Chapter 15

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The Dinner Party


I can't even remember the last time I got a full night sleep since I came back to Mystic Falls. It's just a different thing every single time that keeps me up worrying. It's a good thing I'm a vampire and I don't rely on sleep.

I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that if what Elijah said is true, my best friends are somewhere at the bottom of the ocean and I'm probably never going to see them again.

I can't believe Klaus would do that, that's low even for him. As if it wasn't bad enough he daggered them and now they're lost forever probably.

I get pulled back into reality when there's a knock at my door. I walk over and open the door slightly; it's Damon.

Damon smiled weakly at me, "I just wanted to see how you are doing. I've heard you moving around since about 3am."

I smile back at Damon and open the door further to allow him to walk in. I make my way over to my bed and take a seat on it.

"Look at you, finally learning how to knock. It's only took about 160 odd years." I say jokingly to Damon, he smiles at me and sits down besides me on the bed.

My smile totally vanishes and I'm just staring at down at my bed with a blank expression.

"What happened yesterday, Lo? I know you aren't like this because of the whole thing about Elena." Damon says in a worried tone.

"It's nothing, we were just talking about the past." I say still staring down at the bed refusing to give Damon eye contact.

Damon places his hand on my wrist, "Did he hurt you?"

I look up at Damon surprised, "What? No! No of course he didn't. Unlike you he actually likes me."

Damon looks at me as though he wants me to continue and tell him everything. I can't. I can't tell him about the real curse on Klaus, what's the point anyway? Either way Elena will die it doesn't matter about the ins and outs of what curse is being broken.

I also can't tell him I know more originals, I can't even bare to think of the argument we would had. I really don't have the energy for anymore arguments with either of my brothers.

We need to dagger Elijah. He's going to be pissed when he finds out that I'm getting involved in this but as annoying as it is, we need to protect Elena. I'll just undagger him in a few years and explain, he can never stay mad at me. Believe me, he's tried.

"I really don't want to talk about it. We just need to make sure this sacrifice doesn't happen." I say as I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser and start picking out an outfit to wear.

"Where are you going?" Damon asks.

I turn to face him, "Jenna asked if I would join her in showing Elijah around the town."

Damon bursts out laughing, "Aw little miss tour guide eh? Sounds like your absolute dream."

I glare over to Damon, "Shut up, asshole." I turn and grab my outfit and start to walk into my bathroom. I turn to face Damon as I step into the bathroom walking backwards, "The way I see it, I'm keeping Elijah soft, thinking he's got me on his side."

Damon nods, "Sounds like a plan. Meet me in the Grill after your little tour."

Damon walks out my room and I get dressed. Once I'm dressed I make my way out of the house and head to the spot Jenna told me to meet her.



At the lake house, Stefan is on the dock, skipping stones across the lake. His phone rings and he answers it. Damon is on the other end.

"What's going on?" Stefan says as he answers the phone.

"Well, I showered. I shaved. Had breakfast. Very relaxed."

"That makes one of us. How's Lola?"

"Yeah she's fine, I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"Something is bothering her, I don't know what."

"Damon, we can't keep pushing her to talk to us, you know what she's like. We are just going to end up pushing her away and who knows, even pushing her in the direction of this Klaus guy again."

"Yeah I know. I did hear one piece of good news though. Tyler Lockwood ran away from home last night."

"How do you know?"

"Well, I heard it from Sheriff Forbes, who heard it from a very distraught Carol Lockwood, thus, ending our werewolf chapter, bringing us to..."

"...killing Elijah."


"Well, it's not going to be easy. He's crafty."

"Well, I've got a crafty little dagger."

"He's an Original. We don't know what all that encompasses."

"Oh, trust me, Stefan. I'm gonna dot all my t's. I don't want any surprises. Lola is keeping him sweet this morning playing little miss tour guide."

"Wow, Damon, tell me you're both actually gonna be careful for once?"

