I just flashed to the center of the lake which was more or less the gateway to the deepest part of the lake. I had explored it before multiple times and discovered this underground tunnel leading to several feet down the lake. As Interesting as Hogwarts could get, there was a secret four way passage way one leading to outside Hogsmeade which was like out of the school boundaries ( very dangerous indeed if known to the enemies), second one leading to a few feet away from where the Hogwarts express stops once it reaches Hogwarts, the third one leads to the renowned Chamber of Secrets, and the last one leading directly to the pipe system that goes to Dumbledore's office, thick enough to squeeze in one person, of course unless it was Hagrid or Madam Maxime, or you know- someone like them. (is this the longest sentence I have written in this series till date? almost reaches 100 words i think.

I saw tints of silver, like the ones in silver bracelets Artemis always wore. The trail was short however, it lead towards the tunnel leading directly outside Hogsmeade. I flashed right towards the middle of the tunnel.  No sign of them there, except for a hazier version of the silver tint. I sent out my GPS (Godly Positioning System) to track Artemis. It had been blocked somehow. It confirmed my doubt that some strong god was being responsible for kidnapping Artemis and the others. 

A small frog croaked beside me. What the hell was Trevor even doing here? Neville must have really lost him now. 

"Hey Treville. Come up." 

Treville did not come up. Instead it hopped away towards the end of the tunnel. I ran behind to follow it. It made a few turns towards left and right and I soon seemed to find myself lost in the tunnels.

An hour like that in the tunnel and I finally found light. It was the end of the tunnel. And I was totally not in Hogwarts or Hogsmeade for that matter. 

It took me a couple to seconds to realize that this place was on top of the list of places I never wanted to visit again. 

I was in the Labyrinth. 

(this is the part where the author returned from his break)

I had already one hell of an experience of the labyrinth. My experience in 2 word: It sucked. I had no idea that there was an entrance to the labyrinth under Hogwarts. It could provide direct access to Hogwarts from Camp Olympus, or provide a short way from US to Scotland.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and went onto find Artemis.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem" I enchanted, as I dropped some of the silver that was left on the wall by Artemis' bracelet. It was one of the strongest locator spell.

Fortunately it worked and the silver starter expanding and made a trail. I followed it for around 20 minute. Finally I reached the exit of the part of the labyrinth. I pressed my palms on the door to open it.

What i saw was all blue. I was in an ocean. Not just in an ocean. In the Atlantic Ocean, right beside the ruins of Oceanus' old fort.

Far down, Artemis, and Harry were tied unconscious to two long pillars. I swam down there. I was relieved to see Artemis and Harry still breathing. I tried to cut open the ropes to which they were tied, but they just didn't budge.

"Perseus, what a pleasure to meet you." Some said. I turned back to face the old sea god, Oceanus himself.

To say i was shocked would be an understatement. I thought all the troubles related to the titans were dealt with.

The titan in front of me, already seemed to understand what was going on in my mind. He grinned uglily. "The titans and monsters are reviving. They are rising back from Tartarus. With new powers, and new allies. You, Jackson have pissed off someone very, very powerful. Someone who holds more power that you and your foolish gods could possibly ever comprehend."

"Right. So whoever is this great lord of uncomprehend-able power, just tell that guy to order you to piss off, right now. Cause I got a couple of people to save, and if you try to get in my way, your ass won't hold up great."

Oceanus didn't lose him ugly smile. Instead he moved aside.

"However much I would have loved to kill u, I have got orders from my lord. So, they are all yours, grandson. Good luck freeing them."

That took a totally unexpected turn.

Fortunately I'm not scared of the unexpected. I swam towards Artemis and Percy at top speed and . . .


I collided with some sort of invisible steel armor.

A metallic voice entered into my mind with a loud screech. I hate voices entering my mind.

"To free both, u must spread your ichor here."

What the hell was that even supposed to mean? I have got a no-giving-away-blood phase going on right now, ever since my blood caused a Primordial Dirt Face to rice up. This could mean only thing. Someone, who was not particularly on my favorite-side was gonna rise up, and do sus stuff.

"Do it in time else they die." The annoying voice said again.

I guess it meant the oxygen bubble around Harry and Artemis. It was gradually diminishing. I tried blowing my own oxygen bubble around them, but unfortunately, it wouldn't work. That was because, this was Oceanus' place and he holds more power over me.

At the current rate at which the bubble was diminishing, it wouldn't last for more than 10 minutes. I was trapped from all sides, forcing me to give rise to whatever monster comes from who-knows-where, if I wanted to rescue Artemis and Harry.

"Anakulosmos" I whispered. My wand changing into my ever-loyal sword, Riptide, I cut out a deep mark on my left palm and drew up my golden ichor. 

The drops of ichor fell on the ground making grass wherever it dropped. I could hear a sizzling sound. But, I didn't waste any time. I passed through the barrier, freed Artemis and Harry while they were unconscious, and swam rapidly upwards, as if hell was on our chase. 

However, one thing I could not ignore was the unmistakable cry of a beast, which shook the whole place to the core. 

AN: Delayed Update, I know, but I'm back to writing peeps. Also any of u watched Wednesday? I seriously got an addiction over it. 

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