Chapter 14

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Crying Wolf


Hey, you know what's uncomfortable? Wearing headphones as you sleep. Why did I sleep with headphones on? Well, Damon decided to bring that weird news lady round to spend the night, gross. I wonder if soundproof walls would work with vamp hearing.

I need more energy before I do anything so I go down into the basement and grab a blood bag. I make my way into the living room and lay on one of the couches as I drink the blood. That's when I can hear Damon and his new toy coming down the stairs.

"I'm late. This is such a crazy day. I'm, uh, covering the Historical Society's High Tea." Andie says as she walks down the stairs and checks herself out in the mirror, observing the bandage she has over the bite mark on her neck.

"Ooh! Thrilling." Damon says in a sarcastic tone as he follows Andie down the stairs holding a scarf.

They both walk together down the main hallway leading to the front door. Neither of them know I'm laid here listening to what they're saying.

"Yeah. It's for some visiting writer. He's writing a book on small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze." Andie says as they make their way down the hallway.

"Writer? What's his name?" Damon asks trying to play dumb.

"Uh, Elijah Smith." Andie replies as she looks at herself in yet another mirror.

Damon scoffs, "Smith. He's using Smith?"

Note to self: Teach Elijah to use more believable cover names.

Damon places the scarf around Andie's neck and ties it, "Okay. You have your story straight in your mind, right?"

Andie nods, "I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off and I really like you. You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest."

Damon smiles, places his hands on either side of her head, and compels her, "And you're falling hard."

"You might be the one." Andie says in a monotone voice.

Damon smiles again, "Perfect."

Okay I can't keep quiet any longer, I can't help but laugh.

"Ugh, get a room. Ideally one that isn't across the hall from mine." I say absolutely disgusted at what I'm watching right now.

They both turn to face me, Damon is glaring at me and Andie looks at me confused. Oh yeah that's right, we haven't officially met yet. I flash a smug smile at them both and wave.

"Andie, this is my baby sister, Lola." Damon says to Andie yet still glaring at me.

I slurp the blood bag I've got obnoxiously as I wave over to Andie again.

Andie smiles over to me, "Hi, it's so nice to meet you."

"Wish I could say the same." I mumble under my breath.

Damon obviously heard what I said and yet again glared at me. Jesus, if he could actually age he would have huge wrinkles with all the glaring and frowning he does these days.

Damon opens the front door for Andie. Ric, not having knocked yet, stands on the front porch and looks at the pair awkwardly.

"Have a great day, honey." Damon says to Andie smiling.

They both kiss and Andie walks out of the door, acknowledging Ric, "Oh. Hey, Alaric." She turns to face Damon and smiles, "Later."

Andie gets into her car and drives off as Damon is waving goodbye. Ric moves to stand in front of Damon.

"My new girlfriend. Andie Star, action news." Damon says in a very smug tone.

Ric scoffs, "It's not called action news."

Damon shrugs his shoulders, "I know. I just like saying it. Come on."

Ric walks into the house, Damon shuts the door behind them and then he leads Ric into the living room where I'm still sat. Ric notices I'm here and smiles over to me.

I smile back, "Good morning, Ric."

"Hey Lola, how you doing?" Ric asks as he walks towards where I'm sitting.

I smile over to him "Not bad." I glare to Damon, "Apart from the lack of sleep due to asshole over here bringing that woman here. Could have warned me so I could have gone anywhere but here."

Damon throws a book at me but jokes on him as I catch it when it is inches away from my face. I move the book away from my face so I can see Damon who is smirking at me.

"Nice try, dick." I say as I throw the book back towards Damon but he moves out the way and it hits against the wall behind him.

"So, uh, what did you wanna show me?" Ric asks, he always looks fed up when he sees Damon & I fighting. I don't know why, we are the entertainment of this scooby doo gang.

Damon walks over to the table where the dagger is, "So, John Gilbert gave me this to kill Elijah."

Damon removes the cloth from the dagger, showing Ric it along with the vile of ash, "Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the Originals, if there's any truth in that."

Damon hands the dagger to Ric and Ric takes it and studies it, he looks over to me with a raised eyebrow.

I take that as my turn to speak, "The whole dagger story is real, but it's whether that actual dagger and ash are real or not."

"So you think it's a setup?" Ric asks as he looks between Damon & I.

Damon scoffs, "It could be. Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him."

Damon turns to look at me, "How do you know about the dagger?"