"Yes, Stefan, I've become you. How tragic for both of us. Got to run. I've a murder to plan. Busy day."


Jenna and Elijah are walking through the woods together as Jenna shows him around the historical places in Mystic Falls.

"The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence." Jenna says pointing in the direction of the old Fell land.

Elijah nods and smiles, "Ah, the Fells. One of the Founding Families."

Jenna looks at Elijah confused, "Why do you say it like that?"

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier." Elijah explains, "It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise."

"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" Jenna asks.

Elijah nods, "Which means the ever-lauded founding families...didn't actually found anything."

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860." Jenna scoffs, "Men are very territorial."

Elijah looks across the woods to see Lola and Ric walking towards them, "Yes, they are."

"Just play it cool, you need to at least pretend you're not the jealous one." Lola whispers to Ric as they approach Jenna & Elijah.

Jenna looks up and smiles at Lola, "Lola you made it!"

"Yeah sorry I didn't realise the time," Lola says as Jenna pulls her into a hug, they both pull away and Lola smiles over to Ric, "and then I bumped into this guy."

"Uh Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." Jenna explains awkwardly.

"Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines." Ric explains awkwardly, "I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all."

The silence between everyone is beyond awkward. Lola looks between the three others, no one is saying word. They're all just looking between each other and glaring.

Lola claps her hands together, "So, where to next?"

"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners." Elijah explains glaring at Ric, "Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history."

"Well, I only brought the surveys. I got that list in the car." Jenna says, she starts to walk towards the car, "Just give me a sec."

"Well this is going to be fun." Lola mumbles to herself.

Elijah smirks a little at Lola's remark and he turns to face Ric, "Alaric Saltzman. So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect."

Ric nods, "Yeah, so is Jenna."

"You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women." Elijah says casually, he looks over to Ric who is glaring at him, "It's a joke, Ric, lighten up."

"You're funny." Ric retorts.

Elijah pats him on the shoulder and walks away. Ric looks over to Lola who is trying to hold in her laughter after Elijah's remark. She pats Ric on his other shoulder and follows in the direction that Elijah walked.



After our fun morning of sight seeing in my own home town, Ric & I go and meet Damon and that trashy thing he calls his "girlfriend" at the Grill. Damon and Andie are sat on one side, Ric & I on the other, I'm sat opposite Andie, yay.

"Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?" Damon asks glancing between Ric & I.

"No, it was boring." I mumble into my bourbon.

Ric sighs, "Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming."

"You sound jealous." Damon smirks and turns to face Andie, "Sound a bit jealous?"

"Kinda do." Andie says laughing.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here." Ric says looking between Damon and Andie.

Damon looks between Andie and Ric, "Andie? She's been compelled not to divulge my secrets." Damon turns to face Andie smiling, "Haven't you?"

Andie nods, "Uh-huh." Damon and Andie both kiss, vomit, "Mmm. My lips are sealed."

I make a borking sound at the pair, I rest on my hands covering my face, "Ugh, I need a lot more bourbon to be able to be in the same room as the two of you."

Alaric stares at them in disgust, "This is too weird."

I remove my face from my hands, I rest against the table with my arms crossed, "Tell me about it. Try living in the same house with vampire hearing."

Damon glares at us both, "As I was saying, I just need the right opportunity."

Damon looks across the room and sees Elijah and Jenna enter the Grill. He looks back at me to signal to turn around when I see them both walking towards us, I smile over at them and wave.

Damon also smiles over and waves them over, "Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend. Hi."

I snort into my drink at Damon's comment, resulting in me getting nudged by Ric to shut up, I look up to him and smirk with my finger across my lips.

"Hey, guys." Jenna says smiling at us all as her and Elijah walk up to the table.

Damon looks between all four of us, "So I hear you all had quite a meeting of historical minds today."

Jenna laughs awkwardly, "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I've got papers to grade." Ric says as he puts down some money on the table and stands up.