Here we go.

I shrug my shoulders and avoid eye contact as I walk towards the pair, "Just heard stories about it."

I don't know the ins and outs of the whole dagger story. All I know is my darling Nik used identical daggers against his other siblings, two of which are my best friends. Asshole. One I watched happen right in front of me, not a great memory.

It looks as though Damon is satisfied with my response, thank god. Damon turns around and heads to the bar. I follow him and grab a bourbon, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, right?

I look over to Ric and smirk at him, "What are you up to today, Mr. Saltzman?"

Ric gets up and walks over to Damon & I, "Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this Historical Society thing at the Lockwood's."

Damon smirks in Ric's direction, "Where Elijah's the guest of honour."

Ric sighs, "Tell me you're not gonna kill him at the tea party."

Damon frowns at Ric's accusation, "No. That would be stupid."

Ric looks over to Damon and gives him a skeptical look, he then glances over to me with the same look on his face.

"I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." Damon finishes as he taps the dagger against Ric, with Ric looking unamused at him.

"Okay, I'm going to go and get dressed for this tea party thing." I say walking out of the room. For a minute I totally forgot that I was still in my pjs.



The Historical Society's Tea Party has commenced, Elijah and Carol are speaking with each other as they sip their tea.

"Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there." Carol asks as she drinks her tea.

Elijah smiles, "No, I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic."

Carol blushes, "That's fascinating."

Damon and Lola enter the house. They both look over to see Elijah speaking with Carol. They share a look between each other as Jenna walks over to them.

"Damon, Lola, what are you guys doing here?" Jenna asks as she smiles towards Lola.

Before either of them can respond, Andie walks up to Jenna, Lola and Damon, notepad in hand. Damon looks over at her and smiles.

Andie smiles, "Hi. You came."

Damon smiles back at her, "Hi." They both share a kiss.

"Hi." Andie coos.

Lola is stood next to them pulling a disgusted look and gagging at the sight of the pair. Jenna looks at the pair surprised considering the last time she seen them together Damon was blowing Andie off.

Damon smirks over to Jenna, "Thanks for introducing us, Jenna."

Damon motions to Lola to follow him as he walks towards Elijah and Carol. Andie smiles at Jenna and stands next to her as they watch Damon walk away.

"Ahhh. Wow." Andie whispers as though she's in a trance watching Damon.

Elijah looks over to Damon and Lola walking towards him and he smiles towards Lola in which she returns a smile.

Carol looks over and smiles at Damon, "Damon."

Damon smiles back, "Carol."

"What a surprise." Carol says as her and Damon exchange kisses on the cheek.

Carol looks over to Lola, "And you must be Lola, Damon's younger sister."

Lola fake smiles and reaches her hand out to Carol, "Hi yes, it's so nice to meet you, Carol."

Carol shakes Lola's hand, "Damon has told me so much about you."

Lola looks over to Damon with the same fake smile on her face, "Oh he has, has he?"

Damon smiles down at his sister and wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in towards him, making Lola roll her eyes.

"Elijah, I want you to meet Damon & Lola Salvatore. Their family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families." Carol says looking between Elijah and the Salvatore's.

Damon smiles at Carol, "Mm-hm." He then looks over to Elijah, "Such a pleasure to meet you."Elijah smiles, "No. Pleasure's mine."

Damon pulls Lola closer to him as a form of protection as he shakes Elijah hand with his free hand. Elijah looks over to Lola and holds her hand and brings it up to his lips and he kisses her hand.

"It's lovely to see you again, Charlotte." Elijah says looking up at Lola smirking.

Before Lola can reply, Carol interrupts, "Oh, you two know each other?"

Lola looks over to Carol and grins, "Oh yeah, Elijah and I go way back."

Carol nods at Lola's response, she then goes off and speaks to the rest of the guests.

Damon hits Lola against the shoulder, he then pulls his arm away from her. Lola glares at her brother and whispers, "Do that again and I will kick your ass in front of all these people."

Elijah half smiles at the sibling's bickering, reminding him of Lola's time with himself and his siblings.

Damon glares at Elijah, "I think it's time we had a chat."

"Very well." Elijah simply states, he then walks towards the study. Damon and Lola follow.

The three of them walk into the study. Damon walks towards the desk in the room and Lola takes a seat on one of the chairs.

"What can I do for you, Damon?" Elijah asks as he looks around the study.