I move along in the booth now sitting where Ric was and I grab his money from the table; I claim it before Damon does.

"No, you know what? We should continue this." Andie goes on to say, "Let's have a dinner party."

"Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas." Damon says smiling over to Andie, "I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?" He continues looking between the rest of us.

I look over to Damon and glare, mentally saying "Are you serious?"

Damon glares back at me and kicks me under the table, his way of telling me to play along. Asshole.

I fake smile up at everyone, "Sure, sounds great!"

"It's good for me." Andie says smiling, "Jenna?"

Ric shrugs looking over to Jenna, "I don't know if tonight works..."

"Yeah, I'm free." Jenna says interrupting Ric from finishing.

Elijah smiles down at me, "It'd be a pleasure."

"Great." Damon says smiling over to Elijah.


After the Grill, I went home and decided to have a few hours pamper before this amazing dinner party Damon has came up with.

Once I'm finished in the bath, I get myself changed into a red dress, a simple gold necklace and nude heels. I style my hair in loose waves. I grab my red lipstick and make my way downstairs, I go in the hallway and look into one of the mirrors and apply my lipstick.

"Well doesn't my baby sister look nice." Damon says smiling as he walks down the stairs along with Andie, she kisses him and then makes her way over into another room. Thank God.

I glare over to him and look at myself again in the mirror, "I hate that you're dragging me into this stupid dinner party."

"Come on, you have to be here, it's at our house." Damon says shrugging his shoulders, "It would be weird if you weren't here."

"Why are we having this dinner party anyway?" I retort.

"Because baby sister, we are going to kill Elijah tonight." Damon says proud of himself, "Just don't tell Ric."

I frown in confusion over at him, "Why?"

I can tell just by Damon's face he's trying to come up with an answer, "Because he doesn't want anything to happen with Jenna here." Damon starts to walk away from me but he turns to face me again, "Who is in the next room with Andie, so go be a girl and join them while the men chat in the library."

"It really surprises me that you've actually got a girlfriend with your way of words." I scoff, I put my finger on my chin as though I'm thinking, "But oh yeah, she's compelled. So she doesn't really know what you're like."

I walk off and go into the dining room where Jenna and Andie are preparing the table.

"So what's going on with you and Alaric? I feel like there's some tension." Andie asks Jenna.

Jenna smiles over at me as I walk in which I return, "I don't know. I really like him. It's more than like and I want it to work, but I can't help but feel that he's hiding something from me." Jenna explains, "And then I've got John whispering things in my ear about him."

What the hell is that asshole telling her?

"Like what?" Andie asks.

"Things I don't want to believe." Jenna rolls her eyes, "Things I don't believe, not if they're coming from John's mouth."

"Oh. Well, there you go, then. If it's anything John has said then it will be a load of crap." I say over to Jenna who laughs at my comment about the dick.

Andie smiles, "Trust is the key to any relationship. I mean, I am so grateful that Damon tells me everything."

Ugh, gross. I pull a disgusted face and walk out of the room, "Nope, not listening to this." I mumble to myself as I walk into the library to see Damon and Ric.

"Your girlfriend is already giving me a headache." I say to Damon, massaging my temples as I walk into the library and snatching Damon's drink from him.

"This is a bad idea." Ric snaps, he looks over to me, "Are you involved in this too?"

I shrug, "There's no such thing as a bad idea, Ric."

Damon nods at my statement, "Just poorly executed awesome ones." He hands Ric a glass of bourbon, "Here."

Ric refuses the drink, "No. I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house with Jenna."

Damon scoffs, "Jenna's perfectly safe. Besides, it's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless."

Ric looks at Damon with a raised brow, "Just a fact-finding mission?"

"Yeah." Damon simply replies.

"Listen, no sneak attacks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna in harm's way." Ric warns Damon, he looks over to me, "Okay?"

"Scout's honour." Damon says.

I smile over to him and cross against my heart with my finger, "Cross my heart."

Damon puts up his hand and grabs Ric's shoulder he looks at him, still suspicious. Andie walks in, great.

"Hey, Jenna needs help with the wine." Andie says as she walks into the room.

Damon looks at Ric, smiles, and pats his arm reassuringly. Ric walks up the stairs and heads into the dining room.

"Thanks." Andie says as Ric walks past her.

"Yeah." Ric mumbles to himself.

Ric leaves the room and closes the door. Damon waits until he is sure he is gone before he walks over to a small trunk and opens it. He pulls out the silver dagger and white oak ash from inside. Andie walks down to him.

"What's that?" Andie asks curiously.

"Dessert." I say as I walk over to Damon.

"Elijah's stronger than me. Faster than me." Damon says as he dips the dagger in the ash, "It's all about the element of surprise."

"Ah, it's too bad. I like him. He's very old-school. Classy." Andie says, feeling sorry for Elijah.

"Which is why you should encourage the gentlemen to take their after dinner drinks in here while you do coffee in the kitchen with the girls." Damon says as he places the dagger with the glasses and bourbon, hiding if from view.

"Hmm. That is a little too sexist for me." Andie says as she walks up to Damon.

"For once I agree with the blood bag." I say walking to stand by Andie, Damon glares at me.

He then faces Andie, "Stop talking."

With our vamp hearing, Damon and I can hear the doorbell, we both look at each other and smirk, "It's showtime." I say as we all walk out of the library.

We walk out of the library into the main hall expecting to see Elijah but in fact, it's John.

"Ugh, what's he doing here?" I say as I pull a disgusted face towards John.

"Who invited him?" Jenna asks looking over at Damon and I, I shrug my shoulders as a reply.

"John, what a surprise." Damon says as he walks up to the door, "Leave."

John smiles at us all as he takes a few more steps into the house, "When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games."

Ric walks in and we all glance over to him.

"There are not going to be any games tonight, John." Ric explains, "It's just a friendly dinner party."

John looks back at Damon who smiles over to John, "What he said."

John fully walks into the house and makes his way into the dining room along with Jenna and Ric. Within a few minutes, the doorbell rings again; it's Elijah. Damon goes to answer the door.

"Good evening." Elijah says standing outside.

"Thank you for coming." Damon says, he gestures for Elijah to enter, "Please, come in."

Elijah raises his hand slightly, "Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider."

Damon shakes his head, "No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you."

"Hmm. Well, that's good." Elijah says as he steps into the house, "Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?"

Damon smiles awkwardly at Elijah, "Crystal."

I walk into view and smirk over at Elijah, "Aw Elijah, you wouldn't kill me, would you?"

Elijah smiles over to me, "Charlotte, you look incredible." He says as he pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the cheek.

When Elijah pulls away from our hug, he sees Jenna, smiles, and walks over to her, "Jenna. Wonderful to see you again. How are you?"

Damon shuts the front door and glares over at me, "Cut it out with the flirting." He whispers to me.

I can't help but laugh at his comment, "Oh shut up, that was not flirting."

We both walk into the dining room when Andie announces dinner is ready. We all take our seats, Damon is sat at the top of the table, I'm sat next to him, Elijah next to me who has Ric sat on the other end of him. John is sat at the other end of the table, who has Andie next to him and Jenna next to Andie.

"I hate to break it to you Salvatore's, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town." Jenna says as she pours some wine into Damon's glass.

Damon looks over to me with a raised eyebrow, I share the same expression as I face Elijah, "Oh, really?"

"Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s." Elijah explains, "Over the next hundred years they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution."

"Hmm. Because they were witches." Jenna says looking around the dinner table.

"Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem." Andie says shaking her head.

"Andie's a journalist." Damon retorts smirking at Elijah, "Big on facts."

Andie smiles over to Damon and he winks back, I feel like I'm going to bring this food back up.

"Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned." Elijah explains looking over to Jenna, he turns to look at Ric, "Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the..."

"What a great dinner party conversation." I mumble sarcastically.

Jenna laughs, "I wouldn't repeat this to the Historical Society."

"It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me." John pipes up but no one even acknowledges his response.

"So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon asks Elijah.

Elijah smiles and shrugs, "You know...a healthy historian's curiosity, of course."

Damon smiles back to Elijah, "Of course."

It's been a while since we have all been sat around the table. Elijah keeps saying all his boring facts about this town. I think I'm going to have to swap the alcohol with coffee in order to stay awake.

"Would anyone care for some cognac? I have a bottle that I've been saving for ages." Damon says smirking as he stands up from his seat.

Ric shakes his head, "None for me thanks. Nine bottles of wine is my limit."

We all start to get up from our seats. Damon looks at Andie and gives her a pointed look.

"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study." Andie says as she walks towards Damon.

Elijah smiles over to Andie, "I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company."

"I like you." Andie says blushing.

I don't know how much longer I can take from this woman, I really don't.

Jenna shoves some plates to John, "Here you are, gentleman, make yourself useful. Hmm?" Jenna then walks into the kitchen to see Andie.

I laugh to myself at Jenna, but then something distracts me. I can hear something, I focus on the sound and it's my phone upstairs. I vamp speed upstairs to grab it; it's Stefan.

"Hey Stef, we're in the middle of dinner."

"Lola, please tell me you haven't used the dagger yet?!" Stefan shouts down the phone panicking.

"No but I think Damon is about to."

"Lola you have to stop him! John set you guys up, if a vampire uses the dagger it kills them!"

"I'm on it." I say, I hang up and rush over to the library.


Meanwhile in the library, Ric, Damon and Elijah are there. Damon is pouring drinks for the men.

"So, let me guess." Damon starts as he pours a drink, "In addition to the moonstone, the doppelgänger, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, you need to find this witch burial ground."

"Because I feel as though we've grown so close, Damon, I'll tell you yes." Elijah says with his back to Damon as he looks around the library, "Do you know where it is?" Elijah walks towards Damon.

"Maybe." Damon says shrugging his shoulders, "Tell me why it's so important." Damon hands Elijah a glass of bourbon.

"We're not that close." Elijah says as he takes the glass from Damon.

Elijah turns around and looks around at the books, "It's quite a collection you have here."

"Hmm, it's mainly Lola's that she's collected over the years." Damon mumbles as he looks down at the dagger on the table.

Elijah smiles at Lola's collection, he recognises some of the books that he gave Lola years ago, "It's a funny thing about books." Elijah says still having his back turned on Damon, "Before they existed, people actually had memories."

Damon slowly grabs the dagger and is about to walk over to Elijah when Lola storms in with Andie.


As I'm hurrying towards the library, I grab Andie and drag her along to the room with me. I compel her to take Elijah out of the room.

I burst through the doors, "Gentlemen, we forgot about dessert." I say smiling over at the 3 men, I see at the corner of my eye, Damon quickly puts the dagger back down on the table.

Andie takes a few steps into the room and smiles, "Elijah." She sings as she holds her hand out for Elijah.

Elijah smiles back at Andie, "Miss Star..."

Elijah hands his glass to Damon, who drains it, and takes Andie's hand. He twirls her around and they walk out of the room together.

As soon as they leave, Damon smacks me angrily which just makes me smack him even harder. He mouths "What?!" at me aggressively as he flaps his arms around like a chicken.

Ric stands up to stand besides Damon as I point over to the dagger and shake my head. They're both still looking at me like fools, oh for the love of god.

I roll my eyes and storm over to the desk and grab a piece of paper and write my message on it. I slam it into Damon's chest, he looks at me frowning, he grabs the piece of paper and he and Ric both read it.

"The dagger will kill you if you use it."

Damon angrily throws the paper at me. I glare over to him and mouth, "I had no idea!". He glares back at me clearly frustrated and we all walk back into the dining room.