Damon turns to face Elijah, "I was hoping we could have a word."

"Where's Elena?" Elijah asks.

"Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a werewolf problem." Lola says in a sarcastic tone while smiling over to Elijah.

"Oh, yes, I heard about that." Elijah says trying to hold back his smirk.

Damon scoffs, "I'm sure you did since it was your witch that saved the day."

Elijah looks over to Damon and flashes a smug smile, "You are welcome."

Damon sits down on the desk, "Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here."

"Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me." Elijah says as he begins to walk out of the study.

Damon vamp speeds in front of him, blocking the way out, "Not good enough."

Lola stands up from the chair she was sitting at and takes a few steps towards them, "Damon, don't." She warns.

"Stay out of this, Lola." Damon snaps while still glaring at Elijah.

Elijah smirks at Damon, "You should listen to your sister."

Elijah grabs Damon by the throat and vamp-speeds him into a wall. Damon, in retaliation, grabs Elijah's throat. Elijah grabs Damon's hand and easily pulls it off of his neck, making sure to crush Damon's hand as he does so as Damon groans in pain.

Lola purses her lips and raises her hands up as she takes a seat back in the chair she was sitting in previously so watch the shit show that is about to begin.

"You young vampires, so arrogant." Elijah drops Damon's hand from his own, but continues to hold Damon up against the wall by the throat. "How dare you come in here and challenge me?" Elijah threatens.

"You can't kill me, man. It's not part of the deal." Damon says struggling to breathe in Elijah's hold.

"Silence." Elijah snaps.

Elijah grabs a pencil lying on the desk and stabs Damon in the neck with it. Damon clutches at the pencil and yells in pain. Elijah lets go of Damon, who falls against the desk and removes the pencil, painfully. Damon claps his hand over the bloody wound. Elijah whips out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the blood off his hands.

"I'm an Original. Show a little respect." Elijah dangles the handkerchief in front of Damon, who grabs it quickly and places it on his wound.

Damon looks over to his sister and frowns, "I thought you said he was the easter bunny?"

Elijah turns to face Lola smirking as he looks at her sitting on the chair with her eyes wide open and pursed lips. She glances at Damon and then looks over to Elijah and flashes an innocent smile.

Elijah looks back over to Damon, "The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe." Elijah then leaves the room.

Damon glares over to his sister, "What the hell?!"

Lola looks over to Damon, she smiles weakly as she shrugs her shoulders, "I said don't."



I'm still at this stupid tea party, Damon stormed out in a huff after his little run in with Elijah. It's not my fault he didn't have enough sense to not go against an original.

I finally get away from Carol Lockwood, the woman has not stopped bothering me since I got here. I start to walk out when Jenna shouts me over, when I look over she's stood with Elijah.

"Hey, Lola! Got a sec?" Jenna shouts over to me.

I smile as I walk over to the pair, "Yeah, what's up?"

"So when were you going to tell me that you knew the lovely Elijah?" Jenna says smirking towards me, ha, I know what she is implying. Think again.

I look at them both confused when Elijah breaks up the silence.

"I was just explaining to Jenna here, that we know each other. How we met in San Fransisco while you were travelling." Elijah says as he tilts his head and smiles over to Lola.

I can't help but laugh at Elijah's 'story', "Right, yeah. It was just so long ago, time flies."

"Doesn't it just." Elijah says while smiling over to me.

I turn to face Jenna to change the subject, "So was that all you wanted to speak to me about? Because I was going to head home."

"Actually, I'm taking Elijah around town tomorrow to show him around. I was going to ask if you wanted to join?" Jenna asks.

I look over to Jenna with a raised eyebrow, "Really?"

"Yeah, it would be really helpful. You know, with your family being a founding family, you might know some more facts about the town then I do. Please." Jenna says while she flashes me her best puppy dog eyes.

I really wish people would stop it with the puppy dog eyes.

I think about it for a second then smile over at Jenna, "Of course. Text me the details."

I turn away from them and my smile completely vanishes and I frown. Ugh. Why do I have to play Little Miss Tour Guide to a guy who is like 900 years older than me! I walk out of the Lockwood's when I remember, great Damon drove here. Looks like I'm walking home.

I start walking down the driveway when I can hear something whooshing behind me. I stop walking and turn around to see what it was, but no one is there. Suddenly I feel someone standing in front of me, I already know it's Elijah. I turn to face him, yep it's Elijah.

"Really?" I ask in a very unimpressed tone.