Back in the dining room, Jenna, John, Andie and Elijah have sat back down at the table.

"Sorry, guys, dessert is taking longer than I thought." Jenna says as she pours John a cup of coffee, "I usually just unwrap food." She walks into the kitchen to check on dessert.

"So...I know this is a social thing, but I...I would really love to ask you some more questions about the work that you're doing here." Andie asks Elijah as she takes Jenna's seat on the table.

"I'd love to answer." Elijah replies with a smile, he glances up at Ric, Damon and I as we walk back into the room and take a seat.

Andie smiles, "Great, that's so great."

Damon and I both glare over at John who is looking very smug right now. I am so close to stabbing him with a fork.

"Ric, would you do me a favor and grab the notebook out of my bag?" Andie asks Ric who is stood behind where I'm sitting.

Ric walks over to her bag and looks through it for the notebook.

"Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle-slash-father?" I say as I'm still glaring over to John.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that." Elijah says.

"Of course, she hates him, so there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list." Damon says glaring over to John also and then looking back over to Elijah.

"No Ric, it's in the front pocket. On know what?" Andie says, she gets up, "Excuse me, guys. Sorry." She walks over to the table Ric is stood at.

"What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on killing Klaus?" John asks.

"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now." Elijah says as he glances between John and Damon, "I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again."

Andie walks back over and takes a seat, "Okay. My first question is when you got here to Mystic..."

Ric comes up behind Elijah and stabs the dagger through his heart through the back of his chair. Elijah screams and dies.

I stand up in absolute shock, even I wasn't expecting that to happen. Damon grabs my arm, "Go and keep Jenna occupied." He whispers to me, I nod and walk into the kitchen.

After distracting Jenna for a while, Andie comes in also so I take that as my cue to leave. I walk back into the dining room as Ric and Damon walk back in.

I sigh and frown towards Ric, "You could have warned me you were going to do that!"

"Relax Lola, it's done." Damon says walking towards me.

I nod, "Okay great and as long as the dagger stays in place, Elijah remains dead."

I look up at Damon and Ric who are looking at me confused, "What?" I ask, "You kept the dagger in right?"

I look between the two who are still staring at me blank, it was then I spotted the silver dagger on the dining table. I look back up at Ric and Damon and glare at them, "You bloody idiots!"

Damon rushes down into the basement and I follow, Elijah is no where to be seen.

"Fuck sake, Damon! You had to do one thing!" I shout at him.

"How was I suppose to know you were meant to keep the dagger in?!" Damon argues back at me.

I roll my eyes at how stupid my brother can be, I push him out of the way and make my way back upstairs. We both head over to the lake house to make sure Stefan and Elena are okay because there is no doubt that is where Elijah is heading.



Damon and Lola get to the lake house and pound on the door until Elena answers. She finally answers and invites them both in.

Lola hands Elena the dagger, "Look we don't have time to explain, just make sure you stab Elijah in the heart with this and do not remove it." Lola says sternly.

Lola and Damon rush and hide upstairs.

Elijah walks up to the house. He kneels down and grabs some rocks. Elena starts to walk towards the front door, but Stefan grabs her by the arm. Elijah has gotten up outside and tosses the rocks from hand to hand.

"He's here." Stefan says, Elena looks up at him worried.

Elijah throws the rocks at the door, breaking it off its hinges.

Elena turns to face Stefan, "You have to go. I need to talk to him alone."


"Stefan, I'm okay." Elena says trying to reassure Stefan, "He can't come in the house."

Elijah walks closer towards the house, "You know, I might not be able to enter this house...But I'm a very patient man. I'll wait you out."

Elena slowly walks out from behind the wall, Stefan stays hidden there.

Elena walks towards the front door but stays inside the house, "They shouldn't have done what they did."

"The deal is off." Elijah snaps.

"I'm renegotiating." Elena says trying to sound confident.

"You have nothing left to negotiate with." Elijah says as he takes a step closer to the house.

"I'd like to see you lure Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelgänger bleeds to death." Elena says as she pulls out a knife.

Elijah looks over to Elena amused, "Stefan won't let you die."

"No, he won't. He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did." Elena says with an attitude, she sighs, "So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before...promise me...You won't harm anyone that I love. Even if they've harmed you."

Elijah shakes his head, still looking amused, "I'm sorry, Elena. I'm going to have to call your bluff."

Elena takes a deep breath and points the knife to her stomach. Elijah watches her, unsure of what she will do. Elena looks up at him and stabs herself in the stomach. She screams in pain and falls to the floor. There is blood gushing everywhere. Elena drops the knife on the floor and clutches her stomach.

"No!" Elijah shouts as he rushes towards the door, "Yes. Yes, you can have your deal. Let me heal you." Elijah shouts panicking.

"Give me your word!" Elena shouts out in pain.

"I give you my word."

Elena limps outside and into Elijah's arms. Suddenly, she stabs Elijah with the silver dagger and Elijah falls to the ground, dead. Elena falls to the ground as well, weak from the blood loss. Stefan rushes out of the house, bites his wrist, and feeds Elena his blood.

Damon and Lola both walk out of hiding and look over at Stefan who is cradling Elena in his arms. Lola glances over to Elijah who is dead...again.

"Little tip." Lola starts, she looks up at Damon and glares at him, "Don't pull the dagger out."


Back at the boarding house, Damon and Stefan carry Elijah's body down into the cellar. Elena and Lola are with them.

Stefan walks up to Elena and wraps his arm around her. Damon kneels down and searches through Elijah's jacket.

"Uhh! What do we have here?" Damon says as he pulls out the moonstone from Elijah's jacket, "A little moonstone bar of soap. I'll hold on to this."

"So, that's it. I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays dead." Elena says looking over to Lola.

Lola nods, "Pretty much."

Elena nods, "Okay, then...Good night." Elena starts to walk out but turns around looking between the three Salvatore's, "You know, you guys want me to fight, fine, I'll fight. But if we're gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way."

Lola shrugs looking over to her brothers, "That seems fair."

"Okay." Stefan and Damon both say in unison.

Elena nods, "Okay." She walks out of the basement.

"Seems like she's had a change of attitude." Damon says looking over to Stefan, "How did you get through to her?"

"I told her a little story about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody showed me there was a better way." Stefan says with a faint smile.

Lola smiles over to Stefan, "Lexi?"

Stefan looks at his sister, he smiles and nods, "Yeah."

"You told her about that night, didn't you?" Lola says as she crosses her arms against her chest, "Damon told me about it; the night you first met her."

Stefan nods.

Lola scoffs, "Glad I left before then." She looks over to Stefan and smiles again, "But I do have to admit, even though Lexi wasn't my favourite person; she was a good friend to you."

"Yeah she was." Stefan says looking down at the ground remembering his friend, he looks back up at Damon and stares at him blankly, "You remember her?"

Stefan walks out of the room. Lola looks over to Damon and slaps him across the head for killing Lexi. Lola wasn't keen on Lexi but she knew how important she was to Stefan.



My god, what a night. I change into pair a shorts and a tank top and collapse onto my bed. Maybe tonight will be the night I get a decent sleep?

I just close my eyes when Damon starts shouting me, ugh.

"Lola!" He shouts, I ignore him, "Lola get in here right now!" He shouts again, oh for the love of god.

I storm into Damon's room, I look over at him and he's staring into his bathroom, "What?!" I snap at him.

As I walk closer to him, I look into the bathroom and see Katherine standing there soaking wet and naked.

I turn around so my back is to Kathrine, "What the hell?!"

Katherine laughs, "Hi, bestie."

I roll my eyes and sigh heavily, "Great." I mumble, "Just great."

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