Elijah laughs at my mood, "Relax Charlotte. I just want to chat."

I crossed my arms against my chest and shrug my shoulders, "About what?"

"Well, the last time we had an actual conversation, I explained to you my plan about killing Niklaus." Elijah says as he starts to walk down the driveway and I follow.

"Your point?" I retort.

"I realise I never asked how you felt about that." Elijah says as he stops walking and faces me.

I can't even bring myself to look him in the eye because the truth was I didn't know how I felt about it.

I laugh awkwardly as I unfold my arms and throw them up in the air, "I don't know how I feel about it, Elijah." I look over to Elijah, "I mean are you seriously telling me you are willing to kill your brother? Why? What happened between you both that was so bad that you're just going to kill him just like that?"

Elijah sighs and it's now his turn to not give me eye contact, "Things got complicated after your sudden departure. Niklaus grew more and more angry as the months went on. I said to him it might not have ended like that if he didn't dagger Rebekah and Kol and well, he retaliated."

I look over to Elijah and frown in confusion, "What do you mean retaliated?"

Elijah looks back over to me and I can see the hurt in his eyes, "He disposed of their coffins into the ocean, all of them."

My mouth opens slightly in shock, tears start to fill my eyes as I look down at the ground in disbelief. How could Klaus do that to his siblings? It was my fault.

"Oh my god." I whisper under my breath, "It's all my fault."

Elijah places his hands onto my arms, I look up at him with the tears falling down my face.

"Don't you ever say that it was your fault again. If it was anyones fault it was my own. I pushed Niklaus to that. But now you see why he needs to be stopped. He took my family away from me, away from us." Elijah says as his own eyes begin to fill with tears.

Something in my clicks, it's not the sun and moon curse Klaus is trying to break. It's the curse his mother put on him 1000 years ago, to block his werewolf side.

"He's not trying to break the sun and moon curse, is he? He's trying to break the curse that's on himself." I say looking up at Elijah praying he says I'm incorrect.

Elijah sighs and lets go of my arms, he turns his back on me to speak, "There is no sun and moon curse." Elijah turns to face me, "It's fake."

Confusion covers my face, I shake my head trying to realise what Elijah just told me, "No. No that's wrong. Klaus told me about it. He told me about the sun and moon curse, he-"

I struggle to say anything else, my head is trying to wrap round everything. The fact I'm probably never going to see Rebekah and Kol again as their bodies lay somewhere in the ocean, Klaus is trying to break the curse in order to make himself a hybrid, the sun and moon curse is fake.

"He didn't tell you." Elijah says softly, not believing it either.

I'm still looking down at the ground trying to process everything, I shake my head, "He told me about both curses. But he never told me that one of them was a complete lie."

Why am I getting annoyed he never told me the truth? My God, he really is an asshole.

The silence between us gets broken up by my phone ringing. I grab my phone out of my pocket and see that the caller ID is Stefan.

I sigh and then I answer the call, "Hey Stef, this really isn't a good time."

"Lola, are you okay? Where are you?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm at the Lockwood's, why? What's going on?"

"One of the wolves, Brady, turned up at the lake house with Tyler. Tried to kill Elena."

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, is Damon with you?"

"No, he's back at the house."

"Get home now. It was just Brady here so who knows where Jules is probably planning to attack you and Damon. Please stay safe, call me when you get home."

"Okay, I will. I'll speak to you soon."

I hang up and look over to Elijah, "I have to get home."

Elijah nods, "I heard, yet another werewolf problem. Allow me to take you home."

"Elijah, really that isn't necessary." I say trying to convince him to not be near the house right now. Especially after his little attack on Damon.

"I insist. Come, I'll drive you home." Elijah says as he gestures me to follow him towards his car.

We're almost back at the house, neither of us have said a word since we got in the car. I'm still trying to process everything I've just found out, I guess that's why Elijah isn't speaking either, letting me think everything through. He always knew when to leave my with my own thoughts.

"How do you plan to kill him?" I ask breaking the silence.

Elijah sighs, "It needs to happen after the sacrifice, Niklaus will be weak and vulnerable."

I frown my brows in confusion and look over to him, "Wait, so you mean Elena has to die?"

Elijah looks over to me and smirks, "I thought you weren't so keen on the little doppelgänger."

I scoff, "I'm not. But my brothers care about her, so I guess that means I have to as well, kind of."

Elijah pulls up at the house, we make our way over to the entrance.



At the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon is chained to a chair just like Mason was. He has some type of contraption round his neck that has wooden spikes sticking out of it and digging into his neck. Jules is stood opposite Damon leaning against a shotgun.

"You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage." Jules explains as she glares over to Damon.

Jules lifts up the shotgun and aims it towards Damon, "Where's the moonstone?"

Damon smirks, "Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it."

Elijah and Lola enter the room, Lola's eyes widen when she sees what is happening to her brother.

"You looking for this?" Elijah asks, leaning against a banister as he twirls the moonstone in his hands.

Everyone turns to look at him. Elijah walks down the stairs and places the moonstone on an end table.

Elijah backs away, "Go ahead. Take it."

One of the werewolves uses his wolf speed to rush towards the moonstone, but Elijah, being quicker, plunges his hand into the wolf's chest and rips out his heart. The wolf falls down onto the couch, dead. Two other wolves rush at Elijah and Elijah, without any effort, plunges his arms into their chests and rips out their hearts as well. Jules wolf-speeds out of the house before she is killed.

Lola sees Ric laying on the floor by Damon and she rushes over to check he's okay. She looks down and sees his ring is on his finger, she sighs in relief.

Elijah walks over to Stevie, who crouches down and pulls his jacket over his face in fear. Elijah pulls him up from the ground, "What about you, sweetheart, hmm? You want to take a shot? Yes? No? Yes?" Stevie looks away from Elijah shaking his head.

"Where's the girl?" Elijah asks as he turns to look at Damon.

Damon looks around the room, "I don't know."

Elijah shrugs his shoulders, "It doesn't really matter."

Elijah turns to face Stevie, he punches him in the face with such force his neck breaks and Stevie falls to the floor. Elijah then removes the chains strapping Damon down into the chair.

"So you realise this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah says as he turns to walk out the room.

Elijah looks down at Lola who is kneeling by Ric. They both smile at each other, Elijah then grabs the moonstone and walks out of the house.

Lola rushes over to her brother, she crouches down so she is face to face with him as she observes all this injuries that are slowly healing.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Lola asks worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad you weren't here." Damon goes to stand up but he wobbles and falls back down into the chair.

"You need blood, I'll go get you some." Lola says, she vamp speeds out of the room and rushes down into the basement, within seconds she is back in the room handing Damon a blood bag.

Once Damon has regained his strength, he rips off the the neck contraption he has on himself, he looks over to Lola who is pouring herself a drink. Damon can tell something is eating her up.

"So, how come you walked in with Elijah?" Damon asks as he walks over to his sister.

"I was talking to him at the Lockwood's when Stefan rang me. He told me how he's going to kill Klaus." Lola says avoiding eye contact with Damon as she stares down at her drink.

"Care to enlighten the rest of us who aren't an original vampire groupie?" Damon says smirking over at his sister, feeling proud of his joke.

When Lola doesn't react to his little remark he knows something is up, "What is it, Lo?"

Lola looks up at her brother with sadness filling her eyes, "He said he has to do it after the sacrifice has happened because Klaus will be weak and vulnerable. But that means-"

"Elena has to die." Damon whispers finishing Lola's sentence.

Lola puts her drink down on the table and walks closer to Damon, "Damon, I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I just found out."

Damon pulls his sister into a hug, "Sh, it's okay."

Lola takes some deep breaths and composes herself as she hugs her brother, she doesn't care whether Elena dies or not. She cares about her brothers, they already lost the girl they both loved 145 years ago. She didn't want to see that happen all over again.

Damon pulls away from the hug as his phone rings; it's Bonnie. Bonnie goes on to explain she got more information out of Luca, it was all the same information Lola found out from Elijah.

"Lola just told me the same thing. So he planned to kill her all along." Damon says as he moves the chair back to it's original place.

"Yeah. The sacrifice is part of Elijah's plan."

Damon looks over to his sister who has took a seat on the couch next to where Ric is laying.

"Got it loud and clear." Damon says, he then hangs up the phone.

Ric suddenly comes back to life, he looks around the room confused.

"Finally. You missed all the fun." Damon says as he crouches down to roll up the rug that is covered in blood.

Lola stands up from the couch and sighs, "I'm gonna go up to bed."

Lola walks out of the room without saying anything else. Ric looks up to Damon confused, "What's happened?"

Damon smiles awkwardly, "It's a long story."

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